
Race Information

Trolls, known for their formidable regenerative abilities and fearsome appearances, are a race of large, brutish creatures inhabiting the wilder regions of Faerûn. Characterized by their voracious appetites and uncanny resilience, trolls are both feared and respected in the realms they inhabit.  


Solitary or Clannish:
Trolls tend to be solitary creatures but may form small, loosely organized clans, particularly in areas with abundant food sources. These clans are often temporary, formed for mutual protection or hunting.  
Territorial Nature:
Trolls are fiercely territorial, marking and defending their chosen domains from intruders, be they other trolls or different creatures. Territorial disputes among trolls are common and often violent.  
Basic Social Structure:
Troll society lacks complex social structures or hierarchies. Leadership, if any, is typically based on strength and ferocity. Elders or particularly strong trolls may assert dominance over others.  
Nomadic Tendencies:
Some troll populations are nomadic, wandering in search of food and favorable habitats. Their movements are often driven by the availability of prey and seasonal changes.  


Forests and Mountains:
Trolls are commonly found in dense forests, mountainous regions, and other remote areas of Faerûn. They prefer locations that provide ample cover and food sources.  
Swamps and Marshlands:
Some trolls inhabit swamps and marshlands, using the terrain to their advantage for ambush hunting.  
Caves and Ruins:
Trolls often make their lairs in caves, abandoned ruins, or other secluded areas, where they can remain hidden from potential threats.   In the realms of Faerûn, trolls are a constant reminder of the wild and untamed forces of nature, evoking both fear and awe in those who cross their paths.   Trolls, known for their formidable regenerative abilities and often aggressive nature, might find themselves in the Savage Frontier for various reasons:  
Hunting and Foraging:
Trolls are driven by a constant need to feed due to their fast metabolism and regenerative abilities. The Savage Frontier, with its vast wilderness, offers abundant hunting grounds teeming with wildlife, making it an ideal location for trolls to satisfy their hunger.  
Territorial Expansion:
Trolls are territorial creatures. As their population grows, younger or less dominant trolls might be forced to leave their established territories in search of new areas to claim as their own. The relatively less populated Savage Frontier provides opportunities for establishing new territories without much competition.  
Escaping Conflict:
Trolls might flee to the Savage Frontier to escape conflicts or threats in their native habitats. This could include skirmishes with other troll clans, battles with adventuring parties, or encroachment by expanding civilizations.  
Following Prey:
Trolls might migrate in pursuit of migratory herds or follow the movements of other creatures that constitute their primary food sources. The diverse ecosystems of the Savage Frontier offer a variety of prey, from large game to other monstrous creatures.  
Magical Influence or Manipulation:
Trolls, being relatively simple-minded, can be easily manipulated by more intelligent beings. They might be coerced, enchanted, or otherwise influenced to move to the Savage Frontier for purposes serving the agendas of wizards, hags, or other powerful entities.  
Innate Wanderlust:
Some trolls might wander into the Savage Frontier driven by a simple curiosity or an innate desire to explore. Their solitary nature and tendency to roam can lead them into new and uncharted territories.  
Conflict with Other Races:
Trolls might be pushed out of their original habitats due to conflicts with expanding human settlements, dwarven mining operations, or elven patrols. The Savage Frontier, being less densely populated by civilized races, offers a refuge from such conflicts.  
Lure of Magic or Treasure:
Trolls, despite their limited intellect, are sometimes drawn to powerful magical energies or the lure of treasure (especially if influenced by tales or manipulations). Areas within the Savage Frontier, rich in ancient ruins and magical mysteries, might attract trolls seeking these elements.  
Adaptation to Harsh Environments:
Trolls are incredibly resilient and can adapt to a wide range of environments. The varied climates and terrains of the Savage Frontier, from dense forests to rugged mountains, provide suitable habitats for trolls to thrive.  
Summoning or Conjuring:
In some cases, trolls may be brought to the Savage Frontier through magical summoning or conjuring by sorcerers, witches, or other spellcasters who seek to use them for specific purposes, such as guardianship of a location or participation in a larger scheme or conflict.    


Reputation as Monsters:
Trolls are generally regarded as monstrous beings by most races due to their appearance, aggressive nature, and predatory habits. Encounters with trolls are often hostile and dangerous.  
Conflict with Humanoids:
Trolls frequently come into conflict with human settlements, drawn by livestock and other food sources. This often leads to skirmishes and organized efforts to drive trolls away or exterminate them.  
Interactions with Other Creatures:
While trolls are typically hostile to most creatures, they may form uneasy alliances or symbiotic relationships with other monstrous beings, such as giants or ogres, for mutual benefit.    

