
Race Information

Hobgoblins are a militaristic and disciplined race of goblinoids known for their organizational skills, strategic thinking, and combat prowess. In Faerûn, they are often found in fortified settlements or as part of large, well-structured armies. Hobgoblins are larger and more formidable than their goblin kin and are respected and feared for their martial abilities.    


Militaristic and Hierarchical:
Hobgoblin society is highly structured and revolves around military discipline. It is led by the strongest and most strategic leaders, often a warlord or a chieftain.
Strong Sense of Order:
Unlike goblins, hobgoblins have a strong sense of order and duty. They value discipline, efficiency, and structure in all aspects of life. Skilled Craftsmen and Warriors: Known for their craftsmanship, especially in weapons and armor, hobgoblins are also formidable warriors, trained from a young age in the arts of war.
Permanent Settlements:
Hobgoblins build permanent settlements, which are often heavily fortified to defend against attacks. Their structures are practical, emphasizing functionality over aesthetics.    


Strongholds in Strategic Locations:
Hobgoblins establish their strongholds in strategic locations, such as mountain passes, borderlands, or near important trade routes. Presence Across Faerûn: They can be found in various regions across Faerûn, often in places that offer strategic or tactical advantages.
Integration into Larger Armies:
In some cases, hobgoblins integrate into larger armies of other races, offering their martial skills and discipline in exchange for resources or territory.   Hobgoblins, known for their military discipline and strategic acumen, may venture into the Savage Frontier for a variety of reasons:  
Territorial Expansion:
Hobgoblins, with their organized social structures and militaristic culture, often seek new territories to conquer and control. The Savage Frontier, with its untamed lands and diverse inhabitants, presents opportunities for expansion and the establishment of new outposts or colonies.  
Resource Acquisition:
The Savage Frontier is rich in natural resources that may not be available in hobgoblin-controlled territories. These can include rare minerals, unique flora and fauna, or strategic locations. Securing these resources could be crucial for the sustenance and advancement of their legions.  
Military Campaigns:
Hobgoblins may be involved in military campaigns or conflicts that extend into the Savage Frontier. They could be pursuing enemies, defending their borders, or participating in larger conflicts that involve multiple races or factions.  
Mercenary Activities:
Hobgoblins are skilled warriors and tacticians. They might be hired as mercenaries to serve in conflicts within the Savage Frontier, providing their martial expertise to the highest bidder.  
Diplomatic Missions:
In some cases, hobgoblin leaders may send emissaries to negotiate alliances or treaties with the various tribes and settlements within the Savage Frontier. These diplomatic efforts could be part of larger strategies to establish hobgoblin influence in the region.  
Scouting and Exploration:
Given their strategic nature, hobgoblins may send scouting parties to gather intelligence about the geography, inhabitants, and potential threats or opportunities in the Savage Frontier. This information could be vital for future campaigns or expansion plans.  
Cultural or Religious Missions:
Some hobgoblins might embark on journeys as part of cultural or religious obligations, such as seeking artifacts, sacred sites, or fulfilling prophecies related to their deities or ancestral traditions.  
Training and Proving Grounds:
The challenging environment of the Savage Frontier could be used as a training ground for hobgoblin soldiers, where they can hone their skills, test their mettle, and prove their worth through combat and survival.  
Personal Ambitions:
Individual hobgoblins might venture into the Savage Frontier for personal reasons, such as seeking power, knowledge, or fulfilling personal vendettas or quests.  
Escaping Internal Conflict:
In some cases, hobgoblins might flee from internal strife or power struggles within their own societies. The Savage Frontier provides a vast and varied landscape where they can start anew, far from the troubles of their homelands.    


Dominance over Other Goblinoids:
Hobgoblins often assume a position of leadership or dominance over goblins and bugbears in goblinoid communities.
Conflicts with Humanoids:
They frequently come into conflict with humans, elves, and dwarves due to their expansionist and militaristic nature.
Alliances for Strategic Gain:
Hobgoblins may form temporary alliances with other races, including evil humanoids and monsters, for strategic gain.      

