
Race Information

Duergar, also known as gray dwarves, are a subterranean race of dwarves known for their resilience, stern demeanor, and innate magical abilities. Originating from a harsh history of enslavement by mind flayers, Duergar have adapted to life in the Underdark, developing unique traits and abilities to survive in this unforgiving environment.      


Rigid and Hierarchical: Duergar society is structured and hierarchical, emphasizing order and discipline. Each member of the society has a defined role, contributing to the survival and efficiency of their community. Survivalist Mindset: Life in the Underdark has instilled a strong survivalist mentality in the Duergar. They are resourceful, pragmatic, and skilled in crafting and mining, making the most of the limited resources available in their harsh homeland. Isolationist Tendencies: Duergar are known for their isolationist tendencies, preferring to keep to themselves and avoid contact with other races. This is partly due to their distrust of outsiders, stemming from their history of enslavement. Militaristic and Defensive: Due to constant threats in the Underdark, Duergar societies maintain a strong military presence. They are well-prepared for defense and warfare, with an emphasis on strategy and discipline.    


Settlements in the Underdark:
Duergar predominantly reside in the Underdark, in fortified settlements designed for defense and survival. These settlements are often hidden or fortified against intruders.

Notable Locations:
Known locations of Duergar settlements include Gracklstugh, a city in the Underdark known for its forges and weaponry, and other less accessible strongholds deep within the Underdark.

In the realms of Faerûn, the Duergar stand as a testament to resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, their society and culture a reflection of their tumultuous past and the unforgiving nature of their subterranean home.      


Suspicious of Outsiders:
Duergar are inherently suspicious of outsiders, including other dwarf subraces. This suspicion is a result of their traumatic past and the dangers of the Underdark.

Hostile Toward Mind Flayers:
Due to their history of enslavement by mind flayers, Duergar harbors a deep-seated hatred and hostility towards these creatures.

Tenuous Alliances:
While generally isolationist, Duergar may form alliances with other Underdark inhabitants when it serves their interests. These alliances are often pragmatic and temporary.

Trade with Caution:
Duergar engage in trade with other Underdark races, but always with caution and suspicion. They are known to be shrewd negotiators.    

Physical Qualities

Stout and Hardy:
Duergar resemble their dwarf kin but are often more gaunt and pale due to their subterranean lifestyle. They are shorter than humans but stout and hardy.
Gray Skin and Hair:
Characteristic of their race, Duergar have gray skin and hair, which helps them blend into the stony environment of the Underdark.

Innate Magical Abilities:
Many Duergar possess innate magical abilities, such as the power to become invisible or enlarge their size. These abilities are a result of their adaptation to the Underdark and their past dealings with dark powers.      

RP Guide

Stoic and Stern:
Duergar are typically stoic, stern, and pragmatic. They value strength, resilience, and discipline in their daily lives. Suspicious Nature: When roleplaying a Duergar, emphasize their inherent suspicion and caution, especially when dealing with strangers or in unfamiliar situations.

Loyal to Kin and Clan:
Loyalty to their kin and clan is paramount for Duergar. They are fiercely protective of their community and reluctant to trust outsiders.

Utilitarian Outlook:
Duergar have a utilitarian approach to life, valuing practicality and efficiency over aesthetics or frivolities.    


Worship of Laduguer and Deep Duerra: The primary deities of the Duergar are Laduguer, the god of magic, creation, and duergar, and Deep Duerra, the goddess of psionics, conquest, and expansion. Their worship reflects the Duergar's values of resilience, magic, and conquest.

In Faerûn, Duergar, also known as gray dwarves, have their unique pantheon of deities, which they worship. Their religious practices are distinct from their surface-dwelling kin and often align with their stern, often malevolent nature. Here are some deities that Duergar in Faerûn commonly worship:

Laduguer is the primary deity of the Duergar. He is known as the Gray Protector and is worshipped as the god of magic, creation, and protection. Laduguer embodies the resilience, craftsmanship, and survivalist ethos of the Duergar people.

Deep Duerra:
Deep Duerra is the Duergar goddess of psionics, conquest, and expansion. She is revered for her role in leading the Duergar to freedom from their mind flayer captors and is often invoked for strength in battle and mental fortitude.

While primarily worshipped by the shield dwarves, Abbathor, the god of greed, is sometimes revered by Duergar as well, especially those involved in mining and the accumulation of wealth.

Some Duergar may also worship Asmodeus, the lord of the Nine Hells. Given the Duergar's origins in the Underdark and their often malevolent disposition, the worship of a devil like Asmodeus isn't uncommon, particularly among those who lean towards more diabolical practices.

Known as the Tenth Lord of the Nine Hells, Gargauth is sometimes worshipped by Duergar. He is associated with betrayal, political corruption, and power, themes that resonate with some Duergar's scheming nature.

Although not a traditional part of the Duergar pantheon, Morgoth, a deity of the orcs known for strength and conquest, might appeal to Duergar who respect brute force and the power to overcome enemies.  


Kit Items
Beard 1 Vanilla (Attached)
Beard 2 Vanilla (Attached)
Beard 3 Vanilla (Attached)
Unequip Attached Beard
Beard 02 White (a)
Beard 01 White (a)
120 - 150 cm   Lifespan:
350   Starting Language(s):
Common, Dwarvish, Undercommon   Suggested Alignment:
Lawful Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Mountain Dwarves, Drow


Ability Scores:
+1 Constitution

Saving Throws:
+1 Strength

Damage Resistance:
Poison, Psychic

+2 Willpower, +2 Resilience


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.