Welcome to the Savage Frontier, an area rife with adventure, intrigue, and untold mysteries awaiting to be discovered. Your tale will take place in the frontier town of Nesme under the rule of the Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon. As a player in Silverymoon you will cooperatively tell stories of heroics, good versus evil, intrigue, and exploring the vast trove of mysteries found in the Silver Marches.   The Silverymoon faction is dedicated to enriching the narrative experience and offering dynamic political and military RP opportunities for the predominantly neutral and good-aligned surface dwellers. This faction emphasizes the importance of virtuous role-play, particularly in the efforts to rehabilitate the city of Nesmé and combat the threats posed by the Orcs of the Many-Arrow Kingdom and the drow of Q'Xorlarrin Covenant. It also opens avenues for players to engage in diplomatic initiatives, fostering alliances, and promoting prosperous trade relations on the surface. Silverymoon stands as a beacon of hope and cooperation, inviting players to be part of a story that shapes the world for the better.   As a part of Silverymoon you are welcome to play Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Planetouched, Dragonborn, Goliaths with all their unique quirks and strengths. Additionally, one may play a Half-Orc(Not Many Arrowed Half-Orcs) or a Hexblood, though their experience will be a bit rougher than most as while they are allowed in the city itself, they are merely tolerated by the locals, though with effort even they may find success in the rich enterprises or adventures the city offers.   There are a plethora of paths for people to chase after. One could become a member of the High Council, one of the new Knights of Silver, or a Spellguard. If intrigue is more your thing you could become an Inspector and chase down mysteries within the lands of Silverymoon, or within the city of Nesme. Like playing a cleric and feel as though you’re a master of it? The High Priest position could be yours or you could play as a Cleric or Paladin representing one of the many faiths that Silverymoon espouses. Even if you just want to play a crafter or a gatherer, there is a place for you within the lands of Silverymoon.    


Origin: Following the tumultuous War of the Silver Marches, the city of Nesmé faced consecutive occupations, first falling under the control of the Many-Arrow Kingdom and subsequently being overtaken by the drow of House Baenre. In the wake of these turbulent events, Silverymoon, keenly aware of Nesmé's dire circumstances it faced, intervened to assist in its restoration. This decisive action by Silverymoon heralded a transformative era in Nesmé's history, characterized by a concerted effort towards recovery, reconstruction, and charting a renewed course towards a prosperous future.

Culture: Silverymoon is a harmonious blend of magic, scholarship, and artistic expression. Revered for encouraging arcane learning and cultural diversity, it integrates magical advancements with a profound respect for nature. Its cosmopolitan atmosphere is enriched by a mix of races and traditions, fostering an inclusive community. Symbolizing peace and progress, Silverymoon’s focus on intellectual pursuits and a commitment to justice and equality defines its vibrant and progressive culture.  


Reconstruction and Development: A primary objective could be the physical rebuilding of Nesmé, focusing on infrastructure, public buildings, and homes. This effort might involve magical construction methods unique to Silverymoon, ensuring rapid and sustainable development.

Economic Revitalization: Silverymoon focuses on revitalizing Nesmé's economy through trade agreements, joint ventures, and the introduction of new industries or magical technologies, thereby ensuring long-term economic stability.

Fostering Community: Encouraging the growth of artistic and magical communities within Nesmé, possibly through festivals, fairs, and workshops, would help in cultivating a vibrant and dynamic local culture reflective of Silverymoon’s influence.

Protection: The primary goal is the protection of Nesmé from the Covenant and the Many-Arrow Kingdom. This involves military campaigns aimed at protecting the borders, intercepting spies and acts of terror, and ultimately protecting the common people.  


The hierarchy of the city is a blend of Silverymoon's heirarchy and Nesmé's structure. The Archmagus is appointed by the High Mage of Silverymoon, and they appoint those below them.  
High Mage Aresume Methrammer (NPC)

