The Many-Arrows Kingdom faction embodies the more traditional, assertive aspects of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, reflecting the visions of its earlier leaders like Obould and Hartusk. This faction is structured and civilized yet harbors nationalistic and expansionist ambitions, with a strong sense of orcish supremacy. While diplomatic engagements are considered, their primary focus is on consolidating and expanding their territory, including areas around Nesmé, which they regard as part of their rightful domain. Players in this faction will navigate a path of aggressive expansion, strategic dominance, and cultural assertion, aiming to realize the dream of a greater northern orcish empire.  


The Kingdom of Many-Arrows, also known as the Kingdom of Dark Arrows, was an influential orc kingdom in the North, founded by the legendary orc leader Obould Many-Arrows. Its inception marked a significant shift in orcish society, transforming from scattered, disorganized clans into a unified, formidable state. Rooted in traditional orcish values of strength and conquest, the kingdom aimed to establish a vast orcish empire, expanding and reclaiming territories in the North. However, in 1485, the kingdom faced its downfall and spent the following seven years rebuilding its forces, striving to regain its lost power and influence.   Culture:
Deeply rooted in orcish traditions, the Many-Arrows have a unique blend of martial prowess and emerging statecraft. Emphasizing strength and honor, the society is structured around a warrior ethos, with great respect accorded to those who demonstrate bravery and skill in battle. This culture also shows a surprising openness to diplomacy and alliances, a deviation from typical orcish isolationism.  


Territorial Expansion: Assert control over territories deemed historically and rightfully orcish, including areas surrounding Nesmé.   Military Dominance: Build and maintain a formidable military force capable of both defending orcish lands and advancing territorial claims.   Strategic Diplomacy: Engage in diplomacy where beneficial, but primarily as a means to further the Kingdom's expansionist goals.   Cultural Supremacy: Promote orcish culture and values as superior, aiming to elevate their status in the regional hierarchy.  


The hierarchy of the Many Arrows Kingdom is based on a feudalistic and primal approach. Warlords are hand chosen by the King, who then appoints all ranks below them.  


King Lorgru of Many Arrows (NPC)

‒ Council of Arrows
  • Warlord
  • Considered the highest ranking within Many-Arrows beneath the King, commanding absolute authority within his domain. Responsible for governance, law enforcement, and regional defense. Acts as the face and voice of the region, making key decisions and representing their people in higher councils.  
  • Warmaker
  • Chief military officer, strategist, and leader of all armed forces. Responsible for defense strategies, troop deployment, and military discipline.  
  • High Shaman of Gruumsh
  • Spiritual leader and chief religious figure devoted to Gruumsh, orchestrating religious ceremonies and guiding the spiritual well-being of the tribe. Influences decisions with divine insight.
  • Lorekeeper
  • Guardian and interpreter of historical and cultural knowledge, advisor on legal and traditional matters. Plays a key role in preserving tribal identity and advising on decisions based on historical precedence.  
  • High Shaman of Luthic
  • Senior religious authority specializing in matters of fertility, family, and protection. Provides counsel on community welfare and conducts rituals to honor Luthic.  
  • Shade of Shargaas
  • Master spy and chief of internal intelligence, handling covert operations, surveillance, and internal security. Ensures loyalty within the ranks and roots out threats to stability.  
  • Emissary
  • Principal diplomat, managing foreign relations and treaties. Represents the tribe in external negotiations, maintaining alliances, and navigating diplomatic landscapes.  
  • Thrallmaster
  • Overseer of the workforce, including slaves, with responsibilities in labor management and aspects of economic planning. Ensures efficient resource allocation and labor organization.
‒ Special
  • Eye of Gruumsh
  • Elite warrior, often in a commanding role, marked by a significant ritual. Symbolizes martial prowess and dedication to Gruumsh.  
  • Legbreaker
  • Elite shock troops, embodying physical strength and ferocity, dedicated to Bahgtru. Serve as the tribe's vanguard in battles.  
  • Quartermaster
  • Key logistician, managing supplies, armaments, and resource distribution. Critical for maintaining the army's operational capacity.  
  • White Hands of Yurtus
  • Clerics specializing in death rites and the only sanctioned practitioners of necromancy. Perform funerary rituals and may provide supernatural aid.  
  • Blade of Ilneval
  • A prestigious title for tactically adept commanders. Awarded for exceptional leadership and strategic acumen.  
  • Red Fangs of Shargaas
  • Covert operatives acting as secret police, tasked with internal enforcement, assassination, and espionage. Maintain internal order and eliminate internal threats.
‒ Military
  • Commander
  • Senior military officers leading large units, responsible for implementing strategies and direct troop command.  
  • Scout
  • Skilled in reconnaissance and stealth, providing critical intelligence and engaging in guerrilla tactics.  
  • Shaman
  • Magic-users who serve various roles, from healers to battle mages. They provide spiritual guidance, cast spells in combat, and may perform rituals to boost morale or invoke divine aid.  
  • Warrior
  • The backbone of the army, these are the trained soldiers who engage in direct combat.  
  • Grunt
  • The lowest rank, often comprising new recruits or local militia. Grunts perform basic combat roles and are typically less experienced.  
  • Slave
  • Non-combatant captives used for labor or servitude. In some cases, they might be pressed into service as auxiliary forces or for menial tasks to support military operations. They have no formal military training or status.


