Crossroads Timeline

This timeline chronicles the pivotal events following the destruction of Nesmé, detailing the city's journey from its fall to its current state. Beginning with the catastrophic siege that led to the city's decline over the last three decades, we trace the subsequent phases of occupation, intervention, and reconstruction. The timeline highlights key names and events, showcasing its resilience and the enduring spirit of its people.

The Rise and Fall of Nesmé

Nesmé's history is a saga of resilience and transformation. From its early days as a small settlement evolving into a significant trading hub, the city faced numerous challenges, including a massive troll siege and invasions by orcs and a white dragon, orchestrated by the drow of House Baenre. This period of strife culminated in the city's capture and destruction.

  • 1462 DR

    1470 DR

    Siege and Defense
    Military: War

    The siege of Nesmé by a massive troll army stands as a significant chapter in the city's history, marked by its scale and intensity. The trolls posed a formidable threat. Nesmé's strategic position near the River Surbrin and the Evermoors had necessitated robust defensive preparations, including fortified walls and a well-trained militia specialized in combating such creatures. Despite these preparations, the size and might of the troll army tested the city's defenses to their limits. The defense of Nesmé was spearheaded by its own militia, experienced in troll warfare and adept in tactics involving fire and acid to counter the trolls' regenerative powers.

    The prolonged and brutal siege saw Nesmé receiving crucial assistance from external allies, who provided military reinforcements, supplies, and magical support. This outside aid was instrumental in turning the tide in favor of the defenders. The siege involved relentless assaults and intense combat, taking a significant psychological and physical toll on both the defenders and the civilian population. Ultimately, while the city's defenders succeeded in repelling the troll army, the victory came at a great cost. The siege resulted in substantial casualties and destruction within Nesmé, leaving the city in a weakened state and contributing to its vulnerability to future threats.

  • 1463 DR

    Take over of Gauntlgrym
    Military action

    In the Year of the Reborn Hero, Ravel Xorlarrin led a group of drow to capture the forge area of Gauntlgrym. This order came from Matron Xorlarrin but was secretly encouraged by House Baenre as they anticipated war. By occupying the city, the drow had access to the renowned forge for weaponry, as well as better access for the Bregan D’aerthe to send trade goods to the Underdark. By the Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR, they had occupied even more areas around Gauntlgrym. House Xorlarrin received approval to leave the sister city Menzoberranzan for the new settlement named Q’Xorlarrin. Later on, Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre arrived in Gauntlgrym to rebuild the city of damages ensued by various fights.

  • 1470 DR

    1480 DR

    Recovery and Rebuilding
    Civil action

    In the wake of the devastating troll siege, Nesmé embarked on a vital recovery and reconstruction phase, focusing on both physical rebuilding and fortification of the city's defenses. The extensive damage to infrastructure necessitated significant repairs, especially to the city walls and key buildings. The city's fortifications received particular attention, with enhancements to gates and towers, and the implementation of new defensive strategies against potential future assaults. This period saw a concerted push to strengthen Nesmé's physical and strategic resilience, ensuring better preparedness for any future threats.

    Alongside physical reconstruction, the city also prioritized the welfare and morale of its citizens, recognizing the profound psychological impact of the siege. Initiatives aimed at boosting community spirit and cohesion were introduced, including public events and support programs. Economic revitalization was another critical focus, with efforts to stimulate trade, attract new businesses, and create job opportunities to bolster the city’s economy. The recovery phase thus marked a time of rebuilding and renewal for Nesmé, laying a strong foundation for its future growth and stability.

  • 1484 DR

    1486 DR

    War of the Silver Marches
    Military: War

    In anticipation of the war, the famous drow wizard, Tsabrak Xorlarrin, brought forth a darkening over the Silver Marches. At the same time, the King of Many Arrows, Obould XVII, would be assassinated. The murder would be blamed on the crown prince, Lorgru, who would go into exile. As a result, an orc warlord named Hartusk took the throne and proceed to establish an alliance with the drow. Not long after, Quenthel Baenre brought the frost giants, two white dragons by the name of Arauthator and Aurbangras, as well as their allies, the orcs of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, to war for claim of the Silver Marches. This group of warriors stormed the Silver Marches with veracity, leaving death and destruction in their wake.

