
Race Information

Gnomes are known for their small stature, keen intellect, and innate magical abilities. Two common gnome subraces are Rock Gnomes and Forest Gnomes. Both subraces share a love for humor, a penchant for detailed craftsmanship, and a fondness for the comforts of home and community.  


Rock Gnomes:
Rock Gnomes, often known as Tinker Gnomes and incorrectly referred to as Svirfneblin, are a prominent subrace of gnomes in Faerûn, celebrated for their inventiveness, metalworking mastery, and intricate mechanical creations.  
Forest Gnomes:
Forest Gnomes, distinct from their Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin) counterparts, are a secretive and reclusive subrace of gnomes in Faerûn. Renowned for their affinity with nature and skill in illusion magic, they excel at remaining unseen and unheard.    


Gnomes highly value community and family, often living in close-knit groups where everyone knows each other.  
Lover of Knowledge and Innovation:
They have a natural inclination toward learning, with a particular emphasis on invention and discovery.  
Joyful and Humorous:
Gnome societies are known for their joyfulness and sense of humor. Festivals, storytelling, and jokes are integral parts of their culture.   Rock Gnomes
Inventive and Ingenious:
Rock Gnome communities are often centered around crafting and engineering, with workshops being common.  
Structured and Organized:
Their settlements are well-organized, reflecting their methodical approach to life and work.  
Trade and Innovation:
Rock Gnomes engage in trade, particularly of their inventions and crafted goods, with other races and communities.   Forest Gnomes
Nature-Centric and Hidden:
Forest Gnomes live in harmony with nature, often in hidden or secluded villages in wooded areas.  
Illusion and Trickery:
They are adept in illusion magic, which they use for protection, entertainment, and in harmony with nature.  
Guardians of the Wild:
They see themselves as protectors of their forest homes and the creatures that reside within.  


  Rock Gnomes
Rock Gnomes can be found across Faerûn, particularly in:  
This technological hub in the Trackless Sea is a center for gnome innovation.  
Sword Mountains:
Located near Waterdeep, these mountains provide secluded homes for gnome communities.  
The Great Rift:
A region in Eastern Shaar, home to subterranean races including rock gnomes.  
Sunset Mountains:
East of Amn, these mountains offer extensive cave systems for gnome settlements.  
Ice Mountains:
In the far north, ideal for gnomes seeking solitude.  
Star Mounts:
Within the High Forest, these mountains house secluded gnome communities.   Forest Gnomes
Forest Gnomes are found in a multitude of places, including:  
The High Forest:
A vast woodland in northwest Faerûn, providing an ideal habitat with its size and dense growth.  
The Cloak Wood:
Located south of Baldur's Gate, this mysterious forest offers secluded spaces suitable for forest gnome settlements.  
The Chondalwood:
In the Chondath and Sespech regions, this diverse forest likely houses forest gnome communities.  
The Cormanthor:
East of the Moonsea, this magical forest is a potential home for forest gnomes.  
The Forest of Lethyr:
Situated in northeastern Faerûn, known for its fey inhabitants and possibly forest gnome populations.    


Gnomes generally get along well with humans, admiring their versatility and energy. They often engage in trade and knowledge exchange with human communities.  
Gnomes share a love for nature with elves, especially Forest Gnomes. They respect elven magic and culture, often finding common ground in their appreciation for art and craftsmanship.  
Gnomes have a particular affinity for dwarves, especially Rock Gnomes, due to shared interests in craftsmanship and mining. Their societies often have strong trade relations.  
The light-hearted and jovial nature of Halflings resonates well with Gnomes. They often enjoy the company of Halflings and share similar values of community and peace.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Gnomes are generally cautious around orcs and goblinoids, given their typically aggressive nature. They prefer to avoid conflict and may use their cunning to evade such races.  
Gnomes might be intrigued by the unique nature of Dragonborn. They tend to respect Dragonborn for their strength and dragon heritage, often finding them fascinating.  
Tieflings and Aasimar:
Gnomes are typically open-minded and don't judge individuals based on their lineage. They are likely to be empathetic towards Tieflings and Aasimar, who often face prejudice.  
Other Gnomes:
Gnomes feel a strong sense of kinship with their kind, regardless of subrace. They share a deep understanding and often come together in times of need or celebration.  
Fey Races:
Gnomes, especially Forest Gnomes, have a natural affinity for Fey races due to their shared connection to nature and the magical world.  
Monstrous Races:
Gnomes are cautious around traditionally monstrous races but are not quick to judge. They prefer peaceful interactions and may extend friendship if there’s no threat.    