  • Responsible for representing the governing body of Nesmé, appointing members of the council, and reviewing/maintaining the laws and regulations. This person maintains communications with Silverymoon’s governance.  
  • Leader of the military forces, responsible for defense strategies, military training, and overseeing combat operations.  
  • Oversees internal security and intelligence, handling sensitive information to ensure the safety and stability of Nesmé. Their most important work, however, is done in secret.  
  • Responsible for managing the treasury and archives, crucial for financial stability and the maintenance of legal records.  
  • Handles all diplomatic relations and foreign affairs, representing Nesmé in external negotiations and alliances. Often a cultural expert, learned in matters of history and rhetoric.  
  • Provides spiritual leadership and guidance, overseeing religious practices and ceremonies within Nesmé.
  • Manages military logistics, ensuring the army is well-supplied and equipped. Plays a crucial role in maintaining the operational readiness of the forces.  
  • Representatives of the judicial branch of Nesme, focusing on evaluating and prosecuting breaches of law and order. In the absence of a formal magistrate, the First Rider or the Keeper of Keys will enact these duties.  
  • Assistants to the Council, responsible for maintaining records, documentation, and providing administrative support under their direct wing of governance.
  • Direct assistant to the First Rider, capable of acting interchangeably with them in the course of their duties.  
  • Commanders of significant military units, responsible for tactical leadership and implementing military directives.  
  • Senior magical officers with expertise in magical warfare, equivalent in status to Knight-Commander.  
  • Magical combatants, combining martial prowess with magical abilities, equivalent to Rider in rank.  
  • Experienced and dedicated professional soldiers, who have proven their dedication to the city.  
  • Foot soldiers, forming the backbone of the military force in combat operations. An introductory rank for Riders/Spellguard, bound by a formal oath of service.  
  • The 'lead' volunteers from each Nesmian-allied settlement, with limited access to militant resources.  
  • Volunteer forces providing auxiliary support, associated with the faction for additional manpower during conflicts.




It is widely held belief that Silverymoon owns all land West of it until the city of Nesme and North of itself until the South of Moonwood and the river that splits Mithral Hall. To the east they lay claim to all land until the Nether Mountains, and finally they claim all land till Silverwood as well as half of the Evermoors.  


While no hereditary nobility exists in Silverymoon, the Republic does have many notable families consisting of Mages, Merchants, and Craftsmen. In addition, individuals who have reached a high enough level of political or academic achievement on their own merit, such as the Magi of the Conclave of Silverymoon, would also carry around the weight one may expect of a noble in other countries. Lastly, while Silverymoon does not have its own hereditary nobility, many hereditary nobles from other parts of the Lord's Alliance do live in the city and within the Republic's borders. Their titles are recognized by Silverymoon and its government, although it does not give them much legal or political advantage.  


The Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon has several important values that it espouses.   Learning: Education is a big part of Silverymoon, and wizards, scholars, and others are held in high regard within the city. It also plays host to several learning institutions such as the Lady’s College, Arkhen’s Invocatorium, and more that make up what is known as the Conclave of Silverymoon.   Magocracy: Silverymoon is a magocracy, and is thus ruled by those inclined in the arcane arts. Many notable mages, sorcerers, and wizards were produced by its education system. Additionally the city was led for centuries by High Lady Alustriel Silverhand One of the Seven Sisters who were some of the most powerful individuals on Faerun, and was also a Chosen of Mystra.   Melting Pot: Silverymoon was known to have a rich culture and was renowned as a meeting place for all races that were morally inclined towards good.   Justice: In the savage lands of the North, Silverymoon stood out as a haven for others, and as a beacon of justice and all things good. They did their best to help those around them and to curtail the dark denizens who sought to bring ruin to the lands around them.  


Q'Xorlarrin Covenant: The Q'Xorlarrin Covenant are recognized as a significant obstacle to the restoration and prosperity of Nesmé. Having once seized control of Nesmé, the drow inflicted severe hardships on its people, subjecting them to a reign of terror marked by widespread death and enslavement. Silverymoon is acutely aware that the Q'Xorlarrin Covenant perceive the recapture of Nesmé as reclaiming a lost stronghold. As such, there is a strong expectation that they will attempt to return and regain what they believe was unjustly wrested from their grasp.

Kingdom of Many-Arrows: In the perspective of Silverymoon, the Many-Arrow Kingdom represents a challenge in their quest to secure and rejuvenate Nesmé. This faction, known for its aggressive expansionism and militaristic culture, has previously exerted control over Nesmé, leaving a legacy of conflict and instability. Silverymoon recognizes that the Many-Arrow Kingdom, driven by ambitions of territorial expansion and domination, may view the revitalized Nesmé as a prime target for reassertion of control now that they have control of Lurkwood. They view them as a potential danger to be cautious of after the last war, and do not underestimate their strength.

Uthgardt: From Silverymoon's perspective, the Uthgardt tribes are regarded with a blend of respect and cautious diplomacy. Recognizing the significant cultural and lifestyle differences, Silverymoon views the Uthgardt as fiercely independent and deeply connected to their traditions and ancestral lands. Silverymoon sees potential in diplomatic engagement, aiming for peaceful coexistence and possibly beneficial alliances, given their mutual interests and common threats in the region.  


