Scourge Aasimar

Race Information

Scourge Aasimar, a subtype of the Aasimar race, are notable for their divine mission to combat evil. Born with an inner radiance, they radiate a divine, radiant energy visible to all. This innate vigor for purging evil is a defining trait, making them easily recognizable. Typically, Scourge Aasimar wear masks to conceal their otherworldly features, revealing their true appearance only in battle. Once a day, they can unleash a radiant energy sphere extending 10 feet around them, lasting up to one minute.    


As with other Aasimar, Scourge Aasimar rarely form their own societies, integrating into broader societies and adapting to various cultures.  
Lone Existence:
Many Aasimar live without ever encountering another of their kind, due to their celestial heritage's rarity.  
Kinship Among Aasimar:
On the rare occasions they meet, Aasimar experience an unspoken kinship, often supporting each other due to shared celestial lineage.    


The Sword Coast:
With its mix of bustling cities, dangerous wilderness, and ancient ruins, the Sword Coast offers ample opportunities for Scourge Aasimar to fight against evil forces.  
The Underdark:
This vast network of underground caverns is teeming with malevolent creatures and dark magic. Scourge Aasimar might venture here to bring light to these dark places.  
The Moonsea Region:
Known for its harsh environment and the presence of dark and corrupt powers, the Moonsea area is a likely place for Scourge Aasimar to engage in battles against evil.  
A jungle-covered peninsula teeming with ancient ruins, undead, and other dark forces. Scourge Aasimar might be drawn here to combat these threats and explore the mysteries of the jungle.  
The Dalelands:
With its history of conflicts and invasions, the Dalelands provide a suitable backdrop for Scourge Aasimar seeking to protect the innocent and fight against darkness.  
Known for its evil wizards and undead, Thay is a place where Scourge Aasimar might seek to challenge the dark practices and bring hope to the oppressed.  
Icewind Dale:
The harsh, frozen landscape is home to many evils lurking in the shadows. Scourge Aasimar may be drawn here to combat these threats and protect the hardy inhabitants.  
Baldur's Gate:
A city known for its political intrigue and the presence of various cults and criminal organizations. Scourge Aasimar in Baldur's Gate might work to root out corruption and bring light to the city's darker corners.  
Widespread Presence:
Once primarily found in regions like Mulhorand and Unther, Scourge Aasimar have since become nomadic, residing in various parts of Faerûn such as Waterdeep, Durpar, Murghom, and Thesk.  


Revered Figures:
Scourge Aasimar are typically revered for their goodness and are generally well-received by various societies.  
Affinity with Half-Breeds:
They often find solace in the company of other half-breeds, like half-elves or half-orcs, due to shared experiences of being between two worlds.  
Wary of Certain Races:
Instinctively, they maintain a distance from races like Tieflings and Genasi, finding them inherently alien.   Scourge Aasimar, known for their intense divine energy and a strong sense of purpose in combating evil, tend to view other races through a lens shaped by their fervent commitment to righteousness and protection. Here's a general overview of how Scourge Aasimar might perceive various races in the Forgotten Realms:  
Scourge Aasimar may see humans as a diverse and dynamic race that often needs guidance and protection from evil forces. They might feel a sense of duty to protect humans from their own follies and external threats.  
Elves, with their longevity and connection to the natural and magical world, might be viewed by Scourge Aasimar as valuable allies in their fight against darkness. They might respect the elves' wisdom but also be wary of any elven tendencies towards moral ambiguity or aloofness.  
The stoicism and steadfast nature of dwarves can be seen as admirable to Scourge Aasimar. They might view dwarves as reliable partners in battle against evil, although sometimes they may find the dwarven focus on tradition and reluctance to change a bit frustrating.  
Scourge Aasimar might view halflings as innocents who need protection. They could see their simple and peaceful way of life as something worth defending against the corruption and chaos of evil forces.  
The intellectual curiosity and inventive nature of gnomes might be appreciated by Scourge Aasimar, especially when it aids in the pursuit of good and the fight against evil. They may, however, be cautious of gnomes' sometimes erratic and unpredictable nature.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Traditionally viewed as embodiments of chaos and evil, orcs and goblinoids might be regarded with suspicion and hostility by Scourge Aasimar. However, they would also recognize the potential for individuals within these races to rise above their violent nature.  
Given their infernal heritage, Tieflings might be approached with caution by Scourge Aasimar. However, understanding the struggle against inherent darkness, they might also offer support and guidance to Tieflings striving for good.  
Scourge Aasimar might admire Dragonborn for their strength and honor. They could see them as powerful allies in the fight against evil, particularly valuing their draconic heritage as a source of strength.  
Other Aasimar:
Encounters with other Aasimar, especially those of a different subrace, would be significant. Scourge Aasimar might feel a strong kinship but also a sense of competition or conflict, depending on the paths and choices of the other Aasimar.  
Planar Races (like Genasi):
Scourge Aasimar might find a kinship with other planar races, sharing the experience of living with a foot in two worlds. They might view Genasi and similar races as allies in their larger cosmic battle against evil.    

