The Ten Schools of Magic

All magic is categorized under these Ten kinds of magic: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Life, Death, Nature and Light. Magic is a rarely seen skill on Bi'Terra and when a magic user is known within a City, Village, Town or nation, depending on their status they're seen as talented healers, teachers and warriors or they're seen as a menace in society, a monster or even as a threat to the kingdom. Magic is not an easy skill to learn as most users never reach their full potential and very few masters exist on Bi'Terra. Magic on Bi'Terra is mostly closer to how magic works in "The avatar: the last airbender" and the movie "The Sorcerer's Apprentice, with nicholas cage", how it is more of manipulating the physics and the atoms of something or someone with the mind and or soulpower. The origins of magic is thought to have come from the great ancient guardians or from a great star that fell from the heavens. But truly it had came from the great guardian Lavaethan before his betrayal of the guardians, hoping to raise an army powerful enough to destroy the guardians.


Able to cast magic out of one's hand, mouth, breath, eyes and soul.

Side/Secondary Effects

Depending on the school and the power and the user's mastery will depend on the side effect: if a novice were to attempt to cast a powerful fire spell and fail, they would be covered in high degree burns, forever scarring their body. if a master were to cast a powerful life spell and succeed, they would be able to heal even the most lethal wounds or even bring people back from the dead...


the smell depends on the type of magic such as fire magic smelling like charcoal, ash, smoke while ice magic has no smell but you can feel the freezing cold atmosphere it gives off, and water magic could smell like the ocean or rain from a rainstorm.


most novice users carry spell books to recite the magic words needed to cast the spell but most advanced users can remember the words and recite them without a book while masters can use spells without magic words from studying and using magic for many years, able to use their power from within their soul to bring forth magic; those who have sorcerer blood within them, they are able to use spells with great ease and learn them quickly and powerfully like Dovahkiin from the elder scrolls.


The use of magic was granted to the races of men by Leviathan before the great betrayal.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Material Components
Books are written by masters who then copy their magical essence (something similar to "the giver") and put it into these books for newer generations to learn magic.
Gestures & Ritual
for most users they say the spell's name and open their hand wide open with their palm aiming at their target.
Applied Restriction
Most kingdoms restrict the usage of spells without the proper authorization, like a degree from a college, orders from the King/Queen, from a teacher or they'll be fined or put in jail for being dangerous to the public.

Articles under The Ten Schools of Magic


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