
Race Information

Fomorians, once a race of beautiful giants, are now twisted and malevolent beings inhabiting the darkest depths of the Feywild and the Underdark in Faerûn. Their fall from grace is marked by their grotesque appearances and cruel, tyrannical natures.    


Underdark Kingdoms:
Fomorians carve out brutal kingdoms in the Underdark, ruling with an iron fist. Their societies are built on fear, cruelty, and the enslavement of weaker beings, including other giants and fey creatures.
Tyrannical Leadership:
Each Fomorian community is typically ruled by the strongest and most cunning among them, with a strict hierarchy based on power and brutality.
Warrior Culture:
Fomorians value strength and combat prowess. They are constantly engaged in skirmishes and wars with neighboring communities and races, such as drow, duergar, and other Underdark inhabitants.  


Feywild Enclaves:
Fomorians can be found in the darkest corners of the Feywild, where they rule over their cursed domains.
Underdark Strongholds:
In Faerûn, they are more commonly found in the Underdark, where they build fortresses and enslave other races to expand their kingdoms.
Isolated Locations:
Occasionally, Fomorian tyrants may establish hidden lairs in remote areas of Faerûn, away from the prying eyes of surface dwellers. In Faerûn, Fomorians represent the dark, twisted side of the Feywild. Their strength and cruelty make them formidable foes, feared and avoided by those who know of their existence.   Fomorians, known for their malevolent and twisted nature, typically reside in the Underdark, a place that suits their dark disposition. However, there are several compelling reasons why a Fomorian might venture away from their typical lairs in the Underdark and travel to a region like the Savage Frontier:  
Expansion of Territory:
Fomorians, driven by a desire for power and control, might seek to expand their dominion beyond the Underdark. The Savage Frontier, with its vast, untamed lands, offers new territories to conquer and control.  
Pursuit of Magical Power or Artifacts:
Fomorians have a strong affinity for magic, particularly of a dark and corrupting nature. They may venture out in search of powerful artifacts, ancient ruins, or sources of magical energy that could enhance their power or curses.  
Escaping Rivalries or Conflicts:
The Underdark is a place of constant strife and power struggles. A Fomorian might leave to escape a powerful enemy, a lost battle for dominance, or internal conflicts within their clan.  
Seeking Vengeance or Pursuing Enemies:
Fomorians may leave their lairs to pursue personal vendettas or enemies who have fled to the surface. Their wrath and desire for revenge can drive them across great distances.  
Recruitment of Allies or Minions:
In their quest for domination, Fomorians might seek new allies or minions to bolster their ranks. The Savage Frontier, with its diverse array of creatures and races, offers potential recruits for their nefarious schemes.  
Fulfilling Dark Prophecies or Commands:
Some Fomorians are deeply entrenched in dark cults or serve malevolent deities. They may be acting on a prophecy, a divine command, or a dark vision that guides them to the Savage Frontier.  
Trading with Surface Dwellers:
Despite their malevolent nature, Fomorians might engage in trade with surface dwellers, especially for rare resources or information not available in the Underdark.  
Exploration and Curiosity:
While not common, some Fomorians might be driven by a rare sense of curiosity about the surface world. The Savage Frontier, with its mysteries and ancient secrets, could appeal to this unusual trait.  
Environmental changes, powerful enemies, or major upheavals in the Underdark could force a Fomorian to seek refuge elsewhere. The Savage Frontier, being remote and dangerous, might provide a new home for such displaced beings.  
Summoning or Binding:
A Fomorian might be summoned or magically bound to serve a powerful individual or entity on the surface, compelling them to leave their native Underdark environment.      


Feared and Hated:
Due to their malevolent nature and penchant for cruelty, Fomorians are feared and hated by most races, especially by other fey beings.
Conflicts with Fey and Underdark Races:
They often come into conflict with eladrin, elves, and other inhabitants of the Feywild, as well as the various races of the Underdark.
Isolationist Tendencies:
Fomorians tend to be isolationists, interacting with other races only to conquer, enslave, or trade slaves and spoils of war.    

Physical Qualities

Deformed Appearance:
Once beautiful, Fomorians are now deformed and hideous. Their bodies are twisted, featuring asymmetrical and mismatched limbs and grotesque features.
Giant Stature:
Despite their deformities, they are giants, towering over most other races with immense physical strength.
Menacing Aura:
Their appearance is often accompanied by an aura of malevolence and cruelty, making them a terrifying sight.    