  • 1484 DR

    1485 DR

    Siege of Silverymoon
    Military: Battle

    Silverymoon, the capital of the Confederation of the Silver Marches, would be besieged for nearly a year by the alliance of Orcs and Drow. The defense of the city would come at a great cost, with Silverymoon losing most of its famed Knights in Silver during the battle. The siege would result in hunger and misery for the civilian inhabitants of Silverymoon, yet the city would not give in. The Silverean defenders did not let their enemies breach the city walls and eventually they would break the siege and drive them back.

  • 1484 DR

    Siege of Sunabar
    Military: Battle

    Sundabar, previously Citadel Sundbarr, was a dwarven citadel known as one of the wealthiest militaristic cities within Luruar. The relentless warlord Hartusk and his army of orcs conquered Sundabar and renamed it Hartusk Keep. The orc army attacked ruthlessly, completely wiping out the surface population of the citadel. The war claimed another city's destruction. The Dwarves of Sundabar would hold out in the dwarven citadel beneath the surface city, but by the time of their liberation, a city of 25,000 people would have been reduced to only around 5,000. The rest having been claimed by war, disease, and hunger. After the war, Sundabar would be the first to leave both the Confederation and the Lord’s Alliance, isolating themselves from everyone other than their fellow Dwarven kingdoms.

  • 1484 DR

    1485 DR

    Siege of the Orcs and Drow
    Military action

    Nesmé faced a formidable siege orchestrated by the orcs of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, a scenario influenced and manipulated by the drow matron mother Quenthel Baenre and House Do'Urden. The orcs, known for their ferocity and battle prowess, launched a relentless assault on the city. This siege was not a random act of aggression but a carefully calculated move by the drow, particularly Quenthel Baenre, who sought to extend her influence and power in the region through the orcish forces. The involvement of House Do'Urden, a significant power in drow politics, further complicated the situation, adding layers of intrigue and deeper strategic objectives to the conflict.

    At the helm of Nesmé's defense during this critical period was First Speaker Jolen Firth, a leader who faced the daunting task of protecting the city against the overwhelming orcish siege. The city's defenses, already tested by previous conflicts, were once again put to the test. Firth had to navigate not only the immediate physical threat posed by the orcs but also the underlying political machinations of the drow. His leadership was crucial in rallying the city's defenders and organizing a coherent resistance against the invaders.

  • 1485 DR

    1486 DR

    The Companions of the Hall
    Gathering / Conference

    Drizzt Do'Urden, a drow renowned for his atypical heroism and alignment with the forces of good, played a pivotal role in the defense of Nesmé during its siege by the orcs of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows. Drizzt, known for his exceptional skill as a warrior and his deep sense of justice, stood as a symbol of defiance against the stereotype of his kin, dedicating his efforts to aid the humans in the Silver Marches. His involvement in the defense of Nesmé was instrumental, bringing not only his formidable combat abilities but also his strategic acumen to the fore. Accompanying Drizzt in this critical endeavor was Athrogate, a member of the infamous mercenary group Bregan D'aerthe. Athrogate, known for his prowess in battle and his unorthodox approach to warfare, complemented Drizzt's skills, adding a layer of strength and resilience to the city's defenses.

    Together, Drizzt and Athrogate, along with other defenders, formed a formidable line of resistance against the orcish invaders. For several weeks, they managed to hold the line, repelling attacks and inspiring the city's defenders with their bravery and skill. However, as the situation across the Silver Marches deteriorated with other cities also facing threats, Drizzt and Athrogate made the difficult decision to retreat from Nesmé. Their departure was driven by a strategic choice to extend their aid to other beleaguered locations in the region, recognizing the broader scope of the conflict and the need for their expertise across the Silver Marches.

  • 1486 DR

    Reclamation of Gauntlgrym
    Military: Battle

    In the Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls, a group of dwarves from Mithral Hall and Citadel Felbarr, Bruenor Battlehammer, King Connerad Brawnanvil, and King Emerus Warcrown, paved their way and reclaimed the ancient city of Gauntlgrym. They fought diligently, setting the city free and back in the hands of the dwarves. The battle for Gauntlgrym was fierce, with the dwarves losing both King Connerad and King Emerus during the battle. As a sign of respect, the newly crowned King Bruenor had both Connerad and Emerus crowned posthumously as the first and second King of Gauntlgrym, respectively before he would take up his title as the third king. The reclamation of Gauntlgrym was a significant event for the Dwarves of the north, for once, it had been the capital of the dwarven empire of Delzoun. For centuries, the Dwarves had been losing their cities one by one, and now they had not only reclaimed their recently lost cities, but also the jewel of their old empire. For Dwarvenkind, despite the massive losses of the war, the future now looked bright.

