The Griffon Tribe are a faction representing the Uthgardt barbarian tribe of the Griffon. This faction embodies the duality of the Griffon tribe's nature, balancing their prowess in combat and raiding with their inclination towards trade and interaction with other cultures. Players in this faction will navigate a path of maintaining their fierce independence and cultural traditions, while engaging in both raiding and trading activities with settlements like Nesmé and others in the surrounding lands.  


The people of Uthgardt are a vast collection of human tribes native to Northwest Faerun. The region they inhabit consists of untamed wilderness, dangerous beasts and bitter cold. It is a hard and unforgiving land; the people that inhabit it are possessed of similar qualities.   This group of people are composed of separate individual tribes, with each venerating the totem of a specific beast. They are not a kind people, and often view their more civilized human neighbors as weaklings fit only to be conquered.   The tribes consist mostly of humans who are hardy and more powerfully built than those hailing from more civilized lands. Their hair is often black, and their eyes the color blue. Half-elves and even half-orcs can be found among the number of tribes. Similarly, it was possible for members of other races to be adopted into a tribe as well.   Accepted Races:
Uthgardt Humans, Uthgardt Half Elves, Uthgardt Half-Orcs  
Tolerated Races:
Civilized Races, Goliaths, Dragonborn, Werewolves, Fey, Planetouched  
Persecuted Races:
Drow, Orcs, Duergar, Goblinoids, Minotaurs, Ogres, Trolls  
Persecuted Classes:
Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, any others using arcane magic  
Hostile Races:
Undead, Hostile Monsters    


Resource Acquisition: Through raiding and trading, gather necessary resources for the tribe's sustenance and prosperity.   Territorial Dominance: Assert control over and protect their highland territories, ensuring the tribe’s freedom and independence.   Cultural Preservation: Maintain the traditions and values of the Griffon tribe, honoring their totem and ancestral ways.   Dynamic Relationships: Engage with neighboring settlements like Nesmé in a fluctuating manner, switching between hostile and friendly interactions based on the tribe's current interests.  


Organization and Hierarchy

The tribes of Uthgardt each inhabit their own swath of frontier, seeing it as their people’s hunting grounds. Each tribe has taken on the aspect of a specific beast. These are said to be creatures that the legendary warrior, Uthgar in his life conquered. They believe that each of these beasts embody an aspect of his nature, thus are they venerated.   Individual Tribes were in most cases nomadic, building little in the way of lasting structures beyond occasional feasting halls, ancestral burial mounds or other places of religious significance. Their day-to-day structures consisted mostly of hide tents or lean-to.   While each tribe followed its own chieftain, the collective people would also elect a Greater Chieftain from among their leaders to serve as leader of their people as a whole. Tribal shamans were also integral to each tribe, often being seen as an intermediary between ancestor spirits,the land itself and the people who inhabit it.   The hierarchy of Griffon Marauders is led by its Chieftain, and Elders appointed by them. Together they appoint those below them.  


Great Chief Halric Bonesnapper (NPC)

