Monkey Hengeyokai

Race Information

"With a twinkle in my eye and a leap in my step, I dance through life's grand tapestry. As a Monkey Hengeyokai, I find my joy in the jest, wisdom in the whimsy, and strength in the smile. I play the game of life with the cards of cleverness and curiosity, ever ready to turn the world into my playground. Let others ponder and plan; I'll be swinging from the stars, turning every moment into a mischievous adventure!"
  Monkey Hengeyokai are enigmatic and agile beings known for their ability to shift between human and monkey forms. These creatures are often imbued with a playful spirit and a penchant for mischief. In their human guise, they retain certain monkey-like characteristics, such as agile movements and expressive facial features. Monkey Hengeyokai are inherently curious, social, and enjoy exploring both urban environments and natural landscapes.    


Communal and Hierarchical:
Monkey Hengeyokai might live in close-knit communities resembling primate social structures, with clear hierarchies yet strong bonds within the group.  
Playful and Curious:
Emphasizing a love for play, exploration, and practical jokes, their society would likely be lively, with a strong sense of humor and a penchant for mischief.  
Storytelling and Oral Traditions:
Rich in oral traditions, Monkey Hengeyokai would value storytelling, using tales to pass down knowledge and history, often filled with humor and wisdom.  
Ancestor Veneration:
Honoring their ancestors and the wisdom of previous generations might play a significant role in their spiritual practices.  
Despite their playful nature, they would have a strong sense of community, always ready to support and protect their fellow Hengeyokai.  


  Monkey Hengeyokai can be found in various regions of Faerûn, particularly those that offer a mix of urban and natural environments. Forests near cities, such as the outskirts of Waterdeep or the edges of the High Forest, might be common habitats. They may also be found in regions with strong magical or fey influences, such as the Moonshae Isles, Evermeet, or near portals to the Feywild, where their playful and whimsical nature resonates with the surrounding energy.   A Monkey Hengeyokai in the Savage Frontier, a region known for its wild landscapes and untamed nature, might find themselves there for a variety of reasons that align with their inherent traits and life pursuits:  
Adventure and Exploration:
The Savage Frontier, with its vast unexplored territories and hidden treasures, is a perfect playground for an adventure-loving Monkey Hengeyokai. Their natural curiosity and love for exploration would be well-suited to this land of mystery and opportunity.  
Seeking Knowledge and Lore:
Monkey Hengeyokai, with their inquisitive nature, might be drawn to the Savage Frontier in search of ancient knowledge, forgotten lore, or unique cultural experiences found among the diverse societies and creatures inhabiting the region.  
Connection to Nature:
The vast wildernesses of the Savage Frontier offer a deep connection to nature, which is likely to appeal to Monkey Hengeyokai. They might seek to live in harmony with the land, study its ecosystems, or protect it from encroaching threats.  
Escaping Civilization:
For those seeking a break from the constraints of more structured societies, the remote and less populated areas of the Savage Frontier offer a refuge where they can live freely and according to their own rules.  
Feywild Influence:
Certain areas of the Savage Frontier are known to have connections to the Feywild. Monkey Hengeyokai with an affinity for the fey might be drawn to these areas, either out of curiosity or because of a deeper, possibly mystical, calling.  
Spiritual Journey:
The raw and mystical nature of the Savage Frontier provides an ideal backdrop for Monkey Hengeyokai on a spiritual or self-discovery journey. It's a place where they can meditate, commune with nature, or seek answers from ancient spirits or deities.  
Performing and Entertaining:
Monkey Hengeyokai, with their playful and sociable nature, might travel to the Savage Frontier as entertainers or performers, bringing joy and laughter to the settlements and tribes of this rugged land.  
Trading and Commerce:
Despite its wild nature, the Savage Frontier has various trade routes and interactions with different cultures. Monkey Hengeyokai with a knack for trade or a desire to interact with diverse groups might find opportunities here, using their adaptability and social skills in commerce.  
Championing a Cause:
The Savage Frontier, with its challenges and conflicts, may attract Monkey Hengeyokai who see themselves as protectors or champions of a certain cause, whether it's aiding a threatened community, protecting the environment, or battling a rising evil.  
Mystical Research:
The Savage Frontier, with its ancient magic and legendary history, is a goldmine for those interested in arcane and mystical studies. Monkey Hengeyokai with a penchant for magic might be investigating these mysteries.  
Fulfilling a Personal Quest or Prophecy:
A Monkey Hengeyokai might be in the Savage Frontier following a personal quest or fulfilling a prophecy, which could be related to their heritage, a rite of passage, or a spiritual calling.    


