BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 31

General Summary

After completing their mission on God's Fall, the party take some time to themselves to tend to personal matters.   The group are separated for some time, but each come back with some new discoveries about themselves, their enemies, or both.   With much now to do, Collective Action ponder their next move...  


  After collecting their reward from Tanfan for a job well done, and concluding what has felt like the longest 5 days of their lives, Collective Action take some time to persue their own goals, improve themselves, and otherwise enjoy their free time. After a well deserved meal in The MacGuffin Gatherers' taproom, and a good night's rest, the party wake the following morning to find Barnabus has already been called away on holy business.   The remaining 5 members of the group depart for Kureta City, with Inadi providing free teleportation to the capital. From here they split into 2 groups, Meepo Junior and Roan head to The Merchant's Covenant to get Meepo the healing he needs, whilst Blair, Groban and Celine head to the Water Dragon Tavern to deliver the crown and Staff of Power to M's contact...  

Roan and Meepo

  You say your goodbyes to the rest of your team, before heading to the north-east side of the city, where the beautifully adorned temple of The Merchant's Covenant awaits you. You head inside and are greeted warmly by a member of Afflencia's clergy. The young Gnome asks you to wait a moment before she eventually summons you over to speak with the High Trade Minister, Jarethir Olghast.   Jarethir is happy to see you both, though most of his enthusiastic greeting seems to be directed at Roan. After explaining your current situation, and removing Meepo's moist coverings, Jarethis takes a moment to inspect the ailment. The priest is unable to identify the affliction, but agrees that it seems to be some kind of disease. With a short prayer to his goddess, he places his hands on Meepo's cracking skin and a powerful wave of healing energy envelopes the rogue. Your skin begins to heal and eventually returns to its usual scaley red hue. "I'm glad that worked" Jarethir remarks, "Afflencia only grants Magic of that power to a chosen few. But, it seems you are cured my scaley friend! I will of course not ask for any payment for this, afterall, I wouldn't be here if not for your group's effects at Dora Lake. That said... if you're feeling generous, there is a collection plate by the door."   The priest begins talking with Roan, and the neither of them notice Meepo slip out...  

Blair, Groban and Celine

  After leaving Roan and Meepo, you head west to the agreed meeting spot. On the way, Groban explains that he has a plan to not give over the Staff of Power... in the early hours of the morning, just after dawn, Groban safely expended all of the staff's charges, effectively rendering it inert for the time being. When it comes time to hand it over, he will "accidentally" break the staff, causing no harm to anyone nearby, and preventing M from gaining another powerful item. The idea seems solid enough and with little to lose, so you head over to the tavern to await the handover.   Being fairly early in the morning, the tavern is somewhat empty, and with no further instructions or hint of who you're supposed to meet, you find a table near the back of the taproom and wait.   Within 10 or so minutes, the door to the tavern opens, and an old male Gnome enters. He has a hood up, hiding most of his face, but you can clearly see a well-kept white beard poking out. He looks around anxiously, before making his way over to your table. He hops up into an empty chair and in a very formal tone says "I've come on behalf of our mutual acquaintance. Please place the items in this bag and then you are free of any further obligations." Upon closer inspection, you can see that under his cloak, this Gnome is wearing a fine suit; the uniform of the Platinum Vaults. Similarly, the bag he holds open before you is undoubtedly a Bag of Holding, though one you know to be modified for the Vault's special requirements. Any item placed inside will be magically transported to the Platinum Vaults.   [ROLEPLAY SECTION]   With this business finally taken care of, Groban and Celine depart Kureta City for Kitaun, whilst Blair heads to the University.  


  You don't remember the last time you woke at the crack of dawn, but for whatever reason, you are acutely aware of the fact that the sun has indeed only just risen. In fact, you'd say that this awareness of the sunrise feels almost supernatural. Being high summer, you turn over to resume your sleep, but are interrupted by a short buzzing sound in your mind, followed by a telepathic message "Good morning Barnabus. It's Danifae. I'm waiting for you outside. Please join me, the Sanctum of Shadows awaits." Realising that this is a Sending spell, you give a short response before getting yourself dressed and heading downstairs.   The taproom is quiet, though Annalise is already up and making preparations for the day ahead. You ask her to let your companions know that you have some cleric business to attend to, and she obliges with a dramatic curtsy and a smile. Outside, you find the drow Elf Danifae awaiting you. She has her hood up, but lowers it as you approach. She squints against the morning sun. "Hello again, Silent Watcher Barnabus. Tenasma has imparted to me that you are now ready to visit the Sanctum of Shadows, no... apologies, Temple of Twilight. Our lady has bestowed a new spell upon you, you will need it." As you consider her words, you realise that indeed, you have been given a new spell today - one of concealment, usually reserved for arcane practitioners. "Come" Danifae continues, "the entrance is not far from here."  


