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Before the Battle of Yavin

  • 19 BBY
    The Galactic Empire Takes Over
    Political event

    After thousands of years, the republic is overthrown and the Galactic Empire is founded with Emperor Palpatine at its head. The Jedi are eradicated.

  • 2 BBY
    The Alliance to Restore the Republic is Founded

    Under the leadership of Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, local resistance groups combine their efforts into a full-blown rebel Alliance dedicated to overthrowing Palpatine and restoring the Republic.

After the Battle of Yavin

  • 0 ABY
    The Destruction of the Death Star
    Military action

    The Death Star, the Empire's most terrifying weapon and space station is destroyed by the forces of the Rebel Alliance. The Rebels evacuate their base on Yavin immediately after.

  • 0 ABY

    1 2

    Squad Briefed on Jhako Outpost Attack
    Gathering / Conference

    At a safe house on the planet Sullust, a squad of the 31st Regiment, Echo Company is briefed on a mission to attack an Imperial comms relay on the planet Jhako. After accosting a Sullustan who was snooping on the meeting, the squad departs the planet.

  • 0 ABY

    2 2

    Echo Squad Arrives on Jhako

    The squad from Echo Company 31st Regiment arrives on the planet Jhako. After a tough walk through the jungle and fighting off the local creatures, the squad reaches a village of the native Cholaa species. They are met by their contact Dr. Hessen Rahbin.

  • 0 ABY

    3 2

    The Jhako Outpost is Attacked
    Military action

    The squad from the 31st Regiment Echo Company moves to hit the Jhako Comms Relay Outpost. But before they can, they are betrayed by their guide ChikTa leading to the death of one of their team (K'laatu Ni'kto) and Dr. Hessen Rahbin. The squad launches their attack and overwhelms the facility, wiping out its complement of troops, and destroying both its satellite dish and AA gun. Once inside, the squad not only takes the deployment data and kidnaps the outpost commander (Lieutenant Shirfel Truwin), but they also rescue a rebel POW (Omardon Salron). Before leaving the planet, the group recruits the Cholaa to the rebel cause.

  • 0 ABY

    3 2

    Echo Squad Travels to Dorumaa

    The Squad of the 31st Regiment, Echo Company departs Jhako with the planned destination of Dorumaa. As they leave Jhako's orbit they are hailed by an Imperial transport but manage to deceive them and continue on their way. During the trip, Shirfel Truwin is allowed out of the cargo hold. After two days the group arrives on the resort world of Dorumaa. The ship's identification is wiped and it is now called The Razorhawk.

  • 0 ABY

    7 2

    Mardek Dellel is found and captured
    Military action

    On Dorumaa, the squad from Echo Company gains information from an old contact (Jun Jun Don) on the exact location of Special Agent Mardek Dellel: the Palatia Hub Resort. Soon after they arrive, the squad is personally introduced to a suspicious Dellel by Dorumaa Resort manager, Mar Daghreb. A night of deception, sabacc, clubbing, and murder ends with the squad in a blaster fight in the hotel lobby against Palatia security and then against Dellel himself. Dellel is captured and (after a battle with resort security at the docks) is taken off planet. Shirfel Truwin is left on Dorumaa.

  • 0 ABY

    8 2

    The squad goes to the Mynock's Nest
    Population Migration / Travel

    After completing their mission on Dorumaa, the squad travels (with their prisoner, Mardek Dellel) to the base of the 31st Regiment, Echo Company on the forested planet of Ogem.

  • 0 ABY

    14 2 08:00

    News of a mole
    Gathering / Conference

    The squad is debriefed by Major Chaz Kovunaka. Kovunaka also reveals that there is a potential mole at 13th Division HQ. He assigns them a mission to uncover who it might be, using the transport of Mardek Dellel as cover.

  • 0 ABY

    14 2 10:00

    The Squad Travels to Farstone Base
    Population Migration / Travel

    The squad travels to the planet Farstone, navigates the gauntlet and arrives at Farstone Base.

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  • 0 ABY

    15 2 16:00

    Farstone Base is Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Imperial forces attacked Farstone Base in an overwhelming assault. Though a brave defence was attempted, it would not hold. Rebels evacuated and destroyed the base to prevent it falling into enemy hands. During the battle, 13th Division XO General Ran Niall is killed.

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    Farstone Base
  • 0 ABY

    18 2

    Resolute Base Established
    Construction beginning/end

    The evacuating forces from the 13th Division establish a new HQ on the planet Udemaath. Its name: Resolute Base.

    Resolute Base