

  Rogues represent a denomination from all races and cultures; deft thieves and fighters who prefer cunning and more subtle means to their ends. Oftentimes shady and even more disreputable, the shadows are where they operate best and attract the ill fated. Speechcraft and lies go hand in hand, they will rely on cleverness and underhanded tricks more often than a legitimate succession of blows to overtake their opponents; and for whosoever crosses wits with them, guile and deception are their preferred weapons.  
  • Choose from any of 4 subclasses, owing to whichever style best suits you.
  • Any man or woman can fall into the category of a rogue, created as a result of poverty or hardship, some spawned as of shadier paths, even in the wealthier parts of Faerun; and others plain enjoy the freedom



Arcane Trickster

Intelligence is your spellcasting stat.   Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth⁠ and agility with magic, learning tricks of Enchantment and Illusion. These rogues include pickpockets and burglars, but also pranksters, mischief-makers, and a significant number of adventurers seeking to delve into the deeper parts of the world or haunts within city walls.  


Spell Casting & Spell List
These rogues learn spells from the Wizard spell list, learning to turn some of their stolen or picked up knowledge against others. Arcane Tricksters use Intelligence for their Spellcasting Modifier.   Spell save DC = 10 + your Intelligence modifier.   Novice
True Strike

Misty Step
Expeditious Retreat
Magic Weapon
Dispel Magic


Control Flames
Dancing Lights
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Mold Earth
Shape Water
Arcane Knowledge
Gain +2 to Knowledge: Arcana and +1 to Investigation.
Cunning Action: Magical Ambush
After casting a full action spell this turn; as a bonus action you can spend a cunning action to teleport up to two tiles to the nearest enemy and make a melee attack against them.
Cunning Mind
+1 on INT, WIS, and CHA spell saves.
Cunning Action: Dispelling Sneak Attack
When you would make a sneak attack; you may instead use a dispelling sneak attack. This deals 2d6 true damage, and removes 1d6 spell points from the target. On their next turn their spell DC’s are reduced by 1. This is mutually exclusive with a normal sneak attack.
Cunning Action: Impromptu Warding
As a Reaction, use a Cunning Action to grant yourself +1 AC, +1 DT, and +1 on all saves until the end of your next turn.
Empowered Cunning Actions
Magical Ambush: +1 to Hit target.
Dispelling Sneak Attack: Target’s DC’s are reduced by 2 instead of 1.
Impromptu Warding: +3 DT instead of +1.



Your training centers on the somber craft of death. Those who follow this archetype come from various backgrounds, including hired assassins, spies, bounty hunters, and even consecrated priests specifically taught to eradicate the adversaries of their deity. Utilizing stealth, poison, and disguise, you excel in dispatching your enemies with lethal precision.  


Poison-Tipped Weapon
All melee attacks deal +3 Poison Damage.
Cunning Action: Savagery
As a Free Action, you gain the Savagery status effect for 3 turns. You gain +2 Attack and may Sneak Attack any target on a successful hit. This can be used twice per short rest.
Gain +3 Deception, +3 Stealth, and +2 Initiative.
Cunning Action: Poisonous Edge
After landing a melee attack against a target, force them to make a DC 14+Mastery Con save. On a failed save, the target takes 2d6+Mastery Poison damage and is poisoned for 3 rounds. This Cunning Action is not spent on a successful save.
Cunning Action: Sudden Execution
After landing a melee attack you may attempt to execute your target. The target makes a DC 14+Mastery Con save, or be paralyzed for 1 round. Twice per short rest. This Cunning Action is not spent on a successful save
Master Assassin
Savagery and Sudden Execution each get one additional use per rest. Savagery also gains +1 to Attack.



Your training is dedicated to mastering the skills of the blade, emphasizing a blend of speed, elegance, and charm. Unlike warriors who don heavy armor and exhibit brute strength, your approach to combat resembles a carefully choreographed performance. Those who align with this archetype often include duelists and pirates.  


Your hit die is now a 1d8 and you are proficient with Medium Armor.
Cunning Action: Goading Feint
As a bonus action you may taunt a foe. That target makes a DC 14+CHA modifier save or suffers the usual effects of being taunted. In addition, targets taunted by you suffer -1 on their AC and you may sneak attack them. This does not spend your cunning action if it fails.
Swashbuckler's Swagger
Swashbucklers are rugged and always ready to talk themselves out of a fight; or into one. Gain +1 AC, +1 Initiative, and +2 to all CHA Skills.
Cunning Action: Flourishing Riposte
The Riposte is a melee attack that deals 1d8+Mastery True Damage and can trigger your sneak attack on a successful hit. (Assuming you haven’t used it yet this turn)
Cunning Action: Inspiring Rally
As a cunning action, select up to three targets within 6 tiles of yourself. That target heals for 1d6+CHA modifier, +1 Hit and +2 True Damage for one round.
Captain's Helm
Goading Feint now reduces AC by -2 and Inspiring Rally now heals for 1d8+Charisma health points and gives the target +1 to Attack.



