
Race Information

Werewolves, also known as lycanthropes, are beings with the ability to transform from their human form into that of a wolf. This transformation can be voluntary or triggered involuntarily by the full moon. Werewolves are both feared and misunderstood, often living on the fringes of society or in secluded wilderness areas.  


Pack Structure:
Werewolf society is often organized into packs, with a strict hierarchy led by an alpha. These packs can range from close-knit family groups to larger, more complex social structures.  
Dual Lives:
Many werewolves live dual lives, maintaining a human persona while concealing their lycanthropic nature. This duality can create a constant internal conflict between their human and wolf instincts.  
Seclusion and Secrecy:
Due to the stigma and fear surrounding their kind, werewolf communities tend to be reclusive, hiding their true nature from the outside world. They often reside in remote, wilderness areas where they can roam freely in their wolf form.  
Cultural Variances:
Werewolf culture can vary significantly depending on the region and the origins of the pack. Some may embrace their lycanthropy, while others view it as a curse to be hidden or cured.    


Remote Wilderness:
Werewolves are commonly found in secluded areas, such as deep forests, mountain ranges, or other remote locations where they can avoid detection.  
Specific Enclaves:
Some regions may have known enclaves of werewolves, where they live in relative isolation from the outside world.   In Faerûn, werewolves navigate a challenging existence, torn between their human and lupine natures. Their society, though hidden, is rich with traditions, hierarchy, and a deep sense of pack loyalty. The life of a werewolf is one of constant vigilance, balancing the need to protect their secret with the primal call of the wolf within.   Werewolves in the Savage Frontier of Faerûn could be present for various reasons, each tied to their unique nature and the circumstances of their lycanthropy. Here are some plausible motivations for werewolves to be in this region:  
Seeking Isolation:
The Savage Frontier, with its vast and wild landscapes, offers a perfect haven for werewolves seeking to escape the crowded cities and towns. The isolation can help them manage their transformations without endangering others or drawing attention to themselves.  
Pursuit of a Cure:
The region might be rumored to have herbs, magical artifacts, or ancient rituals that could cure or control lycanthropy. Werewolves might venture into the Frontier in search of such remedies.  
Hunting Grounds:
The vast wilderness of the Savage Frontier provides ample hunting opportunities for werewolves, especially for those who have embraced their animalistic side and seek to hunt game or even more dangerous beasts in the wilds.  
Fleeing Persecution:
In many parts of Faerûn, lycanthropes are feared and hunted. The Savage Frontier may offer a refuge from such persecution, where werewolves can live relatively undisturbed.  
Pack or Clan Affiliations:
Some werewolves might travel to the Savage Frontier to join or form packs with other lycanthropes. These packs often establish their own territories and social hierarchies away from civilization.  
Adventure and Exploration:
The Frontier is a land of mystery and danger, appealing to the adventurous spirit of some werewolves. They might be drawn to the challenges and explorations the region offers.  
Religious or Spiritual Quests:
Werewolves connected to nature-based or primal deities might travel to the Savage Frontier as part of a spiritual journey, seeking communion with their gods or fulfillment of a religious prophecy.  
Escaping Their Past:
Some werewolves might head to the Frontier to start anew, leaving behind their past lives and identities in more populated areas of Faerûn.  
Influence of the Beast Within:
The more primal and uncontrollable aspects of their lycanthropy might drive werewolves to seek a life in the wilds, where they can live more in harmony with their beastly nature.  
Military or Mercenary Work:
The Savage Frontier is often a place of conflict and power struggles. Some werewolves might find employment as mercenaries or soldiers in the ongoing disputes in the region.  
Research and Study:
For those interested in the study of nature, magic, or the arcane, the Savage Frontier offers a wealth of unexplored territories and ancient secrets that could be of interest to scholarly werewolves.  
Enacting Revenge or Justice:
Werewolves with a vendetta or a sense of justice might venture into the Savage Frontier to pursue outlaws, monsters, or other entities that have wronged them or others.    


