Movanic Deva

Race Information

"In the eternal dance of light and shadow, I am a guardian of the balance, a beacon in the darkness. My wings carry the whispers of the righteous and the cries of the innocent. With every beat, I bring hope; with every breath, I speak justice. I am a Movanic Deva, a celestial envoy, and my purpose is as unwavering as the stars. In me, the light of goodness finds its sword and shield, and in its service, I find my eternal path."
Movanic Devas are celestial beings of goodness and light, often serving as messengers and agents of the powers of good. These lesser angels, characterized by their ethereal beauty and majestic wings, are often encountered in the Material Plane, especially when the forces of good are in dire need. Movanic Devas are known for their dedication to fighting evil, protecting the innocent, and promoting the cause of justice and righteousness. These celestials, with their glowing auras and commanding presence, are inspiring figures, providing guidance, aid, and sometimes direct intervention in the battle against darkness and malevolence in Faerûn.    


Hierarchical and Duty-Bound:
Movanic Devas exist within a celestial hierarchy, often receiving guidance and missions from higher celestial powers or good deities. Their society is less about social structure and more about the roles and duties they are assigned to uphold the forces of good.  
Solitary yet Collaborative:
While they tend to be solitary in their tasks, Movanic Devas are known to collaborate with other celestial beings or good-aligned entities when the need arises, especially in significant battles against evil. They may form temporary alliances or small groups to tackle specific missions or threats.  
Guardians and Protectors:
Their primary role in society is as guardians and protectors, whether it's guarding sacred places, protecting innocent souls, or battling forces of evil. Movanic Devas are often assigned to specific locations, realms, or tasks that require their attention and protection.  
Messengers and Healers:
Aside from protection, they often serve as messengers for the gods, delivering important divine communications to mortals or other celestials. Healing and providing aid to those fighting against evil is another crucial aspect of their role in the celestial order.  
Devotion to Good and Justice:
The society of Movanic Devas is deeply rooted in their unwavering devotion to good and justice. They are often involved in cosmic battles against evil entities and forces. Their actions and decisions are guided by principles of righteousness, compassion, and the greater good.  
Cosmic and Spiritual Connection:
Movanic Devas maintain a strong spiritual connection to the divine realms and the cosmic balance. This connection guides their actions and their understanding of the universe. They often engage in spiritual practices that strengthen their connection to the divine and reinforce their commitment to their duties.  
Mentorship and Guidance:
Older and more experienced Movanic Devas may take on mentorship roles, guiding younger or less experienced members of their kind. They share knowledge and wisdom gained from their celestial existence and the various missions they have undertaken.  


  Movanic Devas can be found across Faerûn, though they are more likely to appear in regions where their presence is most needed. This could be near ancient holy sites, in lands besieged by darkness or corruption, or at the heart of significant conflicts between good and evil. They may also be found in places with strong connections to the celestial realms, such as near portals to the Upper Planes or in areas where the barrier between the planes is thin.   A Movanic Deva in the Savage Frontier, a region known for its rugged wilderness and perilous adventures, might be there for several reasons that align with their celestial nature and divine missions:  
Protecting Sacred Sites:
The Savage Frontier may contain ancient and sacred sites that are crucial to the balance of good in the world. A Movanic Deva might be tasked with guarding these places from desecration or harm.  
Aiding Heroes:
Movanic Devas often assist mortals who are on quests that serve the greater good. They might guide and protect adventurers in the Savage Frontier who are battling evil forces or seeking to thwart malevolent plans.  
Combatting Evil:
The Savage Frontier can be a haven for evil beings like fiends, malevolent fey, or corrupt magic users. A Movanic Deva might be present to directly combat these threats or to support others in doing so.  
Healing and Restoration:
In the aftermath of conflicts or natural disasters, Movanic Devas might engage in healing the land and its inhabitants, restoring balance and nurturing the growth of good.  
Divine Mission or Quest:
Movanic Devas may be in the Savage Frontier on a specific divine mission or quest, perhaps tasked by their deity to retrieve a sacred artifact, deliver a crucial message, or perform a significant ritual.  
Guiding Lost Souls:
The treacherous landscapes of the Savage Frontier can lead many to peril. Movanic Devas might guide lost or endangered souls, helping them find their way to safety.  
Promoting Peace:
In areas fraught with conflict, such as tribal disputes or tensions between settlers and indigenous creatures, Movanic Devas might work to promote understanding, peace, and cooperation.  
Countering Dark Magic:
Areas in the Savage Frontier may be plagued by dark magic or cursed lands. Movanic Devas could be involved in cleansing these areas and countering the effects of dark spells and curses.  
Fostering Nature’s Growth:
Movanic Devas might also be involved in nurturing and protecting the natural environment of the Savage Frontier, ensuring that its ecosystems remain balanced and thrive.  
Monitoring Planar Rifts:
If there are weak points between the planes in the Savage Frontier, Movanic Devas might monitor these to prevent incursions from otherworldly beings that could disrupt the natural order.    


