
Race Information

Hags are malevolent fey creatures known for their witch-like appearance and sinister magical abilities. Often living on the fringes of society, they are feared for their propensity for dark magic, curses, and trickery.   Playable Variants: Green Hag    


Isolated Covens:
Hags typically form small covens for mutual benefit and increased magical power. These covens are often composed of three hags and are shrouded in secrecy.  
Manipulative Loners:
Many hags prefer solitary lives, manipulating events from the shadows. They interact with other creatures mainly to further their own inscrutable ends.  
Dark Patrons:
Hags are sometimes sought out as sources of forbidden knowledge and dark magic. They may act as patrons to warlocks or other magic users, offering power in exchange for services or sacrifices.  
Territorial and Cunning:
Hags are highly territorial and cunning. They often claim domains in swamps, forests, or other remote areas, setting up lairs filled with magical defenses and illusions.    


Remote Areas:
Hags are found in remote, often wild areas of Faerûn. They prefer places where they can practice their dark arts away from prying eyes.  
Specific Habitats:
Different types of hags favor different environments: green hags in swamps and forests, sea hags near coasts and islands, night hags in the Lower Planes, and annis hags in mountainous regions. In Faerûn, hags represent the embodiment of dark fey magic and cunning. They weave their sinister plots from secluded lairs, influencing events and people with their malevolent schemes. Their presence is a reminder of the darker aspects of the fey and the ancient, often forgotten powers that lurk in the shadows of the world.   Hags, known for their cunning, malevolence, and magical prowess, may venture into the Savage Frontier for various reasons, often driven by their dark agendas and desires. Here are some potential motivations for hags to be in this region:  
Seeking Magical Power:
The Savage Frontier, with its untamed magic and ancient secrets, could be a rich source of arcane knowledge and power for hags. They might be searching for forgotten spells, powerful artifacts, or places of strong natural magic to enhance their abilities.  
Expanding Territory:
Hags may seek to expand their influence and control. The Savage Frontier, being less densely populated and governed, provides ample opportunities for hags to establish new lairs and expand their domains without much interference.  
Forming Covens:
Hags might travel to the Savage Frontier to meet with other hags. Forming or joining a coven can greatly increase their magical abilities and influence. The remote nature of the Savage Frontier makes it an ideal location for such secretive gatherings.  
Manipulating Local Conflicts:
Hags often revel in chaos and misery. The Savage Frontier, with its myriad conflicts between various factions, presents many opportunities for hags to manipulate events for their amusement or benefit.  
Collecting Rare Ingredients:
The diverse and wild environment of the Savage Frontier is home to rare herbs, creatures, and magical components that hags use in their potions, curses, and rituals.  
Recruiting Followers or Servants:
Hags may be in the Savage Frontier to lure or coerce individuals into serving them. These could be outcasts, adventurers, or inhabitants of the region who are susceptible to the hags' deceptive promises or threats.  
Escaping Pursuit:
Hags who have made enemies or are being hunted might flee to the Savage Frontier for its remoteness and the natural cover it provides, making it harder for their pursuers to find them.  
Fulfilling Dark Prophecies or Quests:
Hags, especially those involved in prophecy and divination, might venture into the Savage Frontier to fulfill a dark prophecy or complete a sinister quest that is crucial to their plans or survival.  
Trading Dark Secrets or Curses:
The Savage Frontier can be a crossroads for various shady or magical beings. Hags might trade in dark secrets, forbidden knowledge, or cursed objects with travelers, other magical creatures, or local inhabitants.  
Sowing Discord:
Hags enjoy causing misery and strife. They may travel to the Savage Frontier to spread discord, turning allies into enemies, inciting violence, or corrupting the innocent.  