Negotiation and Alliance Building: Engaging in diplomatic dialogues to establish alliances and foster agreements for peaceful coexistence.

Trade Missions: Coordinating and safeguarding trade convoys to enhance the city's economic prosperity, catering especially to those not engaged in military endeavors.

Conflict: Confronting the forces of Many-Arrow and Q'Xorlarrin Covenant in battle, alongside regular training exercises and sparring sessions with surface allies. Preparing for and orchestrating large-scale engagements and conflicts against orc and drow adversaries.

Patrols: Maintaining control over the territories of the Savage Frontier through vigilant surveillance. Focusing on ensuring that the surrounding area of the city remains free from any external threats.    


Status Quo: Fostering a unified relationship between newcomers to the Savage Frontiers and the established culture of Silverymoon, while also ensuring a respectful and harmonious integration with the customs and traditions of the area's native inhabitants.

Economy: Identifying and engaging with potential trade partners to establish meaningful commercial alliances, focused on mutually beneficial economic relationships.

Culture: Creating an independent identity for Nesmé beyond the influence of Silverymoon, while also introducing innovative and magical advancements to challenge and evolve the traditionalist culture of the region.


Recent Events

The War of the Silver Marches
1484 - 1486 DR
  After the Darkening was summoned by Tsabrak Xorlarrin, a coalition of Drow, Orcs, Frost Giants, and two white dragons proceeded to lay siege to the Silver Marches. The war was devastating and would have far reaching consequences for all involved. During the war the city of Nesme was nearly consumed by the onslaught, and eventually found itself under the temporary rule of Tiago Banrae and his consort from House Xorlarrin. Additionally the surface city Sundabar was wiped off the face of the map by the orcish legions of the Many-Arrows Tribe under the leadership of its then leader, King Hartusk.   Not even Kings were not safe during the war, with no less than five on the side of the Coalition of the Silver Marches meeting their ends during the battles that raged throughout the area. By the end of it, Silverymoon would have lost nearly half of its forces in the war

The Dissolution of the Confederation of the Silver Marches
1488 - 1489 DR
  The Confederation of the Silver Marches, or Luruar, would only barely survive the War of the Silver Marches. Tens of thousands were dead, and most of the Confederation’s military had been destroyed during the war, with most signatory states losing between 50% and 80% of their forces. Nesme had been completely annihilated, and the other cities of the north were in ruins. In addition, due to the death of so many Northern Kings, most of the Confederation’s founding political leadership was dead. As such, the Confederation’s victory had come at a great cost, and some would argue that it was hardly a victory at all. This state of affairs soon sprouted into discontent, especially among the Dwarven member states who had accused Silverymoon of hoarding supplies and forces to the detriment of the Dwarven cities, in addition to accusations of political and military mismanagement. As such, two years after the war, the Dwarven states declared that they were leaving the Confederation. This began a quick collapse of the Confederation, as every other member state began to drift away from Silverymoon’s influence, with Everlund leaving last in 1489. As a result, with Silverymoon remaining as its only member, High Mage Taern Hornblade officially dissolved the Confederation in 1489 and resigned due to the republic’s recent military and political failures. The High Marshal of Silverymoon, Methrammar Aerasumé, would then succeed him as High Mage.   With the Confederation gone a malaise of depression and despondency gripped the Kingdom of Silverymoon, which now faced an uncertain future.


The religious landscape of Nesmé has undergone significant evolution, particularly in light of the city's tumultuous history and the recent influx of new settlers influenced by Silverymoon:

Mystra: The Goddess of Magic, often revered by mages, wizards, and those who seek arcane knowledge.

Waukeen: The Merchant's Friend, Goddess of Trade and Wealth, traditionally revered in Nesmé.

Mielikki: Goddess of Forests and Autumn, patron of rangers and druids, and those who cherish the natural world.

Silvanus: The Oak Father, God of Wild Nature, venerated by those who respect the balance of nature and the wild.

Selune: The Moon Maiden, Goddess of the Moon, worshiped by navigators, sailors, and those who seek guidance in the night.

Lathander: The Morninglord, God of Dawn, Renewal, and Creativity, revered by artists, athletes, and those who cherish new beginnings.

Tyr: The God of Justice, revered by those who uphold the law, seek justice, and fight against corruption.


Read about the laws of Silverymoon here


Controlled Territories