Physical Qualities

Larger and Stronger than Goblins:
Hobgoblins are larger than goblins, standing around 5 to 6 feet tall, with a muscular and imposing build.
Distinctive Reddish Skin:
They have reddish-brown skin and dark hair, with sharp, angular features and piercing yellow or red eyes.
Intimidating Appearance:
Their stern demeanor and imposing presence make them an intimidating sight on the battlefield.      

RP Guide

Disciplined and Strategic:
Emphasize their disciplined nature and strategic thinking. Hobgoblins are not impulsive and think ahead, considering the ramifications of their actions.
Loyal to the Group:
Hobgoblins have a strong sense of loyalty to their unit or clan and will follow orders from their superiors without question.
Honor in Combat:
They respect martial prowess and honor in combat, often preferring to face their enemies on the battlefield rather than resorting to trickery or deceit.
Pragmatic Survivors:
Despite their martial focus, hobgoblins are pragmatic and will retreat or negotiate if it serves their interests.  

Civilization and Culture


Legacy of Conquest:
Hobgoblins have a long history of conquest and military campaigns, often seeking to expand their territories and influence.
Strategic Thinkers in Historical Conflicts:
They have played crucial roles in various conflicts throughout Faerûn's history, often as tacticians or commanding officers.
Resilience and Adaptation:
Hobgoblins have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to different environments and circumstances, maintaining their structured society even in adverse conditions.  


Worship of Goblinoid Deities:
Hobgoblins primarily worship Maglubiyet, the god of war and the chief deity of the goblinoids. They may also venerate other deities associated with war, conquest, and strength.
Religious Leaders:
Religious leaders, often shamans or clerics, hold significant sway in hobgoblin society, providing spiritual guidance and blessings for warriors.   In Faerûn, hobgoblins, known for their martial discipline and hierarchical society, worship deities that reflect their values of war, conquest, and order. Here are some deities from the Faerûnian pantheon that hobgoblins might revere:  
The chief deity for the goblinoid races, including hobgoblins, Maglubiyet is revered as a god of war and leadership. He embodies the martial prowess and ambition that many hobgoblins aspire to, and his worship often involves rituals of strength and conquest.  
As the hobgoblin god of war and leadership, Nomog-Geaya is specifically revered among hobgoblins. He symbolizes the discipline, order, and militaristic prowess that are core to hobgoblin society. His teachings reinforce their natural inclination towards strict hierarchical structures and martial excellence.  
The god of tyranny, fear, and hatred, Bane’s tenets of strength through subjugation and rule through fear can resonate with some hobgoblin tribes, particularly those who seek to expand their power and influence through conquest and domination.  
While primarily the orc deity, Gruumsh’s domains of strength, survival, and territory can appeal to hobgoblins, especially those focused on expansion and the survival of their tribe or legion.  
The patron deity of the kobolds, Kurtulmak is sometimes revered by hobgoblins who have a tactical or strategic bend, particularly because of Kurtulmak’s focus on traps, strategy, and defense.  
The dragon goddess of greed, envy, and tyranny, Tiamat might be worshipped by hobgoblins who value strength, power, and the acquisition of wealth through conquest.


Kit Items
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
elfears smallmk3
Goblin Ear A [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [R][ToT]
Goblin Ear B [L][ToT]
Goblin Ear A [R]
Goblin Ear A [L]
Goblin Ear B [R]
Goblin Ear B [L]
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Left
(JCACC) Goblin Ears Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Right
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
Elf Right
Elf Left
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of the beast (Attached)
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Fangs (Attached)
Fangs Inside (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Pointy Fangs [A]
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
150 - 185 cm   Lifespan:
80 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Goblin   Suggested Alignment:
Lawful, Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific


Ability Scores:
+1 Constitution

Saving Throws:
+1 Intelligence

Damage Resistance:

+2 Persuasion, +2 Intimidation (Strength)


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
+2 Against Charm Effects
This creature gets +2 on saves against charm effects.
Fighting Prowess
This creature gets a +1 to hit and an additional fighting style of your choice at creation.