
Race Information

Orcs are a formidable race known for their strength, aggression, and tribal society. Often seen as warlike and fierce, orcs have a rich cultural heritage rooted in survival and strength. They are found in various parts of Faerûn, typically in mountainous or forested regions.    


Tribal Structure:
Orc society is organized into tribes, each led by a chieftain who is often the strongest and most formidable warrior. Leadership is typically gained and maintained through displays of strength and prowess. Most orcs were part of a confederation of tribes, loosely tied together.  
Warrior Culture:
Orcs have a deeply ingrained warrior culture, valuing physical strength, bravery, and combat skills. Young orcs are trained in the arts of war from an early age. Orc bloodragers were considered champions of their tribe.  
Spiritual Beliefs:
Orc society is also influenced by their spiritual beliefs, often centered around Gruumsh, their chief deity. Shamans and spiritual leaders hold significant power in guiding the tribe's decisions.  
Survivalist Mindset
: Orcs are survivalists, adapting to harsh environments and often moving from place to place in search of resources. They are skilled hunters and gatherers. Rather than building new settlements, orcs were often opportunists, relying on those left behind by others or claimed through blood.  
Defined Gender Roles:
Male orcs dominated orcish society and they pride themselves on not only their scars from battle and rituals but also their number of wives and sons. Females were typically viewed as possessions, at best prized, and at worst, livestock.  


Mountainous and Forested Areas:
Orcs are commonly found in mountain ranges and dense forests, where they establish their tribal settlements.  
Nomadic Tribes:
Many orc tribes are nomadic, moving across the lands in search of resources and opportunities.  
Integration in Diverse Societies:
Some orcs integrate into more diverse societies, serving as mercenaries, guards, or laborers. They can be found in various cities and towns across Faerûn, often seeking to escape the harsh life of the wilds.   In both the Dessarin Hills to the South of Yartar, as well as the Surbrin Hills, orc tribes are settled throughout. Despite their tribalistic nature, orcs might venture away from their mountains and forests for various reasons and their presence in other regions of the Savage Frontier could be motivated by multiple factors:  
Curiosity and Exploration:
An orc might be curious about the world beyond their tribe's territory. The desire to explore new lands, meet different cultures, and experience life beyond the confines of their tribe could drive them to seek relations with outsiders.  
Quest for Knowledge:
A particularly intellectual orc may have a thirst for knowledge, seeking to understand magic, history, or other subjects that aren't typically emphasized in orcish culture. This quest for knowledge could lead them to seek out scholars, wizards, or other learned individuals among the outsiders.  
Disagreements with Tribal Values:
An orc might find themselves at odds with the traditional values of their tribe. This could include disagreements with the tribe's leadership, the emphasis on constant warfare, or certain cultural practices. Seeking out relations with outsiders could provide a chance for a fresh start.  
Pursuit of Personal Strength:
Some orcs may be motivated by a desire for personal strength or skill that goes beyond the norm in their tribe. They might seek out mentors, trainers, or challenging adversaries among outsiders to hone their abilities.  
Escape from Violence or Oppression:
An orc may leave their tribe to escape a particularly violent or oppressive environment. Seeking refuge among outsiders might provide an opportunity for a more peaceful or fulfilling life.  
Redemption or Atonement:
An orc with a troubled past may seek redemption or atonement for their actions. They might believe that by interacting with outsiders, they can contribute positively to the world and make amends for past transgressions.    


Contentious Reputation:
Orcs have a contentious relationship with most other races, often due to their aggressive nature and history of conflict as well as their belief that in order to survive, one had to subjugate their enemies in order to control as many resources as possible.  
Alliances and Conflicts:
While they are known to clash with human, elf, and dwarf settlements, orcs can form alliances if it serves their interests, especially in matters of mutual enemies or resources.  
Misunderstood Nature:
Despite their reputation, orcs are not inherently evil. Many orc tribes simply strive to survive and protect their kin, and some seek peaceful coexistence with other races.    

Physical Qualities

Imposing Physique:
Orcs are muscular and robust, with stooped builds and grayish skin tones. They typically stand over 6 feet tall with broad shoulders and strong builds.  
Distinct Features:
Orcs have lowered foreheads, pronounced jaws with tusk-like teeth, small beady reddish eyes, and coarse hair. Orcs were also known for their wolf-like ears, pointed on the ends. Their physical appearance is intimidating, reflecting their tough and enduring nature.    

