
Race Information

Drow, also recognized as dark elves, deep elves, night elves, under-elves, and identified as the Dark Ones among orcs, comprised a sub-race of dark-skinned elves primarily dwelling in the Underdark. Their reputation for cruelty garnered them widespread hatred and fear, although a minority of non-evil drow, and an even smaller number of good ones, were present.    


Drow, known for their intricate and shadowy society, thrive in the underground realm of the Underdark. Their communities are often characterized by a rigid, matriarchal hierarchy dominated by powerful priestesses of Lolth, the Spider Queen. Drow society is marked by constant power struggles, political intrigue, and a merciless attitude towards weakness. Their cities, built in cavernous spaces of the Underdark, are architectural marvels that blend grandeur with a sense of menacing beauty. Drow art and culture reflect their devotion to Lolth, often featuring dark, spider-themed motifs. They engage in elaborate rituals and ceremonies to honor their deity, and their music and literature often exude a haunting, ethereal quality.    

Drow Houses

Association to large named houses are allowed in the capacity of cousins, branches of the main blood line but not canon characters.   Disallowed Houses: Baenre, Do’erden, Oblodra, T’sarran    


Drow predominantly reside in the Underdark, with major settlements including:  
A significant drow city-state known for its formidable Houses and the influential Academy of Arach-Tinilith.     Drow are also encountered in surface world locations, often as raiders, spies, or emissaries on missions from their matriarchal leaders. Their presence on the surface is usually met with fear and suspicion due to their reputation for treachery and cruelty.   Drow, known for their cunning, ambition, and proficiency in both magic and combat, may venture into the Savage Frontier for various reasons:  
Expansion and Exploration:
The Savage Frontier, with its untamed lands and hidden secrets, presents a realm ripe for exploration and expansion. Drow may seek to extend their influence or establish outposts above ground for strategic or resource-based purposes.  
Trade and Acquisition of Resources:
Drow are often in search of rare resources, magical artifacts, or exotic goods that are not readily available in the Underdark. The Savage Frontier may offer unique materials or trade opportunities with surface dwellers or other races.  
Military Campaigns and Skirmishes:
Drow may engage in military expeditions into the Savage Frontier, either as part of larger conflicts involving their houses or as skirmishes against surface communities and other races for power and dominance.  
Slaving Expeditions:
Drow are notorious for conducting raids to capture slaves. The diverse populations in the Savage Frontier can be targets for such raids, providing labor or serving as pawns in the complex political games of the Underdark.  
Pursuit of Magical Knowledge:
Drow, especially those of the priestess and wizard classes, constantly seek arcane knowledge and power. The Savage Frontier, with its ancient ruins, mystical sites, and diverse magical practices, can be a valuable source for such pursuits.  
Political Intrigue and Espionage:
The complex and often treacherous political landscape of drow society might compel individuals or factions to venture into the Savage Frontier for espionage, to forge alliances, or to escape from political rivals.  
Religious Pilgrimages or Missions:
Followers of drow deities, particularly those devoted to Lolth or other dark gods, may embark on missions or pilgrimages dictated by religious prophecies, divine commands, or to spread their faith.  
Personal Ambitions and Exile:
Drow individuals, whether outcasts, renegades, or ambitious adventurers, might find the Savage Frontier a place to pursue personal goals, seek refuge from the oppressive society of the Underdark, or build a new legacy away from the shadow of their houses.  
Seeking Artifacts or Power:
Drow are often drawn to ancient artifacts, sources of magical power, or legendary items that could enhance their status or power back in the Underdark.  
Research and Study:
The diverse ecosystem and the presence of unique flora, fauna, and magical phenomena in the Savage Frontier might attract drow scholars, alchemists, or spellcasters for research and study.    