RP Guide

Cruel and Vindictive:
Portray the Fomorian's inherent cruelty and bitterness towards other races, particularly the fey.
Power-Hungry and Paranoid:
Emphasize their desire for power and control, coupled with a deep-seated paranoia about losing their position.
Brutal and Direct:
Fomorians are not known for subtlety. They are brutal in combat and straightforward in their interactions, often resorting to violence to solve problems.

Civilization and Culture


Fall from Grace:
Fomorians were once part of the beautiful and noble race of giants in the Feywild. Their vanity and greed led to their curse, transforming them into the monstrous beings they are today.
Reign of Terror:
Since their fall, they have established kingdoms in the Underdark, becoming known for their tyranny and cruelty.  


Ancient Fey Deities:
Some Fomorians might still hold onto the worship of ancient, now-forgotten fey deities, though their worship is often twisted and corrupted.
Dark Powers and Patrons:
Others may seek power through pacts with dark entities or powerful patrons in the Feywild or the Underdark, further enhancing their strength and magical abilities.   Fomorians, with their dark and twisted nature, are likely to worship deities that align with their malevolent and chaotic disposition. Here are some gods that Fomorians might revere:  
Known as the Chained God or the Elder Elemental Eye, Tharizdun is associated with destruction, madness, and darkness. His chaotic and destructive nature would appeal to the Fomorians' love for chaos and disorder.  
The primary deity of orcs, Gruumsh is the god of conquest, survival, strength, and territory. His ethos of strength and domination might resonate with the Fomorians' brutal and competitive society.  
As the goddess of the drow, deceit, and shadows, Lolth's penchant for manipulation and power plays could attract Fomorians who value cunning and subterfuge.  
The god of war and tyranny, Bane's focus on fear, control, and domination aligns well with the Fomorians' oppressive and tyrannical rule in their domains.  
The deity of kobolds, known for his cunning and vengeance, might be revered by Fomorians who feel a kinship with another race known for its subterranean lifestyle and enduring grudges.  
The deity of hate, envy, and slaughter, Erythnul embodies brutality and bloodshed, which could appeal to the more savage and warlike aspects of Fomorian culture.  
As the god of lies, Cyric might attract Fomorians interested in deceit and the manipulation of others for personal gain.  
The god of storms and destruction, Talos' wild and unpredictable nature could be appealing to Fomorians who revel in chaos and the raw power of the natural elements.   These deities represent aspects of power, control, chaos, and darkness, all of which resonate with the Fomorian ethos. Their worship practices would likely be cruel and involve dark rituals, reflecting their fierce and ruthless nature.


Kit Items
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes Of Werehyena
Eyes Of The Beast
Unequip Attached Eyes
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Left Eye
Left Eye (Animated)
Right Eye
Right Eye (Animated)
[C] Spider Tail II
[C] Spider Part
[C] Spider Tail III
koopa spiked arm bands
245 - 305 cm   Lifespan:
500   Starting Language(s):
Common, Giant, Undercommon   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic Evil   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -1 Charisma

Saving Throws:
-1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma

Damage Resistance:

+4 Breach, +4 Athletics, +4 Intimidation (Strength)


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Hit Points
+12 Hit Points
Brutish Cleave
Once per short rest, after landing a melee attack on a target, you may spend a reaction to use this ability against a separate target within 2 tiles of you. This ability uses a Strength+Hit modifier vs AC and deals 1d12+Strength true damage. This ability is NOT a melee attack and does not trigger hit effects such as Sneak Attack, Smite, Booming Blade, Hunter's Mark, etc.
Evil Eye
Once per long rest, as a full action, this creature may select a target within 10 tiles. This target must make a DC 14+Mastery Charisma Saving Throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d8+Mastery Psychic damage and suffers -1 to their strength and dexterity scores for 3 turns. On a successful save, the target takes half damage with no penalties.
Throw Stone
Once per short rest, this creature can throw a stone the size of a cow at a group of people. Pick a target within 8 tiles. That target and all targets within 1 tile of the thrown stone must make a DC 14+Mastery Dexterity save. On a failed save, targets take 2d8+Mastery Mundane Bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save, targets take half damage and remain standing.