Movanic Devas are inclined to form positive relations with races and individuals who champion the causes of good and justice. They are likely to be allies of paladins, clerics, and other righteous warriors. Movanic Devas might be cautious around those with dubious morals, but they are not quick to judge and often offer guidance or redemption. They are staunch enemies of evil beings, especially fiends and those who serve malevolent deities.   Movanic Devas, as celestial beings dedicated to the forces of good and protection, tend to view other races through a lens of their potential for good, their struggles against evil, and their role in the cosmic balance. Here's a general perspective they might have towards various races in Faerûn:  
Movanic Devas may see humans as a race with great potential for both good and evil. They might be particularly interested in guiding and aiding humans who show a strong inclination towards righteousness and justice.  
Elves and Half-Elves:
They likely view elves with respect, especially for their longevity and connection to nature, which often aligns with the pursuits of good. Half-elves, straddling two worlds, might be seen as embodying the potential for unity and harmony between different races.  
Movanic Devas might admire dwarves for their steadfastness and strong sense of duty, qualities that resonate with their own. They might also encourage dwarves to look beyond their sometimes insular communities to the broader fight against evil.  
The simplicity and joy for life that halflings exhibit could be seen as a pure expression of good by Movanic Devas. They might view halflings as a reminder of the goodness inherent in all creatures and the importance of protecting such innocence.  
Movanic Devas might appreciate the curiosity and inventiveness of gnomes, seeing them as allies in the pursuit of knowledge used for good ends, such as protecting the weak and fostering joy.  
Understanding the struggle that tieflings often face due to their heritage, Movanic Devas might view them with compassion and a desire to aid them in overcoming societal prejudice and finding their path to good.  
The honor and commitment of dragonborn to their clans and causes might resonate with Movanic Devas, who value similar traits in their own service to the celestial hierarchy.  
Orcs and Half-Orcs:
Movanic Devas might view orcs and half-orcs with a cautious optimism, recognizing the capacity for both savagery and nobility in these races. They might be inclined to support those who strive to overcome negative stereotypes and choose a righteous path.  
As fellow celestials, Movanic Devas would likely feel a strong kinship with Aasimar. They might see them as natural allies in the fight against evil and as embodiments of their shared celestial heritage.  
Other Celestials:
Movanic Devas would view other celestial beings as comrades in arms, sharing a common goal of promoting good and combating evil across the planes.    

Physical Qualities

Movanic Devas are celestial beings with a powerful and awe-inspiring presence. They typically appear as tall, winged humanoids with a radiant aura. Their features are often described as beautiful and otherworldly, and their eyes might glow with divine light. In combat, they may wield celestial weapons that glow with holy energy.    

RP Guide

Role-playing a Movanic Deva offers a unique opportunity to embody a being of celestial origin, driven by a mission of protection and goodness. They are compassionate and wise, often serving as mentors or guides. Players can explore themes of morality, the nature of good versus evil, and the responsibilities that come with great power. Movanic Devas are usually more diplomatic and nurturing compared to their more combat-focused counterparts like Monadic Devas.  
Noble and Righteous:
Emphasize your character’s dedication to good and justice. Movanic Devas are noble beings who always strive to do what is right.  
Compassionate and Caring:
Show deep compassion towards others, especially those who are innocent or victimized.  
Serene and Wise:
Portray a sense of calm wisdom and understanding, reflecting your celestial insight and connection to higher powers.  
Diplomatic and Persuasive:
Utilize a diplomatic approach in interactions, seeking peaceful resolutions to conflicts whenever possible.  
Inspirational Presence:
As a celestial being, your mere presence should inspire and bring hope to those around you.  
Reserved Emotionality:
While compassionate, maintain a certain level of detachment as befits a celestial being. Your perspective is often broader, focused on the greater good.

