
Race Information

Ogres are brutish and menacing humanoid creatures known for their immense size, formidable strength, and savage nature. Towering over most humanoids, Ogres possess a distinctive, hulking appearance with tough, mottled skin and prominent tusks. These creatures are typically found in untamed wilderness areas, remote mountains, or darkened caves where they live in loose-knit tribal societies. Ogres are often depicted as dim-witted, relying on their physical prowess rather than strategic thinking in combat. While they are not inherently evil, Ogres are known for their aggressive tendencies and are frequently recruited as muscle by more nefarious factions within the Forgotten Realms.    


Clan-Based Structure:
Ogre society is organized into clans, each led by the strongest and often the largest member. Leadership is usually determined through displays of brute strength or combat victories.  
Survivalist Lifestyle:
Ogres are predominantly hunter-gatherers, relying on their physical prowess to hunt large animals and gather resources. They are adept at living off the land in various harsh environments.  
Simple Crafts and Tools:
While not known for advanced technology or intricate craftsmanship, ogres create basic tools and weapons. Their crafts are practical, reflecting their straightforward approach to life. Ogres would often utilize the skin and bones of their prey to fashion adornments and clothing.  
Oral Traditions:
Ogres have a rich oral tradition, with stories and legends passed down through generations. These stories often emphasize strength, cunning, and conquest.  


Remote and Rugged Areas:
Ogres are commonly found in mountainous regions, dense forests, and other remote areas where they can live relatively undisturbed.  
Nomadic Clans:
Some ogre clans lead a nomadic lifestyle, traveling through their territory in search of food and resources.  
Integration in Diverse Societies:
While rare, some ogres integrate into more diverse societies, finding roles as laborers, guards, or in other positions where their size and strength are advantageous. They can be found in various cities and towns across Faerûn, often on the fringes of society.   The Savage Frontier in the Forgotten Realms is a rugged and untamed region, known for its harsh landscapes, dangerous creatures, and diverse settlements. Ogres could be found in various locations within the Savage Frontier, often roaming the wilderness or establishing crude settlements in remote areas. Ogres in the Forgotten Realms, like any sentient beings, may have various motivations for leaving their territories and seeking relations with outsiders. Here are some possible reasons:  
Resource Scarcity:
If their usual hunting grounds become depleted or face increased competition from other monstrous races, an ogre tribe might send scouts to explore new territories in search of better resources, including food and shelter.  
Curiosity or Ambition:
Individual ogres may feel a sense of curiosity about the world beyond their immediate surroundings. They might be driven by a desire for adventure or the ambition to prove themselves by facing new challenges.  
Conflict with Other Ogres or Monsters:
Internal strife within an ogre tribe or conflicts with other monstrous creatures could lead some ogres to seek refuge or form alliances with outsiders. This might involve making contact with nearby settlements or trading with non-monstrous races.  
Alliance Against a Common Foe:
Facing a significant external threat, an ogre tribe might choose to ally with nearby settlements or even join forces with non-monstrous races to repel a mutual enemy, recognizing the benefits of cooperation in times of crisis.  
Cultural Exchange or Trade:
Ogres might be motivated by a desire for trade or cultural exchange. This could involve bartering for goods, learning new skills, or even forming alliances based on mutual benefit with nearby settlements or travelers passing through their territories.    


Reputation as Menaces:
Ogres are often seen as menaces by other races due to their size, strength, and occasional raids on settlements for food or treasure.  
Interactions with Other Races:
While generally isolated, ogres may interact with other races for trade or as mercenaries. They sometimes form alliances with orcs, goblins, and other similar races.  
Misunderstood Nature:
Despite their fearsome reputation, ogres are not inherently evil. Some seek peaceful coexistence and are capable of showing loyalty and even kindness within their communities.        

Physical Qualities

Giant Stature:
Ogres are massive, standing around 9 to 10 feet tall with bulky, muscular builds. Their size is both a source of intimidation and a survival advantage.  
Distinctive Features:
They typically have thick, tough skin ranging from dull earth tones to grayish hues. Ogres have large heads with small eyes, wide noses, and a jutting jawline with tusk-like teeth.  
Simple Clothing:
Ogres dress in simple, functional attire, often made from animal hides or rough fabrics.    