RP Guide

Orcs, known for their aggressive nature and proclivity to conquer and subjugate, have a complex relationship with many other races of Faerûn. They are considered to be a threat to civilized culture for as long as can be remembered. Here’s a general overview of how Orcs view various races:   Humans, Elves, and Dwarves  
Known Foes:
Humans, Elves, and Dwarves are known enemies to Orcs and have been for centuries. Whether they clashed as a result of skirmishes or full war, orcs and these races have been consistently at odds historically.
Adaptable and Numerous:
Due to their long-standing history of conflict and the sheer number of these races, Orcs view humans, elves, and dwarves as not only adaptable but numerous and therefore, to be viewed with wariness when considering direct conflicts.
Dwarven Respect:
Begrudgingly, orcs feel respect for dwarves due to their strength, resilience, and craftsmanship. They share similarities in their love for battle so an understanding of each other’s martial prowess is not uncommon.   Goblinoids  
Orcs typically view goblins as cunning and quick, appreciating their agility and resourcefulness in certain situations.
While there is typically a hierarchical relationship in place, orcs see goblins as smaller but useful allies in raids and skirmishes.   Planetouched  
Orcs view tieflings with suspicion and distrust given their infernal heritage, often leading orcs to see them as outsiders and potential threats, especially if they are unfamiliar with the tiefling’s intentions.
Given their celestial nature, Aasimar are viewed with a mix of curiosity and wariness. Their angelic or divine nature is foreign and potentially confusing.
Due to their elemental ancestry and the varied manifestations of genasi, Orcs might find genasi intriguing and unique and powerful. Their view may depend on the specific elemental nature such as admiring the strength of earth genasi while the chaotic and impulsive nature of a fire genasi to be intimidating.   Other Monstrous Races  
Shared Lust:
One trait shared among many other monstrous races is their penchant for violence and aggression. Races with this shared lust for battle and bloodshed might find an alliance based on their mutual love for combat and raiding.
Smaller monstrous races might be viewed as weaker, although they may possess valuable skills that Orcs might tolerate or even respect.    
Emphasize Strength and Honor:
Orc characters might place a high value on strength, honor, and combat prowess. They respect those who prove themselves in battle. Orcs are also more likely to be offended as a result of a slight to their honor.  
Survival Instincts:
Highlight their survival instincts and adaptability. Orcs are resourceful and can thrive in challenging environments.  
Cultural Depth:
Explore the depth of orc culture beyond the stereotypes. Orc characters can have rich traditions, spiritual beliefs, and a strong sense of community.  
Complex Emotions:
Orcs can be passionate, loyal, and even gentle within their communities. They have complex emotions and social structures. Conversely, Orcs are known for their poor temperaments and are predisposed to display anger more easily than some races.  

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Origins:
Orcs have a long history, with their origins often shrouded in myth and legend. They have been a significant part of Faerûn's history, participating in numerous wars and conflicts.  
Cultural Evolution:
Orc society has evolved. While some tribes remain nomadic and warlike, others have started to settle and engage in more peaceful activities like farming and trade.


Worship of Gruumsh:
Many orcs worship Gruumsh, the one-eyed god of conquest and survival. This deity embodies the orcs' struggle and resilience. Orcs specifically tied to the one-eyed god were called Eyes of Gruumsh and read omens and advised the tribes of Gruumsh’s will.  
Luthic, the Cave Mother, is the orc goddess of fertility, childbirth, and females. She is often considered the wife of Gruumsh and is revered for her role in the survival and propagation of orcish tribes.  
Bahgtru is another orc deity associated with strength, but more specifically with physical power and combat. He is often considered Gruumsh’s son and embodies the brute force aspect of orcish warfare.  
Yurtus is the orc deity of death and disease. While not as popular as Gruumsh, followers of Yurtrus may be shamans or spiritual leaders within orcish tribes, dealing with matters of life and death.  
Other Deities:
Orc tribes can have diverse beliefs and the specific deities they follow may vary based on tribal traditions, leaders, and cultural influences. Some orcs might venerate other deities associated with war, nature, or their specific tribal traditions.


Kit Items
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
Orc Ear A [R][ToT]
Orc Ear A [L][ToT]
Orc Ear B [R][ToT]
Orc Ear B [L][ToT]
Orc Ear C [R][ToT]
Orc Ear C [L][ToT]
Orc Ear A [R]
Orc Ear A [L]
Orc Ear B [R]
Orc Ear B [L]
Orc Ear C [R]
Orc Ear C [L]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Elf Right
Elf Left
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
Tusks (Attached)
Giant Tusks (Attached)
Fangs (Attached)
Pointy Fangs [A]
Tusks I [A]
Tusks II [A]
Tusks III [A]
Tusks IV [A]
Long Tusks [A]
175 - 200 cm   Lifespan:
50 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Orc   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic Evil   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+1 Strength

Saving Throws:
+1 Constitution

Damage Resistance:

+2 Intimidation (Strength), +2 Athletics


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
This creature gains +4 hit points.
Vicious Charge
Once per short rest, as a bonus action, this creature can take a dash action to close the distance between themselves and an enemy. When using this ability, you can heal 1d8+Constitution hit points. (You MUST move towards an enemy for this ability)