Distrust from Society:
Werewolves are generally mistrusted and feared by other races due to their predatory nature and the potential danger they pose during transformations.  
Conflicted Relationships:
Relationships with humans can be complex, as werewolves may have human family members or loved ones. This can lead to a life of secrecy and fear of discovery.  
Alliances with Other Lycanthropes:
Werewolves may form alliances with other lycanthropes, such as werebears or weretigers, based on mutual understanding and shared experiences. Tension with Hunters: Werewolves often find themselves at odds with hunters and organizations dedicated to eradicating lycanthropy, leading to frequent conflicts and hostility.    

Physical Qualities

Human and Wolf Forms:
Werewolves have the ability to shift between their human form and a powerful wolf form. In their wolf form, they are larger and more formidable than normal wolves, with enhanced strength and senses.  
Physical Traits:
In human form, werewolves may have subtle traits hinting at their lycanthropic nature, such as unusually sharp teeth, heightened senses, or a feral demeanor.  
Regenerative Abilities:
Werewolves possess enhanced regenerative abilities, allowing them to heal rapidly from injuries, especially in their wolf form.    

RP Guide

Internal Struggle:
Roleplaying a werewolf involves balancing the internal struggle between human intellect and wolf instincts. Emphasize the conflict between maintaining a normal life and the primal urges of the wolf.  
Moonlit Transformation:
The involuntary transformation during the full moon is a pivotal aspect of being a werewolf. Portray the struggle of losing control and the aftermath of these transformations.  
Pack Dynamics:
Consider the dynamics of your character's pack, including loyalty, hierarchy, and the role they play within the group.  
Secretive Nature:
Werewolves are often secretive about their true identity. Roleplay the constant vigilance and fear of discovery that comes with hiding one's lycanthropy.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Curse:
The origin of werewolves is often attributed to an ancient curse or a pact with a powerful entity. This history is shrouded in myth and varies across cultures.  
Werewolves have a long history of persecution, hunted by those who view them as monsters. This has led to their secretive and reclusive lifestyle.  


Varied Beliefs:
Werewolves do not have a unified religion, as their beliefs are often influenced by their human upbringing and the culture of their pack.  
Nature Deities:
Some werewolves may worship deities associated with nature, wilderness, or animals, such as Silvanus or Malar.   In the world of Faerûn, werewolves and other lycanthropes might worship a variety of deities, depending on their individual beliefs, backgrounds, and the nature of their lycanthropy. Some deities that werewolves might be drawn to include:  
Known as the Beastlord, Malar is a deity of the hunt, bloodlust, and werecreatures. He is often worshipped by those who embrace their lycanthropic nature, particularly those who revel in the hunt and the primal aspects of being a werewolf.  
Selûne, the goddess of the moon, is sometimes worshipped by werewolves due to the moon's significant influence on their transformation. Those werewolves who seek harmony with their condition or view it as a gift might revere Selûne.  
Shar, the goddess of darkness and loss, might appeal to werewolves who feel cursed by their lycanthropy and experience it as a source of suffering and alienation.  
The Oak Father, god of wild nature and druids, could be worshipped by werewolves who view their condition as a natural, albeit challenging, part of the world's diversity.  
The god of storms and destruction might be venerated by werewolves who view their lycanthropy as a form of natural disaster, embodying the untamed and destructive forces of nature.  
The Unicorn Queen, a deity associated with talking beasts and mystical creatures, might be revered by werewolves who see their condition as part of the magical tapestry of the world.