  You thank Jarethir for his Magic, but he seems too busy talking to Roan. This provides the perfect opportunity however, to sneak away. You pass the collection plate on the way out [DO YOU DONATE?] and head into the city. You don't know how long it's going to take to get to your destination, but you guess it'll probably take a while - so speed is of the essence! You dash to the south, and after a short while find yourself at Kureta City's impressive Airdock. Several airships hover in the docks, each one abuzz with sailors and the fancy folk who seem to use these things.   You find a man who looks somewhat official (he has a notebook and a moustache), and ask him when the next flight to the volcano is. He cocks an eyebrow at you without speaking, but you continue anyway "I have lots of gold, see?" you say, opening a coinpurse so the man can see your riches. Both eyebrows raise at this, and he clears his throat. "Assuming you mean Feurventa, we have no flights today young man, buuut..." he flicks through his notebook, "You're in luck. Captain Lorandel Windstrider is due to depart for the island tomorrow afternoon." The wait is unfortunate, but without many other options, you nod solemnly. "Tickets are 80GP." You purchase a ticket, thank the man, and head off to find something to do for the next 24 hours. Then it occurs to you... your buddies aren't around... you can do whatever you want!  


  After a while of awkward conversation with Jarethir, you eventually realise that Meepo has disappeared. Nobody strictly told you keep an eye on him, and you're sure he can't get up to that much trouble by himself... besides, this is your time and you have your own things to take care of. You thank Jarethir for his help once more, then head out into the city. It's a beauitful summer day, but being in the heart of the capital is not ideal for your task. You make your way west, eventually coming to the grand yew bridge that stretches out towards the Phoenix Forest. If there's anywhere that this mushroom Magic is going to work, it's going to be here.   The Phoenix Forest is as beautiful as the last time you saw it. The hum of wildlife here almost makes it feel more like a rainforest, with the constant background noise of bird calls and insect wings. You head in a little deeper, eventually finding a shaded area, slightly damp, perfect for fungi. Recalling the memory of your parents, you kneel down, place your hands into the soil and close your eyes. Calling upon your druidic Magic, you extend your senses out into the soil, reaching for the Mycorrhizal and any connections that may be found along this vast network. You find yourself somewhat unprepared for the mass of information that comes back to you... apparently there's a sick tree in the Okina Forest that needs more nutrients, a sapling to the North that isn't getting enough sun, Broodmoths in the Tanken Woods are eating too many leaves, and it goes on and on. After a few minutes of this, you pull your hands out of the dirt, overwhelmed by the chatter and unable to filter out the useful information from the benign. It seems like this is going to take some practice, but you've got time, and it is a particularly nice day.  


  Now alone in the capital, you decide to spend some of your hard earned coin before cracking on with the research. You first head to Hammer and Rune, where you place an order for an upgraded set of armour. It takes a couple of days, but you receive the item just as you asked for - a shiny new breastplate with a little speed boost. Whilst waiting for this set of armour to be completed, you head to the University to do some research. Here, you encounter a small issue however... without Prince Barnabus or anyone else to vouch for you, the university is somewhat resistant to letting you peruse the library at your leisure. Intimidating the students doesn't seem to get you very far... but one young lad is spared your wrath when a familiar face pops up. A vibrantly dressed young lady comes running up to you, pink hair flowing behind her... and producing butterflies as she approaches.   Fiona seems to have no problem scaring her fellow students away, and leads you to the library. She asks what you're looking for, and as you mention "spells that make the caster's eyes turn blue" she responds with "what, you mean like Professor Adina?" Fiona explains that the Half-Elf High Professor of Divination has permanently solid blue eyes, a mishap when she first discover the "True Seeing" spell some 100 or so years ago. Fiona goes on to explain that casting the True Seeing spell does cause the casters eyes to turn blue for as long as the spell is active, and as she gives a description of the spell, you become convinced that this is what Yssandra cast upon herself when inspecting you those years ago. You ask Fiona about the other areas you wish to research, but she suggests that the College may be a better choice for historic records, as the university library is very much focussed on Magic. You thank the young wild mage for her time before heading to the other side of the city.  

