
Race Information

"Bound by the legacy of dragons and the spirit of Faerun, we Dragonborn stand as a testament to the strength and majesty of our ancestors. In unity, we rise above the challenges that face us, our scales shimmering like a thousand sunsets, a symbol of hope for all who dwell in this land." - Zarithar Brightscale, Dragonborn Champion of Faerun
Dragonborn, the draconic humanoids of Faerûn, stand out for their majestic appearance, fierce loyalty, and inherent magical abilities. Their history is deeply entwined with dragons, contributing significantly to Faerûn's diverse landscape.  


Dragonborn societies in Faerûn are a harmonious blend of their original Abeir culture and the influences of other societies they have assimilated into. They are characterized by a deep sense of honor, duty, and unwavering loyalty. They take great pride in their dragon heritage and often feel a profound kinship with dragons and fellow dragonborn.   Their social structure is clan-centric, with each clan comprising multiple extended families tracing back to a common draconic ancestor. Clan affiliations form a crucial part of a dragonborn's identity, with many taking their clan names as part of their identity. Loyalty to one’s clan and family is paramount, often leading to significant personal sacrifices for their welfare.   Dragonborn are forthright and principled, adhering to a strict code of conduct. They value honesty and integrity, steadfastly upholding their promises and commitments.  


A significant dragonborn realm in southeastern Faerûn, with Djerad Thymar as its cultural and political heart.  
The "Lost Lands," previously part of Abeir, hosting dragonborn enclaves post-Spellplague.  
The Sword Coast
Integrating with other races, dragonborn here often serve as mercenaries or adventurers.   In conclusion, dragonborn bring a rich and dynamic presence to Faerûn, symbolizing the grandeur and complexity of their draconic lineage.    


As a relatively new race in Faerûn, dragonborn are establishing their place among other races. Generally respected for their strength and martial prowess, their unique appearance and dragon connections may cause wariness among some. Nonetheless, dragonborn often form strong alliances, particularly with humans, dwarves, and elves, valued for their reliability and combat skills.   Dragonborn, with their strong sense of honor, duty, and the legacy of their draconic heritage, have distinct perspectives on other races in Faerûn. Here's a general overview of how they might perceive various races:  
Dragonborn might respect the versatility and adaptability of humans. They could see humans as potential allies or worthy adversaries, depending on the circumstances.  
The long-lived nature of elves and their affinity for magic and nature might be viewed with a mixture of respect and curiosity by Dragonborn. They might admire elves' dedication to their arts and crafts.  
Dragonborn may have a mutual respect for dwarves, particularly valuing their craftsmanship, martial prowess, and sense of honor. However, the stoic and often rigid nature of dwarves might sometimes clash with the more expressive and passionate nature of Dragonborn.  
Halflings and Gnomes:
The light-hearted and nimble nature of halflings and gnomes could be seen as amusing or endearing by Dragonborn. However, they might also view these races as lacking the seriousness and honor that Dragonborn value.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Dragonborn, valuing honor and strength, might see orcs and goblinoids as potential rivals or threats, particularly due to their typically chaotic and aggressive nature.  
The complex heritage of Tieflings might intrigue Dragonborn, who themselves are descendants of another race (dragons). They may approach Tieflings with a level of empathy, understanding what it's like to be judged based on ancestry.  
Dragonborn might view Aasimar with a kind of kinship, as both races have a lineage linked to powerful, otherworldly beings (dragons and celestials). They might respect Aasimar for their divine heritage and sense of purpose.  
Other Dragonborn:
Naturally, there's a strong sense of camaraderie and kinship among Dragonborn, especially due to their shared draconic heritage and values.  
Drow, Underdark Races:
Races traditionally viewed as malevolent, such as Drow, might be met with suspicion or hostility by Dragonborn, especially if these races' values clash with the Dragonborn's sense of honor and justice.  
Dragonborn might view planar races like Genasi with curiosity, particularly for their elemental natures, which might resonate with a Dragonborn's own draconic essence.      

Physical Qualities

Dragonborn are imposing in stature, averaging between 6 and 7 feet tall, weighing around 250 to 300 pounds. Their appearance is distinctly draconic - thick, scaly skin in various hues reflecting their chromatic and metallic dragon ancestors, and slitted eyes in shades like gold, silver, red, green, and blue. Muscular and robust, they have broad shoulders, sharp claws, and a head crowned with horn-like scales. Each dragonborn possesses a unique breath weapon, varying from flames to lightning, depending on their draconic lineage.  

Dragonborn Variants in Faerûn

Chromatic Dragonborn
Descendants of red, blue, green, black, and white dragons, each with corresponding scale colors and breath weapons, such as fire for red and lightning for blue. Though often associated with destructive traits, their personalities and beliefs vary widely.  
Metallic Dragonborn
Descendants of gold, silver, bronze, brass, and copper dragons, with matching scale colors and breath weapons, like fire for gold and cold for silver. They embody more benevolent and noble traits, valuing honor and justice.    