Nesmé and The Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon: Silverymoon, known for its strength, magical prowess, and influential position in the Silver Marches, is likely viewed by Many-Arrows as a formidable adversary and a significant regional power. The orcs of Many-Arrows might hold a reluctant respect for Silverymoon’s capabilities, especially in magic and diplomacy, which they might see as essential elements in the power dynamics of the region. Many-Arrows is likely wary of Silverymoon’s influence over smaller settlements like Nesmé and its role in regional alliances, which could counteract the kingdom’s expansionist goals.   Uthgardt: The Kingdom of Many-Arrows might have a cautious respect for the Griffon tribe. The Griffons' reputation as fierce warriors and their unpredictable nature (raiding one day, trading the next) could be seen as both a potential threat and a sign of strength, worthy of respect in the orcish worldview. In certain situations, the Many-Arrows kingdom might see the value in forming temporary alliances with the Griffon tribe, especially if their goals align against a common enemy or in pursuit of mutual benefits. However, given the Griffon tribe's unpredictable nature, such alliances would likely be approached with caution.   Q'Xorlarrin Covenant: The Kingdom likely harbors resentment towards the drow for their perceived failure and betrayal during the war. This sentiment would stem from the drow not living up to the expectations or the needs of the alliance, contributing to the orcs' defeat. Moving forward, the Kingdom would likely be much more cautious and skeptical about entering into alliances with drow factions. They might avoid such alliances altogether or demand stricter terms and guarantees of commitment before agreeing to any cooperation.  


Expansion Campaigns: Leading military operations to capture and secure territories.   Coersive Diplomacy: Engaging in diplomatic relations primarily to intimidate or gain strategic advantage.   Cultural Propagation: Organizing events and campaigns to assert the superiority of orcish culture and values.   Defensive Maneuvers: Protecting Kingdom territories from external threats and internal dissent.    


Resistance to Expansion: Facing opposition from neighboring lands, especially from those wary of orcish aggression.   Maintaining Unity: Ensuring cohesion and loyalty among the diverse orc clans under the Kingdom's banner.   Balancing Aggression and Strategy: Navigating the fine line between aggressive expansion and strategic overreach.  


In the "Kingdom of Many-Arrows," orcs and their allies might worship a variety of deities, primarily from the orc pantheon and other gods associated with strength, war, and survival. Here is a list of deities that might be revered:   Gruumsh: The primary deity of orcs, god of storms and war, often depicted as the supreme leader of the orcish pantheon.   Yurtrus: Orc deity of death and disease, known as the White Hand.   Luthic: The orc goddess of fertility, medicine, females, and servitude, often revered by orc mothers and healers.   Ilneval: The orc god of war strategy and leadership, often worshipped by orc warlords and tacticians.   Shargaas: The deity of darkness, stealth, and night, worshipped by orcs who favor ambush tactics and guerrilla warfare.   Bahgtru: The god of brute strength and raw power, appealing to orcs who value physical might.   Bane: A god of tyranny, hate, and fear, revered by those who seek to dominate and instill terror.   Talos: The god of storms and destruction, often worshipped by those who revel in chaos and natural calamities.   Maglubiyet: The god of goblins and hobgoblins, sometimes worshipped in orcish tribes that include these creatures.


Controlled Territories