Groban and Celine

  With your business with M concluded, for now at least, you take the road north out of Kureta City and begin making your way to Kitaun. The journey takes a few days, but the trip is pleasant enough and you encounter no trouble on the road. You realise that the two of you haven't been alone together for this long since arriving on Ekina, and it gives you time to chat privately for a change - and perhaps properly digest everything that's happened recently.   Arriving in Kitaun towards the end of Fitin, you notice a stark temperature drop despite the season. Kitaun is known for its heavy snow in winter due to its proximity to The Great Ice Desert, and it seems the summer months don't get too warm either. Entering the western gate, you find a rather different scene compared to your last visit. The exterior walls have taken some heavy damage, and shoddily erected defences have been installed. It seems the giant attacks have continued over the past few weeks and months. You make your way to Kenshin's Dojo, and the young man greets you both heartily. Kenshin seems excited at the prospect of teaching his skills to a Warforged, despite only ever encounter such a thing once. He offers to train Groban too, but you decline - noting that the fighting style doesn't quite fit your strengths. You do spot some interesting armor however, which Kenshin mentions is a style crafted in Sonkai. He helps to get you fitted, and you spend some time practicing spell casting whilst in the heavier than usual gear. (Gain Medium Armor Mastery feat).   The next few days are spent training, with Kenshin's other students finding it hard to keep their eyes off of the shiny gold lady. Kenshin often mentions "discipline" when he catches one of his young warriors not focussed, and reminds them that the dangers of the world will often be unknown and unfamiliar, and one must never be caught off guard - no matter what they face.   On the 4th day of training, the lesson is abruptly interrupted by the sounding of a loud bell. "Hells, not again" Kenshin curses, as he grabs a sword and runs to leave the dojo. Remembering what happened last time you heard that bell some months ago, the pair of you follow close behind - Celine somewhat closer than Groban. As before, it seems giants have come down from the Doro Hills and are attacking the town's western gate. Kenshin had mentioned previously that the giant attacks had continued since your last visit to Kitaun, with still no real reason behind them. A request for aid had been sent mulitple times to the capital, but they only provided extra guards, and no investigation.   You arrive on the scene to find twice as many giants attacking as last time. You watch in horror as one guard is flung high into the air, a devasting end awaiting him as he nears the wall of a nearby house... but he is caught. A glorious streak of light shoots across the battlefield, as a heavily armoured and winged being catches the man, gently setting him down on the ground. The creature, by all accounts appearing to be angel, with shining gold armour, red and white wings and brandishing a sword and shield calls out in a booming voice "rest easy, defenders of the peace - The Goddess of Guardians shall no longer let this injustice stand!" The angel launches herself towards the giants, sword leading...   [ROLL INITIATIVE]  


  Danifae leads you down the road, taking a left towards the centre of the city where Takari Peak's council building and wealthy elite reside. Whilst no one is in sight, Danifae instructs you to cast your new spell upon yourself, as she does the same. Now both invisible, you walk past the guards posted at the gates to the city's old town without trouble. Thankfully, you are able to keep track of Danifae's footsteps, as the spell eventually fades. The drow continues walking to the eastern side of the old town, eventually arriving at a tavern called 'Humble Beginnings'. The tavern is clearly old, but has been well maintained and looks much fancier than anything else in Takari Peak. Danifae doesn't enter the tavern however, instead heading around the back and stopping at a section of wall. She takes out a holy symbol from within her cloak - a talisman depicting a full moon - and places into a small grove in the wall. The bricks seem to melt away, revealing a staircase that descends below ground. "Follow me" she instructs.   You head down into the darkness, your eyes easily adjusting to the gloom. Danifae hands you something as you walk, a talisman like the one she used above. She explains that they have received guidance from Tenasma that this is the new holy symbol The Goddess wishes for them to use, as it better reflects her new doctrine. You eventually reach the bottom of the stairs, arriving at a stone wall. The wall is elegantly decorated with depictions of the stars, moons and an inscription that reads "For those who wish to remain hidden, and those who need to be seen". Danifae inserts her holy symbol into a slot on the wall once more, and the wall fades away. Beyond, a large chamber opens up before you. Although you are most definitely underground, and it's most definitely daytime, the entire space is bathed in what is undeniably moonlight. You know this for certain as you feel the familiar tug against your Shifter senses, but thankfully no change comes. Stepping into the room, you find yourself in a beautiful temple, with marble flooring and columns stretching up and disappearing into a ceiling that is concealed in illusion - rather than the expected rock or stone, you instead look up to see a glorious night sky, complete with full moon and stars.   "It wasn't always like this" Danifae explains, "we've had a recent makeover to better reflect Tenasma's new wishes. Come, there is someone you should meet". Despite Tenasma's new ideals of revealing secrets, you get the impression that Danifae had probably developed a habit of being mysterious, and not entirely forthcoming with details... nevertheless, you follow, believing your fellow Silent Watcher means you no harm. The drow leads you to the other end of the temple, where a Human woman with long white hair and pale skin stands, arms tucked inside a silver robe, eyes closed in prayer. You wonder if this is Tenasma herself again, the image from behind certainly seems familiar, but you don't get the same sense of divine power that you did before. Danifae clears her throat, and bows. "Ahem... please excuse me Luminous One, but I have brought Silent Watcher Barnabus Orbeck to see you, as requested."   [ROLEPLAY SECTION]  
  • Lunus introduces herself.
  • Explains that she is from Faerun, and was once a high priestess of a goddess known as Selune, goddess of the moon.
  • She came to Ekina on a mission some years ago, and was contacted by Tenasma.
  • Tenasma asked Lunus to stay on Ekina, and to help her reform The Order of the Faceless One.
  • In return, Tenasma has allowed Lunus to continue worshipping Selune, which has provided the foreign goddess with an ounce of power in Ekina.
  • Tenasma's new portfolio of Twilight has come from Selune, and the previous goddess of trickery is now connected with the distant goddess of the moon, their powers intertwined and shared.
  • Lunus explains that the new moon is in fact, not quite what Danifae claimed it to be. It is a cosmic mirror of sorts, that is reflecting the moon of Faerun. The purple tint is being caused by the Magic used to achieve this feat, which is using this world's unique resource of Quintessence.
  • The mirror has been in place for some time, and was revealed on the wedding day, so technically not a lie.
  • This mirror allows Selune a direct view of Ekina, and empowers Tenasma in the process.
  • Lunus asks Barnabus to stay with the church for a while and learn more about Selune. It will help his powers of twilight to grow.
  • Meepo