RP Guide

  • Emphasize their draconic heritage, shaping their worldview and abilities.
  • Uphold the values of honor and duty, guiding their interactions and decisions.
  • Foster strong family and clan loyalty.
  • Display martial prowess and strength.
  • Incorporate elemental affinities in roleplay, showcasing unique dragonborn powers.

  • Civilization and Culture


    Dragonborn history in Faerûn is intertwined with dragons, evolving from loyal servants to independent beings with a distinct culture. They have played pivotal roles in Faerûn's history, known for their loyalty and combat skills.  


    Dragonborn in Faerûn may worship draconic gods like Bahamut or Tiamat or adopt the deities of their adopted cultures, reflecting their diverse spiritual beliefs.   Dragonborn in Faerûn, with their rich cultural heritage and strong sense of honor, may be inclined to worship deities that align with their values, particularly those associated with strength, honor, war, and the draconic legacy. Here are some deities commonly revered by Dragonborn:  
    Often revered as the chief deity by many Dragonborn, Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, represents justice, honor, nobility, and protection. He is the god of good dragons and a symbol of strength and righteousness.  
    Some Dragonborn, particularly those who lean towards evil alignments, might worship Tiamat, the goddess of evil dragons. She represents greed, envy, and vengeance.  
    The Soul Forger, god of creation and patron of artisans, particularly blacksmiths and craftsmen. Dragonborn who are involved in the creation of weapons, armor, or who value craftsmanship, might worship Moradin.  
    The god of law and justice, Tyr is venerated by Dragonborn who are dedicated to the cause of justice, particularly those who work as judges, lawyers, or paladins.  
    Dragonborn who veer towards tyranny or who seek power might worship Bane, the god of war and conquest.  
    The Lord of Battles, Tempus is worshiped by those who respect the chaos and camaraderie of battle, including Dragonborn warriors and soldiers.


    Kit Items
    Horns of Puthar
    Horns of Puthar (Attached)
    Horns of Dragon (Attached)
    Horns of Dragon
    Horns of Morigesh (Attached)
    Devil Horns (Attached)
    Full Body - Scales Tattoo
    Sloughing Fluid
    Horns of Yog
    Horns of Yog (Attached)
    Eyes Of The Beast (Attached)
    Unequip Attached Eyes
    Horns 01 (a)
    Horns 02 (a)
    Horns 02V2 (a)
    Horns 03 (a)
    Horns 04 (a)
    Horns 04V2 (a)
    Horns 05 (a)
    Horns 06V2 (a)
    Horns 07 (a)
    Horns 08 (a)
    Horns 08V2 (a)
    Horns 10 (a)
    (HA) Abyssal Horns Incurved (Accessory)
    Alura Horn [R]
    Alura Horn [L]
    Beest Horn [R]
    Beest Horn [L]
    Beguiler Horn [R]
    Beguiler Horn [L]
    Decimak Horn [R]
    Decimak Horn [L]
    Defiler Horn [R]
    Defiler Horn [L]
    Goat Horn [R]
    Goat Horn [L]
    Hebrak Horn [R]
    Hebrak Horn [L]
    Hebrik Horn [R]
    Hebrik Horn [L]
    Demon King Horn [R]
    Demon King Horn [L]
    Demons Horn [R]
    Demons Horn [L]
    Succubus Horn [R]
    Succubus Horn [L]
    Maleficent Horns
    Subversive Horns II [A]
    Evil Horns [A]
    Deception Horns [A]
    Succubus Horns [A]
    Tiefling Horns II [A]
    Dragon Horn Left TB
    Dragon Horn Right TB
    Thorns (Arms) [A]
    (HA) Bird Feet (Feathered)
    (HA) Bird Feet
    Crocodile Mask
    Great Fanged Emperor Mask (Attached)
    Dragon Head (Green)
    Dragon Head (Red)
    Dragon Head (White)
    Dragon Head (Frost)
    Dragon Head (Attached)
    Dragon Head With Hood (Attached)
    dragonskin full
    dragonskin feet
    dragonskin head
    dragonskin hands
    Shark Arm Fins I [A]
    Feral Nails (L)
    Feral Nails (R)
    [C] Tooth 1
    [C] Tooth 2
    (JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
    (JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
    Left Eye
    Left Eye (Animated)
    Right Eye
    Right Eye (Animated)
    Crocodile Head
    Short Horn TB
    [C] Fin
    Amphibia Ear C [R][ToT]
    Amphibia Ear C [L][ToT]
    Amphibia Ear C [R]
    Amphibia Ear C [L]
    183 - 205cm   Lifespan:
    80 Years   Starting Language(s):
    Common, Draconic   Suggested Alignment:
    Good, Evil   Racial Tension(s):


    Ability Scores:
    +1 Strength

    Saving Throws:
    +1 Charisma

    Damage Resistance:



    Draconic Resilience
    This creature gains resistance to the damage type associated with their draconic ancestry.
    Dragon Scales
    This creature is protected by their draconic scales and receives +1 to their AC.
    Breath Weapon
    Select 3 targets within 8 tiles; each target must make a Dex save vs DC14+Mastery. On a failed save, the target takes 2d8+Mastery Elemental Damage in line with your ancestral type. On a successful save, targets take no damage.