Azimuth 2 - Session 0.3 - The Amarth’rilain

General Summary

Calen Estel

Arrival by Sea
In the lands of Haradren Gaer Arnad, the Sacred Guardians of the Monastery of the World Tree had begun to speak of the spread of corruption in the world. For the first time since the Third Age, more leaves of the World Tree had corrupted into black glass, which was caused in history by Esturk, The World's End. Esturk now slumbered beneath the lands of Tarteria, but even a sleeping god may affect the lands around them.   At the urging of Sacred Guardian Quarivon, the wood elf Ilmendwyth had been sent to investigate the growing darkness seeping into the ground of Tarteria. Ilmendwyth was instructed to investigate the sources of any corruption there and to stop its spread if he is able. He was given the name of a contact, Celanoth Thoromel, who resided in the elven colony of Calen Estel at his enchanter shop, Phoenix's Flight. Celanoth seemed to have some type of plan to provide an alibi to Ilmendwyth involving an aid caravan arriving in northern Tarteria soon.   Ilmendwyth had left the Monastery, set out from the port of Gaerna Ambar aboard the Amarth'rilain, and now approached the lands of the orcs.   In the morning of 23 Madaet 5A 352, Ilmendwyth spotted a lighthouse on the horizon and eventually saw the tall cliffside walls of the Serra Coast and the elven colony of Calen Estel. The crew brought the Amarth'rilain into the fjord docks of the city. The walls of the cavern were 200-feet high, and above, Ilmendwyth saw cranes and pulley for the movement of cargo and crew. The docks were busy with movement and a dock tender spoke with the captain of the Amarth'rilain, Aralee Goldfall. Ilmendwyth slipped away. At the base of the cliffs, he entered the Column Stairs, an accessway with a statue of Sehakora, The Maelstrom, and he ascended to the city.   Above, Ilmendwyth took in the city around him and headed to the Ingress Ward. A number of people were around, including several races that Ilmendwyth had not interacted with before, as his home back in Haradren was not very racially diverse. He could see no other wood elves, as the city was mostly high elven and half-elven. Ilmendwyth was worried about standing out as his attire did not match the finer mercantile clothing that seemed to be the norm. However, he couldn't see anyone paying him much mind.   On the main roadway of this business district, he found a curious building of amber wood with red-and-gold velvet banners that stood out against the blues and whites of the other buildings in the city. It appeared to be a magic shop. The sign above the door read Phoenix's Flight. Ilmendwyth went inside.  
Phoenix's Flight
Ilmenwyth saw many different types of magical ingredients, supplies, and enchanted items on display all around the interior of the shop. There were two others inside when Ilmendwyth entered: an customer searching for high-quality parchmentand the shop owner who was helping him. The shopkeeper noticed Ilmendwyth. While he quickly finished assisting the customer, he motioned, and a large white owl flew to him. He whispered something to it and it flew away to the back rooms of the shop. When the customer was finished, they left and the shopkeep locked the door.   He greeted Ilmendwyth as the owl returned holding a small bag. The shopkeep began to rattle off sales and promotional items, and while he did so he held a finger to his lips to signal Ilmendwyth to stay quiet. He pulled glittering diamond dust from the bag and cast a runic spell in the air, reached through the spell circle, and cast a Nondetection spell on Ilmendwyth. The shopkeep introduced himself as Celanoth Thoromel, and he said that the spell would prevent any "scrying eyes" from watching them. He also said it gets rid of any illusions. Celanoth seemingly knew Ilmendwyth by sight. They had informally met over two decades ago back in Haradren.   Celanoth then said he was curious about an item in Ilmendwyth's possesion. When he noticed the divine magic on Ilmendwyth's token arrowhead, he stated, "It's going to bother me if I don't immediately ask about it." Ilmendwyth explained it was an important item that was a "reminder of important decisions in the past." It was the arrowhead from Ilmendwyth's arrow that struck Grupe, the Monster Hunter, during their battle in the World Tree. It reminded Ilmendwyth that not all who appear to be an enemy are, and even those who are friends may be a danger.   