
Race Information

"In the shadows of Faerun's towering peaks, we goliaths stand tall. Our strength is forged in the fires of adversity, our hearts tempered by the unyielding mountain winds. We embrace the challenge, for it is through struggle that we truly come alive." - Kavitha Stonebreaker, Goliath Warden of the Spine of the World
In Faerun, Goliaths are a formidable, nomadic race of towering humanoids, renowned for their immense strength, remarkable endurance, and a culture that thrives on competition and resilience. They dwell in remote, mountainous regions, valuing independence, skillfulness, and the relentless pursuit of overcoming challenges.    


Structured in tribal communities, Goliath society prioritizes strong leadership and equitable conduct. Every member is expected to contribute to the tribe's survival, fostering a culture where self-reliance and personal prowess are highly esteemed. Competition and physical challenges are a way of life, with survival viewed as the ultimate test of one's capabilities.   Leadership is earned through merit rather than inheritance, with the most robust and competent individuals assuming command. These leaders are tasked with using their strength for communal benefit. Goliaths deeply respect fairness and hard-earned achievements, admiring those who showcase exceptional skills and physical abilities.   Their environment necessitates a culture of self-sufficiency, as their mountainous homes often provide limited resources. The tribe has little tolerance for those unable to contribute, reflecting a practical approach to their challenging living conditions.   Competitive in nature, Goliaths relish the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities, embracing every task as a potential contest. This directness and action-oriented mindset often eschew diplomacy for straightforward confrontation. Deviance from tribal expectations or exhibiting harmful tendencies can lead to expulsion or worse, pursuit and exile.  


The Spine of the World:
This is a prominent mountain range in the northern part of Faerûn. Its harsh and rugged terrain is a suitable home for the hardy goliaths.  
The Ice Spires:
Located near the Spine of the World, these icy peaks are another favored region for goliaths. The extreme cold and challenging environment suit their survivalist nature.  
The Sword Mountains:
Situated near the Sword Coast, this mountain range is known for its steep peaks and valleys. Goliath tribes can be found here, living a nomadic lifestyle.  
The Stonelands:
This rocky, rugged area north of the Moonsea is known for its harsh terrain. Goliaths here are well-adapted to the challenging environment.  
The Earthspur Mountains:
Found in the northeastern part of Faerûn, this range is known for its towering peaks and deep valleys. Goliaths live here, often in secluded, high-altitude villages.  
The Giant's Run Mountains:
These mountains form a natural barrier in central Faerûn and are another potential habitat for goliath tribes.    


Goliaths, due to their isolated habitats and demanding lifestyles, are perceived as reclusive. They naturally gravitate towards races like dwarves, who embody similar traits of strength and resilience. Their interactions with other races are typically neutral, assessing them based on their capabilities rather than racial backgrounds.   Goliaths have distinct views on other races shaped by their culture, which emphasizes strength, self-sufficiency, and competition. Here's an overview:  
Goliaths might view humans as adaptable and resourceful, but perhaps lacking in physical strength. They could respect their tenacity and ability to thrive in various environments.  
The strength, resilience, and craftsmanship of dwarves are likely to be respected by Goliaths. They might see similarities in their love for mountainous terrains and a strong sense of clan and tradition.  
Goliaths could perceive elves as graceful and skilled, but possibly frail or overly concerned with matters that Goliaths find less practical, such as art and magic.  
Halflings and Gnomes:
These smaller races might be viewed as somewhat inconsequential or weak due to their size. However, Goliaths could also appreciate their quick wit, agility, and resourcefulness.  
Goliaths and Half-Orcs might find common ground in their physical prowess and straightforward approach to life. They might respect Half-Orcs' strength and resilience.  
The physical might and draconic heritage of Dragonborn could command respect from Goliaths. They might see them as worthy competitors or allies.  
Tieflings and Aasimar:
Goliaths may be indifferent to the celestial or infernal lineage of these races, focusing more on their physical and personal merits.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Goliaths might see these races as potential rivals or threats, especially if their territories overlap. They would respect their strength but be wary of their often aggressive and warlike nature.  
Other Goliaths:
Among their own kind, Goliaths value competition, strength, and the ability to contribute to the group. Respect is earned through deeds and strength.  
Monstrous Races:
Goliaths may have a straightforward approach to dealing with creatures like giants or trolls - they are either a threat to be challenged or a force to be respected for their power.    

