Earth Genasi

Race Information

"Like the stones that form the foundation of the mountains, we Earth Genasi stand steadfast and unyielding. Our hearts are as resilient as the depths from which we draw our strength, and our spirits are as enduring as the land itself. Embrace the power of the earth, for it is in the steadfast embrace of the ground that we find our resolve." - Tarnum Stoneheart, Earth Genasi Geomancer
Earth Genasi, born from the union of humans and earth elementals or as offspring of Genasi parents, are deeply connected to the elemental power of earth, embodying its strength and resilience in the diverse realms of Faerûn.    


Connection to the Land:
Earth Genasi societies are deeply connected to the land they inhabit. They often choose to live in areas rich in natural resources, like mountains, caves, or rocky plains.  
Stoic and Resilient:
Reflecting the enduring nature of earth, Earth Genasi communities are typically characterized by a stoic and resilient mindset. They value stability, strength, and patience.  
Mining and Crafting:
Many Earth Genasi societies engage in mining, extracting valuable minerals and gems. Their craftsmanship in stone and metalwork is highly regarded, producing both practical and artistic works.  
Isolationist Tendencies:
Earth Genasi can be somewhat isolationist, preferring the company of their own kind or other elemental beings. Their communities are often found in remote or hard-to-reach places, which also serves as a natural defense.  
Solidarity and Community:
Within their societies, Earth Genasi value solidarity. The community often comes first, and they work together to ensure the well-being and stability of their society.  
Slow to Change:
Just like the element they embody, Earth Genasi societies are often slow to change. They value tradition and may be resistant to new ideas that disrupt their established way of life.  


The Sword Mountains:
This rugged mountain range, with its rocky terrain and hidden caves, is a fitting habitat for Earth Genasi, who may find solace in its solid and unyielding nature.  
The Earthspur Mountains:
Located in northeastern Faerûn, these mountains are known for their towering peaks and mineral wealth, attracting Earth Genasi with their affinity for stone and metal.  
The Spine of the World:
This extensive mountain range in the far north is known for its harsh, rocky landscapes, which would be conducive to the rugged nature of Earth Genasi.  
The Elemental Plane of Earth:
While not a part of Faerûn per se, Earth Genasi who feel a strong pull towards their elemental roots might seek to explore or even reside in this plane, which embodies the essence of earth.  
The Underdark:
This vast network of underground caverns and tunnels is a natural home for Earth Genasi, who feel a deep connection to the stone and minerals found here.  
The Great Rift:
A massive canyon home to many dwarven settlements, its deep caves and abundant minerals make it an attractive location for Earth Genasi.  
The Galena Mountains:
Bordering the Anauroch desert, these mountains are rich in minerals and ores, making them a suitable place for Earth Genasi who are drawn to mining and metalwork.    


Genasi, with their elemental heritage, have distinct perspectives on other races in the Forgotten Realms. Their views are often influenced by their elemental natures and the experiences that come with being part of a less common race. Here's a general overview of how Genasi might view various races:  
Genasi often find humans interesting for their diversity and adaptability. However, they might also see humans as short-sighted or mundane, lacking the elemental connection that Genasi possess.  
Elves, with their affinity for nature and magic, might be respected by Genasi, especially those with an air or water lineage. Genasi might admire their longevity and grace but find their aloof nature somewhat distant.  
The earthiness and craftsmanship of dwarves can be appealing to earth Genasi, who may feel a kinship with dwarves’ solidity and connection to the stone. However, Genasi might find the dwarven focus on tradition and reluctance to change a bit stifling.  
Halflings' love for comfort and simple pleasures might seem quaint to Genasi. They might appreciate their resourcefulness and cheer but find their lack of ambition or elemental connection unrelatable.  
Gnomes’ curiosity and inventiveness can be intriguing to Genasi, particularly air and fire Genasi who value creativity and innovation. They might appreciate the gnomish enthusiasm for exploration and discovery.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Genasi might approach these races with caution due to their often chaotic and aggressive nature. However, fire Genasi might relate to their passion and strength, while earth Genasi might respect their physical prowess.  
Tieflings and Aasimar:
Being fellow planetouched, Genasi might feel a sense of kinship with Tieflings and Aasimar, understanding the challenges of being different. They might find common ground in their shared experiences of prejudice or misunderstanding.  
The Dragonborn’s draconic heritage could be fascinating to Genasi, especially those with a fire element. Genasi might admire their strength and presence, seeing parallels in their own elemental natures.  
Other Exotic Races:
Genasi are likely to be open-minded towards other less common races like Kenku, Lizardfolk, or Tabaxi. They might find solidarity with these races in being different and having unique abilities or features.      