Civilization and Culture


Movanic Devas in Faerûn have a history intertwined with the cosmic battle between good and evil. They are often involved in legendary battles against fiends, protecting sacred sites, and aiding heroes in pivotal moments throughout history. Their presence in Faerûn is usually a sign of a significant divine intervention or a response to a great threat against the balance of good.  


Movanic Devas are deeply religious, often serving specific good deities or the forces of good in general. They might be particularly devoted to gods of protection, healing, and valor, such as Torm, Tyr, Ilmater, or Lathander in the Faerûnian pantheon.   Movanic Devas, as celestial beings in the service of good and order, typically don't worship gods in the same way mortals do. However, they are closely aligned with and often serve under the auspices of certain deities, especially those associated with goodness, protection, and justice. In the context of the Faerûnian pantheon, Movanic Devas would likely be associated with deities such as:  
The God of Courage and Self-Sacrifice, Torm's teachings align well with the Movanic Devas' ethos of protection and duty. Movanic Devas serving Torm would be particularly focused on defending the innocent and upholding the principles of courage and loyalty.  
As the God of Justice, Tyr would be a natural fit for Movanic Devas. Their role in maintaining and enforcing just order, especially in times of conflict, would align with Tyr’s ideals.  
The Crying God, known for his compassion and endurance, represents the virtues of suffering, empathy, and endurance in the face of adversity. Movanic Devas aligned with Ilmater would be particularly concerned with easing the suffering of the innocent and providing comfort to those in need.  
The Morninglord, representing renewal, creativity, youth, vitality, and self-perfection, would appeal to Movanic Devas focused on healing, renewal, and the protection of life.  
The Platinum Dragon, revered as a deity of justice, honor, nobility, and protection, especially among dragonkind. Movanic Devas aligned with Bahamut would focus on noble causes, protecting the innocent, and upholding the highest standards of honor.  
The Goddess of the Moon and associated with change and transformation, Selûne’s emphasis on hope, navigation, and wanderers might resonate with Movanic Devas involved in guiding and protecting those on journeys, both literal and spiritual.  
The Goddess of Peace, known for her pacifism, serenity, and nature, would align with Movanic Devas focused on protecting natural sanctuaries, promoting peace, and preventing conflict.  
The Goddess of Love and Beauty, whose domains include love, art, and passion. Movanic Devas serving Sune would likely be involved in protecting the beauty and love that exist in the world, both in nature and among people.


Kit Items
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Green (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Yellow (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Angelic Wings
Angelic Wings (Attached)
Archangel Wings
Archangel Wings (Attached)
Angel Wings (Attached)
Angel Wings Folded (Attached)
Angel Wings Folded Brown (Attached)
Boots of Icarus [Low Gravity]
180 - 200 cm   Lifespan:
Ageless   Starting Language(s):
Common, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal   Suggested Alignment:
Any Good   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+1 in two different stats of your choice

Saving Throws:
+1 on all saving throws

Damage Resistance:

+2 Insight, +2 Perception


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Healing Touch
Once per short rest, as a bonus action, this creature can touch a target within 1 tile of them to heal the target for 3d6+Mastery hit points. This ability purges the poisoned and dazed condition and can NOT be used on themselves.
This creature is able to fly. When retreating they are considered flying and are given access to Boots of Icarus to simulate easier travel through the skies. True flight is unlocked at Master.
Polymorph Form
This creature has an alternative physcial visage that they can wear. They have ONE polymorph form that may be changed on a monthly basis through a ticket.


Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the fluff spells Light, Minor Illusion, & Thaumaturgy.