Feared and Avoided:
Hags are generally feared and avoided by most races due to their reputation for malevolence and deceit.  
Complex Interactions:
While typically antagonistic, hags can be surprisingly complex in their interactions, sometimes offering aid or bargains to those who can offer them something valuable in return.  
Conflict with Good-aligned Races:
Hags often come into conflict with good-aligned races and beings, particularly those who oppose their use of dark magic or seek to thwart their plans.  
Alliances with Dark Powers:
Hags may ally themselves with other dark creatures or powers, such as fiends, undead, or corrupt fey.   Hags in Faerûn, known for their malevolent nature and dark magical abilities, have distinct views on other races, heavily influenced by their own scheming, manipulative tendencies, and a deep-seated disdain for most beings. Here's an overview of how Hags typically view various races:  
Hags often see humans as easy to manipulate and exploit. They may view them as pawns in their schemes or sources for their macabre rituals. Humans are frequently the targets of Hags’ curses, trickery, and bargains.  
Elves and Dwarves:
Hags may regard elves and dwarves with a mix of respect and contempt. Respect for their longevity and magical prowess (especially with elves) or craftsmanship and resilience (in the case of dwarves), but contempt for what Hags perceive as their naivety or moral righteousness.  
Gnomes and Halflings:
Hags might view these smaller races as inconsequential or simple. They could underestimate them or see them as easy targets for deception and magical influence.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Hags may view orcs, goblins, and similar brutish races as tools for causing chaos and destruction. They might manipulate these races to do their bidding, especially in violent endeavors.  
Tieflings and Other Planetouched:
Hags could be intrigued by Tieflings and other planetouched due to their unique origins and abilities. They may see them as potential allies in certain dark endeavors or as subjects for their twisted experiments.  
Given their celestial lineage, Hags would likely view Aasimar with hostility or as challenges to their malevolent goals. They might specifically target Aasimar for curses or corruptive schemes.  
Other Hags:
Hags view their kind in a complex way. While there is a sense of kinship, there’s also intense rivalry. Hags often form covens for mutual benefit, but these alliances are always tenuous, filled with deceit and betrayal.  
Fey and Underdark Creatures:
Hags, especially those who dwell in the Feywild or the Underdark, may have intricate relationships with these beings. They might form alliances or nurse grudges against certain creatures, depending on past interactions or mutual interests.  
Dragons and Powerful Magical Beings:
Hags respect power and may seek to ally with or manipulate powerful creatures like dragons. They may also compete with them for magical resources or territory.  
Other Races:
Generally, Hags view other races as inferior, potential victims, or tools to be used. Their interactions are guided by their selfish goals and the pleasure they derive from causing misery and chaos.      

Physical Qualities

Varied and Deceptive Forms:
Hags vary widely in appearance but are usually humanoid with grotesque, witch-like features. They can disguise themselves as harmless old women or beautiful maidens to deceive others.  
Supernatural Abilities:
Hags possess a range of supernatural abilities, including spellcasting, shape-shifting, and creating cursed items. Their magic is often tailored towards manipulation, illusion, and harm.  
Hags are long-lived, with some being centuries old. Their age often brings vast knowledge and experience in dark arts.      

RP Guide

Cunning and Deceptive:
Emphasize the hag's cunning nature and skill in deception. Hags are master manipulators who enjoy tricking and deceiving others.  
Dark Magical Powers:
Utilize the hag's dark magical powers in roleplay, focusing on curses, illusions, and manipulation. Hags revel in using their magic to control and torment others.  
Isolation and Secrets:
Portray the hag's tendency towards secrecy and isolation. They often have hidden agendas and long-term plans that they guard closely. Moral Ambiguity: Hags operate in moral grey areas. They may offer help or strike deals, but always with hidden, often malicious, intentions.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Origins:
Hags have ancient origins, often tied to the dark and forgotten corners of the Feywild. Their history is steeped in folklore and legend, with each type of hag having its own unique background and lore.  
Legacy of Fear:
Throughout history, hags have been feared and reviled across many cultures. They are often the subject of cautionary tales and nightmares.    


