
Race Information

"Life's an adventure, and we halflings know how to find joy in the smallest moments. We may be small in stature, but our hearts are filled with laughter, friendship, and the simple pleasures that make each day a treasure worth savoring." - Pippin Goodbarrel, Halfling Bard of Amn

Halflings in Faerun are a small, good-natured, and adaptable race known for their remarkable resourcefulness and strong sense of community. They are often driven by curiosity and a love for a simple, comfortable life. Halflings can be found throughout Faerun, where they have integrated into various societies or established their own thriving communities.  


There are two main subraces of halflings in Faerun: lightfoot halflings and stout halflings.

Lightfoot Halflings:
Lightfoot halflings are the most common type of halfling found in Faerun. They are known for their agility, grace, and natural talent for stealth. Lightfoot halflings are often found living among humans, elves, and other races, where they have integrated into larger societies while maintaining their unique cultural identity.

Stout Halflings:
Stout halflings are a more reclusive and hardy subrace, often found living in small, isolated communities. They are known for their incredible resilience and strong connection to the earth. Stout halflings have a natural resistance to poison and are skilled at living off the land.    


Halfling society is peaceful, community-focused, and values comfort and simple pleasures. They love good food, drink, and a warm hearth. They prefer to live in settled areas, favoring small, closely-knit communities in rural areas, though they are known to adapt well to virtually any environment.

Family and community are of utmost importance to halflings. They are known for their loyalty to their kin and their sense of shared responsibility within their communities. Homes and hearths are the center of halfling life, and they often live in large, extended family units.

Most halflings in Faerûn are farmers, craftspeople, or merchants. They have a knack for business and are often successful traders and shopkeepers. They're also known for being excellent cooks and brewers. Halflings are famous for their practical skills and love for craftsmanship, and they excel in professions that allow them to make use of these talents.    


Halflings can be found throughout Faerun, living in various regions and integrating into different societies. Some notable halfling homelands and communities in Faerun include:

Located in the southeastern part of Faerun, Luiren is a primarily halfling nation, known as the homeland of the strongheart halflings. The region is characterized by its lush, fertile plains and rolling hills, providing an ideal environment for agriculture and the halflings' peaceful way of life.

The Great Dale:
In the vast forested region of the Great Dale, halflings have established small communities and settlements, living in harmony with nature and their neighbors. These communities are often hidden away from the rest of the world, allowing the halflings to live their lives in peace and tranquility.

The nation of Amn, located along the Sword Coast, has a significant halfling population, with many lightfoot halflings living among the human and elven communities. The halflings of Amn are known for their trading prowess and have played a crucial role in the region's thriving economy.

The Silver Marches:
In the Silver Marches, halflings have established several small communities and settlements, often living in harmony with the region's other races. They are known for their skills in agriculture and craftsmanship, contributing significantly to the prosperity of the Silver Marches.

The Western Heartlands:
Throughout the Western Heartlands, halflings can be found living in small communities or integrated into larger settlements. They are known for their adaptability and their ability to find a niche in the diverse societies of the region.

These are just a few examples of halfling homelands in Faerun. Halflings are a highly adaptable race and can be found in a variety of environments, whether they are living within larger societies or establishing their own tight-knit communities.      


Halflings are amiable and get along well with most other races. They live peacefully alongside humans, and they have a mutual respect for elves and dwarves. Their good nature and adaptability make them well-liked, though they can sometimes be underestimated or overlooked due to their small size and unassuming nature.    

Physical Qualities

Halflings are small humanoids, typically standing around 3 feet tall and weighing between 40 and 45 pounds. They have distinctive, expressive faces with large, inquisitive eyes and slightly pointed ears. Their hair and eye colors can vary greatly, although earthy tones are the most common. Halflings are known for their agility, nimbleness, and longevity, with life spans of over 150 years.    

RP Guide

To roleplay a halfling in Faerûn, it's important to keep in mind their key cultural characteristics and traits. Here are some guidelines to assist you:

Love of Comfort and Community:
Halflings are known for their love of the comforts of home and the warmth of their community. In roleplaying, your halfling character might frequently long for the comforts of home, enjoy good food and drink, and place high importance on the well-being of their group or "family".

Amiability and Good-Natured:
Halflings are generally cheerful, friendly, and kind-hearted. They tend to get along with everyone and are likely to be the peacemakers in the group. They're also often underestimated due to their small size and non-threatening demeanor, which they may use to their advantage.

Resourcefulness and Practicality:
Despite their peaceful nature, halflings are known for their resourcefulness and practical skills. They're quick to find solutions to problems, especially those that involve getting out of trouble. If your character is a halfling, consider giving them practical skills or hobbies, like cooking, farming, crafting, or a knack for business.

Strong Family Ties:
Family and community are very important to halflings. Your halfling character might frequently refer to their relatives, or consider their adventuring party to be like a second family. They might also have strong ties to their home community, which could influence their motivations and goals.

While many halflings love the comfort of home, some are bitten by the "wanderlust bug" and have a desire for adventure. This could be a great motivation for your halfling character to join an adventuring party. Despite their size, they are brave and capable adventurers.

Halflings are one of the smallest races in Faerûn, which could influence how they interact with the world. Your character might need to climb on furniture to reach things, or be able to squeeze into small spaces that others can't. They might also be overlooked or underestimated by others, which could be frustrating, amusing, or advantageous, depending on the situation.

Many halflings are religious, with a strong belief in their patron deities, like Yondalla, the Protector and Provider. Your halfling character might have daily rituals, prayers, or other practices related to their faith.

Relations with Other Races:
Halflings generally get along well with other races. They might have a particular fondness for humans, elves, and dwarves, but they are generally friendly to everyone unless given a reason not to be.

By incorporating these elements into your character's personality and actions, you can create an immersive and believable halfling character in Faerûn. Remember, though, that these are just guidelines, and your character is an individual. Feel free to put your own spin on your halfling character!  


The primary deity of the halflings is Yondalla, the Protector and Provider, who embodies the halfling ideals of community, protection, and fertility. Other halfling deities include Tymora, goddess of luck, and Brandobaris, the god of adventure and thievery. Religious ceremonies for halflings are homely and personal, often taking place in family settings.  


The history of halflings in Faerun is one of adaptability and perseverance. Halflings have faced numerous challenges throughout their history, including wars, natural disasters, and the rise and fall of empires. Through it all, they have managed to maintain their strong sense of community and have thrived in both rural and urban environments.   Halflings in Faerun are skilled farmers, traders, and craftsmen, and their communities are often marked by a strong sense of cooperation and unity. They are also known for their incredible luck and innate ability to blend into their surroundings, traits that have helped them survive and prosper in a world often filled with danger.  


Kit Items
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 2 Right
80 - 105 cm   Lifespan:
150 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Halfling   Suggested Alignment:
Any Good   Racial Tension(s):
Orcs, Goblinoids, Kobolds



  Ability Scores
+1 Dexterity   Saving Throws
+1 Charisma   Damage Resistance
None   Skills
+2 Stealth, +1 Initiative  


  Ability Scores
+1 Dexterity   Saving Throws
+1 Constitution   Damage Resistance
Poison   Skills
+2 Stealth


Once per short rest, this creature may cleanse themselves of the Frightened status as a bonus action.
This creature may move through other creatures in combat as if they were not there. This does not protect this creature from Attacks of Opportunity.