
Race Information

"In the whispering winds of the ancient woods, in the hidden glades where moonlight dances, there I find my power and my curse. I am born of both shadow and light, a child of mysteries untold. My veins carry the magic of the old ways, my eyes see beyond the veils of this world. Fear me or follow me, but know this - I am Hexblood, keeper of secrets long forgotten, and my path is my own to weave."
Hexbloods are a unique race born from the mysterious and mystical energies of the Feywild. They often manifest as a result of a pact or an intricate bond between a humanoid and a powerful entity from the Feywild, such as a hag. They are known for their innate magical abilities, typically revolving around enchantment and illusion spells, reflecting their fey lineage. While they walk the line between two worlds, hexbloods often struggle with their identity, torn between the mortal realm and the capricious whims of the Feywild.    


Hexbloods in Faerûn are a unique and enigmatic race, often emerging from individuals who have formed a deep, magical bond with the witchery and ancient secrets of the world. They typically live on the fringes of society, sometimes in small, close-knit communities or as solitary wanderers. Their existence is often shrouded in mystery and superstition, which can make their integration into broader society challenging. However, those who embrace their hexblood heritage often find a strong sense of identity in their unique abilities and mystical connections.  


  Hexbloods can be found in various regions across Faerûn, but they are most commonly associated with areas rich in magical history or fey influence. The deep forests of the High Forest, the mystical lands of the Moonshae Isles, or the enigmatic reaches of the Feywild are potential homes for hexblood communities. However, individual hexbloods might be found in any region, reflecting the widespread and unpredictable nature of their origins.   A Hexblood in the Savage Frontier, a region in the northwest of Faerûn known for its wild and untamed lands, could be there for various reasons that align with their unique nature and background. Some potential reasons include:  
Seeking Ancient Magic:
The Savage Frontier is home to many ancient ruins and sites of arcane power. A Hexblood, with their inherent magical affinity, might be drawn to these places in search of knowledge, power, or a deeper understanding of their own abilities.  
Connection to Nature:
The vast wildernesses of the Savage Frontier offer a deep connection to the natural world. Hexbloods, especially those who feel a kinship with nature or the fey, might be drawn to this region to live in harmony with the land or to protect it from encroaching threats.  
Fleeing Persecution:
Due to their unusual nature and abilities, Hexbloods may face mistrust and persecution in more civilized lands. The remote and less populated areas of the Savage Frontier offer a refuge where they can live without fear of prejudice or oppression.  
Exploring Fey Heritage:
The Savage Frontier, with its proximity to places like the High Forest and Evermoors, is known for its strong connections to the Feywild. Hexbloods with fey ancestry might journey here to explore this aspect of their heritage or to seek out fey creatures and realms.  
Quest or Adventure:
The Savage Frontier is a land of legends, home to fierce monsters, hidden treasures, and untold adventures. Hexbloods, particularly those with a penchant for exploration or heroism, might be drawn to the region in pursuit of a personal quest or as part of a larger adventure.  
Spiritual Journey:
For those Hexbloods who are on a spiritual or self-discovery journey, the raw and mystical nature of the Savage Frontier provides an ideal backdrop. It's a place where they can meditate, commune with nature, or seek answers from ancient spirits or deities.  
Outcast or Exile:
Some Hexbloods might find themselves in the Savage Frontier not by choice, but as outcasts or exiles from their communities. Their unique abilities or heritage could have led to their ostracization, forcing them to seek a new life in a land where their unusual traits are less likely to draw unwanted attention.  
Research and Study:
Scholars or magic users among the Hexbloods might travel to the Savage Frontier to study its rich and varied magical phenomena. The region's diverse ecosystems and convergence of different magical energies make it an ideal laboratory for arcane research.  
Escaping a Dark Past:
The Savage Frontier, with its remote locations and harsh environment, can be a perfect hideaway for those looking to escape a troubled or dark past. Hexbloods with secrets or seeking redemption might find solace in the solitude and anonymity that the region offers.  
Feywild Influence:
Given the Savage Frontier's proximity to areas with strong Feywild influence, Hexbloods might find themselves inexplicably drawn to the region due to the whims or machinations of fey entities, possibly as part of a larger, unseen plan.  
Cultural Heritage:
For Hexbloods who hail from tribes or cultures native to the Savage Frontier, returning to or remaining in this region could be a way of staying true to their roots and maintaining cultural traditions.  
Mercenary Work or Adventuring:
The dangers of the Savage Frontier create a demand for skilled individuals who can navigate its perils. Hexbloods, with their unique abilities, might find work as mercenaries, guides, or adventurers, helping others traverse or survive in this rugged land.      