Individual Beliefs:
Hags may have their own individual beliefs or worship dark deities or ancient fey spirits. Their religious practices are often centered around dark rituals and sacrifices.  
Reverence for the Feywild:
Some hags maintain a twisted reverence for the Feywild and its chaotic nature, seeing themselves as agents of its will.   Hags in Faerûn, known for their malevolent nature and dark magical abilities, might be inclined to worship deities that align with their sinister and often chaotic practices. Here are some deities from the Faerûnian pantheon that hags might venerate:  
Goddess of darkness, loss, and forgetfulness, Shar's domain includes the night and secrets. Hags, who often operate under the cover of darkness and secrecy, might find Shar's tenets appealing.  
Known as the Maiden of Pain, Loviatar is the goddess of hurt and agony. Hags, who frequently employ pain and suffering in their schemes, might worship her.  
The Lady of Misfortune, Beshaba represents bad luck and random mischief. Hags who delight in the misfortune of others might revere Beshaba.  
Goddess of disease and poison, Talona is feared for her ability to inflict plagues and decay. Hags, particularly those who specialize in curses and poisonous brews, might pay homage to her.  
The Beastlord, god of the hunt and bloodlust, might appeal to more savage and bestial hags, especially those who enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the terror they instill in their prey.  
Known as the Bitch Queen, Umberlee is the goddess of the sea and tempests. Sea hags, in particular, might worship her, invoking her wrath and unpredictable nature.  
The Frostmaiden, goddess of winter's cold and unforgiving nature, could attract hags who reside in colder climates and use the harsh elements to their advantage.  
The Prince of Lies, Cyric is the god of deception, illusion, and intrigue. Hags, who often rely on trickery and deceit, might see Cyric as a patron of their deceptive ways.


Kit Items
Eyes Of The Universe (Attached)
Eyes of Darkness (Attached)
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 5 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 5 Left
Goblin Ear A [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [R]
Goblin Ear A [L]
Goblin Ear B [R]
Goblin Ear B [L]
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Left
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Right
Elvish Ear C [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [R]
Elvish Ear C [L]
Elvish Ear D [R]
Elvish Ear D [L]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
Fangs (Attached)
Fangs Inside (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
Pointy Fangs [A]
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Feral nails (L)
Feral nails (R)
Branch TB
Branch A
Branch B
Branch C
Branch D
Branch E
Fungus A
Fungus B
Thornthicket A
Thornthicket B
Swamp Tree Vines
170 - 190 cm   Lifespan:
1,000 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Sylvan, Draconic, Language of Choice   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic Evil   Racial Tension(s):
All Humanoids


Ability Scores:
+1 Strength, +1 in a mental stat of your choice (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma)

Saving Throws:
+1 on all Spell Saves

Damage Resistance:

+2 Arcana, +2 Deception, +2 Perception, +2 Stealth


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Spell Points
+8 Spell Points
Vicious Mockery
As an action, select a target to make a Wis Save against the spellcasters DC. On failure they take 1d10 + Mastery Psychic Damage and -1 on attack and Spell DC for one turn. On a successful save they take half damage.
Disguise Self
This creature gains access to the Disguise Self ritual.
Ray of Sickness
Select 1 target within 12 tiles. Make an attack against the target's AC using Casting Mod + 4 hit. On a successful attack, the target suffers 2d8 + Spellcasting Modifier poison damage and is Poisoned for 3 turns.
Hold Creature
Select a target within 12 Tiles of you. Force the target creature to roll a WIS saving throw versus the Caster's Spellcasting Modifier. On a failed save, the target creature receives the Paralyzed status for 1 turns.
Lightning Bolt
Select a target within 12 tiles of you. Force the target and every creature within a 1 tile radius from the target to make a DEX saving throw. On a failed save, all targets take 4d6+5 Lightning Damage.
Polymorph Form
This creature has an alternative physcial visage that they can wear. They have ONE polymorph form that may be changed on a monthly basis through a ticket. This polymorph MUST be in the form of a young woman.
This creature is considered amphibious for the purposes of combat retreating. They can ignore difficult terrain when moving in water.
Weird Magic
The magic of hags is inscrutable, strange and utterly unpredictable, fostered over a lifetime of wicked experimentation unique to every hag. Gain access to every ritual at their appropriate levels, using the higher of the hag's Wisdom (Cleric, Druid) or Charisma (Sorcerer, Warlock) DC.
Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the fluff spells Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, & Mage Hand.