Azimuth 2 - Session 34 - Watermill Melee

General Summary

New Keeleon

Watermill Gallery
As the smoke grenade landed in the center of the Watermill Gallery, the orc moved to push Al'phonas aside. A burst of light protected him, and he turned to see Gertrude with her hand outstretched.   Chaka cast a Detect Thoughts spell on the orc. He believed the dwarf to be a hired mercenary. Chaka pulled out a whistle-stick and played a note of warning, alerting the guards and the party to the danger. The gallery staff donned blue cloaks and were revealed to be cultists, and a number of the posted guards, too, fanatically started to attack.   Outside, Romulus dropped his animal form and cast a Hex spell on the orc through a vent window in the roof. Ilmendwyth saw a fanatic rushing the guards at the backdoor, and he and Arwin left the water and climbed onto the wooden walkway. They shot the fanatic, alerted the guards, and Ilmendwyth rushed inside while Arwin jumped back into the water.   In back, the guards were alerted to the rushing fanatic, and one followed after Ilmendwyth inside. Hearing the commotion from the front, the captain of the guard unit opened the front entrance.   The central orc acolyte saw Gertrude cast a protective light spell on herself and saw guards entering the gallery from both entrances. Chaka heard his thoughts turn to the painting. As the smoke from the orc’s device filled the main gallery, the orc somehow pulled the air from Al’phonas’s lungs. The old elf fell to the ground suffocating, and the orc grabbed the Great Phoenix painting.  
Smoke and Fire
Smoke filled the gallery interior and the civilians inside panicked. Mortimr, Gertrude, and Demitri saw revealed cultists start pulling weapons, and they quickly engaged.   Mortimr saw a cultist open the door to the storage room. Inside, were more waiting cultists. Mortimr donned his demonic mask, stepped from the smoke, and launched a fireball into the room. All the cultists inside were immolated, and the storage room was set ablaze. He ducked back into the smoke and grabbed Chaka’s “Work #53: Pa Gathering Firewood”. On his way to the front, he killed another cultist with a blast of pink-colored magic.   Demitri magically summoned his new weapon to him and moved to protect Chaka as he focused. Demitri engaged two cultists in the smoke and funneled spell energy through the blade with his strikes, killing one cultist and wounding the other.   Ilmendwyth saw Al’phonas fall and rushed to him in the smoke. The old elf couldn’t breathe, so Ilmendwyth quickly dragged him towards Gertrude’s light as she attacked and killed cultists across the gallery. Gertrude checked Al’phonas, but the effect from the orc acolyte prevented him from breathing, and he passed out. With the effect done, Ilmendwyth ensured Al’phonas would live and dragged him towards the exit.  
At this same time, Arwin had grabbed onto the spinning waterwheel and was pulled around through the river. Romulus noted this and stomped his large frame onto the wheel to rotate it faster. Arwin was brought around towards the top and moved onto the gallery roof.   The fanatic behind the building continued to charge, and Arwin shot him dead from his vantage point, and the guard posted in back saw Arwin aid him.   As the guard at the backdoor called for the civilians to evacuate, the other saw the doors of the storage room be blown off by Mortimr's magical fire. He rushed inside and quickly determined the cultists were dead, and he started to put out the flames.  
Melee in the Street
Meanwhile at the front, the guards that were revealed to be fanatics attacked the guard captain as his back was turned. The captain was badly wounded, but stood his own against them. Other guards patrolling rushed to aid, and a bloody melee broke out at the gallery’s front entrance.   To the north, Romsca and Ruslan saw the fight break out. Romsca gave Ruslan the group’s items and told him to get to the rest of the Lightbringers. He took the items and took off towards the building.   Romsca cast a Locate Object spell on the Great Phoenix painting. She could sense its location as it quickly moved in the gallery.  
Rooftop escape
As Chaka concentrated on his Detect Thoughts spell, he heard the orc acolyte decide a clean getaway wasn’t possible. Chaka moved forward but missed him in the smoke. Chaka felt him move first towards the front door, then stop and rush out the back past a guard calling to civilians. As he left the building, the acolyte broke Chaka’s spell’s hold.   Rushing after, Chaka plowed over an elven civilian to the back walkway. In a gust of wind energy, the acolyte jumped thirty feet into the air and onto the gallery roof. Chaka quickly used a Prestidigitation spell on the Great Phoenix painting, which applied a steak-flavored scent to the canvas before the acolyte moved out of his line of sight.   On the roof, the acolyte suddenly appeared near Romulus and Arwin. Romulus sent Cinis into the air and walked threateningly towards the orc. Arwin, too, rushed forward and threw caltrops on the roof. The acolyte hovered in the air and flew off over the melee in front. On the road, he called to the fanatics to flee. They moved away from the battle to follow and turned towards the north.   Romulus and Arwin ran to the edge of the rooftop. Romulus launched a Scorching Ray spell, killing a fanatic. Arwin feigned a trip and spilled ball bearings on the street below between the fleeing fanatics and the city guards.  
Inside the Gallery
At the back, Chaka barreled past the pair of rude elves, heading into the side storage room. He helped the guard put out the last of the fire, then went into the main gallery. He cast a hypnotic spell on the last cultist, and the nearby guard subdued him.   Inside the gallery, Argilla moved to help civilians trapped by the smoke. Gertrude called out if anyone needed healing and started moving towards the front door. Ilmendwyth dragged the unconscious Al’phonas towards the exit.   Mortimr exited the building and launched magic at the fleeing fanatics. The guard captain demanded to know who they and the attackers were. In reply, Mortimr said, “Do your job and help the citizens, damn it.”   As the haze from the smoke grenade fully dissipated, Ilmendwyth, Chaka, and Gertrude exited the building as Ruslan reached them and started providing their gear.   Demitri rushed to the front exit. He used the Earring of Message to speak with the guard captain, saying, “Let them go, or you’ll ruin our mission. We need to know where their hideout is.”   In reply, the captain said, “Watchguard goes missing and everyone thinks they’re a vigilante now.” The captain called for the other guards to help the civilians, then pursued the fleeing fanatics.  
The Chase
Romsca saw the acolyte flying away from the gallery at high speed. She feigned surprise and ducked into an alley. When the acolyte flew past, she pursued a parallel path and followed her magical sense of Chaka's painting.   Romulus called for Arwin to follow and jumped from the gallery. He Wild Shaped into a warhorse and charged down a fleeing fanatic. Arwin rushed after and jumped from the roof, landing on Romulus’s back. Ilmendwyth rapidly ran after them as well, and they quickly regrouped with Romsca.   Mortimr launched a Fireball and immolated another fleeing fanatic. To the guard captain, he said, “Stay on the right side of the line, son.”   The captain called off the pursuit. To the remaining the Lightbringers, he said, “Better catch this fucker!”   To the north, they could see the circling Cinis above the rest of the group’s pursuit of the fleeing orc acolyte.
Related Time
16 Adroth 5A 352