
Race Information

Bugbears are a race of large, hairy goblinoids known for their strength and stealth. Typically found in the forests and hills of Faerûn, they have a reputation for being fearsome and brutish, often serving as mercenaries or bandits.    


Tribal Structure:
Bugbear society is organized around tribes or clans, led by the strongest or most cunning among them. Their social structure is based on a strict hierarchy where power and dominance are respected.

Nomadic Lifestyle:
Many bugbear tribes lead a nomadic existence, moving from one area to another in search of resources. They set up temporary camps, avoiding permanent settlements.

Warrior Culture:
Bugbears have a culture that values strength and martial prowess. Young bugbears are trained in combat and survival skills from an early age.

Isolationist Tendencies: They tend to be suspicious of other races and prefer to keep to their own kind. Interaction with other societies is usually for raiding or mercenary work.    


Forests and Hills:
Bugbears are commonly found in forested and hilly regions, where they can easily hide and hunt. Borderlands: They often inhabit borderlands near civilized areas, which allows them to raid settlements for resources. Underdark: Some bugbear tribes have adapted to life in the Underdark, forming alliances with other subterranean races.   Bugbears, known for their brutish strength and stealthy approach, might find themselves in the Savage Frontier of Faerûn for several reasons:  
Exploration and Territory Expansion:
Bugbears, being naturally inclined towards asserting dominance, might venture into the Savage Frontier to explore new territories and expand their domain. The vast, untamed lands offer numerous opportunities for establishing new lairs and hunting grounds.  
Raiding and Looting:
The Savage Frontier, with its scattered settlements and caravans, presents ample opportunities for raiding. Bugbears might be attracted by the prospect of easy plunder and the thrill of ambushes and attacks on less guarded targets.  
Mercenary Work or Banditry:
Bugbears are often employed as mercenaries or enforcers due to their imposing stature and combat skills. They might join bands of marauders or work as hired muscle for other creatures or factions operating in the area.  
Fleeing Conflict or Pursuit:
Bugbears facing conflict or persecution in their original habitats might flee to the Savage Frontier as a refuge. The region's vastness and harsh  
Alliances with Other Goblinoids:
The Savage Frontier is home to various goblinoid tribes, including goblins and hobgoblins. Bugbears may travel there to join these tribes, either forming alliances or seeking to assert dominance over them.  
Following a Strong Leader:
Bugbears are known to follow powerful leaders. If a charismatic or powerful individual, such as a warlord or a shaman, leads an expedition or a conquest into the Savage Frontier, bugbears might join them, enticed by the promise of battle and loot.  
Spiritual or Cultural Reasons:
Some bugbears might venture into the Savage Frontier due to spiritual callings or cultural reasons. This could involve a quest given by a shaman, a rite of passage, or a mission to retrieve a sacred artifact.  
Seeking Adventure or Challenge:
The inherent challenge and danger of the Savage Frontier can be appealing to bugbears who crave adventure and wish to test their skills and strength against the formidable creatures and harsh environment of the region.  
Escape from Slavery or Oppression:
In some cases, bugbears who have been enslaved or oppressed might escape to the Savage Frontier, seeking freedom and a new life away from their captors.  
Hunting Big Game:
The Savage Frontier is teeming with large and dangerous creatures. Some bugbears, particularly those who are hunters, might be drawn to the area for the challenge and prestige of hunting such game.    


Feared by Other Races:
Bugbears are often feared and distrusted by other races due to their intimidating appearance and reputation for violence.

Alliances of Convenience:
They may ally with goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs for mutual benefit, though these alliances are often temporary and based on necessity rather than loyalty.

Conflict with Humanoids:
Bugbears frequently come into conflict with human, elf, and dwarf settlements due to their raiding practices.    

Physical Qualities

Large and Hairy:
Bugbears are taller and bulkier than humans, usually over 7 feet tall. They have thick, shaggy fur that ranges in color from yellowish-brown to dark brown.  
Bestial Features:
Their faces bear a resemblance to bears or large felines, with sharp teeth and keen eyesight, especially in the dark.  
Stealthy Despite Size:
Despite their large size, bugbears are surprisingly stealthy, moving quietly and blending into their surroundings.    

RP Guide

Intimidating Presence:
Emphasize their imposing stature and strength in interactions. Bugbears can be menacing, using their size to their advantage in both combat and social situations.  
Survival Instincts:
Portray their survival skills, especially in forest or mountain environments. Bugbears are adept hunters and trackers.  
Simple and Direct:
Bugbears tend to have a straightforward approach to problems, often resorting to brute force or direct action.  
Suspicious and Cautious:
They are naturally wary of others, especially non-goblinoids. This wariness can be portrayed in interactions with other characters.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Origins:
Bugbears have been part of Faerûn's history for centuries, often appearing in tales as formidable adversaries or mercenaries.

Goblinoid Wars:
They have frequently been involved in the various goblinoid wars, either as leaders or as part of larger goblinoid armies.  


Bugbears often follow deities that align with their natural tendencies towards stealth, strength, and sometimes malice. Here are some deities that Bugbears might revere:   Bugbears in the "Forgotten Realms" setting of Dungeons & Dragons often follow deities that align with their natural tendencies towards stealth, strength, and sometimes malice. Here are some deities that Bugbears might revere:  
The primary deity for Bugbears, Hruggek is the god of violence and combat. He represents the brutal and savage nature of Bugbears, embodying their love for ambushes and the thrill of the hunt.  
The Bugbear god of stealth and hunting, Grankhul is revered for his skills in hiding and surprise. His domains align well with the Bugbears' natural inclination towards ambush tactics.  
Known as the Mighty One or the High Chieftain of the Goblinoid Pantheon, Maglubiyet is a common deity for goblins, hobgoblins, and Bugbears. He is a god of war and leadership, often revered by more militaristic Bugbear tribes.  
The god of tyranny, fear, and hatred, Bane might appeal to Bugbears who are part of oppressive regimes or who value strength and domination.  
The chief deity of the orcs, Gruumsh is a god of conquest and survival. Some Bugbears who live or raid alongside orcs might come to worship him.


Kit Items
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
elfears smallmk3
Goblin Ear A [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [R]
Goblin Ear A [L]
Goblin Ear B [R]
Goblin Ear B [L]
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Left
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Right
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of the beast (Attached)
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Fangs Inside (Attached)
Fangs (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Pointy Fangs [A]
Tusks I [A]
Tusks II [A]
Tusks III [A]
Tusks IV [A]
Long Tusks [A]
Tusks (Attached)
Neck Fur Black [A]
Neck Fur Grey [A]
Neck Fur Brown [A]
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
180 - 215cm   Lifespan:
80 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Goblin   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific


Ability Scores:
+1 Strength

Saving Throws:
+1 Dexterity

Damage Resistance:

+2 Stealth, +2 Intimidation (Strength)


This creature can see in the dark.
+2 Against Charm Effects
This creature gets +2 on saves against charm effects.
Surprise Attack
Once per short rest, this creature can deal 1d6+Mastery extra true damage as a free action after hitting a target for the first time in combat. This ability can be used with sneak attack.