


‒ The Capital of the KINGDOM OF MANY ARROWS
  Accepted Races:
Orcs, Goblins, Bugbears, Hobgoblins, Ogres, Trolls, Many-Arrow Half-Orcs   Tolerated Races:
Minotaurs, Yuan-Ti, Drow, Duergar, Other Half-orcs   Persecuted Races:
Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Dragonborn, Goliaths, Planetouched, Other monsters and fiends.   Hostile races:
Undead, Clerics/Paladins of Corellon  


  First was his reign, first he forged our Crown. A king once among us, now a god above. To us these laws did he impart, may those who break them be torn apart.
  ‒ I. Give your loyalty to Gruumsh, to Obould, to Many Arrows, and to its King. Obey them, Honor them, and fight for them! Suppress those who oppose them. To betray Many Arrows is to betray Gruumsh, and to betray Gruumsh is to die.   Those who forsake this command, may they die!   ‒ II. Let not the blood of Gruumsh be split in murder or for foolish reasons. To murder and kill an orc or ally in wicked fashion is forbidden. Those who forsake this command, may they die!   ‒ III. Let it also be forbidden to injure, dishonor, or kill another in a fight or duel over a petty dispute. However, if the dispute is justified, let a Shaman or a Leader among you oversee the duel in honor.   Those who forsake this command and spill the blood of their own kin or dishonor them, then let them too be dishonored and punished as is applicable, up to death or exile to Shargaas.   ‒ IV. Do not steal nor destroy the property of another orc or ally; be it house, weapon, tool, animal, or slave. Those who forsake this command, let them repay their due. If they cannot repay with coin, item, animal, or slave; then let them be flogged or forced to serve in debt.   ‒ V. Fight the enemies of Many Arrows! Do not flee in cowardice from battle and do not submit to our enemies. Those who forsake this command, may they be dishonored. Have them either flogged, their tusks filed down, cut down their ears to that of the treacherous elves, or have them be claimed by Shargaas. Do these based on their offense.   ‒ VI. You shall not suffer lesser races, those who are our enemies and who conspire against us, to walk equally among you or among your settlements. Let them be killed, subjugated, or otherwise dealt with. However, do not impair the work of emissaries or those who your superiors have allowed to trade. Those who forsake this command, let them be punished to the severity of their crime.   ‒ VII. May no orc worship strange, foreign gods and let no one practice that which is unclean or foul to the senses of Gruumsh. Let none who are not a White Hand of Yurtus raise the dead. Those who are allies and worship another, or those who are enslaved, are exempt from this law. To them however, it is forbidden to insult Gruumsh.   Those who forsake this command, let them be dishonored and punished according to the severity of their crime.   ‒ VIII. Follow the words of your Leaders. Obey the laws they set forth for you, as long as they do not contradict my word. Obey their laws as you would obey mine. Those who forsake this command, let them be dishonored and punished according to the severity of their crime.   ‒ IX. Do not deny a warrior his rightful pillage and plunder, whether it be treasure, sword, or slave. However, if a warrior takes too much and cannot handle what he has looted, then let him divide it with his brothers and repay them for the trouble. Those who forsake this command, let them be dishonored and punished according to the severity of their crime.   ‒ X. Honor the dead, those who were venerably old or those who fought ferociously whether friend or foe, and let them be buried according to the rites of Yurtus. Do not let these dead be disturbed. But to those who died in failure, dishonor, or other unfitting ways, let their bodies be feasts for crows. Those who forsake this command, let them be dishonored and punished according to the severity of their crime.   ‒ XI. My final command: Let our Many-Arrows cover the earth and sky! Strive so that all may in the north may fall underneath our banner! Strive that we claim the land that is rightfully ours and let all other races kneel before us!   Those who forsake this command, let them be sundered and torn apart!  


Light Punishments:
  • Rations for the offender and their household are halved for one moon.
  • Public Branding, the brand given is determined by the offense. T-for Thief, C- for Coward, etc.
  • A fine in the amount of coin or arms/armor equal to the crime committed.
  • Moderate Punishments:
  • Your assets are relinquished and distributed amongst the tribe.
  • Your spouse is taken as a concubine to work off your offense.
  • The removal of both eyes, one for Grummsh, One for your crime.
  • Severe Punishments:
  • Death by Execution
  • Left to Shargaas
  • Permanent Enslavement
  • Indentured servitude as a gladiator until death or sentence is fulfilled
  • Tar and Feathering followed by Permanent Exile.

    Owning Organization