Protector Aasimar

Race Information

Protector Aasimar, a subrace of the Aasimar, are humanoids imbued with celestial energy. These beings are chosen from birth by higher powers to shield the innocent and combat evil. They possess an inner divine light and the ability to manifest ethereal wings for brief periods, enabling flight and enhancing their combat abilities with radiant energy.    


Integration into Larger Societies:
Aasimar, including Protector Aasimar, are rare and do not form societies of their own. Instead, they integrate into various societies across Faerûn, living among other races.  
Sparse Kinship:
Encounters between Aasimar are rare, making these moments of meeting filled with a deep, unspoken kinship due to their shared celestial heritage.  
Lone Guardians:
Many Aasimar grow up in isolation from others of their kind, leading them to develop a strong sense of independence and self-reliance.    


Known as the City of Splendors, Waterdeep is a melting pot of different cultures and races, including Protector Aasimar. They might be drawn here due to the city's various temples and its importance as a center for trade and politics.  
Myth Drannor:
Once a great elven city known for its magic and beauty, Myth Drannor's ruins might attract Protector Aasimar seeking to uphold or restore the area's former glory and goodness.  
Often called the Gem of the North, this city is renowned for its beauty, magic, and learning. Protector Aasimar might be found here, serving as guardians of knowledge and magical arts.  
Baldur's Gate:
This bustling city, known for its mercantile prowess, also has a significant religious community. Protector Aasimar could be drawn to its temples and the opportunities to fight against the city's darker elements.  
Famous for its vast library, Candlekeep is a haven for scholars. Protector Aasimar might be drawn here to seek knowledge or protect the priceless tomes and artifacts.  
The island home of the elves in Faerûn, known for its strong connections to the divine and the Feywild, is a likely place for Protector Aasimar, especially those with an affinity for elven culture or a calling to protect elvenkind.  
The High Forest:
This vast woodland is home to ancient ruins, powerful magic, and a connection to the natural and celestial world, making it an attractive location for Protector Aasimar seeking to guard or commune with these ancient powers.    


Revered Protectors:
Protector Aasimar are generally seen as benevolent, often held in high regard by other races for their celestial lineage and protective nature.  
Bond with Half-Breeds:
They tend to find solace in the company of other half-breeds, sharing a common ground of mixed heritage.  
Wary of Certain Races:
Their celestial nature instills a natural wariness towards races with dark or infernal lineages, such as Tieflings and certain Genasi.  
Neutral to Common Races:
Their interactions with standard races like dwarves and elves are usually neutral, lacking significant bias or prejudice.   Protector Aasimar, with their celestial heritage and innate drive towards defending the good and innocent, tend to view other races through a lens of compassion, responsibility, and sometimes a sense of duty. Their perspectives are influenced by their divine connection and the moral compass that guides them. Here's a general overview of how Protector Aasimar might view various races in the Forgotten Realms:  
Protector Aasimar often see humans as a race in need of guidance and protection. They may feel a strong sense of responsibility towards humans, given their potential for both great good and great evil.  
Elves, with their long lifespans and connection to nature and magic, might be seen by Protector Aasimar as allies in the fight against darkness. They may respect elves' wisdom and grace but also feel the need to aid them in times of turmoil.  
Protector Aasimar might admire dwarves for their resilience and sense of honor. They could see them as steadfast allies in battles against evil, though they might also try to soften what they see as the dwarves' sometimes overly rigid worldview.  
The simple, joyous lives of halflings might be something Protector Aasimar find delightful and worth protecting. They could view halflings as embodiments of the innocence and goodness they are sworn to defend.  
Protector Aasimar might be intrigued by gnomes' intellect and creativity. They might see gnomes as valuable companions, especially in situations that require clever solutions or magical expertise.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
While Protector Aasimar are inclined towards goodness, they might struggle with races like orcs and goblinoids, traditionally seen as evil. However, they would likely try to see the potential for good in individuals, regardless of their race.  
Protector Aasimar might feel a mix of sympathy and wariness towards Tieflings, given their infernal heritage. They could be inclined to help Tieflings overcome societal prejudices and find their path towards good.  
Protector Aasimar might respect Dragonborn for their strength and sense of honor. They could see them as powerful allies in battles against evil forces.  
Other Aasimar:
Meeting another Aasimar would likely be a significant event for a Protector Aasimar. They would probably feel an instant bond or kinship, understanding each other's struggles and responsibilities.  
Planar Races (like Genasi):
Protector Aasimar might feel a connection with other planar races, recognizing the challenges of living with an otherworldly heritage. They might see Genasi, for example, as comrades with shared experiences.    