‒ The High Assembly
  • Warbringer of the Uthgardt
  • The chief military officer. Leads all armed forces and is responsible for defense strategies, training, and warfare.This role requires an application.  
  • Chosen of the Ancestors
  • Spiritual leader and head of religious practices, particularly interested in burial mounds and rituals. Provides spiritual guidance and conducts important ceremonies.  
  • Envoy of the Tribe
  • The diplomatic leader for the tribe. Manages trade for the tribe, foreign relations, and all economic matters.  
  • Shadow of the Griffon
  • Leader of scouts and covert operations, skilled in stealth and reconnaissance. Vital for gathering intelligence and leading surprise attacks.  
  • Keeper of the Hearth
  • Oversees domestic affairs and economic matters, ensuring the well-being and stability of the tribe. Plays a key role in resource management and internal governance.  
  • Raid Leader
  • Serving beneath the Warbringer of the Uthgardt. High-ranking military commanders who lead units during raids and battles. Key figures in tactical decisions and frontline leadership.  
  • Eye of Uthgar
  • Serving beneath the Chosen of the Ancestors. High-ranking religious leaders that assist the High Shaman in maintaining the religious and cultural traditions of the tribe. They are responsible for binding the oaths of the Oathbound of the tribe.  
  • Quartermaster
  • Serving beneath the Envoy of the Tribe. Responsible for logistics, ensuring that the tribe's warriors are well-supplied and equipped for any endeavor.  
  • Herald
  • Serving beneath the Envoy of the Tribe. Act as the voice of the Envoy, leading in managing political relationships with outsider groups.  
  • Talon of the Griffon
  • Leader of spies working under the Shadow of the Griffon and sometimes the Envoy. Vital for organizing intelligence gathering and leading covert operations on targets denoted by the Shadow.  
  • Huntmaster
  • Leader of scouts working under the Shadow of the Griffon. Vital for organizing the gathering of intelligence and leading surprise attacks on targets denoted by the Shadow and Warbringer.  
  • High Chronicler
  • Serving beneath the Keeper of the Hearth. Custodian of tribal lore and history, responsible for preserving and recounting stories and traditions. Vital for maintaining cultural identity and educating new generations.  
  • Warden of the Keep
  • Serving beneath the Keeper of the Hearth. The Warden of the Keep is responsible for helping to oversee the internal operations and defense of the Stronghold, as well as the management of Keeperless Oathbound.  
  • Raider
  • Regular soldiers, forming the main fighting force of the tribe. They are trained in various combat techniques and are the backbone of the military. Serving beneath the Raidleaders.  
  • Shaman
  • Primal & divine magic users, often divine or druids, providing spiritual and magical support in both combat and non-combat situations. Serving beneath the Eyes of Uthgar.  
  • Traders & Merchants
  • Responsible for conducting transactions and maintaining trade relationships with those both within Griffon Tribe lands and outsiders. Serving beneath the Quartermaster.  
  • Diplomat
  • Responsible for establishing and maintaining political relationships both within Griffon Tribe territory and outsiders. Serving beneath the Herald.  
  • Scouts & Spies
  • Specialized in skirmishing and reconnaissance missions, crucial for gathering information and conducting surprise attacks. Serving beneath the Huntmaster and Talon.  
  • Skald
  • Custodian of tribal lore and history, responsible for preserving and recounting stories and traditions. Serving beneath the High Chronicler.
  • Thane
  • Renowned members of the tribe, recognized for their valor and achievements. This is not an official title of office, however, Thanes are to be afforded the respect befitting their wisdom and experience.  
  • Tribesman
  • Tribesmen are the true members of the Griffon Tribe, born and assimilated, making up the majority of the population of the tribe. They serve as auxiliary soldiers, typically less experienced but providing additional manpower and support during conflicts.  
  • Oathbound
  • Oathbound are the lowest caste within the Griffon Tribe, as an evolution above thralldom. They serve labor roles and auxiliary military roles, claiming no formal status.   These citizens of the tribe are oath-sworn to learn what it means to be an Uthgardt of the Griffon Tribe and are working towards becoming fully-fledged members of the tribe. Oathbound are either bound to a specific Keeper, who are responsible for their education and actions, or to the tribe as a whole.


Raiding Ventures: Conducting raids on settlements or caravans for resources and demonstrating the tribe’s strength.   Trade Missions: Engaging in trade negotiations and exchanges, showcasing the tribe’s goods and resources.   Territorial Patrols: Protecting the tribe's highland territories and sacred sites from encroachment or threats. Cultural Ceremonies: Participating in rituals and events that honor the griffon totem and the tribe’s traditions.    


Balancing Raiding and Trading: Managing the tribe's reputation and relationships, balancing the aggressive nature of raiding with the need for sustainable trade.   Internal Unity: Maintaining cohesion within the tribe, especially given the dual nature of their activities and interactions with outsiders.   Resource Management: Ensuring the tribe has enough resources to sustain itself, whether acquired through raiding or trade.


This tribe is characterized by its love for high-altitude territories, exceptional horsemanship, and a somewhat unpredictable nature, often switching between raiding and trading depending on their needs or whims. While these tribes roam the wilderness, adhering to ancient traditions and shunning the ways of settled civilization, the Griffon Tribe is set apart, being one of two tribes to have built a city.  

Societal Roles

Regardless of tribe, societal roles in Uthgardt are shaped by life in the savage frontier. It is a harsh and unforgiving place and the people that inhabit it are far removed from the comforts of civilized society.   Food, shelter and security are all things the people of Uthgardt cannot afford to take for granted. Those who are able to will be expected to make meaningful contributions to their tribe or family. Those with strength and wit are likely to be warriors or hunters, while those with the aptitude for magic are more likely to serve as shamans or druids.  

A Culture of Might

Strength and cunning are valued above all else in Uthgardt society. The lands they call home are wild and untamed. In the eyes of the people, they must be equally savage if they are to master it. They are a culture of conquerors above all else and as such, much of one’s worth in society is measured through prowess in combat.   There stands no greater testament to this than the tale of the Warrior-Chieftain Uthgar, whose impact upon history was so great that the people who followed him have since taken on his name for themselves. His enduring legacy serves as the foundation for which the people of Uthgardt draw their own measure of worth.  