      You wander the streets of Kureta City for a while, making a quick stop at the Magic shop to buy a Potion of Invisibility, before finding yourself drawn to a nearby tavern called "The Greystone Inn". The establishment isn't quite as fancy as some of the other taverns you've been in recently, but it has alcohol and a funny smell and you like it. Curiously, it also features a large grey stone in the middle of the taproom. The stone is covered in coins, buttons, a couple of metallic mugs and even a knife or 2. You get yourself a drink, and it doesn't take long for the mystery of the stone to solve itself, as you watch someone throw a fork across the room, only to see it change direction and fly towards the stone, sticking to it. Wanting to try this fun game yourself, you throw one of your own daggers near the stone, but the purple psychic blade flies true, almost scewering a barmaid. A couple of nearby drinkers look to have noticed this, and give you some serious stink eye. Not wanting any trouble, you quickly finish you drink and sneak out.   Back on the street again, you decide to wander the city a bit more. You pass a man handing out fliers, and excitedly take one. The flier talks about something called "The Eva Monroe Museum", which is apparently one of the best experiences in Kureta City. Having a certain weakness for new and interesting experiences, you decide to check it out, besides, what could go wrong in a museum? Whatever that is... Following the directions, you find yourself at what looks like someone's house, but the front door is wide open and there's a small queue of people waiting to get in. It doesn't take long to get to the front of the queue, where a lady asks for a silver piece to get inside. This must be a really good experience. You step inside and find yourself in what looks like a well decorated living room? Weird. A woman with red hair and a green dress leads a group of people around the place, talking about various bits and pieces on the walls and other knick knacks. Not entirely sure about what's going on, you walk up to the lady leading the group and ask when the experience starts, also, why is her hair not on properl? She smiles weirdly and ignores your questions, leading the group into the next room. Rude.   You give it another few minutes, but as clearly nothing exciting is going to happen, you sneak out - taking back your silver piece as you go. Continuing your journey around the city, you eventually find yourself standing outside Madame X. You find yourself longing to go inside for some reason... probably because you know that you can't, and curiosity is starting to get the better of you. You spin around, instead going into The Water Dragon Tavern - time for another drink! It's much nicer in here, and considering you've got some coin now, you decide to treat yourself to a real drink. Oh! They have that Firewine! A few drinks later... and the sun has set, and you've made some new friends. Tales of your dad's heroic deeds have drawn a fair crowd, and you find yourself no longer needing to pay for you own drinks, as other patrons continue handing them to you. What a lovely place this is. As you finish telling your new friends about the time your dad killed a fake wannabe green dragon with bad breathe, you notice that the lady from the museum has entered the tavern. You decide it would be a good idea to talk to her again, she's probably embarressed about her wonky hair and you should apologise. You hop off the table, and make your way over. The lady is drinking red wine, and looks a bit paler than she did in the daytime, maybe she's not feeling well. You say hello, and tell the lady that her hair looks much straighter now. She looks confused but smiles. You then suggest that maybe she should eat something, as she's looking a bit pale. The lady smiles again and responds "that's why I'm here". Weird, her voice is different... and her eyes are very green. Feeling somewhat unneasy about this one, you apologise for asking about her hair earlier and excuse yourself. You're not sure why, but the lady is giving you the serious heebie jeebies now... You decide to call it a night, and rent a room at the tavern, with a grand adventure awaiting you tomorrow!  


      After a few days of connecting to the Mycorrhizal, you eventually begin to get the hang of it. Filtering out the barrage of information from the fungi world proves difficult, but on numerous occassions you manage to find something more interesting than the day to day struggles of Kureta's plantlife. On one such occassion, you connect with a colony of Myconids - living deep in the Underdark. Your conversation with them is interesting, and you learn more about mushrooms and spores than you ever thought you could, but alas, this is not the connection you were hoping for. After a few more days of trying, you eventually find what you were searching for... not a message from your family, but clues as to what happened to them. From across Kureta, many trees have been reporting that their roots are being destroyed - from below. Something has been burrowing below the surface, carving out large connecting tunnels. The earliest complaints come from trees just north of Kureta City, and as you piece together a timeline, you follow the complaints as they continue along the western side of the Erfu Forest. Over the next few days, you focus on these messages. Using a map of Kureta, you plot the location of each tree reporting that their roots have been damaged and form a grim discovery. These trees are all over the country, and seem to form a pattern... a rough circle, with interconnecting paths... with Kureta City right in the middle.   There's something else, however. Many of the trees also report that their roots are not only destroyed, but also infected. These trees impart that they have been afflicted with a fungus, and fear that they are dying. You know differently, however, as the fungus that is described to you, you know to be a magical mushroom - one used by your people to heal wounded and sick plants. It looks like your family are alive.  