  • 1486 DR

    Fall of Nesmé
    Disaster / Destruction

    Following the departure of Drizzt Do'Urden, Athrogate, and their allies, known collectively as the Companions, the city of Nesmé faced a dire turn of events. In their absence, the city's defenses, already strained by the prolonged siege, could not withstand the renewed onslaught. The orcs of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, seizing the opportunity, breached the city's defenses with devastating effect. Adding to the chaos and destruction, the fearsome white dragon Arauthator joined the fray, tipping the scales further in favor of the invaders. Arauthator, known for his ferocity and immense power, unleashed terror from the skies, laying waste to large sections of the city. The combined might of the orcish forces and the dragon proved too overwhelming for Nesmé's defenders, ultimately leading to the city's fall. This catastrophic defeat resulted in the capture of around 600 survivors, marking a dark chapter in the city's history. After the city's fall, First Speaker Jolen Firth would be executed by the drow via crucifixion at the city's main gate, bringing about the end of the the Nesme city-state.

    In the aftermath of the siege and the city's fall, Nesmé found itself under new, unexpected rulership. Drow Tiago Baenre and his consort of House Xorlarrin, swiftly moved in to claim control over the beleaguered city. Their rule was not just a matter of military conquest but also a strategic move in the intricate power plays of drow politics. The occupation by the Baenre drow signified a shift in Nesmé's political landscape, introducing a period of drow dominance and influence. However, their rule over Nesmé was short-lived, as circumstances and the shifting dynamics of power in the region eventually forced them to abandon their hold on the city.

  • 1488 DR

    1489 DR

    Dissolution of the Confederation of the Silver Marches
    Political event

    The Confederation of the Silver Marches, or Luruar, would only barely survive the War of the Silver Marches. Tens of thousands were dead, and most of the Confederation’s military had been destroyed during the war, with most signatory states losing between 50% and 80% of their forces. Nesme had been completely annihilated, and the other cities of the north were in ruins. In addition, due to the death of so many Northern Kings, most of the Confederation’s founding political leadership was dead. As such, the Confederation’s victory had come at a great cost, and some would argue that it was hardly a victory at all. This state of affairs soon sprouted into discontent, especially among the Dwarven member states who had accused Silverymoon of hoarding supplies and forces to the detriment of the Dwarven cities, in addition to accusations of political and military mismanagement. As such, two years after the war, the Dwarven states declared that they were leaving the Confederation. This began a quick collapse of the Confederation, as every other member state began to drift away from Silverymoon’s influence, with Everlund leaving last in 1489. As a result, with Silverymoon remaining as its only member, High Mage Taern Hornblade officially dissolved the Confederation in 1489 and resigned due to the republic’s recent military and political failures. The High Marshal of Silverymoon, Methrammar Aerasumé, would then succeed him as High Mage.

  • 1491 DR

    1492 DR

    Intervention of Silverymoon
    Diplomatic action

    Silverymoon, renowned for its commitment to knowledge, magic, and the welfare of the Silver Marches, recognized the strategic and humanitarian importance of aiding Nesmé. This decision to assist was driven not only by geopolitical considerations but also by a sense of kinship and responsibility towards a fellow city in distress. Silverymoon's involvement brought much-needed resources, expertise, and a renewed sense of hope to the beleaguered city. Their aid was multifaceted, encompassing not just the physical rebuilding of destroyed infrastructures but also providing support in re-establishing governance, security, and social order. This assistance was crucial in stabilizing Nesmé and laying the groundwork for its recovery.

    Silverymoon's intervention heralded a period of significant change and progress for Nesmé. Under their guidance, Nesmé began to chart a course towards not just recovery, but also future prosperity and resilience. The city saw the introduction of new architectural designs, improved defensive strategies, and innovations in governance and civic management inspired by Silverymoon's progressive ideals. Additionally, this period saw an influx of knowledge and cultural exchange, as Silverymoon's scholars, artisans, and magicians contributed to the city's intellectual and cultural revitalization. This era was characterized by a spirit of collaboration and unity, as the people of Nesmé worked alongside their benefactors from Silverymoon to rebuild their city, transforming it into a symbol of resilience and renewal in the Silver Marches.