Fjellgrif Stronghold


About the City

‒ The Capital of THE GRIFFON TRIBE
  Accepted Races:
Uthgardt Humans, Uthgardt Half Elves, Uthgardt Half-Orcs  
Tolerated Races:
Civilized Races, Goliaths, Dragonborn, Werewolves, Fey, Planetouched  
Persecuted Races:
Drow, Orcs, Duergar, Goblinoids, Minotaurs, Ogres, Trolls  
Persecuted Classes:
Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, any others using arcane magic  
Hostile Races:
Undead, Hostile Monsters  


  ‒ I. A Tribesman shall not kill another Tribesman
If he does, let him pay blood for blood. Don't murder recklessly, as they are your kin. Let tact and wit be your driving force, to think before acting. Tribe members are encouraged to be logical in their decisions with others of Griffon’s Nest Tribe.  
‒ II. Do not assault fellow tribe members recklessly
Especially not during preparations for a raid. It is a waste of your strength and theirs. Let there be no unnecessary hostility between the members of Griffon’s Nest Tribe. Sparring and practice duels are exempt from this.  
‒ III. Do not steal from your fellow Tribe members as it is dishonorable.
Let there be no theft within Griffon’s Nest grounds. Proven thievery against any Tribe member will be met with the removal of their dominant hand.  
‒ IV. An Uthgardt must follow the ways of Uthgar.
They must honor those gods who stand beside Uthgar, ignore those who ignore him, and curse those who curse him. Let there be no dealings with strange and foreign gods or magic beasts of evil.  
‒ V. One shall not betray the tribe, in word or in deed.
A thief of information is no better than any other thief. Let it be known that any who break an oath of Griffon’s Nest Tribe will lose their tongue for it. There are no exceptions.  
‒ VI. One shall not disrespect the ancestors who came before us.
Not by magic nor by mockery. Let the ancestors be our guidance of the Uthgar ways. Slander will not be tolerated by any means.  
‒ VII. An Uthgardt must always value strength
Let one engage in battle and hunting but abstain from the weakness of arcane magic. Let not arcane magic be used within the walls of the tribe. Tribe members should avoid its use at all. Divine magic used by druids, priests, and shamans of Griffon’s Nest Tribe is welcomed.  
‒ VIII. Plunder from a raid
shall be split according to the strength of each warrior. He who has claimed a prize, let him keep it, whether it be treasure or slave. Let our warriors' strengths be celebrated with their claim and not fall into petty ways of meaningless fights over them.  
‒ IX. Let a thrall learn their place
in servitude and not rebel, yet if they in time show the virtues of Uthgar, then let them pass a trial to be elevated. Proven loyalty is the deciding factor in allowing those to join the numbers of Griffon’s Nest Tribe.  
‒ X. Obey the words of the Great Chief, the Chieftain, and the Shamans.
Let them decide the disputes between you, and let them lead you, in peace, in raid, and in war. Follow their command as long as they do not abandon the commands of Uthgar.  


Light Punishments:
  • Fine paid in coin or livestock equal to the crime.
  • Public lashing, 1 lash per cumulative offense.
  • Public shaming, 1 day tied in the public square.
Moderate Punishments:
  • Removal of an eye, tongue, or hand; whichever caused the offense.
  • 1 moon of ostracisation, no clan member may aid or assist the offender.
  • 1 moon of indentured servitude.
Severe Punishments:
  • Death by Draw and Quartering.
  • Permanent Exile from the Clan with a Blood Mark.
  • Permanent Disfigurement of the face.


Owning Organization