Fox Hengeyokai

Race Information

"In the silvery light of the moon, under the watchful eyes of ancient trees, I tread softly, leaving only whispers in my wake. As a Fox Hengeyokai, I am the embodiment of cunning and grace, a creature of both the wild earth and the ethereal breeze. My heart beats to the rhythm of the hidden paths, my spirit dances in the shadows and light. I am the fleeting glimpse in the corner of your eye, the elusive mystery that flits just beyond reach. In the dance of the fox, I find my truth, ever elusive, forever free."
  Fox Hengeyokai are mystical beings known for their ability to shift between human and fox forms. In their human form, they may maintain certain fox-like traits, such as pointed ears or a bushy tail. Fox Hengeyokai are known for their cunning, agility, and often mischievous behavior. They typically dwell in areas where the natural world intersects with civilization, such as forest edges or rural villages. Due to their shape-shifting abilities and natural charm, they are adept at blending into human societies, though they often retain a deep connection to nature and a fondness for trickery and playful schemes.    


Nomadic and Clan-Based:
Fox Hengeyokai often form small, tight-knit clans or family groups. They usually lead a semi-nomadic lifestyle, moving between the fringes of human settlements and the wilds.  
Strong Connection to Nature:
Their society is deeply rooted in a respect for nature and the natural order. They often inhabit forests, hills, or rural areas where they can maintain a close connection to the land.  
Tricksters and Storytellers:
Fox Hengeyokai value wit and cleverness. Their society cherishes storytelling, where tales of tricks, clever escapades, and encounters with humans and other creatures are popular.  
Hierarchies Based on Cunning:
Social structures in their society may be based more on cunning and wisdom rather than physical strength or age. The most clever and astute among them are often respected as leaders or advisors.  
Guardians of Balance:
They may see themselves as guardians of balance between the natural world and human civilization, intervening when one threatens to overwhelm the other.  


  Fox Hengeyokai can be found in various parts of Faerûn, particularly in regions with abundant natural beauty and a strong presence of magic. Forests like the High Forest, the Misty Forest, or the Wood of Sharp Teeth are likely havens. They may also be drawn to areas bordering the Feywild, such as the Moonshae Isles or the forests near Evereska, where the veil between worlds is thin, and the fey influence is strong.   A Fox Hengeyokai in the Savage Frontier, a wild and untamed region in the northwest of Faerûn, could be there for a variety of reasons that align with their intrinsic qualities and life goals. Here are some potential reasons for their presence:  
Exploring Natural Wilderness:
The Savage Frontier is known for its vast and diverse landscapes, from dense forests to rugged mountains. Fox Hengeyokai, with their deep connection to nature, might be drawn to explore and experience these wild areas, feeling a kinship with the untamed land.  
Seeking Solitude or Refuge:
The remote and less populated areas of the Savage Frontier offer a perfect retreat for those seeking solitude or refuge from more densely populated regions. Fox Hengeyokai, valuing their independence and privacy, might choose this region as a place to live undisturbed.  
Studying Local Flora and Fauna:
The diverse ecosystems of the Savage Frontier provide a rich opportunity for studying various plants and animals. Fox Hengeyokai with an interest in naturalism or druidic practices might find this area ideal for their research and growth.  
Feywild Connections:
Parts of the Savage Frontier are known to have thin boundaries with the Feywild. Fox Hengeyokai, particularly those with a strong connection to the fey, might be drawn to these areas to explore these connections or to interact with fey beings.  
Adventuring and Exploration:
The region's reputation for hidden treasures, ancient ruins, and mysterious locales makes it a magnet for adventurers. Fox Hengeyokai, with their curiosity and love for adventure, might be drawn to the Savage Frontier in search of excitement and discovery.  
Guardianship of Sacred Sites:
The Savage Frontier is home to many sacred and mystical sites. Fox Hengeyokai, who often feel a duty to protect natural and magical sanctuaries, might inhabit these areas as guardians or caretakers.  
Escaping Persecution:
Due to their unique nature, Fox Hengeyokai might face misunderstanding or persecution in more civilized lands. The Savage Frontier offers a place where they can be free from such societal constraints and prejudices.  
Following a Personal Quest:
A Fox Hengeyokai might be in the Savage Frontier following a personal quest or prophecy, which could be related to their heritage, a rite of passage, or a spiritual journey.  
Trading and Commerce:
While not typically known for bustling markets, the Savage Frontier does have trade routes and interactions with various cultures. Fox Hengeyokai with a knack for trade or a desire to interact with diverse groups might find opportunities here, using their adaptability and cunning in commerce.  
Cultural or Ancestral Ties:
Some Fox Hengeyokai may have ancestral or cultural ties to the region. They might be returning to or exploring their roots, seeking to reconnect with the land or communities from which their lineage originated.  
Mystical Research:
The Savage Frontier, with its ancient magic and legendary history, is a goldmine for those interested in arcane and mystical studies. Fox Hengeyokai with a penchant for magic might be investigating these mysteries.  
Hermitage or Spiritual Retreat:
For those seeking a spiritual retreat or a hermit's life, the rugged and remote areas of the Savage Frontier offer an ideal setting. Fox Hengeyokai seeking deeper self-understanding, meditation, or ascetic practices might find solitude here.    