Drow Elves are typically hostile to other surface races, viewing them with contempt and as potential slaves or enemies. Their long-standing feud with their elven kin, particularly the Sun and Moon Elves, stems from ancient conflicts and deep-seated hatred. Drow are naturally opposed to dwarves and gnomes, with whom they share the Underdark, often engaging in territorial battles. Among their own kind, trust is rare, and alliances are usually temporary and based on mutual benefit or fear.   Drow (Dark Elves) in Faerûn, known for their sophisticated, matriarchal society deep within the Underdark, have distinct views on other races, shaped by their cultural beliefs, values, and the teachings of their deity, Lolth. Here's an overview of how Drow typically view various races:     Humans: Drow often view humans as inferior, both in terms of lifespan and magical prowess. They may see humans as potential slaves, pawns in their schemes, or simply as weaker beings to be dominated or manipulated.   Elves (Surface Elves): Drow harbor a deep-seated enmity towards their surface-dwelling kin, viewing them with contempt and rivalry. This animosity often stems from ancient conflicts and the Drow's resentment of their surface cousins' more favorable standing among elvenkind.   Dwarves: Drow generally regard dwarves as staunch enemies, particularly due to territorial disputes in the Underdark. Dwarves' strongholds and their resistance to Drow incursions make them formidable adversaries in the eyes of the Drow.   Other Drow: Drow society is highly competitive and backstabbing, with trust being a rare commodity. They view each other as rivals or potential threats, although alliances can be formed for mutual gain.   Gnomes and Halflings: Drow might view these smaller races as inconsequential or weak, often underestimating their capabilities. They may see them as easy targets for enslavement or manipulation.   Orcs and Goblinoids: Drow may ally with these races for mutual benefit, especially in conflicts against common enemies. However, they view them as lesser beings and use them as disposable troops or servants.   Tieflings and Other Planetouched: Drow might find these races intriguing due to their unique abilities and origins. However, their interaction would be cautious, as Drow are inherently distrustful and would assess how these beings fit into their schemes.   Aasimar: Given their celestial heritage, Aasimar are often seen as antithetical to the Drow's values and Lolth's teachings. Drow may view them with hostility or as worthy challenges to their power.   Mind Flayers and Other Underdark Denizens: Drow maintain a cautious and strategic approach towards other powerful beings of the Underdark. They may engage in alliances or conflicts with them based on the ever-shifting dynamics of power within the Underdark.   Dragons and Powerful Magical Creatures:Drow respect power and might, so they may either venerate or seek to control such beings, depending on the situation.    

Physical Qualities

Drow are distinguished by their dark skin, ranging from charcoal gray to obsidian black, and stark white or silver hair. They have sharp, angular features with eyes that are often red, although other colors like purple or blue are not uncommon. Their attire is typically elegant yet functional, designed for both the harsh conditions of the Underdark and the formal requirements of their society. Drow warriors and priestesses often adorn themselves with intricate armor and jewelry symbolizing their status and allegiance to Lolth.  

RP Guide

The Reverie

Like other elves, Drow Elves enter a trance-like state called “reverie” for rest, immersing themselves in past memories and mental exercises.It is known that the first hundred years, Reverie allows the practitioner to view glimpses of memories of their past lives. In the Reverie, drow relive old memories, allowing them to experience past events vividly. This process is more than just recalling memories; it is a profound re-experiencing of life events, complete with emotions and sensations.

Elven Aging

Drow Elves share the long lifespan characteristic of their elven kin, witnessing the passage of time and events at a pace that other races might find hard to comprehend.

Drow Elf Perspective

Drow are ambitious, cunning, and adaptable, shaped by the harsh realities of Underdark life and the ruthless culture of their society. They value strength, power, and the favor of Lolth above all.

Sunlight Sensitivity

With time the drow adapted to a life underground however their keen eyes that pick apart darkness suffer on the surface. Some find sunlight to be painful while others consider it a constant irritant.

Civilization and Culture


The Drows' history is marked by their descent into the Underdark following the elven civil wars known as the Crown Wars. Their transformation into the Drow was a result of their allegiance to Lolth and their exile from the surface world. Over the centuries, they established formidable cities like Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad in the Underdark, becoming one of the most feared races in Faerûn.  