Physical Qualities

Celestial Features:
Scourge Aasimar often appear similar to humans but with distinct celestial traits like pupil-less eyes in shades of white, gold, or gray, and often silver hair.  
Diverse Appearance:
Depending on their celestial lineage, they might have skin in shades of gold or silver, eyes like topaz, or even small iridescent scales.    

RP Guide

Divine Mission:
Embody their drive to combat evil, showcasing their dedication to good deeds and protection against malevolence.  
Religious Zeal:
Often deeply religious, they are typically inclined towards following the path of paladins or clerics, upholding the tenets of Lawful Good.  
Masked Presence:
Reflect their cautious nature in society by using a mask to hide their true appearance, only revealing it in times of combat.

Civilization and Culture


Celestial Origin:
Descending from celestial beings and humans, Scourge Aasimar share a history with other Aasimar types, particularly the first devas from Mulhorand.  
Wandering Nomads:
Post-Spellplague, they became wanderers, spreading across Faerûn and beyond, unattached to any specific god or land.  


Divine Magic:
Scourge Aasimar are inclined towards divine magic and often serve as paladins or clerics.  
The god of courage and self-sacrifice, Torm is revered by those who value honor, duty, and righteousness. Scourge Aasimar might follow him to embody these virtues and battle against evil.  
As a god of justice and law, Tyr appeals to Scourge Aasimar who are dedicated to the cause of justice and the defeat of tyranny and corruption.  
Known as the Watcher, Helm is the god of guardians and protectors. His followers, including Scourge Aasimar, are often seen as defenders of the innocent and upholders of the righteous order.  
The Morninglord, a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, and vitality, is a fitting choice for Scourge Aasimar. His teachings about light and rebirth resonate with their inner radiance and self-sacrificing nature.  
The Crying God, known for his empathy for the suffering and downtrodden, is a beacon for Scourge Aasimar who seek to alleviate suffering and fight against oppression.  
The Platinum Dragon, revered as a god of justice, protection, and honor, is a natural fit for Scourge Aasimar, especially those dedicated to fighting evil in all its forms.  
The goddess of the moon and change, Selûne is associated with mysticism and the fight against darkness, making her a suitable deity for Scourge Aasimar focused on battling the forces of darkness.  
The god of the dead and the judge of the departed, Kelemvor is seen as a just and fair deity. Scourge Aasimar who respect the natural order of life and death may be drawn to his teachings.  
The god of strength, athletics, and courage, Kord inspires those who value physical prowess and bravery, traits that Scourge Aasimar might find appealing in their battle against evil.  
In settings where Pelor, the god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing, is revered, he would be a natural choice for Scourge Aasimar. His focus on light and the sun aligns well with their celestial nature.


Kit Items
Eyes of lightning (Attached)
Eyes of The Universe (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir (Attached)
Eyes of Yog (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Green (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Yellow (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Kitsune Mask (Attached)
Fool Mask (Attached)
Venetian Mask (Attached)
Pierrot Mask (Attached)
Unequip Attached Mask
165 - 190cm   Lifespan:
160 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Celestial   Suggested Alignment:
Any Good   Racial Tension(s):
Fiends, Undead, Monstrous Races


Ability Scores:
+1 Charisma

Saving Throws:

Damage Resistance:

+2 Intimidation (Charisma), +2 Intimidation (Strength)


This creature can see in the dark.
Radiant Consumption
With a blast, you release searing divine energy from within. Once per day, as a Reaction, you may force up to 3 creatures within a 2 tile radius of them to roll a Charisma saving throw versus your spellcasting modifier. On a failed save, they take 1d6+Mastery Radiant damage. Half damage taken on a successful save.
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Thaumaturgy.