You refine your skills in the art of thievery. This archetype is commonly embraced by burglars, bandits, cutpurses, and various other criminals. However, rogues who see themselves as professional treasure seekers, explorers, delvers, and investigators also gravitate towards this path. Alongside enhancing your agility and stealth, you acquire skills essential for exploring ancient ruins, deciphering unfamiliar languages, and harnessing the power of magic items that would typically be beyond your reach.  


Agile Hands
Your quick hands keep you agile. You can now handle +2 Tiles fall distance before taking damage and gain +3 to your Lockpicking skill. You are also able to throw 2 grenades per combat. You also gain +1 Cunning Action.
Cunning Action: Pocket Sand
Use a Cunning Action and select a target to blind with a dirty trick. The target makes a DC 14+Mastery WIS save, or takes -1 on attacks, AC, and saves for 2 rounds. Targets who have been hit by pocket sand can be sneak attacked.
Gain +1 AC and +1 to your CON and WIS saves, and +1 Cunning Action.
Cunning Action: Tumble Through
As a bonus action, you move up to two tiles and gain true immunity to Attack of Opporunity. You cannot be targeted by creatures with the Sentinel Feat or any other similar ability.
Cunning Action: Throat Punch
After hitting a target in melee, you may deal an additional 1d6+Mastery true damage and apply the dazed condition.
Cunning Thief
Gain +2 Cunning Actions.

In testing and subject to change

Combative Perks

Cunning Actions
Rogues Receive a number of Cunning Actions as class resources, equal to 3xMastery Level. These actions are used to fuel their abilities and replenish on a short or long rest.
Additional Hit
+1 to Hit
Sneak Attack
When you attack a target when another ally is within 1 tile of it or when they are affected by the below statuses, you deal an extra 3d4 true damage to the target. This may be done once per round.  
  • Prone
  • Entangled
  • Paralyzed
  • Sleep
  • Dazed
  • Exhausted
  • Grappled
  • Bleed
  • Slowed
Hit Dice
You gain +6 HP when you first become a Rogue. On each new mastery level, you gain an additional +6 to your Hit Points.
Deadly Finesse
Gain +1 per Mastery level True Damage on all melee attacks when using a finesse weapon.
You gain a benefit to skills you already know. You gain a +2 to any two skills you have points in. The same skill may not be selected more than once.
Lucky Strike
After missing a melee attack, you may spend a Free Action to make another melee attack against the same target creature. You may only use Lucky Strike once every turn.
Martial Expertise
Open a ticket to select your choice of Two Weapon Fighting, Dueling, or Archery fighting styles. You cannot choose the same fighting style twice if your class, race, or a feat gives you an additional fighting style. including skills selected by Expertise I.
Cunning Reflexes
+1 DEX and CHA Saves
Expertise II
You gain a benefit to skills you already know. You gain a +2 to any two skills you already have points in. The same skill may not be selected more than once.
Additional Hit
+1 to Hit
Quick & Cunning
+1 DEX and WIS saves
Unnatural Reflexes
+1 to your DEX attribute and +1 to Initiative

Non-Combative Perks

Armor Proficiency
You can only make use of light armor.
Thieves' Cant
During your rogue training you learned thieves’ cant, a Secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. You can spend one minute speaking to someone and subtly ask a question or give information within the speech. This code can only be understood by others who know Thieves' Cant. Thieves' Cant cannot be researched.

Core Cunning Actions

Uncanny Dodge
The Rogue has developed an Uncanny Ability to dodge the brunt of certain attacks. As a reaction, immediately following being hit with a weapon attack or melee touch spell you may use a Cunning Action to deflect 1d4+DEX modifier damage.   This ability can be used equal to 2x per Mastery level. This can not be used if the attack brings you to 0 health.
Your disengage is now a bonus action.
Select 1 target within 1 tile. Force them to make an opposed Strength Saving Throw or Dexterity Saving Throw, whichever is higher. If successful, they are knocked Prone.   If the target creature is mounted, they will also be dismounted and become prone.
Expend 1 Cunning Action and gain +2 Movement until the end of your turn.