
Race Information

Known for their adaptability, ambition, and versatility, humans have made significant impacts on the course of history and the shaping of the realm.  


Humans in Faerûn exhibit immense diversity, shaping the continent’s history with their adaptability, ambition, and versatility. They establish settlements in various environments, from the teeming cities like Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate to the rugged frontiers of the North. Human societies in Faerûn vary greatly, showcasing a range of governments and cultures. They build some of the most complex and populous settlements, including kingdoms and city-states. In their professional pursuits, humans display remarkable adaptability, mastering a vast array of trades and crafts.  


Humans are widespread across Faerûn, inhabiting various regions, each with its unique cultural and societal traits. Notable regions include:  
A kingdom known for its chivalry and strong military.  
A bustling port city and a hub of trade and politics.  
An ancient and wealthy empire rich in exotic cultures.  
A city famed for its beauty and skilled craftsmen.  
A nation driven by commerce and mercantile interests.  
Baldur's Gate:
A diverse city at the heart of trade and commerce.  
Known for its forests, plains, and ancient history.   Humans' adaptability and ambition have allowed them to establish diverse communities and play pivotal roles in Faerûn’s ongoing narrative.    


Humans have a unique ability to coexist with many races. They often serve as the connecting link between diverse races, with mixed-race individuals like half-elves and half-orcs commonly having human ancestry. This adaptive and open-minded nature of humans fosters alliances and cooperation across Faerûn’s varied races.  

Physical Qualities

Humans have a unique ability to coexist with many races. They often serve as the connecting link between diverse races, with mixed-race individuals like half-elves and half-orcs commonly having human ancestry. This adaptive and open-minded nature of humans fosters alliances and cooperation across Faerûn’s varied races.    

RP Guide

Humans in Faerûn show a broad spectrum of physical features, indicative of their diverse ethnicities. Their heights range from 5 to 6.5 feet, encompassing various skin tones, eye colors, and hair types. The diversity in their appearance reflects the rich tapestry of human cultures and ancestries found across the continent.  
Cultural Diversity
Humans come from various backgrounds, influencing their worldview and behavior. Consider your character's specific regional and cultural background in shaping their personality and outlook.  
Ambition and Drive
Humans often possess a sense of urgency and ambition, given their relatively shorter lifespans. This can manifest as a drive to achieve greatness or leave a legacy.  
Humans excel in various professions and roles. Your character might have a wide range of skills or specialize in a particular field.  
Religious Beliefs
The human pantheon in Faerûn is diverse. Your character’s religious beliefs can play a significant role in their values and life choices.  
Interaction with Other Races
Humans' adaptability allows them to interact effectively with different races. Consider how your character views and interacts with other races based on their experiences and upbringing.  
Societal Role
Reflect on your character's place within human society – whether they are a noble, commoner, or an outsider like a hermit or criminal.  
Physical Characteristics
The physical appearance of your human character can vary greatly, potentially influencing their life experiences and interactions with others.

Civilization and Culture


Humans have a relatively shorter history compared to other races in Faerûn but have significantly influenced the realm's course. They have founded empires, cities, and kingdoms, shaping the political and cultural landscape of Faerûn. Their history is marked by both cooperation and conflict with other races, showcasing their dynamic and transformative role in the continent's history.  


Humans in Faerûn worship a variety of gods from the Faerûnian pantheon. Deities such as Helm, Lathander, Mystra, and Torm are revered, each representing different aspects of life, morality, and the cosmos. The diversity in religious belief is a reflection of the varied human cultures across the continent.


Kit Items
150 - 190cm   Lifespan:
80 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Language of Choice   Suggested Alignment:
Any   Racial Tension(s):
Orcs, Goblins, Minotaurs, Tieflings


Ability Scores:

Saving Throws:
+1 to two saving throws of your choice

Damage Resistance:

+1 to all skills


Additional Feat
This creature gets an additional feat at creation.