      Next stop, the College of Exquisite Arts. Expecting to have the same problem that you had at the University, you decide that some deception may be in order. You watch the entrance for short while before seeing a student leave who looks to be about the same height as you. Using your Hat of Disguise, you assume her appearance and stroll into the College. Nobody questions you, and you wonder for a moment if the College needs tighter security. You find your way to the library, passing an interesting statue of a Tiefling woman called "Veda Lunam" as you go. You begin your research in the library and are disappointed to learn that there is no record of the name "Vaynaxia" or of any Elven settlement, other than Erfu. Likewise, there are no records of Elven diseases, or "Dimming Lights". The library does offer some information on Erfu, however. Their latest records indicate that the ruling High Council consists of 5 members; Eloen Stillhawk, Malgath Talesspur, Tira’allara Dree, Vesstan Silverbow and Sundamar Lightshiver.   The College's records suggest that Sundamar is at least 400 years old. They have little personal information on the council members, however, and as deep as your research goes, you find no record of Sundamar Lightshiver ever being married. What you do learn, is that Erfu has always been very secretive. Only in the past 100 years or less have they began to share more with the rest of Kureta, and so it is no surprise to find little information on the elves here. It seems unless you can find an Elf native to Erfu, you'll have to travel to the forest city itself for the answers you seek. During your research, you do find a very handy book of translations. You decide to borrow this book, as picking up a few words and phrases in Elvish may be handy.   For your last stop in the capital, you make your way over to the Eternal Keepers to do some literal soul searching. The small chapel is mostly empty, as it was last time you visited, though you do see some members of Pulcra's clergy tending to the graveyard outside. You make your way to the front of the church, and kneel before the imposing statue representing the God of the Grave. Bowing your head in respect, you utter your prayer to the god, hoping that he hears you and gives the answers you seek... but there is no response. Whether your prayers were heard or not, you can't be sure. But you recall Pulcra's parting words to you when last you spoke - he would be watching, but he would not interfere. This only begs the question... is he watching you, or the scythe? Feel rather dejected by the experience, you leave the Eternal Keepers in a huff. If there are no more answers to be found in the capital, then you have someone else you need to speak to, a certain innkeeper with a secret to tell.  

    Groban and Celine

      You stand in awe at the devastation this being has wrought. This divine creature tore through the giants like a blade through grass, and you find yourselves ever thankful that she was on your side. With the battle over, you watch as the angelic being flies down, healing those who were hurt during the fight with a touch of her hand, no spellcasting, no holy symbols, just her touch. A crowd begins to gather, as nearby onlookers are no longer able to curb their curiosity it seems. The glow around the angel begins to fade, and for the first time you manage to get a decent look at her. She is tall - at least 7ft by your estimate, and muscular too. Her armour is radiant, made of interlocking plates of silver and gold. Her wings are white, but tipped with red feathers - perhaps more so now from the giant blood that decorates her frame. She carries an impressive longsword in one hand, but the other bears something... familiar. There is no mistaking it. The holy shield Vakt, which you helped Adriana steal from the Tower of Heaven is on her arm.   "Friends!" she suddenly calls out, addressing the gathering crowd. "I have come to rid you of this foul incursion that your town has suffered from for far too long. Your cries for aid may have gone unheard by your fellows in the capital, but your prayers for safety have not gone unnoticed. I, Verja, Goddess of Guardians am here to protect you." There is a murmur amongst the crowd, the onlookers clearly in a state of disbelief, but finding it hard to otherwise explain what they just witnessed. Verja continues. "Know this friends; these attacks on your town end today. Divine retribution seeks the heads of these beasts that have plagued your town - and by my blade, they will fall." Again, the crowd murmurs with a mixture of confusion and excitement, until eventually the humm is broken with a loud "huzzah!" The cheers spread, as Verja flies into the sky, heading east into the Doro Hills.   You look to each other, not sure what to make of what just happened. Kenshin approaches, clearly also bewildered by the whole thing. He suggests you all return to the dojo to decompress. You decide it best not to mention the stolen shield, surmising that should probably stay within your party for now. Kenshin has no explanation other than maybe it actually was The Goddess of Guardians. Deciding this conversation may be best spent with others, you decide to agree for now. The following day, the town is abuzz with stories of what transpired at the western gate. Many of the townsfolk claim to have had dreams of Verja during the night, declaring that The Goddess has promised to keep them safe in return for their reverance - there's even talk of a new temple being built. You continue your training with Kenshin over the next few days, with Groban making great progress with spellcasting in the new armour, and Celine gaining mastery over a range of new weapons.   Whilst training, Kenshin asks about your unique weapon. Upon hearing its name, he pulls out a tome written in a language you don't understand - although its script matches that of the words inscribed on spear. Kenshin reads a passage about "the demon blade Onisune". This weapon originated from Sonkai, and is said to have contained the trapped soul of an "Oni", or demon. Centuries ago, this demon was ravaging the countryside of Sonkai, until a brave Samurai came one day, and put an end to the beast. Knowing the creature could not be truly destroyed however, the Samurai instead trapped the beast's soul within his own weapon - forever keeping it contained. As these tales tend to go however, the demon's bloodlust could not be contained. The Samurai continued to carry the blade until his own death, eventually succumbing to the demon's mental intrusions and desire to kill. The blade has had many owners since, and seems to have developed the ability to change its form to suit that of the wielder. The weapon only wishes to kill, and can be satisfied as long as that demand is met. The tome suggests that the weapon can manifest some powerful Magic other than the shapechanging ability, though you are yet to see such things. Kenshin warns that the weapon is undoubtedly cursed, but perhaps could be put to good use in the right hands.   By the time your training at the dojo has concluded, Kitaun has become almost... fanatical in their worship of Verja. The deity returned to the town a couple of days after her departure, bearing the head of the Hill Giant leader and emphatically declaring that the giant's clan was no more. What was once a temple belonging to the entire pantheon of gods in Kitaun seems to be transforming into a dedicated place of worship for The Goddess of Guardians, with the being taking up residence in the temple itself. You decide that this may be a good time to leave, and begin making your way back to Takari Peak, hoping that your companions will be waiting for you.  
  • Groban gains Medium Armor Mastery
  • Celine gains Weapon Master (Strength)
  • Barnabus

