
Race Information

Cambions are the offspring of fiends (typically demons or devils) and humans. They inherit characteristics from both parents, making them powerful and often feared beings in the realms they inhabit.  


Isolated Existence:
Cambions rarely form their own societies, instead existing on the fringes of both human and fiendish societies. They often lead solitary lives due to their mixed heritage.  
Powerful Individuals:
Cambions are typically powerful and ambitious, often seeking positions of power or influence. They can be found leading cults, serving as enforcers for powerful fiends, or pursuing their own inscrutable goals.  
Varied Allegiances:
Cambions' allegiances vary greatly, ranging from serving their fiendish parent's interests to carving out their own path in the world. Some may even reject their fiendish heritage and align themselves with forces of good.    


Scattered Across Faerûn:
Cambions can be found throughout Faerûn, typically where the influence of fiends is strong or where their talents are in demand.  
Infernal and Abyssal Planes:
Some cambions are drawn to the planes of their fiendish parents, seeking power, knowledge, or a sense of belonging.  
Cities and Seats of Power:
Cambions are often attracted to cities and places of power where they can exert influence and pursue their ambitions.   In Faerûn, cambions are a testament to the complex interplay between the human and fiendish realms. Their existence is a constant balance between two worlds, shaping them into beings of unique power and perspective.   Cambions, the offspring of demons or devils and mortals, are known for their strength, cunning, and often malevolent intentions. Their presence in the Savage Frontier can be attributed to various motives:  
Seeking Power and Dominion:
Cambions, driven by their infernal heritage, may seek to expand their influence and control. The Savage Frontier's untamed lands offer opportunities for them to carve out their own domains, rule over lesser creatures, or establish cults.  
Fulfilling Infernal Agendas:
Being part demon or devil, cambions might be on missions related to their infernal parentage. This could involve spreading chaos, striking deals with mortals, or furthering the goals of their demonic or devilish kin.  
Escaping Rivalry or Persecution:
The competitive and often brutal nature of the lower planes means cambions may face threats from rivals. The Savage Frontier offers a vast and less populated refuge away from such conflicts.  
Collecting Artifacts or Knowledge:
Cambions, particularly those with a penchant for arcane magic, may venture into the Savage Frontier in search of magical artifacts, ancient texts, or forbidden knowledge that could enhance their power.  
Mercenary Work or Personal Gain:
With their formidable combat skills, cambions might be in the region as mercenaries, hired by local warlords, tribes, or other powerful entities. They could also be pursuing personal gains, such as treasure or magical items.  
Pursuing Personal Quests or Vendettas:
Cambions may have personal goals or grudges that lead them to the Savage Frontier. This could be anything from seeking revenge against a particular enemy to searching for a lost family member or a significant item from their past.  
Exploring Their Mortal Heritage:
Some cambions, particularly those less in tune with their infernal nature, might be exploring their human side. The Savage Frontier, with its diverse cultures and challenges, could be a place for them to test their limits and understand themselves better.  
Establishing Trade or Alliances:
Cambions might engage in clandestine trade or forge alliances with the denizens of the Savage Frontier. They could trade in rare and forbidden items, magical services, or information.  
Hunting or Being Hunted:
Cambions, being natural predators, might be hunting for powerful creatures or enemies in the Savage Frontier. Conversely, they could be the ones being hunted, either by adventurers, bounty hunters, or enemies from their past.  
Seeking Isolation or Reflection:
Some cambions might seek the solitude of the Savage Frontier for contemplation, to escape the burdens of their heritage, or to plan their next moves away from the prying eyes of more civilized lands.    


