
Race Information

Satyr communities in Faerun are often removed from civilized society - nestled deep within various forests and mountains. Finding these regions to be much like their ancestral home of the Feywild, there is a natural kinship that draws them to the unkept wild world. The specific dynamics of these groups differs from region to region- from protectors to mere tricksters, they always place high value in freedom. Living harmoniously with nature and enjoying the pleasures of life.  


Loose Social Structures:
Reflecting their love for freedom, Satyr communities are likely organized in loose, informal structures, with leaders who are more often seen as elder guides than strict rulers.  
Joyful and Revelrous:
Their society is marked by a love for music, dance, feasting, and general merrymaking, making their gatherings lively and energetic.  
Natural Defenders:
While generally peaceful and fun-loving, Satyrs can be fierce defenders of their homes and nature, often standing against forces that threaten the balance of their natural surroundings.  
Music and Festivities:
Music is central to Satyr culture, with a focus on pipes, flutes, and drums. Festivals and celebrations occur frequently, often tied to natural cycles like solstices or lunar phases.  


The High Forest:
A vast woodland area known for its ancient trees and magical presence, the High Forest is an ideal habitat for Satyrs who enjoy deep, unspoiled woods.  
The Feywild:
A mirror plane; the Feywild exists outside Toril as a overflowingly magical place forged in beautiful Chaos. Toril-born Satyr may never see this plane but all feel strong, natural pulls towards it where the veil betwixt the realms is thin. Note; Playable Satyr on Crossroads are permitted to have familial relations from the Feywild but the characters in play DO NOT originate from the Feywild.  
An ancient forest that was once the heartland of the elven empire of Myth Drannor, Cormanthor's mystical and natural beauty makes it a fitting home for Satyrs.  
Neverwinter Wood:
Near the city of Neverwinter, this lush forest is known for its supernatural occurrences and would be a natural draw for the fey-like Satyrs.  
The Moonshae Isles:
A group of islands that are rich in fey magic and natural beauty, making them an attractive location for Satyrs.  
The Misty Forest:
Located near the Sword Coast, this forest is enshrouded in mystery and is a likely place for Satyrs, given their affinity for mystical and secluded woodlands.    


Elves and Fey:
Strong bonds of kinship with the Elven races of Toril and their fellow Toril-bound Fey. Often coming together in celebrations and joint defense of their shared forest lands.  
Humans and Dwarves:
Many are right to be wary of a Satyr and its penchant for tricks. Satyr often view these folk as destructive and disrespectful to their surrounding environments. However they are open to beings to prove themself otherwise.  
Other Races:
Satyr generally attempt peace with most races by way of merrymaking and tricks but are known to be wary towards the overly serious, pompous and murderous.    

Physical Qualities

Satyrs resemble that of Humans or Elves from the waist up and have the lower body of a goat. Horns sprout from their skulls and their exposed skin oftentimes on the harrier side. Their hair and skin tones do not differ wildly from that of other humanoid races. Most Satyr are of the male sex - Female Satyr (or Faun) are rare and can come into existence by the coupling of a Satyr and Human or Elf.    

RP Guide

Playful and Jovial:
Emphasize your Satyr's love for fun and laughter. Incorporate jokes, playful teasing, and a generally upbeat demeanor in your interactions.  
Even if your Satyr is somewhat reclusive, portray a desire to be part of a community, sharing joys and participating in communal activities.  
Inclusive in Celebrations:
Regularly initiate or participate in celebrations and gatherings. Encourage others to join in your music and dances, spreading joy and revelry.  
Love for Life and Freedom:
Convey a strong love for life, freedom, and the natural world. Resist any form of oppression or destruction of nature.  
Cherishing Art and Expression:
Show a deep appreciation for art in all its forms. Engage in artistic activities whenever possible.

Civilization and Culture


Satyr found on Faerun are almost exclusively Toril-born, a result of a passing ancestor who left the Feywild to prey upon new minds for tricks and games. Or one who has sought to settle in a new land a long time ago and thus ushered in generations of their kin. They have always been found to aid that of those whom they share their forest homes with and share in their revels in kind.    


Toril-born Satyr tend to revere nature deities and those related to positive emotions, music and the arts. Satyr more closely tied to their Planeswalking forebears, lean towards their more traditional Feywild deities.  
Known as the Horned Beast and the god of song, dance, and celebrations, Damh is an embodiment of the joyous and wild aspects of nature. His domains of music, revelry, and the natural world align perfectly with the Satyrs' love for festivities and their deep connection to nature.  
Known as the Forest Queen, Mielikki is the goddess of forests, forest creatures, and rangers. Her domains of nature and animals align well with the Satyr's affinity for natural environments.  
The Oak Father, god of wild nature and druids. Silvanus represents the primal, unbridled, and sometimes wild aspects of nature, resonating with the Satyrs' love for natural freedom.  
Goddess of peace, quiet groves, and still waters. She embodies peace and tranquility found in nature, appealing to the gentler side of Satyrs.  
The Unicorn, a goddess known for her joyous demeanor and love for celebrations. Her playful and carefree nature is very much in line with the Satyrs' ethos.  
Goddess of hedonism, festivity, and sensual fulfillment. Her domains of joy, dance, and festivals are closely aligned with the Satyrs' love for revelry and music.  
Known as the Dancer in the Glades and the fertility goddess of woodland glades and growth, her nurturing aspect of nature could appeal to Satyrs.


Kit Items
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Horns of Succubus (Attached)
Horns of Succubus
Horns 05 (a)
Bestial Horns [A]
Bestial Horns II [A]
Deception Horns [A]
Satanic Horns III [A]
Beest Horn [R]
Beest Horn [L]
Beguiler Horn [R]
Beguiler Horn [L]
Defiler Horn [R]
Defiler Horn [L]
Goat Horn [R]
Goat Horn [L]
Golden Goat Horn [R]
Golden Goat Horn [L]
Hebrak Horn [R]
Hebrak Horn [L]
Hebrik Horn [R]
Hebrik Horn [L]
Sata Horn [R]
Sata Horn [L]
Succubus Horns[R]
Succubus Horns [L]
Satyr Horns [A]
Bunny Tail (Attached)
(A) Ysagi Rabbit Tail
(T) Ysagi Rabbit Tail
Minotaur Hooves (Thin)
Minotaur Hooves (Thick)
Hoofed Feet
hooves v1
hooves v2
(JCACC) Hooded Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Hooded Ears 1 Right
Faun ears 1
Faun ears 2
Faun ears 3
Faun ears 4
neck floof
Neck Fur White [A]
Neck Fur Black [A]
Neck Fur Grey [A]
Neck Fur Brown [A]
150 - 180 cm   Lifespan:
100 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Sylvan, Language of Choice   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic Good   Racial Tension(s):
Goblins, Underdark Races


Ability Scores:
+1 Charisma

Saving Throws:
+1 to all saving throws

Damage Resistance:

+2 Performance, +2 Persuasion


Mirthful Leaps
Once per short rest, as a bonus action, this creature can move two tiles while being immune to Attack of Opportunity for the duration of that movement. This ability can be used to leap over allies and enemies, ignore difficult terrain, and vault over obstacles no taller than yourself all without incurring additional climbing costs.
Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the fluff spells Dancing Lights, Minor Illusion, & Prestidigitation.