CAMP Session 76

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
    CAMP Session 76
Key Decisions and Consequences: Cosmos gives Theo Atzetari a choice regarding the fate of Ulrich Atzetari and Thomas Bareak . Theo decides that they both should die. Chaos ensues as the Legionnaires fall into disarray. Oliver Eltoris , Korzen’s mom, and the constables arrive, and Theo cuts out Bareak’s tongue. Headmaster of CAMP Nataal Sairoisi is acting strange, seemingly conversing with someone while talking to Alton Longbranch , Heagwin Helstain , and Cila Colkyre . She appears to know what has happened, including the deaths of Bareak and Dorothy Woolworth . Sarosi plans to return to College for Adventurers at Minos Point and speak with the CAMP Board of Governors
Character Interactions and Developments: Haeg and Cila reconcile. Korzin Sabroth tells his mom about the events, and she expresses concern over Cosmos's intervention, saying, "This isn’t over." She reassures Korzen that it wasn’t his fault and mentions an upcoming ceremony. Cila learns about Theo’s dad, and they make up. The pyre is lit, burning in memory of those who have fallen.
Time Skip: Seven Months Later: Folantis has spent the time improving his cookie-making skills and has grown closer to Fawkes while simultaneously irritating him. The Petting Zoo faced fundraising challenges, but a shipment of silver from Oliver Eltoris helped rebuild. Three new fluffy cows, Billy Bob, Bobby Bill, and Jimmyjoe, have joined the zoo. Korzen has lost contact with his parents and Cosmos. He receives a message through Octavia Basil that his parents are okay but is left searching for answers about balance. Murium received a bone axe from Aphro. Octavia is out on bail, charged with treason, and is cooperating with authorities. Her marriage has been annulled. Haegwin is working to repopulate the forest around CAMP, which has become devoid of life, by convincing animals from other forests to help. Hyria searches for Zephyr with Folantis and Nakobe but has no luck. She takes on a few jobs from her brother to earn some coin. Cila is investigating a way back into Hell and receives the Seal of the 8th Circle from Theo, which could help her get out of Hell but not in. She investigates Sarosi, noticing that she sometimes pauses to listen to an invisible entity and speaks very definitively as if she knows what will happen. Theo reforms the Cobras into a paramilitary force for good, runs the Malt Shop with Zoe Onasis , gets more in touch with nature, and makes amends with Octavia.
The Interrogation of Toots : Mia Eltoris finds Theo and informs him that Toots, the last traitor, has been apprehended. Theo gathers the team and heads downtown. They catch up with Kilsaw the officer, Stellio the new constable, and Zindris (Haeg’s uncle and the new DA). 314 people have been charged with treason. The group is allowed to watch the interrogation of Toots. During the interrogation, it is revealed that Toots met up with Nomad after she fled the scene. Nomad sought out Bareak. Toots expresses regret and reveals she had a sexual relationship with Bareak and worked with him for a year before the battle. She admits to killing Razer and some other East Side Cobras and appears remorseful. The trials for the traitors are set to begin over the summer. This episode is a mix of final resolutions, time jumps, and setup for the trials and events that will unfold during the summer, focusing on the aftermath of the battles and betrayals.



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