      As requested, you stay at the Temple of Twilight for some time, learning more about the doctrine of Selune, her connection to Tenasma, and what this all means. Whilst here, you seem to develop the uncanny ability to always know when it is dawn or dusk, and how long it will be until either the sunset or sunrise - despite being underground in a magically-lit temple. With this new ability also comes an unwavering knowledge of which direction is north, and a suprisingly accurate memory of recent events. It's almost as if you can sense the celestial bodies in the sky, and subsequently, can feel the cardinal directions of the world.   After a few days at the temple, you have a vision... within, you witness the events that led up to your family's protector, Godric's, disappearance. You watch intently, seeing your grandmother as a young lady sat in a plush chair next to the throne, upon which a younger Queen Irena is perched. On Princess Olwyn's lap, a little girl sits - presumedly, your mother. A purple-skinned tielfing, missing a horn, stands vigilant next to the queen - halberd in hand and stoic in appearance. The royal announcer declares a visitor - one Marcellus Astralwind of Edanastra. A man enters the room, wearing silver robes and adourned in layers of jewellery. It seems he was an expected guest, as he and the queen begin negotiating a treaty of sorts between Kureta and this man's homeland, of which you have never heard. Negotiations begin to break down, and the foreign diplomat starts to lose his temper. He seems... almost desperate, but what he asks for is not something that the queen believes she can give - Quintessence. As temperatures rise, the man reaches inside his robes and produces a wand. As he does so, 2 angelic wings burst from the back of his robes - though they appear to be in bad shape. He levels the wand towards Olwyn, still with your mother on her lap, and a beam of purple energy streaks towards them. Godric, ever vigilant, jumps before the blast - taking the full force of the spell himself. There is a burst of smoke as guard rush into the room. But both Godric and the attacker are gone.   The vision fades, and you are left wondering why you never had these missing details before. Surely there would be records of this Marcellus Astralwind - who seemed to be an Angelkin? Though this was before Angeltaun was established... it seems that it might be time to pay the queen a visit.  
  • Gained Keen Mind
  • Meepo