Physical Qualities

Earth Genasi inherit traits from their elemental ancestors, which manifest in various ways. Their skin tones span a range of earthy hues, from deep browns and grays to sandy or rocky colors. Some Earth Genasi may have skin textures similar to stone or metal, with patterns resembling veins of minerals, cracks, or rocky outcroppings.    

RP Guide

Stoic and Grounded:
Portray a calm and composed demeanor. Earth Genasi are often unshaken by minor disturbances or provocations.
Practical and Direct:
Show a preference for straightforward solutions. Avoid overcomplicating things and stick to what works.
Patient but Stubborn:
Demonstrate great patience, but also a tendency to be inflexible or stubborn, much like the earth.
Strong Connection to Nature:
Express a deep respect for the natural world, especially the land, rocks, and mountains.

Civilization and Culture


Earth Genasi originate from a mixture of human and elemental ancestry, their lineage tracing back to earth elementals, dao, and other earthen beings. Many have explored the Elemental Plane of Earth, seeking to deepen their understanding of their heritage, while others remain in Faerûn, integrating into its varied societies.  


The Elemental Lord of Earth, Grumbar is a primary deity for those who revere the elemental power of earth. He symbolizes solidity, stability, and unyielding strength.  
The Soul Forger, patron of dwarves and god of creation, is revered for his mastery of forging and craftsmanship. Earth Genasi who value the art of creation, particularly in stone and metal, may be drawn to Moradin.  
A deity focused on the earth itself, Geb represents the strength and endurance of the land, making him a fitting choice for Earth Genasi who feel a strong connection to their elemental roots.  
The Oak Father, god of wild nature, is a protector of natural places. Earth Genasi who have a deep respect for nature and the wilderness might worship Silvanus.  
The Great Mother, goddess of agriculture and fertility, could be venerated by Earth Genasi who are closely connected to the soil and the nurturing aspect of the earth.  
Known as the Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain, Dumathoin is a deity of mining and underground exploration. Earth Genasi miners or those who delve into the depths of the earth may honor him.  
Berronar Truesilver:
Moradin's consort, known for her roles as the guardian of hearth and home. Earth Genasi who value family, community, and protection might be drawn to her.  
Flandal Steelskin:
The gnome god of mining and smithing, appealing to those Earth Genasi who are skilled in these crafts and who appreciate the transformative power of the forge.


Kit Items
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Green (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Yellow (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Tattoo - Lightning
Sloughing Fluid
elfears smallmk1
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Elvish Ear A [R]
Elvish Ear A [L]
Elvish Ear B [R]
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear A [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
Elf Right
Elf Left
150 - 190 cm   Lifespan:
120 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Primordial   Suggested Alignment:
Any Neutral   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific


Ability Scores:
+1 Constitution

Saving Throws:
+1 Strength

Damage Resistance:



Hit Points
+4 Hit Points
Damage Threshold
+1 DT
Stone's Endurance
As a bonus action, heal yourself for 1d6+constitution modifier and grant yourself +2 DT for 3 rounds. Ability can be used once per long rest.
Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the fluff spells Touch of Gond & Mold Earth.