Conflict and Rivalry

While the tribes of Uthgardt are known to compete with one another over at times, there is a mutual understanding of respect between tribes. Even in cases of conflict, quarreling tribes will quickly set aside their own differences when contending with outside threats.   While they paid little regard to the sovereignty or claims of other sentient races living within their lands, they hold no greater enmity than for that of the Orcs. So great is their hatred for orc kind, that they have often served as unwitting defenders who ward away orc raiders that might otherwise seek to raid the Silver Marches.   Despite this, Uthgardt’s people hold little regard for those who hailed from what they viewed to be “civilized” lands. To them such places, as well as the people who inhabited them were little more than those worthy of conquest and plunder.


The Uthgardt tribe of the Griffon is known for its deep-rooted superstitions and a general mistrust of arcane magic. This fear extends to a broader apprehension towards practices and elements that are not rooted in nature or tradition. Despite this, they show a marked openness to primal and divine forms of magic. The tribe places great respect and value on the powers wielded by their shamans, who are believed to derive their abilities from ancestral spirits. Although they primarily worship Uthgar, there are other deities found to be worshiped among the Uthgardt to a lesser extent.   Uthgar: Uthgar, known as the Battle Father, is a deity revered primarily by the Uthgardt barbarians. As a god of barbarians and physical strength, Uthgar's followers are distinguished by their warrior spirit and strong physical prowess.

Auril: Known as the Frostmaiden, Auril is a deity of cold and evil, worshiped primarily out of fear, especially in the colder regions of northern Faerûn. Her clergy, loosely organized and often independent, aim to intimidate common folk into venerating the Frostmaiden.

Malar: The Beastlord, Malar is the lesser deity of the hunt, evil lycanthropes, bestial savagery, and bloodlust. His followers, often feared in civilized settings, include barbarians, fighters, druids, and half-orcs.

Talos: Talos, the deity of storms and destruction, demands utter obedience from his followers and inspires worship through fear of nature's destructive power. His clergy, known for extorting and threatening with natural disasters, don robes with teardrops and jagged lines of gold and silver.

Umberlee: Umberlee, the evil sea goddess, is worshipped primarily by sailors and sea travelers who fear her destructive powers. Her clergy, known as Umberlants, are often hired by pirates and demand offerings from those who seek her favor.

Chauntea: The Grain Goddess or the Great Mother, Chauntea is the goddess of life and agriculture. Her followers include peasants, servants, druids, and gardeners.

Tempus: Known as the Lord of Battles, Tempus is the god of war, advocating honorable battle and forbidding cowardice. His church is widely known in battle-stricken Faerûn, respected for its adherence to rules and professional behavior in warfare.  

Magic, Spirituality, and Worship

While deeply mistrustful of arcane magics, they are far more tolerant of divine and primal magic. Their connection and reverence for the land was great, with each tribe coming to rely upon the words and powers of the tribe’s shaman. This respect for the land runs so deep that no Uthgardt would dare cut down a living tree,or build a fire without a shaman's blessing.   The people of Uthgardt are deeply spiritual, often believing that their ancestor spirits lingered among the living to offer guidance and aid to those who still live. They believed that shamans' power originated from these respected undead, going as far as to inter them within cairns spread throughout the north, with the most notable examples being stored within the great burial mounds each tribe is said to maintain and own.   Each tribe revered their own totemic spirit beast, all of whom had their power taken by Uthgar. It is said that even now warriors are able to channel the powers of their totem to aid them in battle. For his achievments, Uthgar is held in the highest regard, above all other deities or totemic spirits. Following his death, he was raised by tempus to the status of exarch, with his followers seeing the latter as the father of their warrior god.   While not as prominent, worship of the gods; Auril, Malar, Talos, Umberlee and Chauntea are all gods held in high esteem among the people of Uthgardt, with Chauntea being viewed as a mother spirit to the totemic beasts so many hold in high regard.

Foreign Relations

Nesmé and The Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon: Viewed as both a target for raids and a potential trading partner, depending on the tribe's current needs and strategic decisions.   Kingdom of Many Arrows: Although they have worked together in the past, the Uthgardt view the Many-Arrow Kingdom cautiously and to not be trusted simply because they worked together in the past.   Q'Xorlarrin Covenant The Uthgardt view the Q'Xorlarrin Covenant as being self-serving and unpredictable, although this does not mean they would not cautiously cooperate with them if the opportunity arose.


Controlled Territories