Abyssal Tiefling

Race Information

"Embrace the chaos within, for it is the fire that fuels our power. We are the Abyssal Tieflings, born of the storm, a living testament to the fury and unpredictability of the Abyss. We shall carve our own path in Faerun, leaving behind a trail of ash and flame, for it is in destruction that we find our true purpose." - Zariel Shadowflame, Abyssal Tiefling Warlock
  Abyssal Tieflings, descendants of the chaotic and ferocious demons of the Abyss, contrast with their Infernal Tiefling counterparts, who share lineage with the more calculated devils. The essence of the Abyss -untamed and cataclysmic- flows through the veins of Abyssal Tieflings, shaping their society, relationships, and very nature.    


Concealed Existence
Due to universal fear and persecution, Abyssal Tiefling communities are often hidden, located in remote or desolate areas, including the Underdark. They might also form secretive enclaves within larger cities, shrouded by magical or physical concealment.  
Living in the shadows, these communities are adept at self-sustenance, often relying on stealth and cunning to acquire resources.  
Defensive Living
Safety is paramount, leading to heavily fortified dwellings, early combat training, and intricate defenses.  
Distrust of Outsiders
Their societal fabric is tightly knit, with a deep-rooted mistrust of outsiders, a necessary precaution given their history.  
Strong Bonds
The shared struggle against a hostile world fosters a profound sense of kinship and loyalty among them.  
Arcane Emphasis
Magic, particularly of a protective or secretive nature, is a critical aspect of their culture.  


Scattered Presence
Abyssal Tieflings are found throughout Faerûn, often in places where their nature is either an asset or less scrutinized.  
Common Areas
The Underdark, Thay, the Sword Coast, and the Moonsea are regions where they might be more commonly encountered, each offering unique opportunities and challenges for Abyssal Tieflings.   Abyssal Tieflings in Faerûn navigate a world that often fears and misunderstands them, forging their path with a mix of caution, strength, and an inherent connection to the chaotic power of the Abyss.    


General Mistrust
Their demonic lineage often invokes fear and hostility, leading to general mistrust from other races.  
Bond with Outcasts
They might find a sense of kinship with other marginalized groups like half-orcs or drow.  
Complex Views
Their perceptions of other races are shaped by skepticism and caution, molded by their experiences in a world that fears them.  

Physical Qualities

Demonic Features
Abyssal Tieflings exhibit a wide spectrum of appearances, mirroring the diversity of their fiendish heritage. Their skin tones range across a multitude of colors, from deep crimsons to shadowy purples, and even more traditional hues found among humans. However, they also have the capacity to bear a closer resemblance to their fiendish ancestors, with features that might include scales, horns of various shapes and sizes, tails, and eyes that might glow or lack pupils. This variation underlines their complex lineage, drawing from the infernal or abyssal realms.  
Menacing Aura
Their appearance is both captivating and intimidating, a blend of allure and danger that sets them apart.  
Magical Abilities
Their abyssal heritage endows them with innate magical abilities, often chaotic and powerful.    

RP Guide

Embrace the Abyss
Reflect on your character’s chaotic, demonic heritage, which shapes their personality and worldview.  
Concealment & Caution
Given societal fears, your character might be cautious, often employing disguises or stealth.  
Internal Struggle
Consider the internal conflict between their abyssal nature and their desire to find a place in the world. Kinship and Community: Emphasize the importance of community and the strong bonds formed with fellow Abyssal Tieflings.

Civilization and Culture


Chaotic Lineage
Their history is intertwined with the chaotic events and entities of the Abyss, often marked by struggle and conflict.  
Influential Roles
They may have played significant roles in various historical events, especially where chaos and power were central themes.    


