
Race Information

Half-elves in Faerûn, as in many other settings in Dungeons & Dragons, occupy a unique and often challenging position, straddling the line between two cultures and not wholly belonging to either. They are the offspring of humans and elves and share traits of both races.      


Half-elves do not have a distinct society or homeland of their own in Faerûn. Instead, they are typically found within human cities or elven communities, or wandering as adventurers or loners. Their experiences and attitudes can be quite varied, depending on where and how they were raised.

In elven society, half-elves may feel out of place due to their shorter lifespans (though still longer than that of a human) and their typically more pragmatic, less ethereal worldview. Among humans, they can feel isolated due to their longevity and the subtle but notable differences in appearance and temperament.

However, their unique position can also be a strength. Half-elves often serve as intermediaries between human and elven societies, and they can be adept at building bridges and fostering understanding. They are renowned for their diplomatic skills and adaptability.

Half-elves can be found in a wide variety of roles, reflecting their adaptable nature. They might be diplomats, scholars, rangers, bards, merchants, or adventurers. Many gravitate towards roles that allow them to use their natural charm and diplomacy, or that satisfy their often innate wanderlust.



  Half-elves, as they often straddle the line between human and elven societies, can be found in many regions throughout Faerûn. Here are some of the areas you might find them:

The Dalelands:
This region is known for its diversity and acceptance of different races and cultures. Half-elves, with their natural adaptability, fit well in this environment.

This bustling city is a melting pot of different races and cultures. Half-elves, who are often able to navigate multiple cultures with ease, can find a home here.

Known as the Gem of the North, Silverymoon is a city that cherishes art, magic, and culture. With its large populations of both humans and elves, it's a likely place for half-elves to live or be born.

The High Forest:
This ancient forest is home to numerous elven communities and has been a place of refuge for many half-elves.

While this island is primarily home to elven kind, some half-elves (especially those with elven mothers) may be accepted here, although they might still feel like outsiders.

This human-dominated country is known for its relative stability and prosperous cities, making it a welcoming place for half-elves.

Baldur's Gate:
Another cosmopolitan city where many races and cultures intersect. Half-elves can often be found here due to its commercial opportunities and diverse population.

Remember, half-elves are adaptable and can fit in almost anywhere they find acceptance and opportunity. They can often be found serving as diplomats, translators, and mediators in culturally diverse areas or frontier regions.      


Half-elves generally get along with most races. They share a special kinship with other half-elves, understanding the challenges that come with straddling two worlds. They are typically well-received by humans and can often find acceptance among elves, although both relationships can also be fraught with difficulty      

Physical Qualities

Half-elves are typically taller than humans but shorter than elves, with a slender, athletic build. They have the pointed ears of elves and the versatile adaptability of humans, and they often possess an exotic beauty that draws from both parent races.      

RP Guide

Roleplaying a half-elf in Faerûn can be a rich and rewarding experience, offering a unique perspective and a diverse range of potential storylines. Here are some points to consider when developing and portraying your half-elf character:

Dual Heritage:
Remember your dual heritage and consider how it impacts your character's worldview, attitudes, and experiences. Half-elves grow up with a foot in two worlds, which can shape their perspectives in unique ways. They can appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the elves and the drive and ambition of humans.

Sense of Belonging:
Your character might struggle with a sense of belonging. They might not fully fit into human society due to their longevity and the influence of their elven heritage, but they may also feel out of place among elves due to their shorter lifespan and more pragmatic mindset. This can lead to feelings of isolation but also to a strong drive to prove oneself and find one's place in the world.

Diplomatic Skills:
As a half-elf, your character likely has a knack for diplomacy and an ability to see multiple perspectives, thanks to their dual heritage. This can make them excellent mediators, negotiators, and peacekeepers.

Half-elves are adaptable and versatile, often capable of picking up a wide range of skills and talents. Your character might be a jack-of-all-trades, proficient in a variety of areas.

Many half-elves have an innate wanderlust, a desire to explore and understand the world. Your character might be driven by curiosity, a desire for adventure, or a quest for self-understanding.

Interactions with Other Races: Consider how your character interacts with other races. They might have a unique ability to bridge cultural gaps and foster understanding, but they might also face prejudice or misunderstanding.

Your character might follow elven or human deities, or they might be drawn to gods of travel, nature, or art.

Remember, these are just guidelines, and there's a lot of variation within these general traits. Your half-elf character can be as unique and complex as you want them to be. Consider their personal history, beliefs, and goals when deciding how they might behave or react in different situations.  


Half-elves often follow the deities of either the elven or human pantheon, depending on their upbringing. However, they are also known to worship gods associated with travel, nature, or arts, reflecting their diverse experiences and the many paths their lives can take.


The most prominent of the races of mixed heritage, half-elves can be found throughout Faerûn, but have few lands to call their own. They feel at home both in the sprawling human empires and the secretive elven retreats, standing between elf and human culture but truly belonging to neither. They are a handsome and even-tempered race who handle the challenges of their mixed heritage with grace and reserve. The half-elves are those whose elven parents hail from the moon elf, sun elf, and wood elf peoples.

Half-elves are common in places where humans and elves have lived alongside each other peacefully, such as the domain of Silverymoon in the North or some of the southerly Dales. Half-elves have little racial history. Scarce in number and widely dispersed across the face of Faerûn, half-elves have left little to mark their presence. True half-elven cultures have arisen in only a handful of times and places. Humans and elves have shared Faerûn for many thousands of years, and rare individuals of both elven and human descent have been around since the time of the Elven Crown Wars or before. However, it is only within the last dozen centuries that the decline of the great old elven kingdoms and the rise of human civilization have allowed the two races to blend in any numbers.  


Kit Items
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Elvish Ear A [R]
Elvish Ear A [L]
Elvish Ear B [R]
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear A [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
150 - 190cm   Lifespan:
250 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Elvish   Suggested Alignment:
Any   Racial Tension(s):
Orcs, Goblins


Ability Scores:

Saving Throws:

Damage Resistance:

+1 to all skills


This creature can see in the dark.
Additional Feat
This creature gets an additional feat at creation.
Sleep Immunity
This creature is immune to sleep effects.
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to a heritage dependent fluff spell:

Moon Elf
Dancing Lights

Sun Elf

Wood Elf