      You wake the following morning with a slight headache... at least, you hope it's still morning. You rush downstairs and discover from the tavern staff that it's actually just gone midday. You give your thanks and head out into the street, the bright summer sun causes you some discomfort, but you shake it off and make your way to the airdocks as quickly as you can. The dockmaster gives you a nod as you arrive, and you hand over your ticket. He checks it over before giving you the go-ahead to board. As you walk past he calls after you "no funny business!" not sure what he means, you smile and carry on.   The ship is abuzz with activity as it was before, with shiphands tying things down, moving cargo, and doing... who knows what else. There are other passengers on board too, mostly wearing fancy clothes, some carrying parasols, and otherwise looking silly. Nobody told you that airship travel was a fancy affair, if only you'd kept all your bells and whistles... Whilst searching your pockets, you hear footsteps approach. Looking up, you see a familiar and unexpected face, Firebird.   [ROLEPLAY SECTION]  
  • Firebird asks why Meepo is going to Feurventa
  • Firebird is going to speak with a shaman who lives on the island. During one of her memories on God's Fall, she saw a man who worshipped the volcano, and seemed to be involved in whatever it was her parents did
  • Firebird will take Meepo to see this man, perhaps he can grant Meepo his wish without having to be thrown into the volcano
  • The ship takes off as the magical crystals that power the vessel come to life and propel the ship into the air. The take off is very slow, and you begin to worry that this trip will take forever, however, once the airship has left the Kureta City you find yourself holding onto the railings as it shoots off, steadily gaining speed as it heads east towards the coast. It doesn't take long until you're above the sea, and on your way to a fiery future...   The journey is mostly uneventful. At one point the captain, an orange-haired Half-Elf, warns everyone about a potential threat approaching - but the ship deploys some kind of magical defence, spewing a fog cloud around itself and slowing down somewhat. Apparently from the outside it makes the ship look like a cloud. Large claw marks on the ships panelling suggest that this tactic doesn't always work... After around 16 days of travel, you finally arrive at the tropical island, setting down on the western side where a small town sits. The majority of the passengers seem to have people waiting for them, as servants collect luggage and whisk them off to... who knows where. Firebird tells you that your journey isn't quite over yet, as the man you seek is nearer the centre of the island.   The fiery sorceress leads you deeper into Fuerventa, and you find yourself walking for another 4 days before eventually arriving at a tiny village. Firebird seems a bit apprehensive about going in, but is spurred on by your enthusiasm. The people of this village, which you learn is called Ahi Ahi, speak a language you don't understand, it's strange, and certain words almost sound like a crackling fire. Firebird seems to have no problem understanding the locals, and you are both directed to a small hut near the base of the volcano. Inside, you meet a large man called Keahi. His body is covered in tattoos, and he smiles to reveal a mouth missing many teeth. He seems to recognise Firebird, and calls her "Calida". Firebird becomes emotional, and you decide to best to let her talk first...   Firebird asks about what happened to her, and Keahi explains that her parents brought her to him as a baby, wishing for him to perform a sacred ritual known as the Blessing of Flarus. Initially he refused, as the ritual was reserved for members of the Ahi Ahi clan who had proven themselves. Her parents were wealthy however... and everyone has their cost. The ritual was performed, and was a success - making Firebird the first non-native, and first child, to receive the blessing. Firebird seems to take this news well, but has more questions about her parents. You learn that she hasn't seen them since she was a child, and has no idea who they were, where they came from or why they did this to her. Keahi relents that he cannot help, but he does recall that they were from Kureta at least. The pair talk for a while longer before attentions turn to you.   [ROLEPLAY SECTION]  
  • Keahi will not perform the Blessing on an outsider again.
  • He asks why Meepo wants these powers.
  • He admires Meepo's resolve however, and offers to teach him some Magic.
  • With your business on Feurventa concluded, you head back to the port town with Firebird. Your return flight takes off a couple of days after your arrival, and the journey back to Kureta goes smoothly. As you are both returning to Takari Peak, Firebird offers to save some time by flying off the side of the vessel with you on her back as you reach the Kuretian coast - to the horror of the many noble onlookers.  
  • Gained Magic Adept (Sorcerer)
  • Roan

      With the revelation that your family may well still be alive, you spend some extra time in the Phoenix Forest trying to contact them directly. Alas, despite your attempts, there is no connection to be found. Believing you have done enough here, you return to the capital and treat yourself to a well deserved rest, enjoying a delicious meal at the House of Rest, and a night in one of their rooms before returning to Takari Peak.   The following morning, you make your return to Takari Peak and the MacGuffin Gatherer's HQ. You don't immediately find any of your companions, but do overhear a conversation in the taproom that catches your attention. Apparently a recent Bronze tier mission has gone horribly wrong, resulting in the deaths of some of your fellow Gatherers. You vaguely remember seeing this quest on the job board before your departure for God's Fall, it was on behalf of The Watcher's Legacy, and they were looking for some back-up to explore... a tunnel system. You turn towards the conversation, and see that one of those talking is Meepo's Dragonborn friend, Aveline. It sounds like she was one of the lucky ones who managed to escape. You pull her aside for a private conversation...   [ROLEPLAY SECTION]  
  • Gained Alert (spores)
  • Blair