Celanoth stated he wished he was better prepared for Ilmendwyth's arrival. Celanoth had a network of contacts around the Queendom of Keeleon and he was their "Birdkeeper". He said not everything they were involved with was legal, and he was placing his trust in Ilmendwyth by telling him this. One of Celanoth's contacts, Rudok "the Rail", a member of the Rabble, had been arrested by the city's Cliff Guard that morning and was being held at Lothered's Lighthouse. He had been transporting both a needed Sending Stone as well as a job flyer for the Santeem Republic Aid Caravan. Both of these were intended for Ilmendwyth to provide a cover for his actions in Tarteria and as a means of communication back to Celanoth.   Celanoth asked Ilmendwyth to rescue Rudok and recover the items he had carried. At the same time, Celanoth would prepare the Amarth'rilain for departure again to bring Ilmendwyth northward to Porgorag. Celanoth provided him more appropriate clothing for the town and enchanted boots to aid his stealth. While waiting for nightfall, Ilmendwyth changed into the clothes and went back to the city to scout of the lighthouse. He took in the details of the tower and guards and also noticed Celanoth's owl flying high above him. Ilmendwyth returned to Phoenix's Flight to await nightfall, and Celanoth taught him the coded language he and his contacts used. When asked for one, he also provided a set of thieves' tools to Ilmendwyth.  
Lothered's Lighthouse
In the evening rain, Ilmendwyth approached the lighthouse. There was a single guard patrolling the 300-foot bridge that spanned the space between the lighthouse and the Parapet Walk. Ilmendwyth snuck behind the guard and crossed silently, however when he went to pass by, the guard turned just in time to come face to face with Ilmendwyth. Ilmenwyth drew his sword and knocked the guard unconscious, and he stashed his body out of sight at the base of the tower. He took the guard's set of keys and snuck into the entrance of the lighthouse.   Inside, Ilmendwyth did not see any other guards but did hear others somewhere in the lighthouse. There was a central spiral staircase and Ilmenwyth headed down. The basement of the lighthouse had a natural-cut cell carved into the limestone. Inside was a dark half-orcish figure. The man inside confirmed he was Rudok once Ilmendwyth mentioned "the birdkeeper". He used the stolen keys to let Rudok out. Rudok asked if Ilmendwyth had found his blades yet, and Ilmendwyth said he hoped they would not need them. Rudok had an idea of where his possessions were being held, and the pair ascended to an upper level of the lighthouse. They located a storage room and recovered the flyer and Sending Stone for Ilmendwyth, and Rudok grabbed his paired swords and another small satchel that seemed important.   Quickly, the pair left the tower before the other guards inside could take notice. They rushed back across the bridge and snuck back to Phoenix's Flight. As they entered the door to the shop, they heard the first sounds of alarm from the Landing. Celanoth greeted them, and Rudok handed him the small satchel from the lighthouse. Celanoth said they both needed to quickly leave town before the raised alarm prevented ships from leaving the docks. Ilmendwyth returned the enchanted boots and Rudok used the coded language to tell Celanoth about what had happened at the lighthouse. Saying he regretted that their first meeting was short, Celanoth said he hoped that this would be the beginning of a good relationship between them.  
Sailing Northwards
Ilmendwyth left the shop and took backroads to the Landing. He could see the Cliff Guard were around the lighthouse and actively searching around. He descended the Column Stairs and boarded the Amarth'rilain again. True to Celanoth’s suspicions, Captain Aralee and her crew asked no questions. The ship was prepared and ready to immediately depart. Aralee issued the order and they left the port back to the coast along the cliffs.   The Amarth'rilain sailed northwards, and over the next few days they passed by the Hooked Reefs and the Pandia Gulf. Ilmendwyth used the Sending Stone to communicate clunkily with Celanoth, and Celanoth used spells of Sending to further communicate with him. Ilmendwyth relayed what happened in the lighthouse and the guard that saw him. Celanoth thanked him and said not to worry as he didn't think the guard got a good look at him, and asked what codename Ilmendwyth would like. Ilmendwyth replied, "Feather on the Wind".   They sailed around the northern horn of Tarteria and beyond Port Haville. The ship continued westward along the coast. On the morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, in the distance Ilmendwyth could see the coastal town of Porgorag.
Report Date
31 Jul 2022
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Related Time
23 Madaet 5A 352 to 1 Adroth 5A 352