Dedicated to immersive role-playing experiences, this faction specializes in Drow-centric political and conflict narratives, catering to denizens of both the Underdark and the surface. Embracing the inherent intrigue and antagonism of Drow affiliation; participants have the chance to weave intricate storylines, form essential alliances to pursue long-term goals, and delve into commerce driven by trade.


Origin: Established in 1485 DR by House Xorlarrin, the Drow City of Xor'loriss became a stronghold. House Xorlarrin, having forfeited control of the Gauntlgrym forge, joined forces with House Baenre in besieging the city of Nesme alongside the Kingdom of Many Arrows. Despite their combined efforts, Nesme was ultimately lost, compelling House Xorlarrin to withdraw and concentrate on recovery within Xor'loriss.

Culture: Once a prestigious Drow house, their name carried considerable weight in Menzoberranzan. Renowned for being among the most formidable magical lineages, they boasted a legacy of producing strong wizards and individuals with a knack for the arcane arts. Whose esteem extended to those proficient in both combat and magic, as well as skilled craftsmen. Their overarching goal is the cultivation of greatness, all dedicated to advancing the cause of the Covenant.


Menzoberranzan: With the expedition into the Silver Marches, House Xorlarrin was once given permission by Matron Baenre to form a sister city as long as it served Lolth. However, with the loss of Gauntlgrym Forge, and much of its strength in soldiers, those of the Covenant operate under the notion that they are to be rid of House Baenre’s rule completely.

Weapons: Having acquired extensive knowledge of steel manipulation in the Dwarven city, House Xorlarrin seeks to revive its craftsmanship, focusing on the creation of weapons and armor. However, their intentions diverge from benefiting Menzoberranzan. Instead, they plan to leverage an old network to sell their creations on the surface.

Power: A significant portion of their forces met their demise in Gauntlgrym, and during the siege on Nesme. Now is the moment to regroup and re-establish their presence, considering the possibility of forging alliances to bolster their strength and fend off a potential assault from House Banere in the future.

Trade: In the expansive realm of the Underdark, residents within its intricate underground network have abundant access to valuable metals and materials. For the successful realization of the city, it is vital to form a collaborative alliance with all Underdark inhabitants, ensuring the planned creation unfolds smoothly.


The hierarchy of the city is based on Noble Drow Houses. A new city means a council of the houses within. The Matron/Patron of their Noble House/Court makes up the figure heads of the council. They appoint the below ranks to those competent and deserving.


Lolth's Chosen Matron Quenthel Baenre (NPC)

  • Matron Mother
    Considered the highest ranking official within the city of Xor'loriss. Matron of First House.

  • Councilor
    Members of the Matron Mother's ruling council, responsible for the keeping of laws and the administration of Xor'loriss.

  • Warden
    A diplomat and liason to the city council. They have power to delegate to all lower rank individuals, and serve as an emissary.

  • Archmage
    A mage of unquestionable talent. Their purview includes warding the city, protection against the magical in nature, and keeping of the archive.

  • Master of Secrets
    The official in charge of espionage, assassin ranks, investigations for the city, and covert ops.

  • High Priestesses
    Those who have shown exceptional knowledge and devotion to guide the city in rituals, and other religious aspects.

  • House Leader
    House Leader is a recognition of the leader of large and respected Houses within the Covenant. This rank is earned through RP and bestowed through confirmation of 5+ house membership in a ticket.

  • Master of Trade
    Individual who is in charge of all trade, logistics, economy, and treasury of the city. They set the tax default and ensure the growth of Xor'loriss.

  • Assassins
    Drow assassins are trained in poisons, covert ops, and as spies for the city. They report directly to the Master of Secrets.

  • Priestesses
    Versed in their respective church and that of the Dark Seldarine, Priestesses of Xor'loriss serve as assistants under those of the High Priestess Rank.

  • Weaponsmaster
    Noted to be the strongest melee fighter, and the military lead for the city. They are considered to be of the Advisor Rank.

  • Guard Captain
    All who hold this rank are considered to be Unit Commanders, reporting to the Weaponsmaster, and are in charge of their own regime.

  • Elite Guards
    These are martial soldiers that make up the bulk of military strength. A squadron fall under a Guard Captain.

  • House Mages
    Studying under the Archmage, they are mages who are conscripted to guard and fight within the city military. They report to their Guard Captain.

