
Race Information

Goblins are a small, green-skinned race of humanoid creatures known for their cunning, resourcefulness, and propensity for mischief. Common throughout Faerûn, they are often found in dark forests, mountainous areas, and underground lairs. Goblins are a key part of the goblinoid races, which also include hobgoblins and bugbears.    


Clan-Based Structure:
Goblin society is typically organized into clans or tribes, led by the strongest or most cunning member, often a chief or a shaman.  
Survivalist and Opportunistic:
Goblins are known for their ability to survive in harsh environments. They are scavengers and opportunists, making the most of what they can find or steal.  
Hierarchical and Competitive:
Their society is highly hierarchical and competitive, with constant power struggles and challenges to authority.  
Lack of Permanent Settlements:
Goblins rarely build permanent settlements, preferring makeshift camps or taking over abandoned structures. They are known for their ability to quickly adapt to and infest new areas.    


Goblins can be found in various regions across Faerûn, from the deep woods of the High Forest to the rocky terrain of the Sword Mountains.  
The Sword Coast:
This region, known for its tumultuous and pirate-infested waters, often harbors goblins in its more remote areas, such as caves and old ruins.  
The High Forest:
A vast and ancient forest, it is home to numerous creatures, including goblins who often establish hidden encampments.  
The Underdark:
This network of caverns is a common place for goblins, especially those serving under the rule of more powerful denizens like drow or mind flayers.  
The Mountains of the North:
Rugged and harsh, these mountain ranges are often home to goblin lairs and are a common setting for adventurers to encounter these creatures.  
This forest in the North is another typical habitat for goblins, who exploit its density and remoteness to hide from more powerful foes.    


Mistrusted by Other Races:
Goblins are often mistrusted and disliked by other races due to their reputation for thievery, trickery, and general mischief.  
Alliances with Other Goblinoids:
They frequently ally with other goblinoid races, such as hobgoblins and bugbears, for protection and to achieve common goals.  
Conflict with Civilized Races:
Goblins often come into conflict with humans, elves, and dwarves, as they raid their settlements for resources and territory.    

Physical Qualities

Small and Agile:
Goblins are smaller than humans, usually around 3 to 4 feet tall, with a lean and wiry build that makes them agile and quick.  
Distinctive Green Skin:
They have green skin, ranging in shade from olive to dark forest green.  
Sharp Features:
Their facial features are sharp and pointed, with large ears and beady eyes that often gleam with mischief or malice.      

RP Guide

Crafty and Sly:
Emphasize their cunning and resourcefulness. Goblins are quick thinkers, especially when it comes to survival.  
Mischievous and Greedy:
Goblins often have a mischievous nature and are driven by greed. They are attracted to shiny objects and easy gains.  
Cautious and Cowardly:
While goblins can be brave in groups, they are generally cautious and can be cowardly when alone or outmatched.  
Loyal to the Clan:
Despite their selfish nature, goblins are fiercely loyal to their clan and will defend it against outsiders.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient and Ubiquitous:
Goblins have been a part of Faerûn’s history for millennia, appearing in ancient texts and folklore.  
Roles in Goblinoid Wars:
Goblins have often played key roles in goblinoid wars and conflicts, serving as foot soldiers and scouts.  
Adaptation and Survival:
Throughout history, goblins have shown a remarkable ability to adapt and survive in various environments, from forests to underground caverns.    


Worship of Goblinoid Deities:
Goblins typically worship goblinoid gods, such as Maglubiyet, the chief deity of goblinoids, known as the Mighty One or High Chieftain. Shamans and Religious Rituals: Goblin shamans play a significant role in their society, leading religious rituals and acting as intermediaries with their gods.   In the world of Faerûn, goblins, like many other creatures, have their own set of deities that they are inclined to worship. These deities often reflect the goblins' characteristics, values, and lifestyle. Here are some deities from the Faerûnian pantheon that goblins might revere:  
Known as the Mighty One or the High Chieftain, Maglubiyet is the primary deity of the goblinoid races, including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. He is a god of war and leadership, often depicted as a mighty goblinoid warrior. His worship involves rituals of strength, conquest, and subjugation, resonating well with the often militant and hierarchical nature of goblin society.  
Khurgorbaeyag is the goblin god of slavery, oppression, and morale. He is often worshiped by goblin slavers and overseers. His teachings reinforce the goblins' natural inclination towards hierarchical structures and the subjugation of the weak, either within their own ranks or among other races.  
Known as the Peacekeeper, Bargrivyek is a somewhat unusual deity in the goblin pantheon. He promotes cooperation and unity among goblins, a trait that is rare but crucial for the survival of goblin communities. His worship might be more prevalent among goblins seeking to build stronger, more cohesive societies.  
Although primarily the god of bugbears, Hruggek's domain of hunting and combat prowess can also appeal to goblins, especially those who revere strength and martial skill.  
As the patron deity of hobgoblins, Nomog-Geaya is revered for his discipline and martial prowess. Goblins living in close association with hobgoblins, or under their rule, might also pay homage to Nomog-Geaya, aligning themselves with the militaristic and disciplined aspects of hobgoblin culture.  
The god of hunting, senses, and stealth, Grankhul is another deity whose domains align well with the skill sets of many goblins, particularly those who rely on stealth and cunning to survive and thrive.


Kit Items
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
elfears smallmk3
Goblin Ear A [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [R]
Goblin Ear A [L]
Goblin Ear B [R]
Goblin Ear B [L]
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Left
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Right
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
Elf Right
Elf Left
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of the beast (Attached)
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Fangs (Attached)
Fangs Inside (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Pointy Fangs [A]
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
90 - 120cm   Lifespan:
60 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Goblin   Suggested Alignment:
Neutral, Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific


Ability Scores:
+1 Dexterity

Saving Throws:
+1 Dexterity

Damage Resistance:

+2 Stealth, +2 Athletics


This creature can see in the dark.
+2 Against Charm Effects
This creature gets +2 on saves against charm effects.
Surprise Attack
Once per short rest, this creature can deal 1d6+Mastery extra true damage as a free action after hitting a target for the first time in combat. This ability can be used with sneak attack.