Fallen Aasimar

Race Information

“Darkness permeates into the world from all sides, take those corrupted to foul purpose. Once a gift from our celestial guardians, led astray into the darkness allowing their holy light to be snuffed out. Ruined and now they bring ruination unto all those believers, a blight to the faithful, those Aasimar who hath fallen from grace. Drive them from your homes, for they are as foul as those tainted by the hells.” - Phineas Felton, Human Priest.
Fallen Aasimar, having turned away from the celestial path of their kind, might be drawn together by their shared sense of loss, frustration, and sometimes anger or bitterness. They could form secretive, close-knit groups hidden away from mainstream societies.  


Leadership and Structure:
Their society might be governed by a mysterious ex-celestial leader, intent on safeguarding and guiding their kin. They favor survival and secrecy over strict hierarchy.  
Daily Life:
Life for them is a constant exercise in vigilance and mobility, as they evade detection due to their past dark affiliations. They are often seen as ominous figures in civilized areas.  
Economy and Craft:
They excel in scavenging and repurposing discarded or cursed items and dealing with forbidden artifacts.  
Defenses and Military:
Preferring stealth and ambush tactics, they avoid open conflict, leveraging their dark powers for defense.  


The Underdark:
This vast network of underground caverns is known for its danger and darkness, making it a fitting refuge or battleground for Fallen Aasimar grappling with their darker natures.  
A land ruled by a magocracy of Red Wizards known for necromancy and other dark arts, Thay could be a haven or a battlefield for Fallen Aasimar who are drawn to or fighting against dark powers.  
The Moonsea Region:
Known for its harsh landscape and the presence of numerous malevolent entities and organizations, the Moonsea area might attract Fallen Aasimar, either as adversaries of darkness or as beings succumbing to it.  
Baldur's Gate:
A city rife with corruption, crime, and secret cults, Baldur's Gate could be a place where Fallen Aasimar seek redemption, struggle with their nature, or give in to the darker aspects of their being.  
Known as the City of Sails and infamous for its pirates and thieves, Luskan is a place where lawlessness prevails, potentially drawing Fallen Aasimar who have turned away from their righteous paths.  
The Dalelands:
Especially the darker corners or more troubled areas, where conflict and despair are rampant, might be areas where Fallen Aasimar find themselves, either seeking redemption or struggling with their inner demons.  
A land of dense jungles and ancient ruins, filled with dangers and dark magic. Fallen Aasimar might be drawn to its perilous and mysterious nature.  
While Waterdeep is a city of splendor, its underbelly and the struggles for power and control could attract or ensnare Fallen Aasimar, presenting them with moral dilemmas and challenges.    


Human reactions vary, ranging from sympathy to outright hostility, especially among the deeply religious.  
Elves, particularly high elves, are often distrustful, viewing the Fallen Aasimar's dark aura as a corruption.  
Dwarves, generally wary of celestial and arcane forces, view them with suspicion and fear of bad luck.  
Halflings, preferring peace, are typically frightened by the dark aura of the Fallen Aasimar.  
Dragonborn attitudes vary, some viewing them as formidable opponents, others with caution.  
Tieflings, sharing a similar plight of being outcasts, may show more understanding or sympathy.  
Gnomes and Forest Creatures:
These beings are cautious, sensing the twisted celestial energy as a natural disturbance.  
Other Aasimar:
Those who maintain their celestial grace may see them as lost kin or cautionary tales.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Often indifferent to the distinction between Aasimars, they might view them all as powerful beings to challenge or revere.      

Physical Qualities

Shadowy or Dull Skin Tones:
Unlike their Protector or Scourge counterparts, Fallen Aasimar often have skin tones that are shadowy, ashen, or unusually pale, reflecting their detachment from celestial light.  
Dark or Ominous Eyes:
Their eyes might be completely black, dark red, or have a smoldering quality, lacking the warm glow often seen in other Aasimar. Some may have eyes that resemble burning coals or voids of darkness.  
Menacing Aura:
Fallen Aasimar typically exude an aura of menace or unease. Their presence might be unsettling to those around them, contrasting with the comforting or inspiring presence of other Aasimar types.    

RP Guide

Aura of Fear and Mistrust:
Their aura induces fear, making it hard for them to integrate into society, though some can suppress it.  
Supernatural Abilities:
Their dark powers include seeing in darkness and manipulating shadows, which are both powerful and terrifying to common folk.  
Loneliness and Isolation:
They often live hidden due to their mutations and the fear they cause, longing for lost divinity and acceptance.  
Seeking Refuge in Dark Places:
Outcast, they often seek shelter in places less likely to draw attention, like graveyards and ancient ruins.  
Redemption and Desperation:
Some still seek redemption, trying to use their powers for good but often facing rejection.

Civilization and Culture


Fallen Aasimar are originally celestial-touched beings who lose or reject their divine connection, often due to a personal tragedy, exposure to evil, or a crisis of faith. Their stories typically revolve around themes of inner conflict, redemption, or acceptance of their changed nature, as they grapple with the consequences of their fall from grace.


The goddess of darkness and loss, Shar is a perfect fit for Fallen Aasimars who feel alienated and ostracized. They might find solace in the cold embrace of Shar, seeking to be a part of the mysteries of the night.  
The god of tyranny, fear, and hatred, Bane might appeal to Fallen Aasimars who seek to impose their will upon others and use their fallen angelic powers for domination.  
Known as the Prince of Lies, Cyric is a deity of deceit, madness, and murder. Fallen Aasimars with a more chaotic and sinister bend might serve Cyric, spreading madness and chaos in their wake.  
The Spider Queen, goddess of the Drow, and patron of darkness and chaos. A Fallen Aasimar who has found refuge in the Underdark might find themselves serving Lolth, particularly if they've allied with Drow or other Underdark denizens.  
The Frostmaiden, goddess of cold and winter, may attract Fallen Aasimars who feel as though their hearts have frozen over due to their fall from grace.  
The god of thieves and shadows, Mask could be a patron for Fallen Aasimars who rely on stealth, subterfuge, and deception to navigate the world that has turned against them.  
The Beastlord, god of the hunt and savage predators. Fallen Aasimars embracing their wild side and giving into their primal instincts might find worshiping Malar to be fitting.  
The goddess of misfortune and accidents, she could be followed by Fallen Aasimars who believe their fall was an ill twist of fate and now seek to be agents of bad luck for others.  
Goddess of illusion and deception, her patronage might suit those Fallen Aasimars who use illusions to hide their true nature or to manipulate those around them.   Fallen Aasimars could also, in rare cases, still cling to a shred of their former righteousness and seek redemption by serving deities of light and goodness, albeit often in a more grim and zealous manner than before their fall. It is also possible for them to form cults or sects that are centered around their own personal beliefs, or even worship ancient, forgotten entities or dark powers from the Outer Planes.


Kit Items
Eyes of lightning (Attached)
Eyes of Darkness (Attached)
Eyes Of The Universe (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir (Attached)
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
165 - 190cm   Lifespan:
160 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Celestial   Suggested Alignment:
Evil, Neutral   Racial Tension(s):
Aasimar, Holy Beings


Ability Scores:
+1 Charisma

Saving Throws:

Damage Resistance:

+2 Athletics, +2 Insight


This creature can see in the dark.
Necrotic Shroud
Once per long rest, this character can use an Action to unleash the divine energy within themselves, causing their eyes to turn into pools of darkness. All other creatures within 6 tiles of this creature are forced to roll a Willpower saving throw of DC 14 or become frightened for 2 turns.
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Thaumaturgy.