  • Guards
    Conscripted guards and military bulk for the city. They are posted amongst the city gates and walls. They report to their Guard Captain.


Negotiation and Alliance Building: Conducting diplomatic negotiations to form alliances and peaceful coexistence agreements. This is as important for surface alliances, as it is in the Underdark.

Trade Missions: Organizing and protecting trade caravans to bolster the city’s economy. For those that are not battle aligned. Especially important for trades to the surface.

Conflict: Battle with those on the surface, or even within the Underdark. Training spars with those of the Underdark, and planned large scale conflict or combat with Surface Protagonist groups.

Patrols: Keeping hold of the territory of the Underdark, surveying and capturing. The Underdark is a dangerous place and we have no desire for spies.  


Status Quo: Maintaining a collective relationship of those all within the city to keep them all under the guidance of The Council of Houses, and specifically House Xorlarrin.

Economy: Finding those willing to trade and form meaningful commercial alliances.

Culture: Establishing those of the Covenant outside of the purview of Menzoberranzan, and challenging the traditionalist Drow societal norms.


View laws and punishments on the capital page  


Accepted Races:
Drow, Yuan-ti, Duergar

Tolerated Races:
Orcs, Goblinoids, Many Arrows Half-Orcs, Minotaurs, Ogres

Persecuted Races:
Other Half-orcs, Mind Flayers, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Half Elves, Halfings, Gnomes, Dragonborn, Goliaths, Planetouched, Trolls, Vampires, Werewolves, Fomorians

