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Wealday, 14th of Gorzan, 4721

Session 12. Suspicions

by Cualli Yaotl

Investigating strange insect activity, it got more concerning the more we looked, first some overly aggressive centipedes, then some termites gnawing conjuration runes into Leshy constructs, and then we encounter the centipedes again forming a massive and very violent swarm. I am hoping the teachers are having the same worries that I am and just don't want to panic anyone. We are being attacked, prodded for weaknesses by an enemy hiding literally beneath our feet. Its strange to see the authorities try to act like this is normal, like we should just continue. Part of me wishes that we could all just storm the tunnels and root out this problem at its source. But it doesn't work like that here. This is a school, not a barracks, and I know not every threat can be handled the way a soldier would. I do know that. I'm just on edge. Don't go anywhere unarmed anymore. But I do feel like I have a bit more control over what happens to me, which is helping. It also helps to know I've got people to rely on. Despite how injured I got in the last fight, I felt a lot less helpless.
I am concerned the more I think about it though... Maybe i should find some distractions, focus on classes or socialising. The worry only seems to settle in when I'm unnocupied.

Continue reading...

  1. The dream
    4719 AR
  2. The entrance exam
    Oathday, 1st of Gorzan 4721 AR
  3. New Homes New Faces
    Oathday, 1st of Gorzan 4721 AR
  4. A Market Journey
    Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721
  5. Letters from Cualli
    Starday 3rd of Gorzan 4721
  6. Nightmares and Nudity
    Moonday 5th gorzan 4721 AR
  7. Weakness and Wounds
    Wealday, 7th of Gorzan, 4721
  8. Getting fucked up. And better?
    Fireday, 9th of Gorzan 4721
  9. Session 10: Fuck. You. Chizire
    Moonday 12th gorzan 4721 AR
  10. Session 12. Suspicions
    Wealday, 14th of Gorzan, 4721
  11. Session 14. Library battles
    Oathday, 15th of Gorzan 4721 AR
  12. Session 15. Babysitting?
    Fireday, 16th of Gorzan 4721
  13. The tournament: session 16
    Starday 17th of Gorzan 4721
  14. Masking. Session 18
  15. He's dead. Sessions 19-22
    Session 22
  16. The Journal Entry’s title
  17. Never a break Session 23
  18. The Journal Entry’s title
  19. Crushes, Bugs, and Crushing Bugs. session 28
  20. Meeting Jaanatimo
  21. Spiders and snakes
    24th March 2024
  22. Onward and upwards
  23. Speeches, subterfuge and sex offers
  24. Powder plots
  25. Community
  26. Criminal element