Gold Dwarf

Race Information

Gold Dwarves, a distinguished dwarven subrace in Faerûn, are celebrated for their resilience, earthy connection, and rich cultural heritage.  


Gold Dwarves live in a structured society governed by a monarchy, where a king or queen rules with the support of a council comprising nobles and advisors. This council oversees trade, military affairs, and legal matters. The society values family, honor, and tradition, organizing itself into clans led by a clan leader.   The society of Gold Dwarves is deeply religious, with a majority worshipping the Morndinsamman, particularly Moradin, the god of creation, and Berronar Truesilver, goddess of hearth and home.   Known for their mining, metalworking, and stonework skills, Gold Dwarves craft exceptional weapons, armor, and jewelry. Their architectural and engineering talents are showcased in their creations within the Great Rift.   Their military is well-trained and disciplined, excelling in heavy armor combat with an emphasis on siege weaponry and magical artillery. Their fortifications are among Faerûn's most robust.  


Primarily residing in the Great Rift, their cities like Underhome exemplify their architectural prowess. They are also present in the Giant’s Run Mountains, the Eastern Shaar, and the Sunset Mountains. Outside these areas, they engage in trade, exploration, or as representatives of their culture in Faerûn.    


Gold Dwarves are typically wary of outsiders but maintain amicable relations with other dwarven subraces and trade with humans, elves, and halflings. They have a longstanding rivalry with the drow.  

Physical Qualities

They are shorter and sturdier than most dwarves, with golden-hued skin and dark hair and eyes. Known for their endurance, they are formidable in strength and resilience.  

RP Guide

  • Uphold a strong work ethic and dedication to craftsmanship.
  • Show deep respect for clan customs and traditions.
  • Exhibit a stoic demeanor and practical approach to problems.
  • Be wary of outsiders, slowly building trust over time.
  • Demonstrate a strong sense of community and familial loyalty.
  • Showcase expertise in crafting, particularly in metal and stone.

  • Civilization and Culture


    Gold Dwarves have a history marked by resilience against Underdark dangers and conflicts. Their craftsmanship, especially in gems and metals, and their fortified cities reflect their enduring spirit.  


    Their devout nature typically involves worship of the Morndinsamman, particularly Moradin and Berronar Truesilver.


    Kit Items
    Dwarven Beard
    Dwarven Beard (Attached)
    Dwarven Beard Black (Attached)
    Dwarven Beard Goldenrod (Attached)
    Dwarven Beard Fiery Red (Attached)
    Beard 1 Vanilla (Attached)
    Beard 2 Vanilla (Attached)
    Beard 3 Vanilla (Attached)
    Unequip Attached Beard
    Beard 01 Black (a)
    Beard Dwarf (a)
    120 - 130cm   Lifespan:
    350 Years   Starting Language(s):
    Common, Dwarvish   Suggested Alignment:
    Any   Racial Tension(s):
    Goblinoids, Orcs, Drow


    Ability Scores:
    +1 Constitution

    Saving Throws:
    +1 Wisdom

    Damage Resistance:

    +2 Willpower, +2 Insight


    This creature can see in the dark.