Pureblood Yuan-Ti

Race Information

Yuan-ti (Purebloods), known for their serpentine features and enigmatic culture, are a race of snake-like humanoids that inhabit the mysterious and ancient jungles of Faerûn. They are renowned for their cunning, magical prowess, and often nefarious activities. They were ruled by the Abominations and Half-Bloods of their society, the more snake one was the closer to divinity.    


Hierarchical Structure:
Yuan-ti society is highly stratified, governed by a strict hierarchy based on blood purity. At the top are the Abominations, who are more snake-like than humanoid with their increased cunning and intelligence, followed by the more snake-like Halfbloods, and finally the Purebloods, who are more human than snake.  
Secretive and Isolated:
Yuan-ti communities are secretive, often hidden within dense jungles or underground. They are extremely wary of outsiders and maintain isolation to preserve their culture and pursue their agendas.  
Cult-Like Worship:
Their society revolves around the worship of serpentine deities, primarily Sseth, the god of snakes and Yuan-ti. Rituals, sacrifices, and arcane practices are integral to their culture.  
Focus on Arcane and Divine Magic:
Yuan-ti have a strong tradition of magic, particularly in the fields of enchantment and divination. They are also known for their alchemical skills, often creating potent toxins and elixirs.    


Dense Jungles and Ruins:
Yuan-ti are typically found in the dense jungles of Faerûn, particularly in regions like Chult, where they inhabit ancient ruins and hidden temples.  
Underground Lairs:
Some Yuan-ti communities dwell in underground lairs, especially those located near sites of ancient power or religious significance.  
Isolated Settlements:
Yuan-ti settlements are usually isolated from other civilizations, hidden away to protect their secretive and often nefarious activities.   Yuan-Ti, despite their typically reclusive nature, might venture away from their jungles and lairs for various reasons, and their presence in a region like the Savage Frontier could be motivated by multiple factors:  
Seeking Magical Artifacts or Knowledge:
Yuan-Ti are often deeply involved in dark magic and may venture far in search of ancient artifacts, magical texts, or forbidden knowledge that could enhance their power or further their sinister goals.  
Expansion of Influence or Territory:
The Yuan-Ti might be expanding their territory or seeking new areas to dominate. The Savage Frontier, with its wild and less densely populated lands, could offer new opportunities for control and expansion.  
Pursuit of a Prophecy or Religious Mission:
Yuan-Ti culture is steeped in prophecy and religious zealotry. They may be on a mission ordained by their snake gods or following a prophecy that leads them to the Savage Frontier.  
Gathering Intelligence:
Yuan-Ti are cunning and strategic. They might be scouting new lands for information about potential threats, resources, or allies. Understanding the dynamics of the Savage Frontier could be crucial for their plans.  
Escape or Exile:
A Yuan-Ti might be an outcast or fleeing internal conflicts within their society. The Savage Frontier, with its harsh environment and myriad dangers, could be a place to hide or start anew.  
Trade or Diplomatic Missions:
While not common, some Yuan-Ti might engage in trade or diplomatic relations with other races. The Savage Frontier could be a new frontier for such activities, especially if they involve dealings with other denizens of the region.  
Pursuing Enemies or Rivals:
Yuan-Ti could be tracking down enemies or rivals who have fled to or are hiding in the Savage Frontier. This could include members of their own race, other rival factions, or adventurers who have crossed them in the past.  
Biological or Magical Experiments:
Yuan-Ti are known for their sinister experiments, often involving magic and biology. The diverse ecosystems and creatures of the Savage Frontier might offer unique specimens for their twisted research.  
Recruitment or Cult Expansion:
Yuan-Ti could be looking to expand their cults or recruit new members from the populations living in or passing through the Savage Frontier.  
Personal Quests or Vendettas:
Individual Yuan-Ti may have personal reasons for traveling to the Savage Frontier, such as fulfilling a vendetta, seeking a cure for a curse, or even pursuing a personal transformation or enlightenment.    


Manipulative Diplomacy:
Yuan-ti are known for their manipulative approach to diplomacy, often using guile, charm, and deceit to achieve their goals. They are skilled negotiators, using their cunning to manipulate other races for their own gain.  
Contentious Relations:
They generally have contentious relations with most races, viewing others as inferior or as tools to be used. Their interactions are often driven by their own interests and agendas.  
Alliances of Convenience:
Yuan-ti may form temporary alliances with other races or powers, especially when it serves their larger goals. These alliances are typically short-lived and fraught with betrayal.      

Physical Qualities

Serpentine Features:
Yuan-ti have varying degrees of serpentine features, ranging from subtle to overt. They have minor reptilian features, snake-like eyes, forked tongue, and patches of scales on their skin. They can appear in a variety of skin colours and hair, as they are within the same range as humans.  
Graceful and Agile:
Regardless of their form, Yuan-ti are typically graceful and agile, with movements reminiscent of snakes. This agility makes them formidable in combat and stealth.  
Variety of Appearances:
The appearance of Yuan-ti can vary widely, with some displaying vivid colors and patterns akin to various snake species.    

