
Human Cleric, Trickery Domain, Mercenary Veteran

"It's worse than rock bottom. We're under the rocks."
Theryn is a human cleric who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2. He is played by S.Y.



Theryn is a human male of average height in his upper middle age. He's no longer in prime physical form, and his face shows some wrinkles and scarring from "a hard-fought life". He has a full and well-kept beard, and he is somewhat gruff in appearance.   Despite his looks, his voice is even-tempered and his speech pattern usually reserved. However, this has been seen to fall away into ranting in times of stress.   Theryn's scale mail was more remarkable at one point but has lost much of its luster over the years. Though Theryn keeps it in good condition, it is no longer visually striking. He wields a plain mace and shield on his back, and he cleans both very frequently.   Theryn's magic is very understated, with no flashy elements or movements. Often, his spells are activated with very simple motions to very basic effect.


Theryn seems motivated by the potential for earnings, including monetary gains, as he seemed to have meager savings and available funds. He also seemed eager to make connections and make a name for himself. As he heard the rumors around Bridon Tillage about the members of the Turnip Tillers, he felt this group was enticing.   He is a skeptic and seems to trust slowly. This was seen when he refused to enter the spore cloud of the myconids, feeling this was an obvious trap. Despite any apprehensions, Theryn seems to begrudgingly accept situations as they come.



Theryn was a sailor at some point in his past. Since then, he has made a career as a mercenary.   During late 5A 351, Theryn was somewhat destitute with minimal funds, and other mercenary work in the Northern Orcish Plains region of Tarteria was relatively light. Still, the prospect of attending the well-known festivities in Bridon Tillage was appealing to him.   On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Theryn participated in some of the Harvest Home festivities as his humble finances allowed.   The next day, on 23 Sedaena 5A 351, rogue magics animated turnip creatures which attacked the town. During the fighting, Theryn was not driven to to try and save the village at large, however, he protected an older villager unable to defend themselves from the danger. This action earned him the thanks of some of the villagers and the notice of the mayor, Falamin Leabrace.   During the next days, Theryn heard various rumors of the group that saved the village and ended the rogue magic, the Turnip Tillers. These rumors were somewhat exaggerated.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2

On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, Theryn was called to the Leabrace Homestead by Falamin. There, he met Releg Cirin and the Turnip Tillers. Theryn said he had heard stories about them, though the group seemed to be different than his expectations of them.   They were asked to investigate the tunnels below to find the source of the continuing tremors in town. The party gathered some supplies and descended into the hole to begin exploring. Theryn used his magic to illuminate his mace to light way.   When they encountered the humanoids in the tunnels, E'larus shared his enhanced darkvision with Theryn. With this, he could tell these were myconids. After Tanya and the rest of the group entered the myconids’ spore cloud, Theryn remained outside. He was hesitant and wary of a trap or trick, despite the group’s attempts to persuade him.   As Red and Blue shared details of the danger ahead, he watched on while concerned. Theryn was given some of the details by Duggg and Borga, and he was hesitant to be led further into the unknown caves. Tanya said he could head back and she would not hold it against him. For a moment, Theryn looked back the way he had come, and he saw a giant centipede scurrying through the tunnels. Resigned and worried that they would all die, he followed behind the group at a distance as they continued on.   At the Fungal Nursery, Theryn cast a blessing on Róvhén. When combat with the floating grimmlets broke out, Theryn cautiously approached. He paired his movement with Róvhén to flank. However, Theryn’s magic seemed ineffective at hurting the creatures, though he skillfully occupied a pair of the grimmlets while the rest of the party advanced.   After the combat, the group reported back to Falamin and Releg in town. Theryn adamantly ensured Falamin was aware the group had taken in the mushroom spores. This concerned Falamin enough that he checked on Borga’s reactions, but it was ultimately dismissed by the elder.   As Releg learned what had transpired, he asked to be shown the nursery, and Theryn declined going back underground.   Falamin asked the group to report the events to a dragonborn in nearby Porgorag. He paid Theryn for his services and asked if he’d accompany the group on this venture as well. Theryn agreed to continue traveling with the group, saying he felt honor bound to do so, and on 26 Sedaena 5A 351, they set out along the Belltree Road.


Turnip Tillers

Theryn had heard rumors of the group around Bridon Tillage, and as a result he became intrigued enough to join them, though this may have been for the profit or chance of connections and future work.   He seemed to coordinate well with the group, even working together well in combat to flank and draw fire. While talking to himself at one point, he even referred to them as new friends.   However, Theryn became concerned with the group's willingness to rush into danger and questioned their survival senses in the Underdark. Despite this, Theryn later said he felt "honor bound to stay amongst this group" afterwards and chose to journey with them.

Character Information


On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, the Turnip Tillers accepted a quest from Falamin Leabrace to explore the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage to learn the cause of the continuing tremors in town. At a Fungal Nursery, the group encountered a planar gateway. They defeated the creatures coming through and sealed the gate, ending the tremors.   They later agreed to travel to Porgorag to report this to a young dragonborn and to seek out a rumored orc druid to further aid the town.


  • "I've already heard many stories about you all. They said you were bigger. And they said you were much smaller." - AA 04, said to Tanya and Duggg
  • "I guess this is rock bottom. It's worse than rock bottom. We're under the rocks. This is bedrock bottom." - AA 04
  • "This is how my tale ends, and no one will remember me." - AA 04
  • "I, for better or for worse, feel that I am honor bound to stay amongst this group as I am the only one who can be absolutely sure that his wits are his own." - AA 04
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Aligned Organization