Hostile Races:
Drow Traitors


Matron-Driven Hierarchy
Drow society is primarily matriarchal. Expect that your character’s history within this society to be one which heavily weighed their gender to their significance. Never was a male above that of a woman, regardless of the prestige of their station. The slaying of a Drowess by a male is a death sentence, even if ordered by that of another Drowess, you were most likely to be executed lest they defend you.   A male of prestige, such as an Archmage or Ilharn was not exempt completely from belittlement or judgment by a Drowess, regardless of her station. A male’s importance and influence was directly tied to the women that they served, especially that of their Matron; who held the most power within Drow society as its most prominent ruling class. There are rare and fringe cases of males holding prestige outside of the influence or support of a matron, though these instances are exceptional and usually hold a great deal of scrutiny.   Gender Roles
When playing a Drowess in this society; expect males to behave little more than well trained, if not occasionally brazen pets. They are usually only a single rung higher than that of slaves, and can easily fall from that rung given either poor behaviour or a Drowess’s capricious nature. Males who hold station are exceptions to this rule, though are not utterly devoid of your ridicule. To insult them is likely to insult the matron whom placed them on that pedestal, so proceed with caution. Some matrons may hold nothing against a Drowess who belittles her servants, others might take your tongue for it.   It is a blurred belief whether a male truly holds authority over a woman in this world of Drow. It will most likely be challenged, if leading to displays of power where necessary. This is where the Respect for Power rule most likely supersedes the roles of gender. No male in Drow society was ever given a free ride, or an easy one. A Lolthite should always strive to remind them of their place, or at least enjoy the toying with their emotions.   Contrastingly, no male in Drow society should ever hold an ambivalent viewpoint of the matriarchal structure. Every Dark Elf has lived a life wrought with trauma and torment since their infantile years, all of which handed to them by another Drow, most always a Drowess. Males have either been conditioned into accepting and even finding a twisted devotion to the hierarchy, or they hold their own seething malice to the disrespect and disregard they have been given; fueling their ambition to rise above.   Drowesses have forever been your tormentors, your betters. This can result in things such as inferiority complexes which cause males to either seek to prove themselves or sink further into suffering as subordinates to Drowesses. Most Drow end up dead with a choice few surviving, and even less actually succeeding in this cutthroat society.   Respect for Power
Drow society responds well to displays of strength, be that of political, magical, physical means or more. Power ultimately leads to prestige and station; thus, many a Drow respects and fears those who can wield it well. With this being a major underlying theme of their society, it often takes precedent against other established norms.   House-based Structure
The nobility of Drow is organized into ordained houses numerous and fleeting; much like their Goddess’s whims. Favour, strength and relevance are hard earned yet easily lost in the persistent power plays of this society. Many exist with only a select few remaining prominent. However, even the survival of such dominant houses is not wholly guaranteed. Betrayal, intrigue and subterfuge are all common aspects of the game the noble’s play.   Rich Culture
While Lolth stands as the primary deity of the Drow, she is not its sole religion. There exists further powers within the Dark Seldarine that enrich and expand upon the beliefs and powers the Drow can call upon. These deities have led rise to multiple Drow cities beyond the popular focus of Menzoberranzan. The society of Drow expands farther than the standards of Menzoberranzan’s tyrannical matriarchy, lending further nuance to the conflicts within this subrace of Elves.   Such cities consist of Llurth Dreier, once one of the largest Dark Elf cities known. Its populace consisted of mixing faiths of Lolth, Kiaransalee and Vhaeruan. However, its largest following was that of Ghaunadaur. Its population rivaled that of present Menzoberranzan, and outnumbered it up until its collapse during the Spellplague.   Another example is that of Maerimydra. Ruled by Lolthites for a time while hidden sects to Vhaeruan and Kiaransalee fostered power. The city suffered a great upheaval when the three faiths clashed, eventually bringing it to near-ruin by the end of the conflict at the hands of Fire Giants. Its reconstruction absent of Lolthite dominance thereafter.   A final example being that of Sshamath; a trade city oozed in arcane magic. Once ruled by Lolthites, its current power base consists of a council of male arcanists who overthrew the previous hierarchy. While a Lolthite presence still exists, the city operates now through an oligarchy of wizards.   These cities and others show the intricate layers of Dark Elf politics and faith. Lolth’s matriarchal standard affects all walks of Drow life, however there exist bastions of their society which highlight the other deities of the Dark Seldarine.   Relationship to Magic
Most often, Drowesses lean upon divine magic called by their faith in Lolth or another within the Dark Seldarine. Those outside of such talents are usually the nobility who possess Sorcerous gifts. Strange it is for a Drowess to look to the practices of wizardry rather than the benefits of Lolth, most often such a choice results in disapproving judgment.   While Drow are possessed of a few innate arcane gifts, the realm of arcane progress is that of the males’ pursuits. The few women within society who openly boast their prowess in magic do of course overshadow the men who travel such a path. However, the vast majority of arcane practitioners are male, with much of their accomplishments accredited to their peers of the fairer sex. While the learning of wizardry in Drow society is predominantly a male profession; it is one that is scarce in comparison to militaristic roles.   Ambition and Intrigue
Ambition underlines almost all of Drow society. None of its ruling nor elite class remain in power long without a heavy dose of this trait. The complacent die quicker than the ambitious, a noteworthy feat in itself. Most Drow follow the mindset of selfish avidity, always acting in their own best interest.   While the paths to power are numerous, thus leading to a wide and colourful variety of Drow; they are a race layered with malicious and scheming souls. Their environment encourages betrayal and intrigue. Trust is hard earned and fleeting, if it ever existed in the first place.   While the lore and flavour of roleplay the Drow tends to present is wrought with murder, we advise to seek avenues to explore these themes without player deaths being considered normal conduct. There are many creative ways to engage in these politics and games without seeking to kill off your fellow Drow.   Surface Mistrust
The opinion that most Drow have of the surface and its various races is extremely poor. Each and every humanoid beyond that of a Drow’s heritage are considered little else than potential vessels for sacrifice or a workforce to be enslaved. Even the half-Drow offspring are viewed as anathema in Lolthite society and are quickly given the worst degrees of treatment over others.   Any kindness or lacking vitriol a Dark Elf presents to a surfacer is more than likely to serve more manipulative means.   Because of this, expect a great deal of hostility and non-tolerance from surfacers. Do not expect to enter into surface hubs without severe repercussions, potentially even imprisonment or even death in the most extreme cases. Be smart, be armed. Drow are rare to launch rescue missions for their own, especially if they proved foolish in being captured.   Conflict and Rivalry
Drow are most often foiling and killing each other than anyone else. Usually, it is expected and preferred in the lore of Dark Elves for their interactions to have a more significant degree of lethality; however such cannot be expected in the rp environment being cultivated. Thus; we encourage this fashion of rivalry to continue with more creative means that do not involve such rampant murder within the Drow. The stories created can be enriching with proper injections of conflict, without the faction falling to disarray with constant infighting.   It is welcome to enter into the faction with a selfish mindset. However, not when it is tuned to degrees that brings detriment to the group as a whole. Scheme and expect to be schemed against. Aim to climb the ladder of ambition for whatever goals suit your character, while remaining with the expectation that if you prove too much a liability to the faction; you will be dealt with.


