


‒ The Capital of the Q'Xorlarrin Covenant
  Accepted Races:
Drow, Yuan-ti, Duergar

Tolerated Races:
Orcs, Goblinoids, Many Arrows Half-Orcs, Minotaurs, Ogres

Persecuted Races:
Other Half-orcs, Mind Flayers, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Half Elves, Halfings, Gnomes, Dragonborn, Goliaths, Planetouched, Trolls, Vampires, Werewolves, Fomorians

Hostile Races:
Drow Traitors  


‒ I. Theft
Within the confines of the Underdark, a realm where order and discipline are paramount, the act of stealing is categorically prohibited. Any individual apprehended in the act of pilfering from the city vaults will find themselves promptly incarcerated, compelled to await judgment of their actions.

‒ II. Magic
Embracing the fundamental belief that magic is an intrinsic aspect of existence, there must still be a limit on engaging in any magical practices within the city. This is particularly upheld for all non-citizens. If caught casting or preparing any components for the use of magic, without approval from the council, it is deemed to be criminal.

‒ III. Weapons
Within the city limits, it is mandated that all non-citizens entering through the gates shall be required to surrender their weapons for inspection and safekeeping. Any attempt to retain or use a weapon by a non-citizen within the city is deemed a punishable offense. Any attempt to resist authorities from seizing weaponry shall face steeper reprimand.

‒ IV. Authority
Within the boundaries of this jurisdiction, it is mandated that all residents and visitors demonstrate a fundamental respect for authority. This encompasses obedience to directives issued by duly appointed officials, law enforcement officers, and governing bodies. Any act of disobedience or disruptive behavior that undermines the authority of these entities is deemed a violation of this law. Violators will face due corrections of even violent nature should they refuse this edict.

‒ V. Heresy
Any act of heresy, defined as the propagation or endorsement of beliefs contrary to the recognized and established order of the Dark Seldarine, is hereby declared illegal. Perpetrators found guilty of engaging in heretical activities will face consequences, including but not limited to fines, imprisonment, or physical repercussion.

‒ VI. Punishments
Within the city, approved penalties for transgressions include fines, the forfeiture of possessions, imprisonment, physical consequences, exile, and, in extreme cases, death. The choice of penalty is based on the nature of the crime and its circumstances, recognizing that the same offense committed for different reasons may lead to distinct repercussions.


  ‒ I. Social Order
This Drow city is led by a council made up of prominent house figureheads. Under them are established ranks that make up the hierarchy of the city. There is a chain of command, and must be adhered to and respected. Disregarding this principle doesn't go unnoticed, and there are consequences for those who bring disrespect to any of higher status.

‒ II. Entry Into the City
Recognizing the value of commerce and cultural exchange, individuals from outside the city are permitted access under the condition that they are accompanied by proper escorts. As a precaution, non-citizens must undergo a disarmament procedure upon entry. The tolerance of surfacers within the Underdark is a privilege. Sacrificing weaponry is but one price of many to maintain this privilege.

‒ III. Taxes
To ensure economic stability, a comprehensive discussion and consolidation of resources are mandated. The Master of Trade oversees this process, with the Council providing supervision to ensure effective resource management. The established standards for this procedure are subject to modification based on the dynamic demands of the city's economic landscape. The demand for appropriation may change on demand.

‒ IV. Culture & Religion
Within the confines of the city, the sacred rites and practices of the Dark Seldarine must be respected. Those desiring to witness such rituals have the prestigious opportunity to interact and learn from the individuals of the esteemed High Priestess rank. Through these rites, the Dark Seldarine and that of the Spider Queen will be shown proper reverence. While within the city, all souls will be expected to pay esteem upon that of the Weaver and her assemblage. Failure to do so will find severe correction. The first act of tribute out of many involves the strict prohibition of faiths below Lolth’s approval. Revelation of such practices will result in punitive measures. [OOC, in current lore after 1489, only certain higher powers within Drow Culture are even aware of Eilistraee and her return. It is prohibited to really even mention her.]

‒ V. Slavery
The city reserves the right to capture and incarcerate whomever its council and its officials please. Slaves and servants of Lolth’s children will not be harmed nor impeded lest approved by their direct superiors. Any act that fails to follow this protocol, or fails to respect the rothe’s service to their betters, will face severe repercussions. [In Drow Society, it is traditional to have slaves, but it is crucial to note that this arrangement is OOC consensual. Those who choose to participate are treated fairly and assigned a role as a servant within the city. This is purely for role-playing purposes and is only applicable to those who express a desire for it. From an OOC standpoint, it has to be consensual, and they are given the servant role. This is only RP for those that want it.]

‒ VI. Violations
In the event of being found guilty of committing any offense against the city, the severity of the punishment will rise further should the culprit object or resist. Only members of the Council possess the authority to issue and decree punishments. Prisoners are obligated to await the dispensation or delegation of their respective punishments as determined by the Council.

‒VII. Immigration
Individuals seeking citizenship in the city are required to submit a statement to the House Leaders for consideration. The House Leaders will then engage in discussions regarding potential entry, with the specific criteria and expectations tailored to various factors.

‒VIII. Diplomatic Relations
The city is open to any and all diplomatic ambassadors & business. Meetings do not necessarily have to include House Leaders, as long as they are handled by someone of appropriate station. Any important matters that should include a House Leader are to be scheduled beforehand.

‒IX. Civil Dispute
In instances of non-criminal disputes, such as disagreements, individuals are encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the Weaponsmaster. The Weaponsmaster will evaluate the nature of the disagreement and subsequently issue instructions or guidance to address the situation appropriately. Their judgment is final in these matters, lest one of greater authority is required. Failure to follow the Weaponmaster’s instruction suffers the dispute turning criminal and recompense made to follow.


Light Punishments:
  • Barred Entry from city for 1 IRL day
  • Fines (For actionable/irrefutable crimes. IE; caught with weapons)
  • Public Flogging (Medium Wounds)
Moderate Punishments:
  • Temporary indentured servitude to a citizen or official
  • Hung by a spiked cage (Interior spikes, must stand for own safety for the entire sentence. Hung at the entrance of the city)
  • Bestowed Curse (Granted by a Priestess)
  • Indentured Labor (Sent to gather in UD gathering zones, brings back all profits to city)
Severe Punishments:
  • Torture
  • Exile's Brand
  • Enslavement
  • Death