Monkey Hengeyokai are generally outgoing and sociable, enjoying the company of other races. They often get along well with races that appreciate humor and wit, such as Halflings and Gnomes. They might find common ground with Humans and Elves in terms of adaptability and curiosity. However, their mischievous nature might sometimes put them at odds with more serious or tradition-bound races like Dwarves. Monkey Hengeyokai are typically open-minded and enjoy learning about different cultures and customs.   Monkey Hengeyokai, with their playful, curious, and sociable nature, may have unique perspectives on other races in Faerûn. Their outlook is likely influenced by their own experiences and the cultural context in which they live. Here's a general idea of how they might view various races:  
Monkey Hengeyokai might see humans as endlessly fascinating due to their diversity and adaptability. They could be intrigued by human cultures and societies, though sometimes bemused by human seriousness or short-sightedness.  
Elves and Half-Elves:
Elves, with their affinity for nature and longevity, might be seen as wise and intriguing by Monkey Hengeyokai. They could admire elven grace and magic, and find common ground with half-elves who live between two worlds, much like themselves.  
The sturdy and industrious nature of dwarves might be respected, but Monkey Hengeyokai might also find their seriousness and rigidity a bit puzzling. They could enjoy the challenge of trying to bring a smile or laugh to a stoic dwarf's face.  
Halflings, with their love for comfort and good humor, are likely to be viewed very positively by Monkey Hengeyokai. They might see halflings as kindred spirits in their enjoyment of life’s pleasures and sense of community.  
Gnomes' curiosity, inventiveness, and love of pranks could make them fast friends with Monkey Hengeyokai. They might share a similar sense of humor and a love for cleverness and creativity.  
The often misunderstood nature of tieflings might evoke empathy in Monkey Hengeyokai. They could relate to their experience of being outsiders and appreciate the depth and resilience that many tieflings possess.  
The strong sense of honor and intensity of dragonborn could be intriguing to Monkey Hengeyokai, though they might also find them a bit overly serious or imposing. They could be curious about dragonborn culture and their draconic heritage.  
Orcs and Half-Orcs:
Monkey Hengeyokai might approach orcs and half-orcs with a mixture of caution and curiosity. They could admire their strength and straightforwardness while being cautious of their potential for aggression.  
The celestial heritage of Aasimar might fascinate Monkey Hengeyokai. They could be drawn to their otherworldly aura and sense of purpose, and might enjoy learning about their perspectives on the world.  
Goliaths' physical prowess and survival skills might be respected by Monkey Hengeyokai. However, their serious demeanor and competitive nature might be seen as a challenge to be lightened with humor and playfulness.    

Physical Qualities

Monkey Hengeyokai have the ability to shift between a human form, a monkey form, and a hybrid form. In their human form, they retain some monkey-like features such as agile, dexterous fingers and expressive faces. Their monkey form is indistinguishable from a regular monkey, allowing them to blend into natural environments or perform acrobatic feats. The hybrid form combines human intelligence with the agility and physical prowess of a monkey, making them very versatile in various situations.    

RP Guide

Playful and Mischievous:
Emphasize your character’s love for play and harmless pranks. Monkey Hengeyokai are known for their sense of humor and enjoyment in light-hearted trickery.  
Curious and Observant:
Show an insatiable curiosity about the world and a keen ability to notice details that others might miss.  
Social and Gregarious:
Be outgoing and social, eager to interact with others, but also capable of forming deep, loyal bonds.  
Charming and Persuasive:
Use your natural charisma to engage with others, often employing humor and wit in conversations.  
Adaptable in Social Settings:
Show a knack for adapting to different social situations, using both your human and monkey traits to your advantage.

