Mountain Dwarf

Race Information

Mountain Dwarves, a distinct subrace of dwarves, are known for their strength, masterful craftsmanship, and deep commitment to kinship in the realm of Faerun. They have significantly influenced the realm's history through their resilience and skills.    


The society of Mountain Dwarves revolves around clans, which are extended family groups often skilled in specific crafts or trades. Each clan, led by a thane or chieftain, forms part of a larger kingdom ruled by a monarch. These societies value honor, duty, and tradition, deeply embedding loyalty and ancestral practices in their culture.   Mountain Dwarves excel in mining, metalworking, and stonework, producing some of Faerun's finest weapons, armor, and tools. Their architectural prowess is evident in their intricate underground cities, which are marvels of engineering.   Militaristic by nature, Mountain Dwarf society boasts a well-trained military known for its discipline and skill in combat. Preferring heavy armor and melee weapons, their warriors are tactically astute and formidable in battle.    


Mountain Dwarves predominantly inhabit Faerun's mountainous regions, such as the Spine of the World, Sword Mountains, Sunset Mountains, and the Stormhorn Mountains. Their presence in these areas is marked by formidable strongholds and a rich culture deeply intertwined with the landscape. Additionally, Mountain Dwarves are often encountered as adventurers or emissaries across Faerun, driven by their explorative and ambitious nature.    


While Mountain Dwarves maintain strong ties with other dwarven subraces and often trade with humans, elves, and halflings, they are typically cautious towards outsiders. They harbor particular distrust towards goblinoids and drow.    

Physical Qualities

Mountain Dwarves are robust, standing about 4 to 4.5 feet tall and weighing around 150 to 200 pounds. Their skin tones range from deeply tanned to light brown, with hair colors spanning dark brown, black, and fiery red. Their blue, green, or hazel eyes complement their imposing beards, often adorned with decorative elements.   Adapted to high altitudes and rugged terrain, Mountain Dwarves exhibit natural resistance to cold and have an excellent sense of direction.    

RP Guide

  • Emphasize their resilience and determination, particularly in adversity.
  • Showcase a strong work ethic and pride in craftsmanship.
  • Uphold clan loyalty and adherence to tradition.
  • Manifest a cautious approach towards outsiders.
  • Display their deep connection to the earth and skills in mining and stonework.
  • Highlight their militaristic mindset and prowess in combat.

  • Civilization and Culture


    The history of Mountain Dwarves in Faerun is marked by their enduring spirit, evident in their legendary citadels and involvement in significant historical events. Their craftsmanship and martial skills have played a pivotal role in shaping the realm's history.  


    Mountain Dwarves revere the dwarven pantheon, particularly gods like Moradin, associated with creation and craftsmanship, and other deities embodying hearth, home, and warfare.


    Kit Items
    Dwarven Beard
    Dwarven Beard (Attached)
    Dwarven Beard Black (Attached)
    Dwarven Beard Goldenrod (Attached)
    Dwarven Beard Fiery Red (Attached)
    Beard 1 Vanilla (Attached)
    Beard 2 Vanilla (Attached)
    Beard 3 Vanilla (Attached)
    Unequip Attached Beard
    Beard 01 Black (a)
    Beard Dwarf (a)
    120 - 130cm   Lifespan:
    350 Years   Starting Language(s):
    Common, Dwarvish   Suggested Alignment:
    Any   Racial Tension(s):
    Goblinoids, Orcs, Drow, Duergar


    Ability Scores:
    +1 Constitution

    Saving Throws:
    +1 Strength

    Damage Resistance:

    +2 Willpower, +2 Resilience


    This creature can see in the dark.