Feared and Distrusted:
Cambions are often feared and distrusted by other races due to their fiendish heritage. This mistrust can lead to hostility or isolation.  
Complex Relations with Fiends:
Cambions have complex relationships with other fiends, who may see them as useful allies or as inferiors due to their human blood.  
Seeking Acceptance:
Some Cambions may seek acceptance or companionship among other outcast races or individuals who are more tolerant of their mixed heritage.   Cambions in Faerûn, as offspring of fiends (typically demons or devils) and humans, possess a unique perspective on other races, influenced by their infernal heritage and the circumstances of their upbringing. Their views on other races are shaped by a combination of their innate fiendish traits and the environment in which they were raised. Here's an overview of how Cambions typically view various races:   Humans, Elves & Dwarves  
Cambions often have a complex view of humans. On one hand, they may feel a kinship due to their shared human lineage. On the other hand, they might view humans as weak or easily corruptible, given their susceptibility to infernal manipulation.  
Elves and Dwarves:
These long-lived and often magically adept races might be seen by Cambions as worthy challenges or valuable tools. Elves, with their inherent magical abilities, and dwarves, known for their resilience and craftsmanship, could be of particular interest for manipulation or alliances.   Halflings & Gnomes  
Halflings and Gnomes:
Cambions might view these smaller races as inconsequential or easily dominated, though their resourcefulness could also be seen as useful. Cambions may underestimate them due to their size and perceived lack of threat.   Orcs & Goblinoids  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Cambions may view orcs and goblinoids as crude but effective instruments of chaos and destruction. They could be seen as potential minions or allies in schemes that require brute force.   Planetouched  
Given their shared infernal heritage, Cambions might feel a sense of kinship with Tieflings. However, this relationship could be complex, as Cambions might also see Tieflings as rivals or inferiors, depending on their own self-perception and the status of the Tieflings they encounter.
As beings with celestial heritage, Aasimar represent the antithesis of what Cambions embody. There could be a natural animosity or rivalry, though a Cambion's approach to an Aasimar might also be colored by fascination or a desire to corrupt.   Other  
Other Planetouched and Monstrous Races:
Cambions might find common ground with other outcasts or beings that exist on the fringes of society. Their interaction with these races would be pragmatic, focusing on how these beings could serve their ambitions.
Dragons and Other Powerful Beings:
Cambions, recognizing the power and influence of dragons and similar creatures, might seek to ally with or manipulate them. They would approach such beings with a mix of respect and ambition.
Fiends (Demons/Devils):
Cambions' view of other fiends would depend heavily on their upbringing and the circumstances of their infernal heritage. They might see them as kin, masters, adversaries, or even as a means to gain power.      

Physical Qualities

Demonic or Diabolic Features:
Cambions often bear physical traits from their fiendish parent, such as horns, wings, tails, or unusual skin colors.  
Strong and Charismatic:
Cambions are typically strong, agile, and charismatic, inheriting physical prowess from their fiendish lineage and adaptability from their human side.  
Fiendish Aura:
Many cambions exude a subtle aura of fiendish power, which can be unsettling to others.    

RP Guide

Struggle with Dual Nature:
Portray the internal struggle between their human and fiendish natures. A cambion might be torn between the desire for power and the yearning for acceptance.  
Manipulative and Charismatic:
Use their charisma and cunning to manipulate those around them. Cambions are often skilled at reading and influencing people.  
Quest for Power:
Emphasize their ambition and quest for power or influence. This drive could be the primary motivator for their actions and decisions.  
Navigating Prejudice:
Show how they navigate the prejudice and fear they face from others, which could shape their worldview and interactions.  

Civilization and Culture


Born of Conflict:
The history of cambions is often marked by conflict, born from the union of two vastly different worlds. They are seen in many cultures as symbols of forbidden unions and unnatural power.  
Agents of Chaos:
Cambions have historically been agents of chaos and strife, often involved in significant events where the influence of fiendish forces is at play.  


Individual Beliefs:
Cambions may follow a variety of religious paths, from worshiping fiendish entities to rejecting the infernal altogether. Their beliefs are often shaped by their experiences and personal goals.  
Fiendish Patrons:
Some cambions may worship or serve powerful fiendish patrons, seeking to gain favor or power through their devotion.   Cambions in Faerûn, with their infernal or demonic heritage, might be drawn to deities that resonate with their nature or align with their personal ambitions and goals. Here are some deities from the Faerûnian pantheon that a cambion might worship, along with reasons for their devotion:  
As the supreme ruler of the Nine Hells, Asmodeus is a likely choice for cambions, especially those with devilish lineage. His tenets of tyranny, domination, and subjugation might appeal to cambions seeking power and control.  
Known as the God of Tyranny, Bane's teachings focus on fear, hatred, and oppression. Cambions who aspire to wield power through fear and intimidation may find Bane’s ideology attractive.  
As the God of Lies, Cyric appeals to cambions who revel in deception, manipulation, and betrayal. Cambions with a penchant for chaos and discord might be drawn to his chaotic and unpredictable nature.  
For cambions with a demonic background, Graz'zt, a demon lord known for his cunning and desire to corrupt mortals, could be an ideal deity. His focus on indulgence, ambition, and cunning aligns well with the traits of many cambions.  
The Spider Queen, patron deity of the drow, is another option, especially for cambions who value power, deceit, and survival above all else. Her ruthless nature and emphasis on strength and ambition can resonate with cambions.  
For cambions who are inclined towards the arcane, Mephistopheles, a lord of Cania in the Nine Hells known for his vast arcane knowledge, could be a fitting patron.  
Goddess of Darkness and Loss, Shar might attract cambions who feel alienated or resentful due to their heritage. Her domains of darkness, secrets, and loss can resonate with cambions grappling with their infernal lineage.  
The Dragon Queen, known for her greed and desire for power, can be an appealing deity for cambions who seek to amass wealth and influence.  
The Lord of Shadows is another deity that might attract cambions, especially those who operate in the shadows, engaging in thievery, espionage, or assassination.  
The God of Storms and Destruction might be worshipped by cambions who revel in chaos and seek to harness raw, destructive power.


