


  Nesmé, a city once known for its exceptional steel, home for adventurers, as well as a gateway to the west. Those who had called it home were known for their tenacity in the face of a savage north, which the city was able to hold off for years despite the odds. However, not all things last and eventually the city fell to a combination of the local drow and orcs in the War of the Silver Marches, where none of its original population survived. Now though, Silverymoon has set its sight on restoring that gateway and sanctuary of civilization in a ferocious climate once again. Travelers from all over have come to help bring about a new age for this storied city seeking to find a new life, and new opportunities as Silverymoon attempts this ambitious project to once again signal that there is light after the darkness and that hope still remains even in the most savage of places.   Accepted Races:
Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Planetouched, Dragonborn, Goliaths   Tolerated Races:
Half-Orcs, Hexbloods   Persecuted Races:
Orcs, Drow, Goblinoids, Duergar, Many-Arrows Half-Orcs, Ogres, Minotaurs, Trolls   Persecuted Classes:
Necromancers, Clerics of evil gods   Hostile Races:
Undead, Evil Werewolves, and other monsters  


of the Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon
  These laws apply to the City of Silverymoon proper, and all member territories of the Silveran Republic. Every Visitor, Resident, and Citizen of Silverymoon is expected to adhere to the law and respect those who serve it.
    ‒ I. Murder
Murder of any kind and for any reason is forbidden. Those who violate this law shall be sentenced by a court to an appropriate punishment, up to death.   ‒ II. Assault
Assault of any kind is forbidden by Silveran Law. Violators shall be punished according to the severity of their offense.   ‒ III. Stealing & Property Destruction
The stealing or destruction of property is illegal by Silveran law. Violators shall be fined the value of the item stolen and shall also return the item. Repeat offenses shall see an escalation of punishment.   ‒ IV. Citizenship
A Citizen of Silverymoon is considered to be any resident of an applicable race who has successfully been granted a Citizenship document as a result of an application at their local registration office. Races that are not listed as applicable by the laws of the Republic may be considered for citizenship if they have shown sufficient loyalty and valor over an appropriate period of time.   ‒ V. Discrimination
One shall not discriminate nor persecute any Citizen of Silverymoon due to race or ethnic origin. A citizen should be judged, and punished, by the merit or demerit of their actions. Violators of this law shall be fined or otherwise punished if there is reason for a more serious punishment.   ‒ VI. Worship of Dark Gods
The worship of Cyric, Shar, the Dead Three, or any other dark god is forbidden by the laws of the Republic. Any worshippers of these gods shall be punished to the full extent of the law.   ‒ VII. Worship of Fiends
The worship of fiends or other dangerous entities is outlawed to all Citizens, Residents, and Visitors. Their cults should be hunted down and dismantled, and any participants shall be punished to the full extent of the law, up to death if applicable.   ‒ VIII. Necromancy
The creation of undead is illegal, so is the use of dangerous magic in populated areas. Violators shall be punished to the full extent of the law.   ‒ IX. Right to Fair Trial
A citizen who has been safely detained is entitled to the right of a fair trial by either a military officer of Exemplar or Commander rank or by a member of their local High Council. Violations of this right may be reported to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Silverymoon by letter or in person.   ‒ X. Treason, Espionage, & Conspiracy
Treason, Espionage, or any other conspiracy against the Republic of Silverymoon is forbidden and shall be punished to the appropriate extent of the law. This applies to any Citizen, Resident, or Visitor.   ‒ XI. Citizenship Limitations
As a result of the current situation, especially in the area around Nesme, applications for citizenship from Drow, Orcs, Goblinoids, and any other type of race or monster that associates with them shall not be accepted. In addition, the applications of any that associate with the governments of hostile states shall not be accepted. In addition, these races shall not be allowed inside any settlement of the Republic, unless on strictly supervised diplomatic or economic purposes. The latter of which must be approved by military command at the least.   ‒ XII. Kidnapping & Slavery
Slavery, kidnapping, and forced servitude are all highly illegal within the Republic of Silverymoon. Any violator of this law shall suffer an appropriate punishment,including the liquidation of all assets and any other punishment deemed reasonable.   ‒ XIII. Ilicit Substances
The use and possession of poisonous, addictive or otherwise hazardous substances and drugs is tightly regulated by Silveran law, and may only be used for medicinal or research purposes with the High Council’s permission. Violators shall be punished according to their offense.   ‒ XIV. Public Indecency, Disorderly Conduct, & Public Intoxication
Public indecency, and disorderly conduct which offends or disturbs the peace, is illegal. Violators shall be fined and repeat violations shall be met with more severe punishment, up to flogging.  


Light Punishments:
  • Public flogging followed by a half a day in the pillory.
  • Two nights in the local jail followed by two days of community service.
  • A fine to be paid in coin or service equal to the severity of the crime.
  • For one moon the offender is banned from the use of weapons or alcohol.

  • Moderate Punishments:
  • One week in an isolated prison.
  • Public humiliation followed by the stripping of title and/or assets/land.
  • Family name is tainted with dishonor until earned back through military service.

  • Severe Punishments:
  • Death by Burning, Drowning or Arrow Brigade.
  • Incarceration for Life (in the mines) or Permanent Frontline Military Service.
  • Trial by Ordeal is offered to offenders of “noble” status.
  • Banishment to the Orcish Wastes or Underdark.
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