Physical Qualities

Celestial Appearance:
Protector Aasimar often resemble humans but possess distinctive celestial features like pupil-less eyes in shades of white, gold, or gray, and silver hair.  
Varied Celestial Traits:
Depending on their celestial lineage, they might have unique physical traits like emerald skin, feathers in their hair, or iridescent scales.    

RP Guide

Protectors of the Innocent:
Emphasize their divine mission to protect and fight against evil. These characters are often good or lawful-aligned, prioritizing the safety and welfare of others.  
Worship and Divine Magic:
Protector Aasimar are naturally inclined towards divine magic and may worship gods of protection. They often serve as paladins or clerics.  
Loneliness and Responsibility:
Reflect on the solitude of their existence and the weight of their celestial responsibilities.  
Celestial Guidance:
They may receive visions or guidance from celestial beings, influencing their actions and decisions.

Civilization and Culture


Celestial and Human Heritage: Aasimar are descendants of unions between humans and celestial beings. They share qualities with the first devas, celestial servitors in mortal bodies, appearing after the Mulani called upon their gods for aid against the Imaskari.


Diverse Religious Beliefs:
While many are drawn to gods of good and protection, their religious affiliations can vary widely based on their experiences and upbringing.  
The god of justice, Tyr is a lawful good deity revered for his fairness and honor. Protector Aasimar who follow Tyr are often involved in the pursuit of justice and righteousness.  
Known as the Crying God, Ilmater is the deity of endurance, suffering, martyrdom, and perseverance. Protector Aasimar who serve Ilmater are often compassionate and dedicated to alleviating suffering and pain.  
The Morninglord, a god of renewal, creativity, youth, vitality, and self-perfection, is a natural fit for Protector Aasimar. His followers often work towards the betterment of the world and the rebirth of hope.  
The god of courage and self-sacrifice, Torm is revered by those who value honor and duty. Protector Aasimar devoted to Torm are often frontline warriors against evil.  
The goddess of the moon, Selûne represents mysticism, change, and navigation. Protector Aasimar under her guidance might focus on protecting those who travel at night or fighting creatures of darkness.  
The Platinum Dragon, revered as a god of justice, protection, nobility, and honor. Protector Aasimar who follow Bahamut are often fierce opponents of evil, especially draconic evil.  
Goddess of love and beauty, Sune is about passion, creativity, and the arts. Protector Aasimar who follow her might focus on spreading love and compassion or protecting the beauty of the world.  
Known as the Watcher, Helm is a god of guardians, protection, and vigilance. His followers are often seen as the ultimate protectors, making him a popular choice for Protector Aasimar.  
Goddess of peace, known for her pacifism and promotion of tranquility and calm. Protector Aasimar devoted to Eldath might work towards maintaining peace and harmony.


Kit Items
Eyes of lightning (Attached)
Eyes Of The Universe (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir (Attached)
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Yellow (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Boots of Icarus (Low Gravity)
Unequip Attached Eyes
165 - 190 cm   Lifespan:
160 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Celestial   Suggested Alignment:
Lawful Good   Racial Tension(s):
Fiends, Undead, Monstrous Races


Ability Scores:
+1 Charisma

Saving Throws:

Damage Resistance:

+2 Willpower, +2 Persuasion


This creature can see in the dark.
Radiant Protector
Once per day, heal a target or yourself for 1d4 + Mastery; they gain +2 DT for 1 turn.
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Thaumaturgy.