Kit Items
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Eyes of the blind (Attached)
Eyes of Darkness (Attached)
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Demons Horns (Attached)
Devil Horns (Attached)
Horns of Infernal (Attached)
Horns of Silver (Attached)
Horns of Succubus
Horns of Succubus (Attached)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Tall (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Short (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Spiraled (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Backcurved (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Incurved (Accessory)
Maleficent Horns
Spider Horns [A]
Oni Horns II [A]
Oni Horns III [A]
Bestial Horns [A]
Bestial Horns II [A]
Subversive Horns II [A]
Demon Horns I [A]
Fiend Horns II [A]
Evil Horns [A]
Deception Horns [A]
Succubus Horns [A]
Satanic Horns [A]
Satanic Horns II [A]
Satanic Horns III [A]
Demon Head: Horns [A]
Demon Head: Horns II [A]
Demon Head: Horns III [A]
Curved Horns [A]
Purtefax Horn [R]
Purtefax Horn [L]
Sata Horn [R]
Sata Horn [L]
Succubus Horn [R]
Succubus Horn [L]
Demon Kings Horn [R]
Demon Kings Horn [L]
Tiefling Horns [A]
Devil Horns [A]
Baphomet Horns A
Cambion Horns A
Horns 01 (a)
Horns 02 (a)
Horns 02V2 (a)
Horns 03 (a)
Horns 04 (a)
Horns 04V2 (a)
Horns 05 (a)
Horns 07 (a)
Horns 08 (a)
Horns 08V2 (a)
Horns 10 (a)
Horns of Yog
Horns of Yog (Attached)
Demon Horn Left TB
Demon Horn Right TB
Succubus Demon Wings (Attached)
Succubus Demon Wings
Arcana Wings (Attached)
Demon Wings (Attached)
Demon Wings
Vampire Wings (Attached)
Vampire Wings Medium (Attached)
Succubus Demon Wings Black (Attached)
(HA) Morrigan Wings (Accessory)
Arcana Tail (Attached)
gilded space goat tail
space goat tail
succubus tail
Succubus Tail (Attached)
Succubus Tail Small (Attached)
Succubus Tail Dark Gray (Attached)
Succubus Tail Small Dark Gray (Attached)
[C] Tiefling Tail
[C] Tiefling Tail (Wet)
Fangs (Attached)
Fangs Inside (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
Pointy Fangs [A]
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Elvish Ear C [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [R]
Elvish Ear C [L]
Elvish Ear D [R]
Elvish Ear D [L]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
elfears smallmk3
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Right
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Tiefling Ear A [R][ToT]
Tiefling Ear A [L][ToT]
Tiefling Ear B [R][ToT]
Tiefling Ear B [L][ToT]
Tiefling Ear A [R]
Tiefling Ear A [L]
Tiefling Ear B [R]
Tiefling Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R]
Elvish Ear A [L]
Elvish Ear B [R
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear A [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
Elf Right
Elf Left
(JCACC) Demon Wings Right
(JCACC) Demon Wings Left
Boots of Icarus (Low Gravity)
150 - 190 cm   Lifespan:
500 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Infernal, Abyssal   Suggested Alignment:
Any Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Any Non-fiend


Ability Scores:
+1 in two different stats of your choice

Saving Throws:

Damage Resistance:

+2 Deception, +2 Perception, +2 Intimidation (Strength), +2 Intimidation (Charisma)


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Scorching Ray
As an action, make a ranged spell attack with your spellcasting modifier + 4 hit. On successful attack, deal 2d8+Spellcasting Modifier Fire damage to the target.
Charm Creature
Select a target within 6 tiles of you. Force the target to make a WIS saving throw. On a failed save, the target receives the Charmed status for 3 turns.
This creature is able to fly. When retreating they are considered flying and are given access to Boots of Icarus to simulate easier travel through the skies. True flight is unlocked at Master.
Alter Self
You transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also don’t appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can’t use this spell to become quadrupedal, for instance. At any time for the duration of the spell, you can use your action to change your appearance in this way again.   Use the Disguise Self ritual button in RPR to use Alter Self. Following Disguise Self's ruling; if you are downed, you revert to your original form.
Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the fluff spells Control Flames, Minor Illusion, & Thaumaturgy.