RP Guide

Yuan-Ti, with their complex society and beliefs, have distinct views on other races, often influenced by their own perception of superiority and their cultural and religious ideologies. Here's a general overview of how Yuan-Ti view various races:   Humans  
Instrumental Value:
Yuan-Ti often view humans primarily as tools or resources. This utilitarian perspective is rooted in their belief in their own superiority. Humans may be seen as subjects for manipulation, conversion into Yuan-Ti, or as sacrifices for their dark rituals.
Disdain for Weakness:
The Yuan-Ti tend to look down on humans for their perceived weaknesses, both physical and moral. They see humans as easily corruptible and lacking the strength and purity of their own serpent-like nature.   Elves and Dwarves  
Yuan-Ti view long-lived races like elves and dwarves with a degree of aloofness. They recognize their ancient heritage and magical prowess but often consider these races as irrelevant to their grand designs, unless they pose a direct threat or can be exploited.
Cultural Superiority:
Elves' and dwarves' strong cultural identities and ancient traditions might be seen as quaint or primitive compared to the Yuan-Ti's own complex societal structures and deep arcane knowledge.   Orcs and Goblinoids  
Contempt for Savagery:
Yuan-Ti typically view orcs, goblins, and similar races with contempt due to their perceived lack of sophistication and tendency towards chaos and savagery.
Potential Pawns:
However, they may also see these races as potential pawns or allies in their plots, especially given their propensity for violence and disruption.   Tieflings and Other Planetouched  
Curiosity and Caution:
Yuan-Ti might find races with infernal or celestial lineage, such as tieflings, to be intriguing due to their unique abilities and connections to other planes. However, their approach would be cautious, considering potential threats or advantages in these interactions.
Shared Outcast Status:
There might be a begrudging respect or understanding, as both Yuan-Ti and planetouched races like tieflings often find themselves ostracized or feared by more common races.   Aasimar  
Antithetical Beings:
Yuan-Ti, with their focus on dark, often evil deities and practices, would see aasimar, who are typically aligned with good and celestial powers, as antithetical to their existence.
Targets for Corruption:
Aasimar might be viewed as prime targets for corruption or destruction, given their innate opposition to the Yuan-Ti's typical alignments and goals.   Other Monstrous Races  
Alliances Based on Convenience:
With races like mind flayers or beholders, Yuan-Ti might form alliances based on mutual benefit or shared enemies, despite a lack of genuine affinity or trust.
Strategic Interactions:
Yuan-Ti are highly strategic and would interact with other monstrous races based on how they fit into their broader schemes and objectives.   General View  
Supremacy and Manipulation:
In general, Yuan-Ti believe in their own supremacy over other races. This belief underpins their interactions, whether in diplomacy, warfare, or subterfuge. They see most other races as either tools to be used, threats to be neutralized, or inconsequential players in their grander plans.
Exceptional Individuals:
Exceptional individuals from other races who prove themselves to be useful or powerful may earn a degree of respect or interest from the Yuan-Ti, but this is often the exception rather than the rule.  
Mysterious and Calculating:
Yuan-ti characters are often mysterious and calculating, with a penchant for strategy and long-term planning. They are typically unemotional, viewing situations logically and strategically.  
Cultural Superiority:
Emphasize their sense of cultural superiority and detachment from the moral concerns of other races. Yuan-ti believe in their divine right to rule, seeing themselves as the pinnacle of evolution.  
Focus on Magic and Deception:
Yuan-ti characters might be skilled in magic, particularly spells that involve manipulation, illusion, or control. They often use their abilities to deceive, charm, or coerce others.  
Serpentine Grace:
Reflect their serpentine nature in your movements and speech. Yuan-ti are smooth, deliberate, and often unnervingly calm.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Civilization:
Yuan-ti trace their origins to an ancient, advanced civilization that worshipped serpentine gods. They have a long history of attempting to reclaim their former glory and power.  
Involvement in Dark Magic:
Throughout history, Yuan-ti have been involved in various dark magical practices, including the creation of forbidden spells and the pursuit of immortality.  


Worship of Serpent Gods:
Yuan-ti, known for their sinister and often evil nature, typically worship deities that align with their values and practices. While Sseth, the god of serpents and treachery is their primary deity, there are other deities in the D&D multiverse that Yuan-ti might worship, particularly those associated with snakes, evil, darkness, or deception. Here are a few examples:  
The original deity of the Yuan-ti, Merrshaulk is a slumbering god of serpents. While his worship has waned in favor of Sseth, some traditionalist Yuan-ti still revere him.  
Known in some settings as the god of darkness and poison, Zehir embodies aspects of venom, assassination, and shadow. His tenets resonate well with the Yuan-ti's use of poison and their affinity for darkness.  
An Egyptian god often depicted with a serpentine head, Set is a god of chaos, storms, and war. Yuan-ti, drawn to more ancient and primal forms of worship, might revere Set for his association with snakes and his chaotic nature.  
Dendar the Night Serpent:
While not a traditional deity, Dendar is a primordial entity associated with nightmares and feared by many cultures. Yuan-ti who embrace the darker aspects of serpent lore might revere or seek to release Dendar from her imprisonment.


Kit Items
Eyes of the beast (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Fangs Inside (Attached)
Fangs (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Pointy Fangs [A]
Full Body - Scales Tattoo
Sloughing Fluid
140 - 200 cm   Lifespan:
80 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Abyssal, Draconic   Suggested Alignment:
Any Evil   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+1 Charisma

Saving Throws:
+1 to all saves

Damage Resistance:

+2 on all Charisma Skills, +2 Stealth


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Yuan-Ti Bite
As a full action, select a target. That target makes a DC 14+Mastery Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d6+Mastery Poison Damage and are Poisoned for 3 rounds. On a successful save, the target takes half damage and are not poisoned. This ability may be used once per short rest.
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Minor Illusion.