Fox Hengeyokai are generally cautious in their interactions with other races, often preferring to observe from a distance before engaging. They may form friendships with races that have a deep respect for nature, such as Elves or Druids. Their trickster nature might lead to playful or mischievous interactions with humans and Halflings. However, they might be wary of races they perceive as destructive to nature, like certain industrial-minded Dwarves or expansionist Human societies.   Fox Hengeyokai, with their unique qualities and perspectives, might view other races in Faerûn through a lens shaped by their nature as shape-shifters and their affinity for both the natural and the mystical. Here's a general outlook they might have towards various races:  
Fox Hengeyokai might view humans with a blend of fascination and caution. They could admire human adaptability and creativity, but also be wary of their tendency to expand and transform the natural world, often at the cost of natural harmony.  
Elves and Half-Elves:
Elves, with their deep connection to nature and the arcane, are likely to be viewed favorably by Fox Hengeyokai. They might see elves as kin in spirit, especially those who dwell in and protect forests. Half-elves, straddling two worlds, might evoke a sense of kinship due to shared experiences of living between cultures.  
Dwarves, known for their craftsmanship and connection to the earth, might be respected for their skill and strength of character. However, Fox Hengeyokai might also view them with some apprehension due to their tendency to alter the landscape through mining and construction.  
The light-hearted and home-loving nature of Halflings could be endearing to Fox Hengeyokai. They might appreciate the Halflings' ability to find joy in simple things and their strong sense of community.  
Gnomes’ curiosity, inventiveness, and affinity for magic could be highly intriguing to Fox Hengeyokai. They might view gnomes as fellow tricksters and innovators, appreciating their whimsical nature and creative minds.  
Tieflings, often outsiders in society, might evoke empathy from Fox Hengeyokai. They could relate to the Tieflings’ experience of being misunderstood and the strength it takes to walk one's own path in spite of challenges.  
The strong sense of honor and the draconic heritage of Dragonborn could be both intriguing and intimidating to Fox Hengeyokai. They might respect the Dragonborn's commitment to their principles but feel somewhat distant due to the Dragonborn's typically straightforward and less whimsical nature.  
Orcs and Half-Orcs:
Orcs and Half-Orcs, often judged by their appearance and strength, might be seen in a sympathetic light by Fox Hengeyokai, who understand what it's like to be misjudged. They might admire their strength and resilience while being cautious of their sometimes aggressive demeanor.  
Aasimar, with their celestial heritage, might be viewed with a sense of wonder or curiosity. Fox Hengeyokai could be intrigued by the contrast between their own often earthy, fey-like nature and the Aasimar's connection to the celestial realms.  
The Goliaths' strength and survival skills, especially in harsh environments, might be respected by Fox Hengeyokai. However, their direct and sometimes confrontational nature might contrast with the more subtle and cunning approach of the Fox Hengeyokai.    

Physical Qualities

Fox Hengeyokai have the unique ability to shift between a human form, a fox form, and a hybrid of both. In their human form, they often retain subtle fox-like features, such as pointed ears or eyes with slitted pupils. Their fox form is indistinguishable from a regular fox, allowing them to blend into natural settings easily. The hybrid form combines the agility and senses of a fox with the upright posture and dexterity of a human, making them formidable in various situations.    

RP Guide

Cunning and Witty:
Emphasize your character’s cleverness and quick thinking. Fox Hengeyokai are known for their wit and ability to think on their feet.  
Playful Trickster:
Enjoy harmless pranks and tricks, especially those that outsmart others or reveal hidden truths.  
Dual Nature:
Balance the duality of your nature - the wild, instinctive side from your fox form, and the more reasoned, social side from your human form.  
Charming but Elusive:
Be sociable and charismatic, yet maintain an air of mystery. You might avoid revealing too much about yourself or your origins.

Civilization and Culture


The history of Fox Hengeyokai in Faerûn is likely shrouded in mystery and folklore. They may have originated from a convergence of the natural world with magical or fey influences, making them intrinsic parts of the land's history. Their lore might include tales of cunning heroes, wise tricksters, and shape-shifting guardians of nature, intertwining with the myths and legends of the regions they inhabit.  