Hexbloods often have complex relationships with other races in Faerûn. Their mysterious origins and abilities can lead to mistrust or fear from more common races like humans, elves, and dwarves. However, hexbloods can form strong bonds with races that have a natural affinity for magic or the supernatural, such as tieflings or certain elven communities. Their relationships are often shaped by individual experiences and the circumstances of their upbringing.   Hexbloods, with their unique heritage and mystical nature, might have varied perspectives on other races in Faerûn, shaped by their personal experiences, upbringing, and the cultural context in which they find themselves. Here are some general attitudes a Hexblood might have towards other races:  
Hexbloods might view humans with a mix of curiosity and caution. Humans are diverse and adaptable, but they can also be unpredictable and sometimes prejudiced against those they perceive as different. A Hexblood might admire human resilience and innovation while being wary of their potential fear or hostility towards the unknown.  
Elves and Half-Elves:
Given elves' affinity for magic and the natural world, Hexbloods might feel a kinship with them. Elves’ long lifespans and deep cultural histories might also resonate with the timeless nature of the magic that Hexbloods embody. Half-elves, who straddle two worlds, might be seen as kindred spirits in their mixed heritage.  
Dwarves, known for their craftsmanship and stoicism, might be respected by Hexbloods for their dedication and strength. However, the traditional and often conservative nature of dwarven society might clash with the more unconventional and mystical aspects of a Hexblood’s nature.  
Hexbloods might find halflings' love for comfort, family, and simple pleasures either endearing or baffling. They could appreciate the halflings' ability to find joy in the small things in life, or they might view them as too sheltered or naïve.  
Gnomes, with their innate curiosity and affinity for magic, could be seen as natural allies or peers. A Hexblood might enjoy the gnomes' enthusiasm for discovery and their creative approach to problem-solving.  
Given their own often misunderstood nature, Hexbloods might empathize with tieflings, who also frequently face suspicion and prejudice. Both races share a connection to the mystical or the otherworldly, which could foster a sense of mutual understanding.  
The dragonborn's strong sense of honor and their draconic heritage might be both intriguing and intimidating to Hexbloods. They might respect the dragonborn's power and presence while being cautious of their potentially fiery temperament.  
Orcs and Half-Orcs:
Orcs and Half-Orcs, often judged and marginalized in many societies, might evoke a sense of empathy from Hexbloods who have faced similar prejudices. Hexbloods could admire their strength and resilience while understanding the challenges of being perceived as an outsider.  
As beings touched by the divine, Aasimar might be seen by Hexbloods as counterparts to their own arcane or fey-touched nature. There could be a mutual respect or an intriguing contrast between the celestial influence of Aasimar and the more earthy, mystical essence of Hexbloods.  
The strength and hardiness of Goliaths, along with their straightforward approach to life, might be admired by Hexbloods. However, their tendency to focus more on physical prowess than on mysticism or the arcane could create a cultural gap.    

Physical Qualities

Hexbloods possess distinct physical qualities that set them apart. They may have unusual eye colors, like emerald green or deep violet, and their hair might exhibit unnatural shades or textures. Some hexbloods bear subtle, witch-like features such as elongated fingers, faintly glowing skin, or small horns. These characteristics can vary greatly among individuals, reflecting the diverse nature of the magic that influences their being.    

RP Guide

Mysterious and Enigmatic:
Emphasize a sense of mystery in your interactions. Your Hexblood might often speak in riddles or half-truths, keeping others slightly off-balance.  
Wise and Perceptive:
Display a deep understanding of the arcane and the world's hidden secrets. Your Hexblood should be perceptive, often noticing things that others overlook.  
Somber and Introspective:
Given their connection to hags and curses, Hexbloods might have a somber, contemplative side, often pondering the deeper meanings and dark corners of the world.  
Cautious Trust:
Hexbloods might be cautious in their relationships, aware of the prejudices and fears their heritage can evoke in others.  
Charismatic but Unsettling:
Utilize a blend of charisma and an unsettling aura. You can be charming, yet there's something distinctly 'other' about you.  
Your character may have a tendency to manipulate situations to their advantage, a trait inherited from their hag lineage.

Civilization and Culture


The history of hexbloods in Faerûn is often tied to tales of ancient witchcraft, fey pacts, and arcane mysteries. Hexbloods in Faerûn may emerge from lineages touched by powerful witchcraft or fey influence. Historical accounts might include stories of hexblood ancestors who played pivotal roles in significant magical events or who were ostracized due to their unique nature. Their history is likely interwoven with the broader magical history of Faerûn, punctuated by moments of both triumph and tragedy.    