War of Silver Marches
For the Drow, the recent war with the Confederation of the Silver Marches held both great promise and great loss. House Xorlarrin both rose and fell from grace, with a great deal of backlash and political consequence finding them and soon to mount further. Most of the Dark Elves’ opinion on the events involves a great deal of blame thrown upon the shoulders of Orcs.   Despite their ruthlessness and ferocity, Orcs are inferiors for a reason. They were the cannon fodder for the Drow, their lives spent so that the Dark Elves did not have to sacrifice their own blood. If Drow were asked what they could have done differently for the war; most would suggest an alliance was not the answer; but rather an enslavement of the Orcs. Greater management of their number would have proved worthwhile. Their failure to defeat the Dwarven retaliation is a testament to their inefficiency. The tools were to blame, not the Drow themselves. Drow rarely accept failure or its excuses, likely killing more of their own than the battlefield losses suggest after they returned from the failed siege of Silverymoon.   However, despite this colossal setback; the events of the war have set the Silver Marches to stand in a very vulnerable position. The confederation has crumbled. The strength of Silverymoon were its allies who have thus far appeared to have abandoned them. The opportunity to seek a second conflict and take vengeance upon the defenders is a ripening prospect. The Orcs are still a potential vessel to manipulate for a second push. The Dark Elves need only play to their strengths as they believe. Their refusal to accept failure leads them to be intensely tenacious. In the eyes of the Drow involved in the conflict; it is hardly over.



Drow commonly worship Lolth, the Spider Queen; a chaotic evil deity associated with spiders, deceit, and darkness. The pursuit of Lolth's favor is central to Drow culture. Their entire culture revolves around appeasing her. Much of its structure and rules persist purely for the deity’s entertainment. Lolth is not kind, nor loving. She is quick to discard and difficult to please, never to keep her favour to those who fail to entertain her.   Her erratic and irrational behavior as a Goddess has led many of her children to revere her out of fear rather than true devotion. This leaves Lolth worship in a unique bloat; the massive amount who worship her improperly, then those who offer true faith. Those who claim to understand her chaos are either exceptional cases, or ignorant of her true schemes. It is rare for a male to obtain recognition in regards to Lolth’s favour. While priests of Lolth do exist, they are kept at a distinct ceiling much lower than Priestesses. The life of a male cleric of Lolth is not one any less dangerous. Most often, it is far harsher.  

The Dark Seldarine

In the year 1492 DR, Lolth was not as prominent within her Pantheon. This is resulting in many Drow aligning themselves differently in devotion. Thus, there is acceptance of other gods/goddess worship within Xor'loriss. Those of the Dark Seldarine are viewed as such within the city:

Vhaeraun: Those aligned with this god may be seen as rivals to those of Lolth.

Kiaransalee: An ally to Lolth, those that worship this goddess can be considered an ally as long as ideals align.

Eilistraee: Intolerated and untrustworthy.

Selvetarm: A god bound to Lolth, those that serve him are typically militaristic in nature and can be considered in servitude.

Malyk: Drows of lower stations like to make sacrifices to Malyk in order to gain his favor. This is in secret, as those Lolth aligned attempt to purge the activity from society.

Foreign Relations

Nesmé and The Magocratic Republic of Silverymoon: Those of the Q’Xorlarrin Covenant view Nesmé as a foothold to the surface, and as a lost opportunity. With the threat of the city being rebuilt by Silverymoon, there is the looming doom in the image of being driven from the Underdark by those that come to the land in efforts of raising the city back up. Because of this, they will do anything in their power to prevent this from happening.

Kingdom of Many-Arrows: Having utilized the Orc Army once, there is the possibility of doing so again if it can be established. This however requires payment in some form surely. Citizens of the Covenant tolerate the Orcs, if only because of their usefulness.

Uthgardt: Raiders; the Uthgardt people represent a double edged blade. They can be worked with for trade and organizing efforts against Nesme, but they can also turn on the people of the Covenant. A risk not to be taken lightly. Along with that, they see Uthgardt Griffon Marauders as barely civilized to the point of willingness to operate with.


See laws on the Xor'loriss page.


Controlled Territories