Physical Qualities

Goliaths are massive, standing 7 to 8 feet tall and weighing around 280 to 340 pounds. Their bodies are armored with lithoderms, providing natural protection. Their skin is grayish with darker mottlings, and their eyes are typically dark and piercing. Goliaths generally have little to no hair, with males often displaying prominent facial hair.    

RP Guide

Roleplaying a Goliath involves immersing oneself in their unique cultural and physical attributes:  
Strength and Skill:
Emphasize your Goliath's physical prowess and adeptness in their chosen field, be it combat, survival skills, or artistic endeavors.
Love for Competition:
Portray a competitive spirit, turning even mundane tasks into challenges. Respect for fair play and acknowledgment of worthy opponents should be evident.
Self-Reliance and Survival:
Illustrate your character's independence and ability to endure tough conditions. They should be comfortable in rugged environments and capable of contributing significantly to their group.
Direct Communication:
Goliaths value honesty and straightforwardness. Your character might be blunt in interactions, struggling with subtlety or intricate diplomacy.
Reverence for Nature:
Reflect a deep respect for the natural world, especially mountainous terrains, and a connection to elemental forces or land spirits.
Tribal Loyalty:
Show a strong sense of commitment to your group, seeing them as an extension of your tribal family.
Physical Distinctiveness:
Utilize the Goliath's towering stature and unique features in interactions, considering how their size influences their perspective and relationships with others.
Approach to Other Races:
Display a tendency to judge individuals based on their strength and contributions, regardless of racial lineage.

Civilization and Culture


Goliaths have a history defined by adaptation to harsh mountain environments, developing physical and mental fortitude to thrive in such settings. Their culture is a reflection of this continuous quest for self-improvement and excellence.  


Goliaths often revere the natural world and elemental forces rather than a specific pantheon. They may pay respect to mountain spirits or entities symbolizing the raw power of nature.   Known for their mountainous homes and a culture that values strength, skill, and self-sufficiency, Goliaths typically worship deities that embody these traits and have a connection to nature, particularly mountains and the sky. Here are some deities in the Faerûnian pantheon that Goliaths might worship:  
Kavaki, the Ram-Lord:
A deity specific to the Goliath pantheon, Kavaki is revered as the god of the sun, sky, and weather. He represents the harshness and the beauty of the mountain environments where Goliaths live.  
The giant deity of sun, sky, weather, and joy, Stronmaus is a natural fit for Goliath worship. His domain over the sky and cheerful demeanor resonate with the Goliaths' high-altitude lifestyle and their respect for the elements.  
Thard Harr:
A deity of the wild dwarves, Thard Harr is also the lord of jungle survival and hunting. While more closely associated with jungle environments, his aspects of survival and hunting can appeal to the Goliaths' respect for self-reliance and skill in hunting.  
A giant goddess who represents nature, agriculture, and family, Hiatea could be revered by Goliaths who value the aspects of community and the nurturing of their harsh natural environment.  
The god of physical strength and the patron of barbarians, Uthgar is revered by many human tribes in the northern regions. Goliaths who value strength and prowess in battle might also respect and worship Uthgar.  
Known as the Oak Father, Silvanus is the god of wild nature and druids. Goliaths who have a deep connection to the natural world, especially the more untamed aspects of it, might revere Silvanus.  
The god of war, Tempus is worshiped by warriors across Faerûn. Goliaths, with their cultural emphasis on proving strength and skill in combat, may find a strong affinity with Tempus.


Kit Items
Eyes of Ymir (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Green (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
213 - 243 cm   Lifespan:
80 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Giant   Suggested Alignment:
Neutral, Lawful   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+1 Strength

Saving Throws:
+1 Constitution

Damage Resistance:

+2 Athletics, +2 Resilience


Stone's Endurance
As a bonus action, heal yourself for 1d6+constitution modifier and grant yourself +2 DT for 3 rounds. Ability can be used once per long rest.