Hexbloods in Faerûn may follow a variety of religious paths. Some might worship deities associated with magic, nature, or the moon, finding a spiritual connection in the mystical forces that shape their existence. Others may venerate ancestral spirits or the enigmatic entities of the Feywild. Their religious practices are often deeply personal and may include rituals or customs unknown to more mainstream faiths.   Hexbloods in Faerûn, with their unique connection to witchcraft, the fey, and the arcane, might be drawn to a variety of deities, especially those associated with magic, nature, the Feywild, and more esoteric aspects of the divine. Some gods that hexbloods may worship include:  
The Goddess of Magic, Mystra is a primary deity for those who draw on and revere the Weave, the source of all magic in the Forgotten Realms. Hexbloods, with their innate magical abilities, might see her as a patron of their mystical heritage.  
Corellon Larethian:
As the creator of the elves and a deity associated with magic and the Fey, Corellon is a natural fit for hexbloods, especially those with a connection to the elven cultures or the Feywild.  
The Dark Maiden, goddess of good-aligned drow, song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, and moonlight, could appeal to hexbloods who seek a balance between darkness and light, and those who embrace the beauty in their unique nature.  
Goddess of forests and forest creatures, Mielikki might be revered by hexbloods who feel a deep connection to nature and the wild, untouched parts of the world.  
The Goddess of the Moon and stars, and a champion of good and motherly care, Selûne could be a beacon for hexbloods who find solace in the night and the celestial.  
The Seelie and Unseelie Courts:
While not gods in the traditional sense, the powerful archfey of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts in the Feywild may be revered or respected by hexbloods, particularly those with strong fey ties.  
The Mistress of the Night and goddess of darkness and loss, Shar might appeal to hexbloods who embrace the darker aspects of their heritage or those who feel outcast by society.  
The Oak Father, god of wild nature and druids, could be worshipped by hexbloods who feel a deep connection to the natural world and its untamed aspects.  
The Raven Queen:
Known in some settings as a deity of death, fate, and winter, the Raven Queen could appeal to hexbloods who are drawn to the more enigmatic and somber aspects of life and magic.


Kit Items
Horns of Qilin (Attached)
Horns of Yog (Attached)
Horns of Yog
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Yellow (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Green (Attached)
Lava Eyes (Attached)
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Eyes of Darkness (Attached)
Eyes of the Beast (Attached)
Eyes of the Universe (Attached)
Eyes of the blind (Attached)
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Flower Crown (Attached)
Flower Crown 2 (Attached)
Flower Crown 3 (Attached)
Horns 02 (a)
Horns 02V2 (a)
Horns 03 (a)
Horns 04 (a)
Horns 04V2 (a)
Horns 05 (a)
Horns 06V2 (a)
Horns 10 (a)
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
Deer Antler Left TB
Deer Antler Left TB
Arak Antler [R]
Arak Antler [L]
Malek Antler [R]
Malek Antler [L]
Woodland Spirit Antler [R]
Woodland Spirit Antler [L]
(JCACC) Fae Ears Left
(JCACC) Fae Ears Right
(JCACC) Flared Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Flared Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Flared Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 3 Right
(JCACC) Flared Ears 4 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 4 Right
Jungle Shaman Flowercrown
(JCACC) Deer Antler 3 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 3 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 4 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 4 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 5 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 5 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 6 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 6 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 7 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 7 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 8 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 8 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 9 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 9 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 10 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 10 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 11 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 11 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 12 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 12 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 13 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 13 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 14 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 14 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 15 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 15 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 24 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 24 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 25 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 25 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 26 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 26 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 27 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 27 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 28 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 28 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 29 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 29 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 30 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 30 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 31 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 31 Right
(JCACC) Deer Antler 32 Left
(JCACC) Deer Antler 32 Right
150 - 190cm   Lifespan:
300 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Sylvan, Language of Choice   Suggested Alignment:
Neutral, Chaotic   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific


Ability Scores:

Saving Throws:
+1 to two saving throws of your choice

Damage Resistance:

+1 to all skills


This creature can see in the dark.
Font of Magic
A Hexblood's connection to Fey magic is signified in their Eldercross. The Eldercross, made of wood and infused with magic grows around the Hexblood's head and grants an additional +4 Spell points for as long as it remains.
Eldritch Magic
Vestiges of sinister fey Magic permeate throughout the Hexblood. Their affliction gives them access to a modicum a magical prowess no matter their magical aptitude allowing them to cast the Hex spell, and the Ritual spells Disguise self and Bestow Curse.
This creature gains access to the Hex spell.
Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the fluff spells Minor Illusion & Prestidigitation.


Natural Focus
Due to the Hexblood's inherent magical abilities enhanced through their Living Eldercross, if it is ever removed the Hexblood immediately receives Medium wounds that cannot be healed unless a regeneration ritual is done to regenerate the Eldercross. Until it regrows in Three IRL days from the time of removal, the Hexblood is unable to cast any magic.