Fox Hengeyokai might be drawn to deities associated with nature, trickery, and change. Gods and goddesses like Mielikki (goddess of forests), Silvanus (god of wild nature), or even Erevan Ilesere (elven deity of mischief) might appeal to their sensibilities. Their religious practices could be informal and personal, reflecting their deep connection to the natural and spiritual world.   Fox Hengeyokai in Faerûn, with their deep connection to nature, trickery, and adaptability, might be inclined to worship deities that reflect these aspects. Some gods that might be particularly revered by Fox Hengeyokai include:  
The Goddess of Forests and Forest Creatures, Mielikki's domain encompasses the natural world that many Fox Hengeyokai hold dear. Her emphasis on harmony with nature aligns well with their lifestyle and beliefs.  
Known as the Oak Father, Silvanus is the god of wild nature and druids. He represents the primeval and uncontrolled aspects of nature, which might appeal to the more untamed side of the Fox Hengeyokai spirit.  
Erevan Ilesere:
As the elven deity of mischief, change, and trickery, Erevan Ilesere could resonate strongly with the Fox Hengeyokai's cunning and playful nature. His whimsical and unpredictable nature aligns well with the trickster aspect of the Fox Hengeyokai.  
Corellon Larethian:
The patron deity of elves, Corellon represents magic, beauty, and the arts. Fox Hengeyokai who appreciate the beauty and magic of nature might find a kinship with Corellon's teachings.  
Hanali Celanil:
As the elven goddess of love, beauty, and art, Hanali Celanil could be worshipped by those Fox Hengeyokai who seek to embrace and protect the beauty in the world, both in nature and in relationships.  
Known as the Queen of Talking Beasts, Lurue is a deity who might appeal to Fox Hengeyokai due to her connection with intelligent magical creatures. Her kind and compassionate nature would be attractive to those who seek a deeper understanding and kinship with the creatures of the natural world.  
Goddess of illusion and deception, Leira’s domain over trickery and illusions might appeal to the more cunning and deceptive nature of some Fox Hengeyokai, especially those who use their abilities for stealth and subterfuge.  
The God of Knowledge, Invention, and Bards, Oghma could be revered by Fox Hengeyokai who value the pursuit of knowledge and the power of information. His domain includes the innovation and creativity that many Fox Hengeyokai might find appealing.  
The Goddess of the Moon and Stars, Selûne's ever-changing nature and her role as a guardian against the darkness could resonate with Fox Hengeyokai who find comfort in the night and the celestial.


Kit Items
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of the beast (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Shapeshifting (Fox)
Shapeshifting (Silver Fox)
Shapeshifting (Black Fox)
Kitsune Mask II (Attached)
Kitsune Mask III (Attached)
Kitsune Mask V (Attached)
Kitsune Wig With Ears (Attached)
Kitsune Ears (Attached)
Kitsune Wig (Attached)
Kitsune Wig [No Hair Removal](Attached)
Kitsune Wig With Ears [No Hair Removal](Attached)
flooftail 2
Fox Tail (Attached-Animated)
Fox Tail Silver (Attached-Animated)
Fox Tail Black (Attached-Animated)
Fur Ears1
Fur Ears2
Fur Ears3
Fox Ears (Attached)
Fox Ears
fox ears1
Fox Ears [A]
Fox Ears II [A]
[C]Furry Ears
Kitsune Ears [A]
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
paws v1
paws v2
Wolf Tail (Attached-Animated)
Wolf Tail Black (Attached-Animated)
Wolf Tail White (Attached-Animated)
Fangs Inside (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Pointy Fangs [A]
Masquerade Wolf
Masquerade Fox
Kitsune Mask (Attached)
neck floof
Neck Fur White [A]
Neck Fur Black [A]
Neck Fur Grey [A]
Neck Fur Brown [A]
(JCACC) Fox V1 Tail
(JCACC) Fox V1 Ear Left
(JCACC) Fox V1 Ear Right
(A) Foxtail V.1
(T) Foxtail V.1 - Moveable
(A) Foxtail V.2
(T) Foxtail V.2 - Moveable
(A) Foxtail V.3
(T) Foxtail V.3 - Moveable
(A) Foxtail V.4
(T) Foxtail V.4 - Moveable
150 - 180 cm (Hybrid Form)   Lifespan:
500 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Sylvan   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic, Neutral   Racial Tension(s):
Monstrous Races


Ability Scores:

Saving Throws:
+1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence

Damage Resistance:

+2 Escape Artist, +2 Stealth


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Animal Form
This creature gains access to the small animal form druid wild shape and one additional charge of wild shape. Your animial form is a small fox.
Humanoid Form
This creature has an alternative physcial visage that they can wear. They have ONE polymorph form that may be changed on a monthly basis through a ticket.
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Minor Illusion.