Drow society revolves around the worship of Lolth, with priestesses wielding significant power. Rituals and ceremonies are an integral part of their culture, often involving sacrifices and dark magic.   In Faerûn, Drow Elves typically worship a pantheon of deities that reflect their unique culture and values, often centered around darkness, cunning, and spider motifs. Here are some of the primary deities that Drow Elves are known to worship:  

Dark Seldarine

  Recommendations for Clerics
Female only: Lolth, Kiaransalee
High Priestess: Cleric preferred, other classes of divine power considered with extensive RP.
Priestess: Classes wielding divine power with RP learning rituals and rites of the clergy.   Recommendations for Warlocks:
Fiend: Balor, unknown origin,
Great Old One: Ghaunandaur
Undying: Kiaransalee    


Queen of Spiders, Fleshcarver

Description: Cruelty and Chaos, the Spider Queen thrived upon death, destruction and pain. She favored those whose treachery, guile and ruthlessness was second only to ambition.
Domain: War - Trickery
Recommended: All classes, New Drow players,
Symbol: Spider
Link: Wiki    


The Masked Lord, Shadow Lord

Description: Above and below, in shadow and treachery Drow will prevail by any means. Vhaeraun believes in uniting the Drow, freeing them from the warring and twisted teachings of Lolth, male and female alike. Masked traitors work to undo the webs of spiders and favor finding those who bring results
Domain: War - Trickery
Recommended: Clerics, Rogues, Rangers, Wizards, Players seeking subterfuge and dark dealings
Symbol: Black Mask
Link: Wiki    


Champion of Lolth, The Spider That Waits

Description: Son of Vhaeraun, Zanassu is the patron of Drow warriors. Battle and destruction is the only thing he cares for. He favors those skilled and lethal in battle, honing and teaching others to follow into the fray of battle.
Domain: War
Recommended: Paladins, Fighters, Barbarians and players seeking conflict, combat and violence.
Symbol: Spider over crossed sword and mace
Link: Wiki    


The Revenancer, Vengeful Banshee

Description: Revenge and Undeath, The Revenancer is the embodiment of revenge, insane and favored the undead over the living. Secretive her clergy revere the undead, they are agents of vengeance and aspire for mastery over death.
Domain: Death, Arcane
Recommended: Clerics, Wizards, Paladins, Warlocks, Players seeking revenge and necromancy
Symbol: Silver Ringed Drow Hand
Link: Wiki    


That What Lurks

Description: An amorphous tentacled slug The Lord of Slime was unpredictable. Creatures of power best house the energy of life, and those with ambition who hunt the weak, find new ways to advance themselves will find his favor, but loyalty and devotion are greater than ability in the eyes of The Elder Elemental God.
Domain: War
Recommended: Clerics, Warlocks, Players seeking to consume knowledge, power and other beings alike.
Symbol: Purple Eye
Link: Wiki    


The Dark Mage

Description: Rebellion and chaos, mystery and rebellion were the domains of Malyk. A master of wild magic. Rebellious males of low standing tended to attract his attention by experimentation or sacrifice involving wild magic.
Domain: Tempest, Trickery
Recommended: Wizards, Warlock, Sorcerers
Symbol: A flame in a tear
Link: Wiki    


Description: Adored by the oppressed and the common folk, Zinzerena is a master of deception. Noble or commoner alike favored Drow employed stealth and misdirection, striking at advantage and humiliating their foes.
Domain: Trickery
Recommended: Assassins, Wizards, Sorcerers
Symbol: Shortsword draped with cloth
Link: Wiki  


Knowledge of the moon dancer is a closely held secret amongst Lolthian Drow particularly with those characters with origins from Menzoberranzan. This information should be gained naturally through RP and the choice and progression towards her worship should occur as a series of events during your time on the server and not prior to whitelisting.   Those interested in following this path should open a Lore-Inquiry ticket on how best to prepare your Drow for an alignment and deity change in the future.


Kit Items
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
Elvish Ear A [R]
Elvish Ear A [L]
Elvish Ear B [R]
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear A [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [R]
Elvish Ear C [L]
Elvish Ear D [R]
Elvish Ear D [L]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Right
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Elf Right
Elf Left
140 - 170 cm   Lifespan:
750 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Elvish, Undercommon   Suggested Alignment:
Any Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Elves, Most Races


Ability Scores:
+1 Dexterity

Saving Throws:
+1 Charisma

Damage Resistance:

+3 Perception, +2 Intimidation (Charisma)


This creature can see in the dark.
Fey Ancestry
This creature is immune to sleep effects.
This creature gains access to the Trance ability, replacing their short rest with a long rest.
Underdark Arcanist Training
Gain +2 on Knowledge: Arcana Checks
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Dancing Lights.