Physical Qualities

Rock Gnomes
Rock Gnomes are small, usually between 3 to 3.5 feet tall, with earth-toned skin ranging from dark tan to woody brown. They typically have blue or green eyes and hair in shades of brown, black, gray, or white.   Forest Gnomes
The smallest gnome subrace, Forest Gnomes stand around 2.5 to 3 feet tall. Their skin tones blend with forest environments, ranging from earthy browns to mossy greens, and their hair varies from browns and blondes to greens.  

RP Guide

Rock Gnomes
Inventive Spirit:
Emphasize your character's creativity and fascination with machinery and devices.  
Your gnome might be deeply involved in their local community, valuing family and shared traditions.  
Portray a character who enjoys humor and light-heartedness, often engaging in friendly jokes and pranks.  
Artisan Skills:
Reflect their proficiency in crafting, particularly metalworking and gem cutting.  
Magic Affinity:
Incorporate their natural inclination towards illusion magic in your roleplay.  
Showcase their inquisitiveness and love for learning new things.  
Interactions with Other Races:
While friendly, your character might exhibit caution or curiosity towards other races, depending on their upbringing and experiences.     Forest Gnomes
Emphasize your character's deep bond with the natural world, including a strong understanding and respect for the forest and its denizens.  
Reserved Demeanor:
Portray a character who is shy and prefers solitude or the company of trusted kin over larger social settings.  
Bravery in Defense:
Despite their size, highlight your character's courage, especially when their home or loved ones are threatened.  
Illusion Magic:
Utilize illusion magic creatively, reflecting your character's natural affinity for this arcane aspect.  
Animal Companionship:
Consider having a small animal companion or demonstrating a special rapport with forest creatures.  
Cautious Interactions:
Depict wariness towards larger races while showing potential for deep connections with those who respect their lifestyle.  
Artisanal Skills:
Showcase craftsmanship in wood and natural materials, celebrating the beauty and utility of these creations.

Civilization and Culture


Originating from the Feywild, a realm of faerie magic, gnomes eventually migrated to Faerûn where they established themselves in various environments, with Rock Gnomes favoring hilly, rocky terrains for their inventive burrows and workshops, and Forest Gnomes dwelling within secluded woodland areas. Gnomes are known for their discreet yet influential presence throughout history, often staying out of larger conflicts while focusing on their communities, crafting, and the study of arcane arts.    


  Rock Gnomes often worship Garl Glittergold, the gnome deity of trickery, protection, and gem cutting, whose playful nature mirrors their own. Forest Gnomes are spiritual, often worshipping Baervan Wildwanderer, the gnome god of forests, travel, and nature. Their religious practices are community-centric and nature-focused.   Gnomes in Faerûn, known for their whimsical nature, love of invention, and deep connection to the natural world, often worship deities that reflect these aspects of their culture. Both forest and rock gnomes have a pantheon that emphasizes creativity, craftsmanship, trickery, and the protection of the natural environment. Here are some of the deities that gnomes typically revere:  
Garl Glittergold:
The chief deity of the gnome pantheon, Garl Glittergold is known as the Joker, the Watchful Protector, and the Priceless Gem. He represents humor, wit, gemcutting, and smithing. Garl is celebrated for his cleverness and pranks, embodying the quintessential gnome spirit of humor and good-natured mischief.  
Baervan Wildwanderer:
The god of forests, travel, and nature, Baervan is particularly revered by forest gnomes. He is seen as a protector of the natural world and a guide for those traveling through wild lands.  
Callarduran Smoothhands:
The Deep Brother, patron of deep gnomes (Svirfneblin), represents mining, stone carving, and the Underdark. He is also a deity of earth and nature, albeit in a more subterranean aspect.  
Flandal Steelskin:
The god of metalwork and smithing, Flandal is worshipped by gnomes who are skilled in these crafts. He embodies the artistry and craftsmanship that are highly valued in gnome culture.  
Segojan Earthcaller:
This deity is revered as the master of earth and stone, guardian of the dead, and a patron of burrowing creatures. Segojan’s domain covers many elements that are central to gnome life, especially their affinity for the land and underground spaces.  
The Crawler Below is a more malevolent figure in gnome mythology, embodying greed, envy, and the destructive aspects of the earth. Urdlen is often seen as a warning against the darker aspects of gnome nature.  
Baravar Cloakshadow:
The Trickster for the Trickster’s sake, Baravar is the gnome deity of illusions, protection, and deception. He is revered for his cunning and his ability to outsmart others.


Kit Items
elfears smallmk1
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
elfears smallmk2
90 - 120cm   Lifespan:
500 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Gnomish   Suggested Alignment:
Good, Chaotic   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+1 Intelligence

Saving Throws:
+1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom

Damage Resistance:



This creature can see in the dark.
This creature may move through other creatures in combat as if they were not there. This does not protect this creature from Attacks of Opportunity.
Spell Points
+4 Spell Points
Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the below fluff spells:

Forest Gnome
Minor Illusion

Rock Gnome
Mold Earth
Touch of Gond