Physical Qualities

Regenerative Abilities:
Trolls are renowned for their incredible regenerative capabilities, able to heal wounds rapidly and even regrow lost limbs. This trait makes them formidable adversaries in combat.  
Large and Muscular:
Trolls are large, muscular beings, often standing over nine feet tall. Their size and strength contribute to their reputation as fearsome predators.  
Distinctive Features:
Trolls have rubbery, greenish skin, long arms, and clawed hands. Their faces are often grotesque, with bulbous noses, sharp teeth, and small, beady eyes.    

RP Guide

Primal Instincts:
Trolls are driven by basic instincts such as hunger, territoriality, and survival. Roleplaying a troll would involve a focus on these primal needs and a generally simplistic outlook on life.  
Aggressive and Intimidating:
Trolls are known for their aggression and lack of sophisticated communication skills. In interactions, they are likely to be direct, intimidating, and potentially hostile.  
Survivalist Lifestyle:
Trolls are adept survivors, skilled in foraging and hunting. They are attuned to their natural environments, using their instincts and physical abilities to thrive.  
Limited Social Interactions:
Trolls have limited capacity for complex social interactions and are unlikely to engage in elaborate conversations or negotiations.  

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Origins:
Trolls are believed to have ancient origins, with a history that predates many of the civilized races of Faerûn. Their origins are shrouded in mystery and often intertwined with folklore and legend.  
Adaptation and Survival:
Throughout history, trolls have shown remarkable adaptability, surviving in various environments across Faerûn. They have endured despite efforts to drive them to extinction due to their resilience and regenerative abilities.  


Ancestral Worship or Primal Deities:
Trolls may worship primal deities or spirits associated with nature, survival, and strength. Their religious practices, if any, are likely to be rudimentary and focused on offerings for strength and protection.   Trolls in Faerûn, known for their regenerative abilities and often savage nature, don't typically have a sophisticated religious structure or widely acknowledged pantheon of gods. Their primal and instinct-driven lifestyle means they are less likely to engage in organized worship. However, there are a few deities in the Forgotten Realms setting that trolls might revere or fear, either individually or in small cult-like groups:  
The most likely deity for trolls to worship is Vaprak, the Destroyer. Vaprak is a deity of ogres and trolls and represents the savage and destructive aspects of these creatures. Worship of Vaprak would likely be primal and straightforward, focusing on strength, ferocity, and the trolls' natural regenerative abilities.  
Known as the Stormlord, Talos is the god of storms, destruction, and rebellion. Some trolls might revere Talos, viewing the chaotic and destructive aspects of storms as akin to their own natures.  
While primarily the chief deity of orcs, Gruumsh, the One-Eyed God, embodies the ideals of strength, conquest, and survival, which might resonate with some trolls, especially those who live in close proximity to orc tribes or are part of mixed communities.  
The Beastlord, god of the hunt and werecreatures, could be appealing to some trolls, particularly those who value the hunt and the primal aspects of their nature. Malar's worship involves the thrill of the hunt and the glory of the kill, concepts that some trolls might find enticing.  
Known for his tyranny and hatred, Bane, the Black Lord, could be a figure of awe or fear for trolls. Those who are under the control of more powerful beings might come to fear or revere Bane as a symbol of oppression and strength.  
The Frostmaiden, goddess of winter's harshness, might be acknowledged by trolls living in colder climates. Her merciless, cold nature could be something that resonates with their struggle for survival in harsh environments.


Kit Items
elfears smolmk1
elfears smolmk2
Elvish Ear B [R]
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear D [R]
Elvish Ear D [L]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Orc Ear B [R][ToT]
Orc Ear B [L][ToT]
Orc Ear C [R][ToT]
Orc Ear C [L][ToT]
Orc Ear B [R]
Orc Ear B [L]
Orc Ear C [R]
Orc Ear C [L]
Feral nails (L)
Feral nails (R)
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Tusks I
Tusks II
Tusks III
Tusks IV
Long Tusks[A]
Tusks (Attached)
Giant Tusks (Attached)
260 - 275 cm   Lifespan:
100   Starting Language(s):
Common, Giant   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic Evil   Racial Tension(s):
All Humanoids


Ability Scores:
+1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Charisma

Saving Throws:
-1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma

Damage Resistance:

+2 Perception, +2 Athletics, +2 Intimidation (Strength)


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Trolls have powerful regeneration, even being able to regenerate lost limbs over time. At the end of each round where this creature has NOT taken fire or acid damage, they heal for 4 hit points. A troll which has not taken fire or acid damage cannot be killed (PK). This ability must be used during their turn.
Throw Stone
Once per short rest, this creature can throw a stone the size of a cow at a group of people. Pick a target within 8 tiles. That target and all targets within 1 tile of the thrown stone must make a DC 14+Mastery Dexterity save. On a failed save, targets take 2d8+Mastery Mundane Bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save, targets take half damage and remain standing.