Civilization and Culture


The history of Monkey Hengeyokai in Faerûn is likely filled with tales of adventure, cunning, and exploration. Originating from a blend of the natural world and magical influences, possibly including fey or trickster spirits, their history is probably rich with stories of Monkey Hengeyokai outwitting larger, more powerful foes, acting as cunning messengers or guides, or playing pivotal roles in historical events through their unique skills and perspectives.    


Monkey Hengeyokai might be drawn to deities associated with trickery, travel, and nature. Gods like Tymora (goddess of good fortune), Brandobaris (halfling god of adventure and thievery), or Erevan Ilesere (elven deity of mischief and change) could appeal to their playful and adventurous spirit. They might also revere nature deities like Silvanus or Mielikki, reflecting their connection to the natural world.   Monkey Hengeyokai in Faerûn, with their playful, curious, and adaptable nature, might be drawn to deities that reflect these characteristics. Some gods that might particularly resonate with them include:  
The Halfling deity of adventure, thievery, and wit, Brandobaris is an ideal match for Monkey Hengeyokai who value cunning, agility, and a good-hearted approach to trickery.  
Erevan Ilesere:
As the elven god of mischief, change, and trickery, Erevan Ilesere aligns well with the playful and mischievous aspects of Monkey Hengeyokai. His love for pranks and change could inspire and amuse them.  
The Goddess of Good Fortune and Luck, Tymora, could appeal to the Monkey Hengeyokai's love for adventure and their often optimistic outlook. Her favor might be sought to aid in their daring exploits and ventures.  
Garl Glittergold:
The Gnome deity of trickery, humor, and gemcraft, Garl Glittergold's sense of humor and love for practical jokes resonate with the Monkey Hengeyokai’s playful nature.  
Known as the Oak Father, Silvanus is the god of wild nature and druids. His domain includes the untamed aspects of nature, which many Monkey Hengeyokai might find akin to their own spirits.  
The Goddess of Forests and Forest Creatures, Mielikki's domain covers the natural world that Monkey Hengeyokai are deeply connected to. Her emphasis on harmony and balance in nature aligns with their lifestyle and values.  
Hanali Celanil:
The elven goddess of love, beauty, and art, Hanali Celanil, could be revered by those Monkey Hengeyokai who appreciate the beauty in life, the arts, and the joy of relationships.  
Known as the Goddess of Joy, Lliira's teachings about living a life filled with happiness and freedom from worry resonate well with the often light-hearted and free-spirited Monkey Hengeyokai.  
The God of Knowledge, Invention, and Bards, Oghma could appeal to Monkey Hengeyokai who value the pursuit of knowledge, especially in a way that is creative and innovative.  
A deity of hedonism, sensual fulfillment, and festivity, Sharess might be worshipped by Monkey Hengeyokai who embrace pleasure, joy, and the more indulgent aspects of life.


Kit Items
Panther Tail (Attached)
slim floof tail
[C] Feline Tail
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
Pointy Fangs [A]
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Halfling Ears 2 Right
neck floof
Neck Fur White [A]
Neck Fur Black [A]
Neck Fur Grey [A]
Neck Fur Brown [A]
150 - 180 cm (Hybrid Form)   Lifespan:
500 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Sylvan   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic, Neutral   Racial Tension(s):
Monstrous Races


Ability Scores:

Saving Throws:
+1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence

Damage Resistance:

+2 Acrobatics, +2 Athletics


Spider Climb
This creature may climb at full speed and does not require appropriate footing/support to do so.
Animal Form
This creature gains access to the small animal form druid wild shape and one additional charge of wild shape. Your animial form is a small monkey.
Humanoid Form
This creature has an alternative physcial visage that they can wear. They have ONE polymorph form that may be changed on a monthly basis through a ticket.
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Minor Illusion.