      You travel to Nistaun, making good time and arriving in a few days. It's been a long while since you were here, but not much has changed. The summer months were always a bit quieter, but you still see a healthy number of tourists here for the ghost tours and performances. You make your way to the Inn on the Lake, a little apprehensive about what answers you may find there, but hopeful for something at least.   As you Cross the threshold, you are instantly hit with the familiar smell of cool air, somehow always fresh despite the flow of alcohol. It's quiet, as you have arrived early in the day, and no sign of Yssandra just yet. You make your way to the bar where a barmaid takes your order. She gives you a quizzical look before sheepishly asking "are you Blair?" Apparently, Yssandra has spoken about you to others since you left, using your no shit-taking attitude as inspiration for your replacement. You ask about Yssandra, and the barmaid excuses herself to find her.   After a few moments, your former boss appears, looking as glamourous as ever. She rushes over to embrace you in a hug, before quickly pulling away and apologising, she forgot you weren't a huggy person. She invites you around the back of the bar to a private room to chat.   [ROLEPLAY SECTION]  
  • Upon learning of the God's Fall memory, Yssandra will reveal herself as a silver dragon known as "Snowfall". She has a Draconic name, but it is too complicated for most to pronounce so she never bothers using it. She used to be the owner of The Water Dragon Tavern before her identity was discovered and she had to leave.
  • The "secret back room" is just where she keeps the things that a regular innkeeper wouldn't own, such as Magic Items and potions.
  • She would like to think that she can be trusted. She may have lied about her true identity, but it's the only way she can live amongst the humanoid races, which is all she wants to do. She thinks Dragons are rather dull, aside from being able to fly etc.
  • She doesn't need any help, and is quite content with her life. If Blair wants to hang around and help out at the inn for a few nights, that would be lovely
  • She will be a bit apprehensive about returning to Kureta City, but will agree to it. She doesn't want to be away from the inn for too long, so will fly them both there.
  • After spending a couple of nights in Nistaun, scaring drunks and such, Yssandra takes you down by the lake late at night. She tells you to prepare yourself, but nothing could prepare you for the beauty and pure majesty of the silver dragon that takes form before you. She lowers her head for you to climb on, before taking off to the skies and flying south. You ask about people noticing her from below, but Snowfall tells you not to worry - her shiny scales serve as great camouflage at night, and on a cloudy night like tonight, it's unlikely anyone would notice her passing. During the day, Snowfall lands and assumes her Human form, resuming her dragon flight under cover of darkness. Within a fraction of the time it took you to get to Nistaun, you find yourself in Kureta City once more.   You lead Yssandra to Madame X, and she is surprised to find it across the road from her old tavern. You ask if she wants to go into the Water Dragon, but she refuses, not giving much more reason than that. You both step inside Madame X, and are greeted by a young female Elf who introduces herself as Briarwyn. Requesting the memory elixir once more, she summons Celestia who emerges a few moments later. You present your coupon for a free treatment, which she looks at apprensively. "It's just you?" She asks, which you confirm, but ask that Yssandra come with you like Celine did before. Celestia agrees, citing that Yssandra must wait outside the room, as Celine did, as it is a private experience. Yssandra gives your hand a squeeze and tells you that it'll be fine, a door isn't going to be much of a problem if she needs to come in.   Celestia leads you to the private room once more, leaving Yssandra outside as agreed. You lie down as she prepares the elixir, and the Angelkin asks what memories you wish to see. She didn't do that last time. You look over to her at the alchemy table, and notice that she seems a little nervous. You suddenly remember Roan telling you that when she came here, things got a little heated, apparently spewing from the memories she wished to recover. "A past lover" you reply, technically not lying, you think. Celestia's shoulders seem to relax at your response, and she continues making the elixir. After a few moments, she brings the concoction over to you, and you drink it, somewhat warily, but trusting that Yssandra will be on hand if anything goes wrong. You lie back down as the potion takes its effect.   As you focus on your past as Caderyn, and your engagement to Sundamar Lightshiver, memories form in your mind - but not what you were expecting. You see no grand Elven Forest city, no ceremony, no Sundamar at all. You witness the arrangement once more, your younger self escorting Sundamar through the gardens of your former home, and their departure back to Erfu. But then, nothing. The elixir continues to work its Magic however, and shows you lying in a bed, pale, and sickly. You are still in your old home it seems, you never left. Your parents visit you in your bed, wearing face coverings and carrying a smoking censor. You are dying it seems, having contracted a illness, of which they have no cure. You watch as your younger self lies flitting in and out of consciousness, but seemingly able to subconsciously take in the conversation around you. Your parents talk about your engagement, which they have had to call off. You learn that this betrothal was to be a union between your home of Sianrua and Erfu, with great gains to be made in the form of Magic amongst other thigns. Your parents seem disappointed that this has happened, but more than anything, genuinely distraught that their child is sick.   You wake some time later to find Celestia standing behind your head. She seems much calmer now. You are escorted back to the main foyer with Yssandra, and wished a nice day as you leave. You find yourself somewhat relieved. You never made it to Erfu, you didn't jilt your husband or run out on the wedding, and nobody is hunting you down. You can't help but think about your parents though... and wonder what has become of them.   Deciding you are in some desperate need of some R&R, you head to Beth's Baths. Yssandra relents that she must return to Nistaun, apparently not fully trusting her staff to run the place in her absence. You thank her for her help as she departs. You enjoy a nice long soak at Beth's Baths, but your rest is disturbed by something rather unexpected. A familiar feeling at the base of you skull jolts you into alertness. You look around, expecting to see it, but there's nothing there. You gather your belongings and quickly get dressed, heading into the city, following the pull, the bond that you sorely miss. It leads you not far, back to the Eternal Keepers where a large crowd has gathered. You push your way through, daring anyone to challenge you, and there you see it. Your scythe, in the hands of a tall hooded figure - dark grey cloak covering them from head to toe, and 2 black wings folded behind their back. Is that... Pulcra? You try to get closer, but are held back by members of the clergy, who are preventing many Kuretian citizens from getting any closer. Knights of the Shield arrive and begin forming an official cordon and you decide that it's probably best not to push things any further. You're not sure who or what this person is, but you know without a doubt that that is your scythe. The doors to the chapel are closed, and the knights order everyone to leave the area. You overhear someone say "he's resurrected the whole family!" but don't catch anything else. You comply with the knight's orders for now, but make plans to return as soon as possible. And then it hits you. A searing pain in your arm originating from that damn tattoo, accompanied by a mental message "Do not". Being Blair, you ignore the pain and begin attempting to sneak around the back, but the pain returns, much stronger than before and you have to relent. You're going to need help it seems... it's time to head back to Takari Peak.  
  • Gained: Skilled (or something similar)
  • Report Date
    01 May 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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