Varied Beliefs
Religious beliefs vary widely, often influenced by their upbringing or individual experiences.   Tieflings in Faerûn, with their diverse backgrounds and individual experiences, might find themselves drawn to a variety of deities, depending on their personal beliefs, upbringing, and the circumstances of their lives. Here are some deities that tieflings might worship:  
The Lord of the Nine Hells is a popular deity among many tieflings, especially those who embrace their infernal heritage. He symbolizes power, domination, and the darker aspects of their nature.  
Known as the Maid of Misfortune, Beshaba is often revered by those tieflings who feel cursed by their lineage and seek to align themselves with the chaotic aspects of fate and misfortune.  
The god of thieves and shadows, Mask is worshipped by tieflings who live on the fringes of society, especially those involved in stealth, thievery, or espionage.  
The goddess of darkness and loss, Shar might appeal to tieflings who feel alienated and isolated, or those who find solace in the shadows and the unknown.  
The evil dragon goddess of greed and envy, Tiamat is sometimes worshipped by tieflings who seek power and wish to tap into their draconic potential.  
The Archduke of Maladomini, known for his pride and desire for beauty, might attract tieflings who seek to rise above their circumstances and achieve greatness.  
The ruler of the Fourth Hell, Fierna is associated with manipulation and control, which might appeal to tieflings who are skilled in politics, diplomacy, or manipulation.  
The demon lord of deception and illusion might be revered by tieflings who feel a connection to the trickery and illusion aspects of their heritage.  
The goddess of pain and suffering, Loviatar might be worshipped by tieflings who have endured great hardship and pain, or those who seek to inflict it upon others.  
The god of courage and self-sacrifice, Torm could be a choice for tieflings who strive to overcome the stigma of their heritage and prove their goodness and valor.


Kit Items
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Green (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Yellow (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Eyes of Darkness (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Demons Horns (Attached)
Devil Horns (Attached)
Horns of Infernal (Attached)
Horns of Silver (Attached)
Horns of Succubus
Horns of Succubus (Attached)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Spiraled (Accessory)
Maleficent Horns
Spider Horns [A]
Oni Horns II [A]
Oni Horns III [A]
Bestial Horns [A]
Bestial Horns II [A]
Subversive Horns I
Demon Horns I [A]
Fiend Horns II [A]
Evil Horns [A]
Infernal Horns [A]
Infernal Horns II [A]
Succubus Horns [A]
Satanic Horns [A]
Satanic Horns II [A]
Satanic Horns III [A]
Demon Head: Horns [A]
Demon Head: Horns II [A]
Demon Head: Horns III [A]
Curved Horns [A]
Tiefling Horns [A]
Horns 01 (a)
Horns 02 (a)
Horns 02V2 (a)
Horns 03 (a)
Horns 04 (a)
Horns 04V2 (a)
Horns 05 (a)
Horns 07 (a)
Horns 08 (a)
Horns 08V2 (a)
Horns 10 (a)
Horns of Yog
Horns of Yog (Attached)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Tall (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Short (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Backcurved (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Incurved (Accessory)
Alura Horn [R]
Alura Horn [L]
Beest Horn [R]
Beest Horn [L]
Beguiler Horn [R]
Beguiler Horn [L]
Defiler Horn [R]
Defiler Horn [L]
Hebrak Horn [R]
Hebrak Horn [L]
Hebrik Horn [R]
Hebrik Horn [L]
Demons Horn [R]
Demons Horn [L]
Succubus Horn [R]
Succubus Horn [L]
Eyes of the blind (Attached)
Eyes of Darkness (Attached)
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
gilded space goat tail
space goat tail
succubus tail
Succubus Tail (Attached)
Succubus Tail Small (Attached)
Succubus Tail Small Dark Blue (Attached)
Succubus Tail Dark Blue (Attached)
Succubus Tail Dark Gray (Attached)
Succubus Tail Small Dark Gray (Attached)
[C] Tiefling Tail
[C] Tiefling Tail (Wet)
Arcana Tail (Attached)
hooves v1
hooves v2
Shark Arm Fins I [A]
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
Elvish Ear C [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [R]
Elvish Ear C [L]
Elvish Ear D [R]
Elvish Ear D [L]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
elfears smallmk3
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Right
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Tiefling Ear A [R][ToT]
Tiefling Ear A [L][ToT]
Tiefling Ear B [R][ToT]
Tiefling Ear B [L][ToT]
Tiefling Ear A [R]
Tiefling Ear A [L]
Tiefling Ear B [R]
Tiefling Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R]
Elvish Ear A [L]
Elvish Ear B [R
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear A [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
Elf Right
Elf Left
150 - 190cm   Lifespan:
150 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Abyssal   Suggested Alignment:
Any Chaotic   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+1 Charisma

Saving Throws:
+1 Constitution

Damage Resistance:

+2 Intimidation (Charisma), +2 Intimidation (Strength)


This creature can see in the dark.
Hit Points
+4 Hit Points