RP Guide

Ogres, influenced by a combination of their tribal instincts, individual experiences, and particular characteristics can display varied sets of responses to the other races of Faerûn. Here’s a general overview of how Orcs view various races:   Humans, Elves, and Dwarves  
Adaptable and Numerous:
Due to their long-standing history of conflict and the sheer number of these races, Ogres view humans, elves, and dwarves as not only adaptable but numerous and therefore, to be viewed with wariness when considering direct conflicts.
Mm… a Snack?:
Many Ogre have earned an appreciation for raw dwarf flesh with a side of halfling for dessert. For a more exotic option, humans and elves will do in a pinch.   Goblonoids, Orcs  
Known Associates:
Goblinoids and Orcs may be used as allies or resources in times of conflict or as competitors for dominance in the wild. Ogres might even form alliances with orcish tribes, recognizing the benefits of joining forces.
Contentious Rivalry:
Due to the aggressive and opportunistic nature of both societies, conflicts between ogres, orcs, and goblinoids can be frequent and bloody.   Planetouched  
Fear of the Unknown:
The exotic and often supernatural nature of these races may be beyond the ogre’s understanding, leading to suspicion and unease. Those with demonic lineage might even evoke fear and mistrust.
Those hailing from the elemental planes might earn a rapt fascination from Ogres, perhaps even a perplexing sensation due to their varied elemental manifestation. The line is thin between fascination and threatening, however.   Other Monstrous Races  
Shared Lust:
One trait shared among many other monstrous races is their penchant for violence and aggression. Races with this shared lust for battle and bloodshed might find an alliance based on their mutual love for combat and raiding.
Smaller monstrous races might be viewed as weaker, although they may possess valuable skills that Ogres might tolerate or even respect.
Territorial Rivalry:
Conflicts may ensue over territory and in the natural fight for dominance. While these races may be viewed as potential allies and resources, they can just as easily be perceived as a threat or a weakness needing a purge.  
Emphasize Physical Strength:
An ogre character would naturally rely on their physical strength in most situations, whether in combat or daily tasks.  
Cultural Depth:
Explore the depth of ogre culture, showcasing their traditions, values, and the oral stories that shape their worldview.  
Simplicity and Directness:
Ogres are straightforward and direct, which can be reflected in their manner of speaking and decision-making.  
Loyalty and Community:
Despite their rugged exterior, ogres value their clan and family. They can be fiercely loyal and protective of those they consider part of their community.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Roots:
Ogres have ancient roots in Faerûn, with a history that spans back to the earliest ages. They have been involved in various historical conflicts, often as mercenaries or part of larger monstrous armies.  
Cultural Evolution:
Over time, ogre society has evolved, with some clans becoming more settled and engaging in rudimentary forms of agriculture or trade with neighboring communities.  


Vaprak the Destroyer:
Vaprak is a deity associated with ogres, trolls, and other monstrous humanoids. Known as the Destroyer, Vaprak embodies the destructive tendencies of these creatures.  
The Storm Lord, Talos, is the god of storms and destruction. Ogres in stormy or mountainous regions might find inspiration in the chaotic and destructive aspects of Talos.  
The chief deity of the orc pantheon, Gruumsh is also revered by many ogres. Gruumsh is the god of war and conquest, fitting well with the aggressive and martial nature of ogres.  
The Beastlord, Malar, is a god of hunting and savagery. Ogres might revere Malar for the primal instincts that drive their nomadic and predatory lifestyle.


Kit Items
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
Orc Ear A [R][ToT]
Orc Ear A [L][ToT]
Orc Ear B [R][ToT]
Orc Ear B [L][ToT]
Orc Ear C [R][ToT]
Orc Ear C [L][ToT]
Orc Ear A [R]
Orc Ear A [L]
Orc Ear B [R]
Orc Ear B [L]
Orc Ear C [R]
Orc Ear C [L]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Elf Right
Elf Left
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
Tusks (Attached)
Fangs (Attached)
Tusks II [A]
Beard 1 Vanilla (Attached)
Beard 2 Vanilla (Attached)
Beard 3 Vanilla (Attached)
Unequip Attached Beard
275 - 305 cm   Lifespan:
100 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Giant   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic, Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific


Ability Scores:
+1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Wisdom

Saving Throws:
-1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma

Damage Resistance:

+2 Breach, +2 Athletics, +2 Intimidation (Strength)


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Brutish Cleave
Once per short rest, after landing a melee attack on a target, you may spend a reaction to use this ability against a separate target within 2 tiles of you. This ability uses a Strength+Hit modifier vs AC and deals 1d12+Strength true damage. This ability is NOT a melee attack and does not trigger hit effects such as Sneak Attack, Smite, Booming Blade, Hunter's Mark, etc.
Throw Stone
Once per short rest, this creature can throw a stone the size of a cow at a group of people. Pick a target within 8 tiles. That target and all targets within 1 tile of the thrown stone must make a DC 14+Mastery Dexterity save. On a failed save, targets take 2d8+Mastery Mundane Bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save, targets take half damage and remain standing.