Kit Items
Fluffy Ears (Attached)
Fluffy Ears Black (Attached)
Eyes of the Tiger - No Nightwatch (Attached)
Eyes of the Beast (Attached)
Eyes of Werehyena (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Fangs (Attached)
Fangs Inside (Attached)
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Left
(JCACC) Pointed Fang Right
Pointy Fangs [A]
[C] Tooth 1
[C] Tooth 2
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Nails (R)
flooftail 2
Wolf Tail (Attached-Animated)
Wolf Tail Black (Attached-Animated)
Wolf Tail White (Attached-Animated)
neck floof
Neck Fur White [A]
Neck Fur Black [A]
Neck Fur Grey [A]
Neck Fur Brown [A]
Fur Ears1
Fur Ears2
Fur Ears3
Werewolf Transmog
Shapeshifting (Female WereWolf)
Shapeshifting (Black WereWolf)
Shapeshifting (White Wolf)
Shapeshifting (Black Wolf)
Shapeshifting (Grey Wolf)
Werewolf Head
Werewolf Claws
Alpha Only: Werewolf Dire Transmog
Alpha Only: Shapeshifting (White WereWolf Alpha)
Alpha Only: Shapeshifting (Gray WereWolf Alpha)
Same as Base Race   Lifespan:
Same as Base Race   Starting Language(s):
Common, Same as Base Race   Suggested Alignment:
Chaotic, Evil   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific

Werewolf Alpha

These abilities are added to an existing Race / Character  
You may adopt either the Hybrid or or Dire Wolf-Alpha transformations as a full action. You may adopt these forms as part of a pre combat buff and 1 additional use of wild shape per long rest.
  • You can not cast in either of these forms.
  • You can not use weapons in either of these forms.
  • You may not wear armor in either of these forms.
  • You can only use abilities granted to you by the transformation while in these forms.
  • It takes a free action to drop out of any form.
Hybrid Werewolf Alpha
+12 Temporary Hitpoints
19 AC, DT 6
+1 Movement
+3 for STR, CON, & DEX saves
+3 Initiative, +3 Stealth, +3 Tracking, +3 Perception   Melee Attack:
1d10+6 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse.   Abilities:
The Dire Wolf Wildshape has the following abilities.   (Bonus Action) Thrashing Bite:
After landing a melee attack on a target; force them to make Str Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; the target takes 1d6+master piercing damage knocked prone and is dazed. Once per short rest.   Ferocity
Gain +3 to hit and +3 True damage on all attacks   (Free) Action Attack:
Make a second melee attack as a free action.   Alpha Pack Abilities:
(Free) Pack Maneuver:
Twice per short rest; target a lycanthrope from your pack other than yourself. The target may take 2 tiles of movement, and is immune to AoO for the duration.   (Free) Pack Master:
Once per short rest, release a howl targeting up to 3 lycanthropes from your pack including yourself. These targets heal for 1d8+Mastery, and gain +1 attack for 2 turns.
Dire-Wolf Alpha
+8 Temporary Hitpoints
16 AC, DT 4
+2 DEX saves, +2 CON saves, +1 Attack
+3 Initiative, +3 Stealth, +3 Tracking, +3 Perception
+1 Movement   Melee Attack:
1d10+6 Slashing/Piercing damage; Reach, Finesse.   Abilities:
(Bonus Action) Thrashing Bite:
After landing a melee attack on a target; force them to make Str Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; the target takes 1d6+master piercing damage knocked prone and is dazed.   (Reaction) Pack Hunters:
When a nearby enemy takes damage from an ally's attack or spell; you may move one tile towards them and make a melee attack against them.   (Free) Action Attack:
Make a second melee attack as a free action.   (Free) Sneak Attack:
2d6 True Damage Sneak attack with standard sneak attack rules.

Lesser Werewolves

A werewolf alpha may only have a maxiumum of 3 lesser werewolves. Lesser Werewolves gain access to 1 additional use of wildshape per long rest.  
Lesser Hybrid Werewolf
+8 Temp Hitpoints
17 AC, DT 5
+2 STR saves, +2 CON saves, +3 Initiative, +3 Stealth, +3 Tracking   Melee Attack:
1d10+6 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 to attack   Abilities:
The Dire Wolf Wildshape has the following abilities.   Vicious
Gain +2 on all attacks; and +2 on all physical damage.   (Bonus Action) Thrashing Bite:
After landing a melee attack on a target; force them to make Str Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; the target takes 1d6+master piercing damage knocked prone and is dazed. Usable once per mastery per short rest.   (Free) Action Attack:
Make a second melee attack as a free action.   Passive: Gain +2 on all attacks; and +2 on all physical damage.