
“Fey’ri to elves are as tieflings to humans - A symbol of corruption and shame.”

Race Information

Feyri, also known as Demon Elves or Daemonfey, are to elves what Tieflings are to humans. They are elves cursed with a demonic bloodline, either due to a pact made with an entity of the Abyss that their family made generations ago, or due to a spiteful demon cursing and elf’s birth. At first they will appear as a normal elf for some time, though eventually the dark taint that corrupts them will eventually emerge, exposing them for the creatures they are to those who know.    


Pride and Loathing
Many Fey’ri live for revenge. They feel wronged by other elves, particularly moon elves, and feel themselves to be superior to all other races.  
High Aspirations
The Chosen ones, the champions of their race. That was what they were called, older Fey’ri are prideful beings with a desire to rule, going so far as to kidnap newly born Fey’ri to fuel their urge to rebuild the houses they were a part of and rule them.  
Not all the Same
Recently born Fey’ri differ from their elder kin. They see themselves as part of the Elven race, though may at times feel ashamed or corrupted depending on if they were shunned or not by their peers, but still elven. To this end, they desire freedom above all else.  
Slow to Trust
Like their elven kin, Fey’ri are slow to make friends at times. Part of this is because they believe others to be insignificant next to themselves, but other times it is because the only person a Fey’ri truly trusts is themself.  
Actions speak louder than words
Fey’ri trust actions above all else: demonstrations of power, intelligence, and quick wit. Regardless, it is very rare for a Fey’ri to show their true form to those who aren’t also Fey’ri.    


Scattered and Isolated
Due to their tendency to distrust others based on their legacy and what they are, very seldom will you find a Fey’ri in a city in its true form. Usually they masquerade as elves with their innate ability to conceal themselves. Many Fey’ri instead seek other’s of their kind out to make villages of their own where they can be free from persecution and live freely.    


General Mistrust
Fey’ri are slow to trust anyone but other Fey’ri, to that end it is very rare to see one in their true form unless they are around other Fey’ri, or people who have earned that trust.  
Social Dichotomy
Older Fey’ri live in the past and seek to reclaim glory days denied to them by their fellow kin. Meanwhile more recently born Fey’ri seek to forsake their abyssal blood and the dark past they share and attain freedom, acceptance, and a life to call their own.    

Physical Qualities

The Fey'ri are distinguished by their elven heritage, primarily reflecting the elegant appearances of sun elves and moon elves. Their skin, hair, and eyes often manifest in colors associated with these noble lineages, including golds, silvers, and blues. However, Fey'ri also exhibit unique characteristics that hint at their demonic ancestry. Tinges of red, green, or other unearthly colors might accent their features, and some may possess wings, tails, or other demonic traits that set them apart from their elven kin.  
Magical Blood
Fey’ri blood practically overflows with sorcerous power from their demonic parentage. To that end many become sorcerers, while others take up the path of blade song.    

RP Guide

Infamous Lineage
The saga of the fey’ri and their birth is well known among elven clans. Some newer Fey’ri may be attracted to this far off gleaming dream they’re ancestors flirted with and may wish to seek out relics of that age, or others who feel cheated of a supposed birthright so they might make a play for it again in the modern era.  
Freedom and Peace
Some Fey’ri are simply looking for a place to settle and live a life where people know not of their cursed blood, or wish to be accepted as a Fey’ri without prejudice. There are a myriad of paths a Fey’ri can take in the journey, and roads less traveled than others.

Civilization and Culture


Sordid Origins
The Fey’ri of yesteryear were a product of a cross-breeding program that sought to further enhance the sun elven lineage by four houses during the Crown Wars. Back then they were true half breeds with a great variety of physical attributes that revealed their perverse lineage. Todays Fey’ri are akin to tieflings, but still boasting some of the potency that their abyssal lineage endowed them with.  


Of Gods and Monsters
Because of the tainted nature of their blood, many Fey’ri no longer worship the good elven deities of the Seldarine, but nor do they usually worship demons, instead Fey’ri prefer true deities.  
Kindred Spirit(s)
Fenmarel Mestarine, the god of elven outcasts and those who live away from others appeals to neutral Fey’ri who worship him in an effort to learn the secrets of survival in modern Faerun. Shevarash, the elven deity of vengeance also has some small appeal to the fey’ri, unknowing that he considers them as vile as drow and does not reward them for their worship.


Kit Items
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Yellow (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Eyes of Darkness (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Horns 01 (a)
Horns 02 (a)
Horns 02V2 (a)
Horns 04 (a)
Horns 04V2 (a)
Horns 05 (a)
Horns 07 (a)
Horns 08 (a)
Horns 08V2 (a)
Horns 10 (a)
Maleficent Horns
(HA) Abyssal Horns Tall (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Incurved (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Backcurved (Accessory)
(HA) Abyssal Horns Spiraled (Accessory)
Spider Horns [A]
Bestial Horns [A]
Bestial Horns II [A]
Subversive Horns II [A]
Demon Horns I [A]
Fiend Horns II [A]
Evil Horns [A]
Deception Horns [A]
Succubus Horns [A]
Satanic Horns [A]
Satanic Horns II [A]
Demon Head: Horns [A]
Curved Horns [A]
Tiefling Horns [A]
Alura Horn [R]
Alura Horn [L]
Defiler Horn [R]
Defiler Horn [L]
Succubus Horn [R]
Succubus Horn [L]
Succubus Demon Wings (Attached)
Succubus Demon Wings
Demon Wings (Attached)
Demon Wings
Vampire Wings (Attached)
Vampire Wings Medium (Attached)
Succubus Demon Wings Black (Attached)
Succubus Tail Dark Gray (Attached)
Succubus Tail Small Dark Gray (Attached)
(HA) Morrigan Wings (Accessory)
[C] Tiefling Tail
[C] Tiefling Tail (Wet)
Succubus Tail (Attached)
Succubus Tail Small (Attached)
succubus tail
Thorns (Arms) [A]
Thorns (Torso) [A]
Shark Arm Fins I [A]
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
(JCACC) Demon Wings Right
(JCACC) Demon Wings Left
Arcana Wings (Attached)
150cm - 190cm   Lifespan:
Adulthood: 100 years - 1000 years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Abyssal, Elvish   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Elves, Sun Elves


Ability Scores:
+1 Charisma

Saving Throws:
+1 Dexterity

Damage Resistance:
Fire Resistance

+1 Persuasion, +1 Deception


This creature can see in the dark.
Fey Ancestry
This creature is immune to sleep effects.
This creature gains access to the Trance ability, replacing their short rest with a long rest.
Elven Disguise
This creature gains access to the Disguise Self spell with limitations. A Fey’ri’s disguise self must be that of a surface elven subrace (Moon, Sun or Wood), or the form of a half elf.